collyINFO,, Author, Megga Hertz aka Bugsy,, Title, Thug Immortal,,
released,, postumously
F e a t u r i n g t h e M a f i a A s s a s s i n z
]]________ | \\ / / [[_ __ _
^\ ~~ ; \_ / / _____/_
=\\ /= | ~/^ / =/ \_
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\\ =\ | ~/^ ; / | =\ |____/= \\ | \ | //
\ ___\ |____/____| =/_ \\ | \\ =\_ _/_ /==
= == == / | | / /^ | \ / | \
; extended play,,.
. . :
__:____ _ _,----,___: ____:
. < <<__ _>___\____ _/^ ____((____)----,__ __ _
_| | \_ __ _|___\ /_ | /__ :
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: ^\_____| |_ \\_____ | \_____ |/ |_ :
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: : _ _ __,---,__ \//__,-----,_
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\_ __ ^\ ___/______ \ /__|_____ <<____) | \_ /_
_| \| _\_____ _| \| __\____ _/ \| _ _>> | _>> > ___>_
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\__,,__> \__ ' |_/___,,___ \| __/__ ___/ |_ |____>> \| |_
/__,,____]] ] ^\____ _/ |__//(____ _/bugsmH`\__ ' _/
: : >>__,,_]] ] \// /___>>---'
. : :
. : .
Megga Hertz, a.k.a. Bugsy . of the Mafia Assassinz :
. \___
/ _______ __ _
_ __ _______ _____:______ / ________ ____\\ |__
___\\ | ____|__ | ____/__\ |_ __\\ _ _/ _______
/ _ __|____| /_ ___|__\ \\_ _/ _\ \_ _____| | //
\_ ___\ | / | |_| _ / | _|___| | | \__| _/
| | \\ \ | |\ _____/_ | \\ |________/ |
_| __/ | \\|____| \\ | _/___| \_ | // \_ | |
\______// |______\ \_______| |____/__ _/ \\ __|
/_______| / \____| mHzEP \____|
\ ________
_____________\_ \\ |_______
___\\ \\ |_______ \ | //
\\ \_ | //________\_____ _/
\_ | | | ___/_____ \\ | |
| ______| | \\ \_ | |_
| | \\ __\_ | | | ___/
|____| \______/ _| | __|_______/
I know you've been waiting for this for a long time, well
here it is bitch, HERE IT IS!! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO WITH IT?!
We all gonna die, we bleed through similar veins.
Guided by passion and fury, look at me laugh at my competition,
flashin my jewelery.
My adversaries crumble when we rumble it's a catastrophy. I want revenge on
bitch, niggers that blasted me, plus my alias is madstyle Bugsy, behind
closed doors with all bitches that love me. Bust them to see if they bleed,
they shoulda never fucked around with a sick ass fucker like me, they call
my name out, bitches run, unprepared for the outlaw, but here he comes.
Thug mobsta till we die, no mercy on these playa hatin' bitches ask me why,
when we ride. Thug mobsta till we die, no mercy on these playa hatin' bitches
ask me why, when we ride.
_ __ ____________;-- - -;____________________ ____________ __ _
___ _ | _ | _______
| | \_/ | | _ ______ |
| |______ _ | | |_______ | |
| | |______| |______| _ ______' | mHz
;--- -; ;-- ---; ;-- --;
The New and Untouchable Remorse Ascii
Thug mobsta till we die, no mercy on these playa hatin' bitches ask me why,
when we ride. Thug mobsta till we die, no mercy on these playa hatin' bitches
ask me why, when we ride.
Thug Luv - You touch me I'm at ya.
Thug Luv - You touch me you better kill me.
(r)u(m)o(rs) -- Ain't no rumors in rmrs.
---- - - -- --- - - - - ---
At 10:38 on Wednesday AceDeuce was on his way into a L.A. City
restaurant to do business with another artist, in lobby, Deuce
was shot several times, including two graze wounds to the head.
Ace's lawyer said the attack appeared to be a setup.
Against doctor's orders, Aceificio De Cena checked himself out
of the hospital less then 24 hours after being shot 5 times on
the way to a Los Angeles restauraunt.
Aceificio De Cena secures one clean victory this year as he is
not removed from ACiD after alledgedly shooting one of the mem
bers two times in 1996. The case was dismissed due to insuffi
cient evidence.
More controversy surrounding Megga Hertz the Kingpin.
Meanwhile, in mHz news, De Cena may have lowered his own chances
of surviving the attack, by checking himself out of the hospital
that probably saved his life.
Megga Hertz checked into a hospital under an assumed name today,
his attorney said he has connections that can provide top notch
protection for the injured artist, but wouldn't say what kind.
The shooting of Megga Hertz here in Los Angeles underscores the
violence in this industry since he shot to super stardom here.
You thought you could kill me
What if I die 2nite?
Throwin' Up and Putting Down.
Activate My Hate Part Two.
: _ __ ___[ ]___ ____________,,____________
| \\/ _>> >
\_ |
| I haven't left Remorse. I have nothing against Remorse. |
| I'm down with Remorse, some of them aren't down with me. |
| I express strong opinions interwoven with my art, I ride |
| on people. I don't always get backed up. I don't want _|
: people to associate my proclivity towards harsh words & \_
| violence to become intertwined with any or all of their |
| thoughts of Remorse. Much of this art is created making |
__|__ use of a similar style, this is due to the fact that I :
[___] was developing a new style during creation of this. Note |
| that this colly has been quality controled. -mHz =] |
| Megga Hertz, a. k. a., |_
_| *-- Bugsy Deuce, MadStyle. _)) )
[ [[_______,,_________/\\_____) )____ __ _ |
Niggas didn't know me '91, bet they know me now, I'm the young LA
kid with the badass sound.
