... _ _ _ _ ...
:::: \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY /// ::::
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|. .___. _:____ _ ___ _:
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| tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9604 |_
. . . .::.
:: . :: ·::·
...... .
.·· ··.
:: . ..... : vouck is :
.·· ··. : jarig! :
. :: .· : ·. . ·.. ..·
..... : : : ···\··
.·· ··. : : : ..... ·- .
..... .· : ·. ·. .· .·· ··.
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.·· ··.··:·· : .· : ·. . :: : :
.· : ·. : : : : .: : : : : ::
: : : .·
: : : :::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::: ..·
·. .· :: :: :··
·.. ..·.. :::::::::::::::::· :::::::::::::::::. :
. ··:··.·· :: :: : ..... .
: .· :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::· .·· ··.
: : .· : ·.
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: ·.. ..· :: : : : ·. .·
:: : ··:·· ..... : : : : ·.. ..·
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: : : : ··:·· : :
. : : : : : : : ::
: ·. .· : : :
: ·.. ..· : . : :
:: : ··:·· : :
: : : . .::.
.::. ____ ________ _______ ·::·
·::· _____/_ _\___ \_ \ \ ________ _______ .
/ / / /__\ /_ __/ __ /___
/ _/ __/ / \ \ / /_/___/ /
. / /____________/______\ \_/____ /
/_____/ \______\ /________/
2 5 j a h r e . _________
________ ¯·¯ v O u c k / /
.... ______/ _/______ ___ ___ ______ _______ _____ / / ....
::· / / / __ /__/ / / ____/____ \ / ·::
::· / _/ / /_/ / _/ / / / / / ·::
:: \__________.·__________/___________/__ /__/ \ ::
:: /_________/©cbn\________\ ::
::. .:: .:: ::· .. . .::
::. .:: .:: ::: ·..·. ::: ::. ::. .::
······ .:: .:: : ·.···. ::. ::. ······
··· .:: : : ·. ::. ···
··· . ·. : ···
- :: H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y V O U C K :: -
Alles GUTE zu Deinem 25. Geburtstag wünscht Dir Dein ganzes ARIDWEED-Team!
Your whole ARIDWEED-Team wishes you all the best to your 25th birthday!
. ::
.::. , .
·::· . )
..... (
.·· ··. ..... :: )
.· : ·..·· ··. (
:: : : :· : ·. °
: : : : :
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. ··:·· ·.. ..· .
, : :: ··:··
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( ·:. ..· :
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·::· : : ·::·
: ::
. :
:: :: (
.::. )
. ·::· ( .
_ __ __________
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/ / / / / / /_/___/ \_ __/ __/ / / / /_/___/ /
/_/ /_/_____/____/__ / /_ __________/__ /_ /
/______/ /__________/____/©cbn /________/ /_________/
__________________________ __ _
::. .:: _ __ _///////
::. .::
\\ cubon
¯ . erst einmal möchte ich mich bei dir bedanken fuer all deine unter-
| stuetzung sei's ascii bezogen oder auch nicht. danke fuer eine
| solch fabelhafte amigaasciicrew. ohne dich wäre dies alles nicht
| möglich gewesen. danke, mach weiter so (du hast meine volle unter-
| stuetzung) und herzlichen glueckwunsch zu deinem 25. geburtstag!
| alles gute für die zukunft und auf dass es noch viele viele jahre
| werden! besauf dich nicht zu stark, wir brauchen dich noch! =)
| bis zum nächsten awdmeeting!
\\ elend
¯ . Happy Birthday Vouck! 25 years and still rocking. I wish you the
| best, much money, some whores, more beer and even more Asciis.
| We'll celebrate your Birthday the real way on the next Demoparty.
| Cheers!
\\ m0lo
¯ . alles gute zum geburtstag digger, du hast es schwerer gehabt 25 zu
| werden als die meisten die ich kenne, alles was jetzt kommt wird nur
| besser. vom 30. geburtstag abgesehen. wir sehn' uns auf der tUM!
