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|-mNt/aC!l________/___\ /_____\ |
| \___/ aC! '95 |
| |
.--- sTAr pERFORMEr - bY TANGo/aRt cORe ---'
| _________ _______ ____________ _______ |
|_\_ .___/__ .\_\______ / _ /__|
| l / \\ _/ _/_ _____/ /|
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¦ _______¦__________ aRT-cORE! \\ | | /
¦ ________\_/\_______ /_____________ pRODUKKTIONS | | /
¦ \________/ \ : _/ _/_____________/ 1995 | | /
¦ _/ __ \\___\ \_ \ | | /
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:::: :::: `:::::::::::::::::' `:::::::::::: :::: :::: ::::::::' ¦
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\/------------- ------------------------ -------------:-----------\/----'
TANGo ÷ aRt cORe ÷ bRITISh bORn & bREd :
.#################. .#######. ########.
#### #### #### #### #### #### __/\__
`#######. #### ######### ######## \/oO\/
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| / __/ ___) _ / __/ ¬| | _ / | | | ___) _ / |
¦ \___| \________| \___| \___ |__| \_|_| |________| \_ :
| `---'tGø/aC!`--' `---' : | ¬|___/ |
| . |
`------------- dEdIcAtEd tO mY dERbYsHirE lASs - jO! --- --------'
÷ lAMEr zONe & vALIDATIOn ÷
___ _______ _______ _________________
( ¬\ (_____ ¬\ ( ¬\ ( _____/\_____ ¬\ _
/. /___ /. _ /\/. / / /\/. ___/__\/. _ __/\ --\/----------------.
// / /\// / / // / / / // /\// / /\/ _|
/___ / /___/ / /__/_/ / /___ / /___/ / / uPLOAd & mOVe oUt! \/
\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__\/__/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ / |
\___\/ \___\/ \__\/ \___\/ \___\/ ------------÷----------'
tGø/aC! _______ _______ _______ _________
.---------------÷-----------. (_____ ¬\ (_____ ¬\ (____ ¬\ ( _____/\
| | /. _____/\/. /\/ /\/. / /\/. ___/__\/
|_ hEy mAN yOU'Re sITTINg | // /\// /_/ / // / / // /\
\/ hERe uNTIL wE sEE sOME | /___ / /___ / /___/ / /___ / /
| aCTION fROM yOU ;) | \__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /
`---------------------------' \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/
÷ aDULt rATEd ÷
______________.__.___.__._ _______
(____ ____ ¬| ¬| ¬| ¬|___. _¬\------------------÷--------------- ----
/ _ | / | | | | | |_/
\___| |___ |___ |___ |___| hORNy & dIRTy pICs fOr tHe pERVERTEd
: | `---' `---' `---'
. _____________.___________________
fILTh fOr tHe mASSEs! (___ ______ ¬| _¬\ ________ ¬)
/ _ / _ | |_/ ____) / |
gIFs - jPEGs - iFFs \__| \___| |___| \______)___ |
--- ------------------------÷-----:___/ `---'tGø/aC! `---'
÷ aMIGa eLITe ÷
_______ _______ ___ _________________
(_____ ¬\ ( ¬\ ( ¬\ ( ____/\_____ ¬\
o-1 dAYs oNLy! /. _ /\/. / / /\/. /\/. / ¬\_\/. _ /\
// / / // / / / // / // \ /\// / / /
kEEp iT nEW aN /___/ / /__/_/ / /___/ /___ / /___/ / /
kEEp yOUR aCCESS \__/___/ /\__\/__/ /\___\/\__/___/ /\__/___/ /
\___\/ \__\/ \___\/ \___\/
_____________ ___ ________ _________
( _____/\ ¬\ ( ¬\ / ¬\ ( _____/\---------.
/. ___/__\/. /___ /. /\/__/. /__/\/. ___/__\/:gAMEZz::|
// /\// / /\// / /\_// /\__\// /\:::uTILZz::|
/___ / /___ / /___/ / /___/ / /___ / /:::dEMOZz::|
\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\___\/ \___\/ \__/___/ /:::tRAINERs:|
\___\/ \___\/tGø/aC! \___\/ --÷---------'
÷ cONSOLe zONe ÷
_______ _______ _______ _________________ ___ _________
( ¬\ (_____ ¬\ (____ ¬\ ( _____/\_____ ¬\ ( ¬\ ( _____/\
/. /___/\/. /\/ /\/. / /\/.___ ¬\_\/. /\/ /\/. /___ /. ___/__\/
// / /\// /_/ / // / / // /\// /_/ / // / /\// /\
/___ / /___ / /___/ / /___/ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /
. \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/
| ______________________.______ tGø/aC!
! \____ ¬\__. ____. ¬| ___/
| sNEs 'n' sEGa hOT sTUFf / ____/ ¬| | ¬| | ___)
`-------------------------÷ \______\___ |___| |_____\
`---' `---'
÷ pC uTiLs ÷
_______ _______ _______ _______ ___ ___ _________
(______¬\ ( ¬\ ( / ¬\ ( ¬\ ( ¬\ ( ¬\ ( ______/\
/. ____/\/. /___/\ /. / /\/. / /\/. /\/. /___ /.___ ¬\_\/
// /\__\// / /\/ // / / // /___/ // / // / /\// /\
/____/ / /___ / / /___ / /___/\___\/___/ /___ / /___/ / / !