Inside my mind couldn't find a place to rest, until I got that
T H U G L I F E tatted on my chest.
T hug Immorta l ,, Directory
________ ____
^\_~ _] ___________ ___________ _________ \\~ |____
| _|___\_ _]______\__ __//______/__ _/_______\_ | /_
_____| [[_____] | // _ //^ |__\\ ~// | \\ ~| | |
\_ | ~| | ^\_ _____/ | \___ __/ | \_ | _|____ |
| | | | | ~|_ | ~\ | ~// | | ~| | \\ | |
=; ; |_ __| | // | \ | ___/ | | __| | \__ | |
_| | // ^\\ |____/ | _\ ' \\ |_ | \ | // | /
\ ` __/ \____| \| ' |_______\_ //______\\ |___/ _/
\_____/==|_____// tdmHz=\________| === == |_______/= == == \____| ==\______|=
[ directory ]
[ ti ] ascii title [ ti ] ascii for
., Thug Immortal Screen
., Mafia Assassinz Screen
., Introduction
., Directory
[!a]braxas/diabolic .................................... Megga Hertz
[!a]braxas entryway .................................... Megga Hertz
Acidic ................................................. Acidic Mems
AfterMath(the) ..............................,.......... UmKilla
For the love of Ascii .................................. All
Awe Lettering .......................................... TNAngel
Blade Productions ...........,.......................... Blade Mems
CyberCrime International ............................... Midnight Sorrow
Fos .................................................... Inazone
Free Coke .............................................. TNAngel
Gemfire ................................................ Psyonide
iCE Sideways ........................................... Ice Mems
Imp Diz ................................................ Zarkon
Kwest .......................,.......................... Kwest Mems
Throw up the K ......................................... Cain
Oldskool ............................................... Grymmjack
Remorse ................................................ Rmrs Mems
Sayings ................................................ Megga Hertz
Skills ................................................. Skills Mag
Spoof .................................................. Serial Toon
Mas .................................................... Mob Assassinz
Tyrone ...................,............................. MrK
Twilight/Domino ........................................ Deeply Disturbed
Vos .........................,...............,.......... [xFx]
., Credits
., Upcoming Releases
., Rest in Peace
., All out War.
T hug Immorta l ,, Directory
_______[ ]]______/_\f___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, !abraxas/diabolic _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Megga Hertz/ACiD! < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
_ __ _____,,---'--,,__ _ ___/\\___,,___ __ _
_\ /_ ; < <<_ */_ ! a b r a x a s
{ {{__~ ________]]__ \\____ __}} } ; [ sys ] m H z ý
| |_ \\~~ ) _ __[ ]]__ _ | | [ rem ] x F x ]
; | | \_ ;___\______ ~\\ ;_ :;:
; | | |\\~ ____ _>> __>> | a c i d [ art ]
_| ; _| |/ `\\ | / ; |_ a c i d i c [ mod ]
< <<__ _| [[__ <_\\ \ | // | __) a w e [ art ]
mHz | ^\\ | |`\ \| ~\_ | ; | b l a d e [ art ]
_ \ |_____| \ ` /^; | c i a ; [ art ]
_| \___(__,,_)< <<__,--''--''_| |_ c e n o [ lit ]
^\\ | [ !a ]`\ //^ d a r k ; [ art ]
= ===\ ___,,-------'' ' ; \\ ___,,-----'' f u e l [ art ]
\// \// . f i r e [ art ]
; a / c o d e [ 818 ] 1 6 m e g s [ ram ] r e m o r s e [ asc ]
d u a l [ usr ] s c d / 2 [ bbs ] s k i l l s [ mag ]
. h d d r i v e [ 2.4 ] s y s t y p e [ art ] t w i [ art ]
p e n t i u m [ run ] Mail Megga Hertz for !abraxas/diabolic login
+-- - !abraxas/diabolic / the finest in bbsing since the year of 1993.
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf: [!a]braxas entryway _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Megga Hertz < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
- - !abraxas/diabolic / the finest in bbsing since the year of 1993.
sysop [ mHz ] remote [ xFx ] systype [ art ] scd/2 [ bbs ]
a/code [ 818 ] sexecutioner ] sherlock ohms ] korrupt [ cos ]
dual [ usr ] hddrive [ 2.4 ] 16megs [ ram ] pentium [ run ]
- -- -----------,-------------- - - ---------------`----------- -- -
acid [ art ] blade [ art ] dark [ art ] remorse [ asc ]
acidic [ mod ] cia [ art ] fuel [ art ] skills [ mag ]
awe [ art ] ceno [ lit ] fire [ art ] twi [ art ] - -
. :
_\ \\ : ___\\ |__\ // |______\\ \__\ /_
___\_____ \ |__\\~ __\______ \\ | ~_\_____ // ______]] =
^\\~ / \= | \\~~ =\ | /~ \______ /_
_\ | \\ | \_ ; \_ ; _>> /_ | < <<_ / =\
^\~ ; =\ ; >> > | //^ | /* | ~\ ; */ // //^
=\\ | /^ | // | =/ | // ; =\ | / / =/
\ ` _/_ ' =/' |___/ ` _/__,,___| //^ ' ==/ _/==
\ \ / // | \ : | / ^\ \
_______[ ]]______/_u\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf: ACiDic _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: ACiDic Mems < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
_ __ ___,,--,,__,,------,,--,,__,,---,,_ ,--,,___,,-----,, ,
___\_____ \\ _(_____]] /_(_____) //
\\ #\_ |___\__ \_ | _/' \_ |___/___
\_ | _}} | _/^ #| ; | #| | //brass
|# ; |_ ; #|_ |_ | #|_ _| ; _/
=== === == _| | //^ | /'' //^ | // ^\\ | #|=== === ====
\\ ` __/_ ' //_____/ ' __/_____\__ ' |_
\__,,__/ \__,,__/ < <<______/ \___,,__/^
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf: The Aftermath _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Umkilla < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
- -- --- - -- - -- - -- - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - --- - ----
; ;;: [ the aftermath ] }
/\_[[ ]__
_ __ _, ]]__ __ _ /\_)) )__ _ \\ _/^ ; ;; : >> >
__<<_____ /_ \\# ; +/ \# ; | ma t h
{{_ ,- _\ _\__ _ //__; _\_ | ;
` \\ ; \__ ____/_ ___/_\ +/ | :; ;:: ;
_/' | // _____]] ] \\ _ // | |__
< <_ | / | `| \_ ___,__/ ; `- #/^
/' ; //+ | ; ;; _>> `; \\ -' |___,_/
:; :\# | `\_ : _| #| | \ ;
\\ ` -' >> | ^\' _ ; -'/\_,--''[ login ]
`\ _/# ; \\ `}} } | /_ ; ;; Alias -> Bugsy
\ _,,--'\\`- | \ ___/; | #>> > Unote; -> mHz/The Don
+- \/ \ ___| \/ \+ ' // Pword -> >>>>>>>>>>
` \/ ; ;; ` `---,,_ /
' ``\/ mHz(ACiD)
- -- --- - -- - -- - -- - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - --- - ----
For UmKilla only ,, .