\\ Pr1mus
¯ . Hi there Vouck, nice to get older and older so you can 'forget' more
| and more requests eh? :)
\\ tRASh
¯ . 25 years ... damn ... what a long time ... a quarter century (!).
| Yeah, I talking about vOuck! He is older than our lovely AMIGA.
| But by that, I don't mean he is a old fart or one of those oldskoolers
| which idle the whole day long and thinking about the good old days -
| guys, the good old days are gone! But ... ehm ... we was talking about
| vouck. The GREAT vouck. He is one of those sceners which bringing back
| the spirit into scene. I know him for only three months now, but he
| motivated me much and my AMIGA ASCII improved fast. Without him
| I hadn't handle this, for sure! So I wanna send over my best wishes
| and respect to this living legend ;P
| Happy birthday, man!
\\ ·
¯ zACK
. Dear Vouck,
| The first time I "saw" you was on Boondocks, you told about your
| therapy, and it looked quite familiar. As if I wrote the words!.
| A moment later you released Neurotic, damned that was cool!
| The way of drawing, the way of writing lyrics, I was really impressed.
| I got a few private mails at boondocks from several ascii groups
| if I would join. I replied to all of them that i wanted to be
| independant. But.... When you asked me to join Arid Weed I changed my
| mind. I knew Arid Weed from the old days and I love
| Oldskool. So my answer was YYYEEESSSS!!!!...
| And here we are! I'm so proud of being in your team and i admire your
| way of teamplaying!
| I hope we will be together 4-ever!!!
| I hope you have a nice birthday!, up to the 30!!!! :)
\\ zemra
¯ . vOuck, alles gute zu deinem 25.Burtzeltag :)
| Das sollte ein kleines "Geschenk" meinerseits sein, hoffe mal das
| es dich freut!
\\ also the following sceners would like to wish you a happy birthday!
¯ .
| Alien^pdx ("happy bday and a huge fat spliff"), cleaner, eCh0 ("GEH
| MAL ÖFTERS ZUM FRISÖR!"), fup, gencha, h7 ("Nothing beats getting
| older than getting younger."), mash ("alles gute aus dem nachbardorf")
| slapsh0t, zaner, dMG and others of course too but we just couldnt find
| all of them in that little time we put this colly together, sorry :)
:: , . ·::· .
. ) ::
. ) .. PROST!! , ::
( ·..·. .. . )
:: ° : ·.···. .·..· (
: : ·.···.· )
. ·. .· : (
.::. :: : .· :: °
·::· ·..· .::.
..... . :: . . ::
.·· ··. . ::
.· : ·. :: . .
: : : _____
: : : \\\\\ done by: zemra . schluck und weg!
·. .· _\\\\ says: happy bday ____ _ __ __ __
·.. ..· //////_______________________________\\\ c|--| c|__| c| |
. ··:·· | | | | |--|
: h a p p y 2 5 t h b i r t h d a y v O u c k ! ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯
:: : ________________________________________________________ _
: . :: _\©cbn
______ ______ _______________________ ____
\ \ ___ \ \_ \ \ \ \ / /
/ /__/ \/ \_ \ / \_ / \_ / // /
/ ___ / \/ ___/ ___/\_ _/
\ \ / /\ \___/\ \ \ \ \ \
..::::\_____\\___/::\_____\::::\_____\::\_____\:::::\_____\::.. .
.:::'' ________ ______ ______ _____ ____
.::' __ ___ \ \ \ \ \ \_ \ \ / /
::: '__)|__ / \_ /_ / \ / \_ \/ // /
'::. |______). / \/ \ \/ \_ _/
':::.. \ \_ \ _\ \ \___/ \ \zEmra!AWD
vOuck, alles gute zu deinem 25.Burtzeltag :) `::.
Das sollte ein kleines "Geschenk" meinerseits :::
sein, hoffe mal das es dich freut! zEmra .::`
. . ...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::``
..... . :: . . ::
.·· ··. . ::
.· : ·. :: . .
: : : _____
: : : \\\\\ done by: elend . schluck und weg!