\____\/ \__/___/ / \__/___/ /\___\/ \___\/\__/___/ /\__/___/ / |
. \___\/ \___\/tGø/aC! \___\/ \___\/ |
|\ /|
|\\ tHe bESt tHAt iNTEl cAn hANDLe //|
÷ pC gAMEs ÷
_______ _______
(______¬\ ( ¬\ __
/. ____/\/. /___/\ /_/\+:.: ... jUSt pURe pHUn!
// /\__\// / /\/ \_\/: +::: ::...
/____/ / /___ / / _________________ _______ ___________________
\____\/ \__/___/ / ( ____/\_____ ¬\ ( ¬\ ( _____/\ ______/\
____ ________\___\/ /. / ¬\_\/. _ /\/. / / /\/. ___/__\/.___ ¬\_\/
/\ ¬\ // \ /\// / / // / / / // /\// /\
// \___\ nO uTiLs /___ / /___/ / /__/_/ / /___/ / /___/ / /
\ / / nO dEMOs \__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__\/__/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /
\/___/____________ ____ \___\/ \___\/ \__\/ \___\/ \___\/
÷ gRAPHICs ÷
_________________ _______ _______ _______ ___ _______ _________
!:( ____/\_____ ¬\ (_____ ¬\ (______¬\ ( / ¬\ ( ¬\ (____ ¬\ ( ______/\
|:/. / ¬\_\/. _ __/\/. _ /\/. ____/\/. _ /\/. /\/. /___/\/.___ ¬\_\/
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/___ / /___/ / /___/ / /____/ /::/___/ / /___/ /___ / /___/ / /:!
\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\____\/:::\__/___/ /\___\/\__/___/ /\__/___/ /::|
|:::::::::pURe pIXELLATEd aRt fOr yOUr cOMPLETe vIEWINg pLEASURe::::::::::::::|
÷ fOr sALe ÷
_________________ _______ _________________ ___ _________
( _____/\_____ ¬\ (_____ ¬\ ( ______/\_____ ¬\ ( ¬\ ( _____/\
/. ____/\/. /\/ /\/. _ __/\ /.___ ¬\_\/. _ /\/. /___ /. ___/__\/
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/____/ / /___ / /___/ / / /___/ / /___/ / /___ / /___ / /|
\____\/ \__/___/ /\__/___/ / \__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /_|
| \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \/
| |
`--|>--- aLl yOUr hARDWARe sOFTWARe aNd sEXUAl wANTs cATEREd fOR! --------'
÷ pD hAVEn ÷
_______ ________ .--------------------//---------------------------.
(______¬\ \_____ ¬\ | nUFFIn' pIRATEd // aNYTHINg eLSe oN tHe eARTh |
/. ____/\/. / /\ | nUFFIn' 2 sAUCy //| jUSt rULEs.... .-----------'
// /\__\// / / / | nUFFIn' iLLEGAl // `----------------'
/____/ / /___ / / `-----------------/
\____\/ \__/___/ / _______ _______ _______ _________________
\___\/ ( / ¬\ (_____ ¬\ ( / ¬\ ( _____/\____ ¬\
/. _ /\/. _ /\/. / /\/. ___/__\/. / /\
wAREs sCENe iS fADIN' // / / // / / // / / // /\// / / /
lEGALITy iS dA fUTURE /___/ / /___/ / /\___ / /___/ / /___/ / /
\__/___/ /\__/___/ / \_/__/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /
tGø/aC! \___\/ \___\/ \__\/ \___\/ \___\/
÷ eXPRESs ÷
_________________ _______ _______ _____________________________
( _____/\___ / ¬\ (______¬\ (_____ ¬\ ( _____/\ ______/\ ______/\
/. ___/__\/. _ __/\/. ____/\/. _ __/\/. ___/__\/.___ ¬\_\/.___ ¬\_\/
// /\// / /\// /\__\// / /\// /\// /\// /\
/___/ / /___/ / /____/ / /___/ / /___/ / /___/ / /___/ / /
\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\____\/ \__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /
\___\/ \___\/tGø/aC! \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/
. !
÷ sOUNDs ÷
_________________ _______ _______ _______ _________
( ______/\_____ ¬\ ( / ¬\ (____ ¬\ (_____ ¬\ ( ______/\ -----------.
/.___ ¬\_\/. /\/ /\/. / /\/. / /\/. / /\/.___ ¬\_\/ mUSIc fOr !
// /\// /_/ / // / / // / / // / / // /\ tHe mASSEs! :
/___/ / /___ / /___ / /___/ / /___ / /___/ / / .