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf: For the Love of ASCII _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Every ASCII Artist < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
__[ ]]_ __ >> >
_[[ ]__ \\ \ _ __ ___}}_
__\______ _/_) ))_\ |_____/^_,---<______]] ]
{ {{_~~ / ______/ | < <<______) \
\_ | #\______ __ ; /# \\ \\## # ## # ###
_|# ; _ / _/^ | _ _ \
^\ | / // ( (_____,--// // #\
## # # ## \\ __\\ / / // `-,,________>> >
`-----'' \____,,---'' ' /______,-------''Bugsy(mob)
Do you love the art?
_______[ ]]______c_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf: Awe Lettering _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: The Night Angel/AWE < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
_ __[ ]_( (_ ___,,___) __ )_ __ _
__\______ \__ | |~~ _// |/ /_
{{_~~ _// | ; _| _______/_
\\ | _| ; | \_ | ~~_// /
_\ | \\_ | | \\ | |_
\\_ ; | ' ' _]] ] ; _>> >
##| | _ ; \\_ | //## #
::: | _| | __} ; /_
_| ; < <<~ ; |_ ' }} }
{{ __\__//\__|__ __//__/\\_ ____/'
`\__/\\____\\ BugsymHz! \// \//
_______[ ]]______/_\k___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf: Blade _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: All Blade Members < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
/\\____ __ _ /\\___,,____ __ _
\\* \ _ __ ___\_____ ~// _ __ _____//\
\# \\ _ _ ____/\\ \\~ \ /\\_______,,_\\ ~\\
\_ \____\_* \ \ \ \\ ^\\ ~/* _ *\
/~ ~\_ \__/\__/ \ *\ \ \\ ________>> >
### ^\\ \ // \ *\\ \ #//_____>> ##\ \ ~~\\
# ## \, \ # / \\ #\___ ' _/~ \\ \ ##/^#
< <<___ ' ^\_ \ ~/ \__,,___\* \ \## \ //# #
\ __,,__\\ ' ^\_ mHzý \\# \ __/__,,____ _/
\// \___,,______ _/# \___,,______\ \//
_______[ ]]______3_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf: CyberCrime International_|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Midnight Sorrow/iCE < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/'\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
____[[ ]_________) ))_____[ ]]___
^\\~ { {{~~ (______,,_______)
\_ . `\_ . ~\~ ~\__
_(* : = =|_ : ==/^^ _/^
`\\ | //^ | /* = ==|_
#### \_ |____________/' |____,,______>> > __)) )
_| | "" `"\\ | ~`\ |_
[ [[_ | `\== = :;: \= == __>> >
_| | = =\_ | \ `| ######
= = `\* :;: /"' | //^ |_
__\= == | ^\_ | = ==/ _)== =
^\~ : >> > | /* = ==|_
\\ ' ______/' ' _______// _____]] ]
\ ___,,_________}} } `~--,__,,_______ / < <<_,,____ / mHz
\// \\/ \//
` ' `
An Offical CyberCrime International System.
I'm still in the game, after all these years, been bumpin' so long, I can
hardly hear.
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, Fistful of Steel _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Inazone/iCE! < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
F i s t f u l o f S t e e l
, ____) ))____[[ ]_____[ ]___ __ _
^\\~~ ">~ ~/ _______/___ (_)
[ . \_ __,,____/_ | ^\___/\___ ~~>> >
_| ~/^ | _/^ ~| //
: ^ ^\_, _ ____,,__/~ ::: (_ | _]] ] ,-,
= == = === _| |" { {{ | = =|= = = | `, :
: [ [[__ |== == =\/ | :;: ;:: = =|_ == = == ====
`-' ==| : _)= == | /_ | ~_)) ) :
_| | ^\~ | '_]] ] ' [__ .
[ [[~ :;: \\ ` __<<__ ~>> > ]
(_) \ _,--~~' \ __,,___/' mHz`~~-,_/\_____ _/ `
\// \// . \//
' ` '
_______[ ]]______/_m\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, Free Coke _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: The Night Angel/AWE < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
-> Welcome to Free Coke, an art related Bulletin Board System.. ,
: ;
____\ `\ _\ \\ :
\\~ _____/__\ //~ _ /__\ /' .