·. .· _\\\\ says: vouck ____ _ __ __ __
·.. ..· //////_______________________________\\\ c|--| c|__| c| |
. ··:·· | | | | |--|
: h a p p y 2 5 t h b i r t h d a y v O u c k ! ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯
:: : ________________________________________________________ _
: . :: _\©cbn
_____ _____ _\----\ /----/_ _____ _____
_______\ \__/ /__ _\ \/ /_ __\ \__/ /______
\_____\\ \__/ / \\\_\ \ /_/// \ \__/ //____/
_______ | __________ \ _______ ________ | _________
___ ) \ _!_____/ \_ ______/ / ____/__ _____!_/ ( __
\_\\_ \/ _/ __/ _/ _/ _/ / _/ / _____//_/
\ /______\____________\_____________\____________\______/\ \__
\_____\| elD! \________\
___|__ __ - \/ O U C K - __ __|___
_/_______ /-----------_ _------------\ _______\_
///__/__ __ ______ \____\ /____/ _______ __ __\__\\\
..... . :: . . ::
.·· ··. . ::
.· : ·. :: . .
: : : _____
: : : \\\\\ done by: tRASh . schluck und weg!
·. .· _\\\\ says: vouck ____ _ __ __ __
·.. ..· //////_______________________________\\\ c|--| c|__| c| |
. ··:·· | | | | |--|
: h a p p y 2 5 t h b i r t h d a y v O u c k ! ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯
:: : ________________________________________________________ _
: . :: _\©cbn
.''::. .::``.
: ::: .::: :
... : ::: :: :
:.: `:. ::' ': .:'
..... `:' ..::.. `:'
: : ..::'': ``::..
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: : :: :::: . :::: ::
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: : . :: :::: : :::: ::
: : : :: :::: :::: :: .........
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. ...''' ``::..::..::'' : :...: ...
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. :
.' : . Pssssssst!
.' :.........
.' : World Domination
.' : inside!
.' /`........ .. .
\ oO /
. : . . ........
: . ` .`.`::::::::.
: ___ __`::.
: :: .' :::
H A P P Y ::. : :.:
: ::: . . ..________ `::
B - D A Y :::: . `. :'.
. : :::::. `._ : ________________
: ::::::::.... : `.
______ : ____________ _____ _____ ___________ ________ _____
\ \ | _\ _ // / __\ _ /_\ // /
\ \| / / / \ /____/ /_ /_
\ | / _ _/ _ _/ _ / \ \
\_________ :________\____________\____________\_____/ . \ \
: | : \______\
``::: . | ::::::::'''' : ..............'
:: : :::::' `.__:______ tRASh
: : . :::: : v O U C K | /
: : ::: `............... `..../.... _.. . .
. . . ::: : /__ /__/
:: .... : ... _ /
: :: : : : \/
. :: : :.. : ..
. : .. : .. :
: : :........:
: : .
. :.....: ...
..... . :: . . ::
.·· ··. . ::
.· : ·. :: . .
: : : _____
: : : \\\\\ done by: m0lo . schluck und weg!
·. .· _\\\\ says: heil vouck ____ _ __ __ __
·.. ..· //////_______________________________\\\ c|--| c|__| c| |
. ··:·· | | | | |--|
: h a p p y 2 5 t h b i r t h d a y v O u c k ! ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯
:: : ________________________________________________________ _
: . :: _\©cbn
) <3
____ _( <3 /\ <3 )_ ____
_____\ ________________ _______ __/Oo\__/\___ /_____
\ \_ _____ / \_ __/ \ x _ oO / AUF DIE NÄCHSTEN 25! /
\ \ \ | _ /______ _)_____ _// ° /_____ ____ ___________ /
(__ _ \ \ | X __ _ / | / | / _ _/ /___// /______ _/_ __)
// __\ \ | $ |/ / / : /: | /\ \ \ / / __
// / | \ _| ° / / /_ . /_. |_ /__\ \ \_ HEIL VOUCK / / | \
/// / ¯¯ \ \____\____/________/_____/__________/ / / / ¯¯¯¯ \
// / // \ \ _______ _ __ ____________ _____ / / __ _ \
/ / \ \ / _____________ ___ __/_/\ \_ / / \
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\ | \ _// / /_\ / \ | X | / /_ | /
¯¯ m0/CRO \___/\_________/__________/ / \__ : $ |___\____/ ¯¯
. ° :
..... . :: . . ::
.·· ··. . ::
.· : ·. :: . .