\_ ____/~ /__ _____/__ _ //
== =| | \ | //^ | \ ~/ ______/__ F r e e C o k e
_| | __\ | / | / / | \ ~/^ -----------,-----------
\ ; \~ ; // |/' / | / // [ sys ] t n a ( a w e )
\\ | `\ |___/_ ____\\ |/ / [ rem ] fluor ( a w e )
\___| \\ | \ | \ \ # #### ## # ## ### ###
\___| ` ; `\ // . .
: . ' ; //
## # # ### # ## . ___\\ /_ _____| / :
^\\ /_\ \\_ | /__\ /'
[ whq ] a w e ! \_ |___/_~ / | /~~ _ //
[ chq ] b l a d e , f a d e | | ~\\ | / /_ _____/_
m e a n s c h e m e __| ; /^ | /_ | ~\ | \ ~/_
f u e l, s k i l l s^\~ | // ; //^ ; \\ | / /^
[ mem ] c i a p r o d \\ __/ | / |______\ |/ //==
\ \ \\ __/ | \\ _/
[ a/c ] 5 1 4 \ | ' \____,,_|
[ asc ] m H z ( a w e ) [ l o a d i n g f r e e c o k e ]
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, Gemfire _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Psyonide/Gemfire! < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
____\ /__\ /_____{ /__\ /__ /__\ //_\ /
\\~ _____/___ _ //# / //~~ _____<_____>> > #/~ _ // ]
[ \_ \\_ ~/^ ____/__ / /' ____/_ ~\~ / /__ ____/__
# #\ / ___/' / ~//^ \_/ /___ /_ / \\# / *//^ / ~/^
__\ / ^\\~ / #/ / ~//^ #/ /' ~>> / ~/ // #/
^\~ / #\ / /' / #/ / / #/ / ___/ / //# #
mHz\# ____>> > __[[ / _____/ // `\\ // / __// / ___>> >
[ [[ / / / / } }} / \ / / \ /
Join Gemfire, and be cool, like me, mHz.
____\ /__\ /_____{ /__\ /__ /__\ //_\ /
\\~ _____/___ _ // / //~~ _____<_____>> > /~ _ // ]
\_ \\_ ~/^ ____/__ / /' ____/_ ~\ / /__ ____/__
\ / ___/' / //^ \_/ /___ /_ / \\ / //^ / ~/^
__\ / ^\\ / / / //^ / /' ~>> / ~/ // /
^\~ / \ / /' / / / / / / ___/ / //
mHz\ ____>> > __/_ / _____/ // `\\ // / __// / ___>> >
[ [[ / / / / / / \ / / \ /
Join Gemfire, and be cool, like me, mHz.
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, iCE _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: iCE Memberz < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \Stat? Sideways. _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
__,--'' |____/\\___ __ _
³ | |
_ ___ _ ________ ³ |\ |_____ _/' __________ __ __ _
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_ __ __³__\ |__,,___/'
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³ ³ z
|/| __| H
³__ _,_/\\_____³__ m
³ ³ \_
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| |___ ____|
|_/' ``-----'
Tilt your head to the Left.
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, Implosion Diz _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Zarkon/Twilight < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
____ __ __[ ]_ _,,___ __ _
((____)____| _/__\ =|
= =|= \_ | =| _ |_
mHz| _|= \_/ |_ ____}}
< <<___\_____|__,,_]]___|== =
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, Kwest _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Cain/Kwest < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
___/\_ : __ _[ ]_ __,---,,__ __ _
_ __ ______| ~>> ___| __/_\ _|_) )__\ ~_/^
_ __~ | / | | \_~ _ \_ ___/~ |## ## ### #
| /_ | | |_ ____/____ \__ ___>> >
# ## # ###| | ~\ ` . ' ~/^ | (_~ | ~/^ | megga hertz
| |_____\ |____/ __| ___/ |
[ {{___| << '__| }}_____\<_ __| \__,,--'' '
\/ \/'
I caught a plane, out to Kwest, far out West, to help
my niggers bury some bitches, caught without vests.
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, Throw up the K! _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: All of Kwest < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
. : ___
__[ ]_ : __ ___| >> >_ : ____,,___ __ _
__) ))__ :_\\ _/_\ `\\ | | _/ \\ |___\_ /_
< <<_____ ____/__| \_ | =\_ ^\_ | | | ^\_ | _/^ | =/^
/ \ | | | _> | =| : | |_ _) | | ____/
/ =\ | _> | | | | | : __> _| | ; | ++ +
// \\ | _|= | >> | _) | =| ^\_ | | |mHz
/= `\= ^\ |___/ | <_ | |_ =| | =| |_
^\\ _> | \_ | \\ | _|= : >> | | |_____>
+ ++ \___,,____// | | : ^\ _\\ |____/ [ [[___ ___>> ____/\\__
| |___| . \_,,_| \____| \// \_ )
| . : __[ ]]_ | |
__[ ]]:_____ _( ((__ :____._____> _/^ | |
\ \\_____ _____/_ __[_ _ //''^\\ | / | |_
> \ | =| ____/ ^\= | // | _/
/ \\ | | | \__ \_ | =/ ; |
++ +++ /= \ | {_ | _]] ] |' | /_ | |
// =\ | | =| _| `\ _| |
^\ //^ | _| | |_ ^\_ | \ \_ ;
\ ____/ | \= ___/^ |= | \\ | |
< <<_____| | _|___\____/ | | =\ | |
: ' + +++ + | ; `\ |__,,__|
Throw Up The K! : | |_____,,__ _/^ ( ____]] ]
. . < << _,,_| \// \//
+-- - Gives a better appearance in 80x50, for once.
+-- - Drawn with ACiDDraw, & two badass Pinky Rings.
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, Oldskool _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Grymmjack/Blade < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
. .
___ : ___ : : __ __ : __ _
_) )_\\ | \_ _|_[ ]_____| >_[ ]__( (_\__ | ++ +
<< \_ |________| \\ ____/ | // \ \\_ =|_ |______
++\_ | | | /_ _\____ { {_ /_/ | =|_ | _/ | _//
_| | =|_ | _] | =\__ | =|_ | \\ | _// | | | =|
\\ | _/ | _| | >> | __) | =\ | _| | _| | _|==
= =\= _<<___ =\\ ___/__ \\____| //__ \___ \\__ \\++
@mHz\_ | | __\__ | | __/ | _/ | __/ | _/ | __/
: : : : : : : :
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, Remorse _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Madstyle Remorse MOB< <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
? ?
? ?
? ? _ __ __,------,,_
___,,------,__ __ _ %% %% |__,,__ ^\\ #]] ] _ __ __,-----,,
\_ //' | ~))__,,___\_ | //__,,---\\ _ }}
}#| | _/__\ ^\# | _/_\# \\# | / _____/__ _____/_
| | ^\~ _ // \_/ //~ . _/^ ; ^\_____ ~//^ | \\
[_] :;: #\_ ______/ | ^\# | _|~ | #/ | _/# ; #/^
| # | //^ | { {{ :;: #\_ | \\ |____>> > ; \~ | /#
_; |____/' ; #\_,,_| //^ :;: #\____| ^\\ | #\___ ` //
\~ ____| \# | // |____/ | // ; \ ' ___>> >____/
\// @mHz % \\ ' / : \\___,,-----'' : % %%`\ ___)) ) ;
% ` %% ? \__,,----'% %%% %% %%% %% . \// %% % %%% %% %
: %% % % %%% . ? : ? ' .
Fresh graf on the wall. Megga Hertz the Kingpin aka Bugsy the Don, of Brass.
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, Sayings _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: !abraxas/diabolic < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ Somethin a lil' older. _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
ì Suicide/2 Configurable OneLiners coded by Megga Hertz of Acidic Prod ì
__,,---,_ __,,---,_,--,, ______,,____,,----,__,-----,,_ __,,---,,
.. . / _____/_\_____ \_ | ((____>> \_ _____/_\_____ \\ . ..
__\_____ ___/ __\_____ _/ \_ | _] \_ __/ _____/__
tkp^\\ | \\ | \\ | [[_ __| ; |_ / \\ | //^
. .::\_ ; \_ | \_ ; _| \\ | / / \ ; /::. .
= = ==|__,,-----'---,,____]]_______\_____\_____|__,-'---,,____>>_,,-----''== ==
A desk clerk asks if you have anything to say before checking in,, .
Try not to rip this a 3rd time.
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, Skills _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Skills Sites/Staff < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
____[ ]]__ __ _ _ __ ___) ))__
//~ ____________/___ ___,,___ : / ______,,____/__
_\__,,______ _____/__| *>>__\__ | _ _______ _\__,,______ ~~_/
\_~ | ^\* | (___,,_) |___\__ |__{{___ | = =|_
| | \\ | /| ==|_ | __// | */^ | _]
[_ | \_ // | _)) | \_ | ___//= == | |
|= | = =|_ | /_ | _| | _] | {{ | _>
_| | _] | ~\| ^\_ | ==| | \_ | _|
\\ | _|= = | ==\ _|= | |_ | |__ | ^\_
\ | < <<_ | \ [__ | _/^ | //^ | ==|
`\ ' \ | \\ |_ | |_ | = =/ ' |_
= =\\ ______>> >|________\= }}_ ' //_ ' /_____ _/
\ ___,,__// |______| [ [[_____/ |______/ <______// \___,,____ /
_ __ ___,,__ . __,,____:
_ _ ___,,-------,,____\_ >>___)\__ : \\__ | _ ___,,--------,
^\ ________/_ | /(__ _/_ |_____|__ |____\\ ________/__
_\_______ _>> | / | `\/ _] | // | _\________ //
^\\ / :;: ' /__| #\ | _/ ; \\ /^ _/# ##
# ## \_ / |_ | < __/^ | ( ((_ | \ / |_
\ // _]] | #\ ^\ :;: _| | #/^ // _/^
_/' / #|_ | \\, \\ | ^\\ ' / / #|_
< <<____ __} |___,,_/_ \____ #\____,,___\\ ____]] ]
\___,,---''-,___| //______ _ \__,,__>> > bugsy \__,,----''
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, Spoof Matrix _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Serial Toon < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
[ Spoof, Telnet, Serial Toon, Black Jack, Serial, Remorse -> Login. ]]
_[ ]__ _ _) )_ _{ {_ __ _
\ ____/___) _\_ \__[ ]_\_ ___/_
. .... . . == == _\____ _/ _ __/ | _/ _/ ____>> > ... . ..
: < <<_ | =|_ ___\_ :;: |_ | (_ =| mHz, :
: __ | _) | _|= | =/^ ; |_ |== == == ==:=
:.. . _/ ' __| | [_ __/= | __} _ . ..:
: ... ^\ _/ \_ | ^\_ / \__ =| _| . . :
: \ _|
Login <<
-> Apply
Check <-
[[ Spoof, Telnet, Serial Toon, Black Jack, Serial, Remorse -> Login. ]
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, Mas _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: mHz/mas < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
. .
= = ==== =: )_ mAS/dEUCE ; == ==== ==
_ _ __,,--; _>> > __[ ]__ __ _
\_ | |_> >_<< ____/__
+ ++ | \_/ _\____ _>______ _/^
:;: | _[ \\ // |_
_| | << | `\ / /' ++ +
^\ <____\ | ^\ `-, //
`--,__>> ^\_ | _/___,,----'' '
======== ===== =`--,,____]] ] mHzmAS== ====
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, Tyrone Interface _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Mrk/Remorse < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
Tyrone Issue Two. .