: : : _____
: : : \\\\\ done by: zACK . schluck und weg!
·. .· _\\\\ says: congratulations vouck! ____ _ __ __ __
·.. ..· //////_______________________________\\\ c|--| c|__| c| |
. ··:·· | | | | |--|
: h a p p y 2 5 t h b i r t h d a y v O u c k ! ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯
:: : ________________________________________________________ _
: . :: _\©cbn
: :
: cOnGrAtUlAtIoNs vOuCk! :
._____. : ._______________________:______ _ _
_ _ | | :_| _________ _ / ________//// _ _
\\\ | |/ \ ____/ \| \_/______ \ ///
| | \_ | \_ \_ _/ \_
_ __ _____:______ : :
\\_\\_ _____ \:_____ __________________:_____:______ _ _
| \______/ . \/ __ _/___ _ / | __////
.::::| | _|___ \ __. \__ \_/ | \:::::.
: | | _____/ \_ | / \______ \_ :
· |_____|______| /___|_____/______/____________/zACk·
: |______/ :
·............ ..............·
|<««--^--· lET'S pARTY! ·--^--·»»>|
_ _|___ _ _ _|_ _
: |
..... . :: . . ::
.·· ··. . ::
.· : ·. :: . .
: : : _____
: : : \\\\\ done by: H7 . schluck und weg!
·. .· _\\\\ says: give up! ____ _ __ __ __
·.. ..· //////_______________________________\\\ c|--| c|__| c| |
. ··:·· | | | | |--|
: h a p p y 2 5 t h b i r t h d a y v O u c k ! ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯
:: : ________________________________________________________ _
: . :: _\©cbn
_/ /
____________// / resistance is futile, you too
____\ / will get old.
\ \_____ ___ _______ / ____
\ _/ __/__ ___\_/__ \ /___/ _/ _____ :)
\/ \_ \\ / / / / _ _>/ /
/ / // \/ / / \/ / ________
\____/ \ / / _/\___ \ _/ /
<<----------\\______/\___ /\_______/-----\______/-/ /---------- -- -
\ \ \/ / ______/ /
\ \ ___/_ / \_ /
\ \ / /____ __\_ / /
/ \ / / \_/ / / /
<<--------- -__\ \ \ \ / /_____/ /------- -- -
_/ \\ \ \_________/\ \ _\____/
\____\\______\ /H7/dS! \______\\ /
\/ \__/
..... . :: . . ::
.·· ··. . ::
.· : ·. :: . .
: : : _____
: : : \\\\\ done by: Pr1mus . schluck und weg!
·. .· _\\\\ says: VK 25 Y E A R R R S ! ____ _ __ __ __
·.. ..· //////_______________________________\\\ c|--| c|__| c| |
. ··:·· | | | | |--|
: h a p p y 2 5 t h b i r t h d a y v O u c k ! ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯
:: : ________________________________________________________ _
: . :: _\©cbn
\ \ / )
\ ____) / \/ K 2 5 Y E A R R R S ! /
\ _______________/ /________________ /
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_________________________________________ ·
( / t H E y A R D :
::| .aeroholics/rising sun/pht/up. /// / /\_______________________|_
| .ds!/cch/shibuya/lp!/trsi. /____ / |
__|__/\____ / // · 1 9 9 6 - 2 0 0 5 · |
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(_____\_____| \___ | __\_______.__\___| /_________\
| / |
| Amiga/Ascii - Gameboy Advance - // gbc/n64 - Graffiti Videos/eBooks |
| Nintendo Gamecube - Commodore64 ·/ Apple Macintosh - Pc Games/Apps |
| / |
'-«< tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY 2 aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 96O5+ >»-'