: :
__,,_| _|____| __|____| \\ |____,,__| _|___| /'' '
^\\ < << / \~~ \___ ~\* ^\_ _ //
\___ __\\ / \\ | //^ | = \\ | ==/ ______}} }
== = /~ ___\______ ___\ ; ==/ | __\ | _/ / ~~\\= ===
/* ^\~~ / \\* | // | ^\ | \= / */^
_ = \ / = \ |___/ = | \\ | \\ / == /
| ____\ ____\ |[ [[___ \_____| \_ ___)) )
| | \\ | \ | / | | | \\
: ` : : :
. . ' . bugsymHz(mas2)
[ articles ]
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, Domino/Twilight Dizes _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: Deeply Disturbed/Twi< <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
_ __ _) )__[ ]___) )_ _______
\_ <<__ \__ | ~~_// /
___,,__| |~ | _/^ | |_
\\__ ~ |_ ; ;;: \_/ _>> >
|~ | __]] ] | _| | _]
_; ; { {{_ | ^\_ | |__
\\ | _| | ~|_ ; //^
\ ______,,_\~ ______,,___)) )_|___ _/
\// \// Megga/HertzDEUCE \//
. . .
: _| \_____| :____\ \_ |___:_
____| _/ \_ | (___) | __)
<_ | | | \_/ | | | | | |
_| | ; | _; | (_ _; | | | |
\__ | (______<_____| |__\____| |__ |
\_____| mHz!|____) |____> \____;
_ __ ___,,___
____) ))______ ___| __>>____
\\~ =// | | (_______)) )
\_____ _,,__/= | ; __/= /_
/~ `\ ; | ~\__ ~|_
= ==/ \\ ` ' //^ _/^
// \ , =/ |= ==
`\= =/^ ; ;/' |
\\__,,____ _/__/\\__|__ _/|___,,_/'
\// \// emmHzee!
_______[ ]]______/_\\___,,___) ))______
^\_~~ ^\~ /_ _>>
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer \___ ___> Graf, [.vos.] _|
\* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / ~\ For?: [xFx]/ACiD < <<__
\ mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. / \ _))
\\ / \\ /\ |_
/`\ ____) ))____// \___m|-|z___ _______/ \\______]]
/___\// Thug Immortal. mHz ./_____,,___>>____\ In Life \//We Live As Thugs..
` '
Terrorist mad man killer, the bottom of the lake is where the body lays shiver.
Thug mobsta till we die, no mercy on these playa hatin' bitches ask me why,
when we ride. Thug mobsta till we die, no mercy on these playa hatin' bitches
ask me why, when we ride.
( GUEST: [Felix] aka Capone(start)
...³::::::::::: __________________ ::: __________ :::::::: _____________ ::³...
...³::::::::::: | /______| \ ::::::: | \ :³...
..______________| / | \ ::: __| \ ...
.. \ | / \ > : / | > .
...³:\ | / ; / : / : .¬ / ..
...³###\ : /#\ .____/ / ##/ . `._____/ \ .
...³%%%%%\ . /%%%%%\ /%%%%%\ / > .
...³«««««««\ /«««[ö]«««\ /«««[ö]«««\ .¬ [ö] .
...ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ\ /ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ\_[.vos.]_/ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ\____\___________/ÄÙ ..
PiPELiNE World-\/Wide Headquarters ö full configured ö modded ö slashed ö hexed
four.point.two gigabites of ansi.vga.svga.demos.misc ö two USR DS courier nodes
<ACiD> Productions Member System ö ACiDiC BBS Modification PiPELiNE Headquarter
one universal modder's world headquarters ö hpvac ö zero to three day support ö
[.virtue.of.sacrifice.] (tm) is a registered trademark ö "toophat4u" since 1992
( GUEST: [Felix] aka Capone(.end.)
---- - ascii section,, end --- - - - - ---
1n. 1n.
One Nation. An ascii collection like no other coordinated by
Megga Hertz the Kingpin. A collection that will break down
the walls between oldschool and newschool, amiga and pc. I'd
like _ALL_ artists to contribute, not just One Nation logos,
but any logos you'd like to see included, and pic artists can
contribute too. I hope to have One Nation fully polished and
released before 1998, which isn't too far off in scene terms.
Any and all submissions can be sent to
---- - One Nation Announcement -- - - - - ---
Thank you to everyone that supported me, you know who you are! And to all
who remain loyal to me. I won't let you down.
No thank you to all the vague bitches, and fake homies who showed me
the depths of jealousy, envy, and greed.
Much love to my family and extended family.
To all the lil' assassinz out there, thanks!
Executive Producer - Felix Agrelis for the Mafia Assassinz.
Co-Producer - Bugsy The Don for Mafia Assassinz & Brass Records.
Mastered by Megga Hertz the Kingpin at UhhBrakSus Studios (Los Angeles, CA)
Partial mixing done at [.vos.] computer systems (Los Angeles, CA)
Text correction verification, WindRider of The New and Untouchable Rmrs.
Security - C-Dogg the OutLaw, Big-Red, JayDeuce, Mo-skee Kevin, X-Deuce.
Bugsy Deuce's jewelry provided by Mo-skee Kevin, and Rodeo Fine Jewelers.
_ __ _____| // _________ ____ ________
\_ | __/_____________/ _/___ ___(____)______/ ____/__
| | \_ _ \\ \\ | \\ | | \\ \\ |_ /
_| | | ____/ |____/ | \_ \_/ | \_ | \_ | /
\ ' __| | // | \_______| | |_____/ | |______/
\____//_| | \ ' __/ \____| | |___| //bUGMZ
\____| \____// |___// |___/
_______ _________
___________ \\ |_____ ________\\ ____/_________
\\ //_____\ | _/_____\_ _\____ \\ _ //
\_ | / _ // \_/ |_ _/ | \ \| \_ ____/_
_| |__/ ___/ | _/ | \ |___\\ __| | /
\ | \\ |/ \\___| | | \___| \____|\\ ' __/
\___| \______/ |___//______/ \____/
_ __ ______
_ __ _______ _______ _\ /__ _______ __ _
__\ //_ ____\\ | _______ ______\ ____/________\ /_
\__ \\_\ \ |___\ /__\___ _\____ \ _ \\ ____/__
| | \_ _ \ | \_ _ \\ __ \\ \| \ _____\____ //
_| |__/ ____// | |_ ___\_ \| \__ // |/ \ \| /
\\ | \ |/ /__ // |/ / __| \___/ __\______/
\___| \\ _/ |_____/______/|_____/ \\_____|
t h e l o r d g o d ( g o o d b y e )
e x o d u s
s u p r e m e c o m p e t i t i o n
t h e s t o r y
i n v e r s e n a k e d n e s s
o n e n a t i o n
I'm gonna do one called One Nation, for those people that say I'm all about
Remorse/ACiD, all about oldschool and shit. It's gonna have oldschool, &
newschool. Amiga and PC, all around, Megga Hertz, Discyple, everybody.
m a f i a a s s a s i n z
b u g s y r e c o r d s c o m p i l a t i o n
r e l e a s e o v e r v i e w
ARTIST : Megga Hertz / [mHz] / Bugsy
BEGAN : 1993
RELEASE : The ASCII Collection
The Broken Pipe
The ASCII Colly
The Anagolous Collection
Asciid #50
The Day After
The Kingpin
Album #10, [mHz] The Last Don
The Godfather
Hit Em Up!
Activate My Hate!
SALES : Jagoff! - double platinum
The Day After - double platinum
The Kingpin - triple platinum
The Last Don - double platinum
The Godfather - quadruple plat.
Hit Em Up! - double platinum
Activate My H8- quadruple plat.
Also available from ACiD Productions / Remorse Ascii:
________| ____/_____ \__ \___ \__ ________/ ________/'
`\__ | \__ _ |: |________/' | |: `\__ |_
|: | _|: |: |_ _ ______|: | |. ________/' _______/'
|. | \_ |. _/ | |. |
_|. | __|. |. _|. _|. | (d u b l p l a t i n u m)
`\_____ `\____ _\_____ \ ___\ __ __ |
`-------'ev`------' `------'-------' `----' `----'
Jagoff, the first and only single-artist ascii colly to be released
in an acid acquisiton, as well as the first remorse colly released.
_______ _______ __,,____ _ __ ___,,_______ __,,___
/// /__________|| __/___| __// / |_ \_ |__(__ |______ _
\____ ____/ | \_ __ \ | ||_____ \ | _//
// \ || | _| |/ // _ _ _____| // _ _/_____ \
/; \| |_ _____/_ // __ / /| |_ \| /_
// \ | \ |/ _| \_ \| \ \| _|| ` _|
\ _____\ ||_____/ _____|:. | ____\___ \______ |__
`--,__| |__,--' (_,----' .mHz. (_,----' `---,__| |_,---''
__ _ _,----,___ __,----,___ __,----, __,--'____ _ _
\__ /_______\\ _/ |________\\ /____\\ __//
|_____ \\ _____|_ \__ __ __| _|
//' _ / ______// | \\ |/ \ | \\
__ _ _\ /| \ | `\__ | _// _____/_ | /
|__ \| / || _| | |_ |
|| \\ | .:|_ |____// (d u b l p l a t i n u m)
(( (___ \\ |_ | || _|| ____ _
\_,-----'--,_| `--,_| `---,_| |_,--'
_________ _______ _______ ________ ______
________|: _// ____.--' _//__\ //___\ //__ _,---'' \
\__ |. /---,_\_ _/ ________/ __ _/_,---\\ //
|; |. //______/ | \\_ |__ \\_ |/ _\______// | /_
\\ | /_ \ | \_ | \_ \\ \_ | _/
_/ \ /_ | _// | _/
==| | //_ / | _/ | _/ (t r i p l a t i n u m)
.' | _\ // | \\_ | \\_
`-,____|__ \_____/ _|_____\ ____/ ___/ \_ / / /______\\
mHz.aCiD ``-----' `-----'' ' `-----'' ``----'' `--'
my name is megga hertz the kingpin.
what's yours? i dont really care.
[mHz] The Last Don.
_________ ____________ _____________
__\ //__ ______///_______________\ /_____\ /__
\\ |__________\_______ // // //
\_ | // \ _________/_____ _______/
| | / | \\________ / // \
| :|. / | // | \ / \
| .|: \ | / | \/ \
_| | \\ | / | / \
\\_ | \ | \\ | // \
| | / | \ | / \
| | // | \ | \ /
__| | / | / | \\ /
\\ | / | // | \ //
\_______ \\ _________________\__________ \_____________/
//_________\ / //_________/
\/ Remorse ASCII / ACiD Productions
__________ __________ _______________
__\\ /____\\ /__\\ /_____
| // \\ __//
____________| __/ | \_ | |
\\ | | | | |
\ | | | _| :|. |
\_ | |__ | \_ .|: |
_| | __// | | | |__
\_ | | | | | __//
| | | | |_
__| | |_ | ____// (d u b l p l a t i n u m)
\ \\ | __// | \\ _
\________ \_______ \__________| \
//___________\ /__________\ |___________\\
. . : .
: . . :
; : : : :
/|_____ /|____ ______|\ ___|\ |\____
` ``\__ |__\_ |____: _/ _,--' /___| _/'
_| | _/____/ :|_ \_ _ \ | |_
|_ | \_ \\___ ____/ _|: ____/_ | _|
============ |: :| _: :| \\_ | _/ \_/ : ===============
_| | _: \_ |_ : | : | :|_
\\____| \___ |_ ___| _|: ___|: |____/'' '
| __| :___ /___| \\ _,--' \___ |
|/ |/ \| \|
: : : :
. /|_____ _____|\ ,,--,_ :
\__ |----,,\ _/ |_ |
: | _/ _ :_ | : .
_| : _| _____/' | :| I'M GONNA HIT YOU ALL UP!
\_ : \_ | : | mHz!
_: | : | | |
\\___ _| : |___|_
/____\ ___| |___ /
\| |/
Megga Hertz the Godfather. Thugs and Kisses.
| |
| ___________|
/ / |/
/' /\/ /|__
_/ _/'/\ / \
/ / / \, / `\
______/ /__/ \ /________\_____
/ / / | /|
/ /' /' | / |
/_____/ /___ `\ ____________/ |
| \___/ / \___/--/ | :
| / /(_____) | :
| / / |
: / / : .
: /___________/ :
| |
. | | .
| |
: :
. .
. .. . .::MEGGA HERTZ THE KINGPIN! ACTIVATE MY HATE! (My 2nd Reply)::. . .. .
___\____ \\_ \\ /__\_ | ___\____ \\ \_ _/
\__ |_ |___\___ ___/ _| : \__ \__ ____| |; |__
= ==| | _/ | // \ \_ | | | _| \_ _______/== =
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__| |;. | | \ // __| |; | : ; : | :
\\ ' |_ | \\ / \\ |;. | ` _| __| ' |
`------,,__/____,--`---,___/____\___,,----'---,,___\_____\____,,-----'' '
bugsy.. .bugsy.. .megga hertz.. .bugsy.. .bugsy.. .Megga Hertz BUGSY, BUGSY!
__,,----,_________,,----,,_ _______,,-----,-----,,_____,,-------,,----,,___
\__ | \__ | / \__ | ___\_____ \\ /; __/
_| : : ; _/ | | `\__ \___ ___/ |; |_
\_ | _;--,__ _| ::: ; | | / ;\ ______/
_| \_/ \_ | |_ | : : /; \\ |
\_ | | : _/ _| | ; : / Quadruple Platinum
= ==: : _; : :| \_ : _| ; `\\ :== =
__| ; \ ` .;|_ ; ; \_ | \; // ' |
\\______|__,-'---,,______//'' |____|__,--'--,_,,----'----,,__/___,,-----'' '
Change my name to Bugsy Deuce, make the ascii scene notice.
Also available from ACiD/Remorse ascii: Jagoff!, The Day After,
Megga Hertz the Kingpin, Megga Hertz the Last Don, Megga Hertz
Hits Em Up, Megga Hertz the Godfather and Megga Hertz, Activate
My Hate! ASCII Collections.
-> Bow down, pray to God, hopin that he's listening.
-> Seeing niggas comin for me, in my diamonds, when
-> they glistenin. Activate my hate, let it break,.
W h a t m o r e c a n I s a y ?
I w o u l d n t b e h e r e t o d a y ,
i f t h e o l d s c h o o l d i d n ' t p a v e t h e w a y .
This one goes out to my TRUE boys,
[xFx] / [Felix]
____________ ___________ ___________
| _____| : _____/'' ' |____ |
: | ______ ____| ____/______ ____| | |
| | `\\ | / | \ | /' | :
: | \ | / | \\ | / | .
| | / \\ : /' \\ | |
. |__// | `\ | / | \__| :
|_______/______|______\__| /______|______\_______|
The Right Hand Man.
[xFx], -- My true ridin' partner, U.S, AND worldwide, big baby I see ya.
Sherlock Ohms, -- Still in the game, after all these years, been down w/
the yard so long, I can hardly hear.
KorrupT, -- Exodus Crossroads since 1972, keeping racial things real. =]
UniquE, -- My best hookup for fine Russian women.
Outspoken, -- Been writing since the days of AiM.
Sexecutioner, -- Outland always had the best setup, OL4 97 can't be far.
PimpLife, -- Man I can't BELIEVE TPC is coming back, we're gonna pimp shit
just like we used to.
The only crew needed, badass, high quality, and always true to the L.A set.
Call these fine bulletin board systems :
[!a]braxas/diabolic - [.Virtue.oF.Sacrifice.] - Scotland Yard
Exodus Crossroards - The Ink Well - Outland - Da Playaz Club.
FREE: Suge Knight
Peace offerings to Omicron, I ain't forgots to Meatpod, Sargon,
And The rEst of you Mad Punk sTYle bitches -- U know who you are.
___,,-----,, _,--,, ___,,----,,_
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\_ | |__ | _> | | |_
== === ==| | // [_ | | ______// /
- |__,,_/___| | __ - |== === ==
< <<_____| |__|\_____||__||____|mHzmas
Rest In Peace to all the homies who have passed on, wherever they may be
now. Smiling down, or grinning up. Exotik, Pleasure, Gina, all of them.
Let it be known just how you made it, lovin how I got you bitches crazy.
Believe me, we enemies;
Meatpod gettin robbed like a bitch, to hide that fact, he did some
shit he shouldn't have did, so he's riding for that.
Who? Sargon -- you can kiss me ass from here to Texas kid, it's on.
All you motherfuckers thought I forgot. Hell naw I ain't forgot.
And to all yall bitch made motherfuckers?.. . I'm coming for you.
It's time for an all out war.
It's time for an all out war.
It's time for an all out war.
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The New And 'Untouchable' Remorse Ascii Prod!
[x] ep [ ] lp [x] war-time release by mHz.