\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ / mODs'n'zAMPLEs
\___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/
-------> tGø/aC! <----------------------------------------------------------
÷ aGa fIXEs ÷
_______ _________________
(_____ ¬\ ( ____/\_____ ¬\
/. _ /\/. / ¬\_\/. _ /\
// / / // \ /\// / / / aLl yOUr gAMINg nEEds fIXEd
/___/ / /___ / /___/ / / rIGHt hERe.... lEAVe mAIl 2
\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/ / / oUr sPECIALISTs: xxxxxxxxxx
\___\/ \___\/ / / / xxxxxxxxxx
_____________ _____/ / /_________________
( _____/\ ¬\ (___ / / / _____/\ ______/\
/. ____/\/. /\/. _ __/\/. ___/__\/.___ ¬\_\/
// /\__\// / // / /\// /\// /\
/____/ / /___/ /___/ / /___ / /___ / /
\____\/ \___\/\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /
tGø/aC!\___\/ \___\/ \___\/
:::::::: ::::::::
:::::::: ::::::::
:::::::: ::::::::
[ELRiC?] ............... Durham shall be visited within the next few weeks!
[mANTa] ................ I love the production quality of the group!! Shame
you've got me in it ;)))
[(-rAPId-)] ............ Please do me a lovely couple of TANGo logos mate!
[u-mAn] ................ Keep up the stunning art form man.
[mOGUe!] ............... Just getting better & better!
[cOUNtzERo] ............ I'm home for another 2 weeks, call & raise hell ;)
[sHAPECHANGEr] ......... Damn you for being sooo good!
[2fASt] ................ Mad Butcher was fine, whats next man??
[cHROMBACHEr] .......... Respect going out to one of the oldest producing
artists hanging around!
tHe bESt aRTISTs oUt tHERe aFTEr tHOSe aBOVe ;)
- [rEdsKIn] - [rAt] - [sK!n] - [aMBLIn] - [dESERt] - [bOOMEr] - [rED dEVIl] -
- [mETALBASHEr] - [kAMENSKi] - [sEVEn /\/\] - [eXOCEt] - [gEm] - [kARMa] -
- [dANZIg] - [sY-kLONe] - [jUAn] - [aXy] - [cOLa] - [mAz!] - [pERPLEx] -
- [h2o!] - [tERMINAl sILENCe] -
[cRASh!/nERVe aXIs] .... You're just a raving poof, admit it!
[oRDYNE/nERVe aXIs] .... More abuse please, I love it.
[bIGGLES/nUt & bOLt] ... Looked slightly pissed but still walkin'.
[sPEED dEMON] .......... The text just ruled, like the sequel?
[hOTWIRe/oRIGIn] ....... Ring you bender or I'll send a goat round!
[tWISTEr/oRIGIn] ....... See ya after the military, ring me soon.
[iCOn/lSd] ............. Headache gone yet?
[rEPLAy] ............... Ascii is always a pleasure.... Any more needed?
[sCOUSEr] .............. For the best chat up lines on earth hehe.
[wENOm] ................ Stop looking over my shoulder man!
[aCe] .................. Galaga rules but don't you feel useless now? ;)
[sTAINLESs sTEEl rAt] .. Santa! Can I have a beard like yours please? Hehe.
:::::::: :::::::
:::::::: ::::::::
:::::::: ::::::::
_ _________|_________ ____________/_______ ._________
._____ __/\ sc| _ /_________. / . \! __ /__________.
! / \_ | / / ___/ |___/ | \ / _/________ !
| / _/ : \ \_ |_/ | \_ | \ \ \_ _ / |
| _/ l____|___|\___/ |\__________/________/ |\___/ _)__/ |
| \_____| |___| |___|/ | \_ |
`----------------------------÷ sTAr pERFORMEr ÷------\__________/---'
TANGo lOGo ................... sTYLEd bY cOUNtzERo
aRt cORe pRESENTs lOGo ....... sHAPEd bY mOGUe!
aRt cORe lOGo ................ bEAMEd bY sHAPecHANGEr
aRt cORe lOGo ................ fORMEd bY mOGUe!
nUMBERs ...................... zAPPEd bY zACK
eVERYTHINg eLSe .............. rAPEd fOr nO rEASOn bY TANGo/aC!
All drawn and formed in about 4 hours at 13th Hour BBS - Always the first
for a TANGo styleee release!! Cheers to Ace & Venom for supply of coffee,
humour and cancer sticks, keep it comin'!
Size ain't everything but when it's this shit, it should be nuked! ;)
:::::::: ::::::::
______\_______ _______/
.-------------------------------------_________ _\______ / |------.
| mOGUE! · mANtA · 2fASt · u-mAN / \/ _/ _/ | |
| rAPiD · tANGo · cOUNt zERO // Mo! /_______\ \_ | |
| mR.vAIN · tREACH /_____________\ \______/ | |
| _________ _________ _________ `-----' |
| / ____/_______/ \ ______________/ _____/_______ |
`-/ \| _ / | \\_\______ / ___/ _ /-----------'
/________ //\___________/ _/ _/________ //
`-------/-- - /_______\ \_ `-------/-- -
fOr aSCIi fROm tHESe gUYs: mO! · -mNT · 2F · uMN · rPD! · c0! · mRV · -tRE!
cALl tHe fOLLOWINg cOOl bOARDS.....
SP¡R¡T OF SOUL ................................................ aRTcORE! WHQ
HOMELESS ...................................................... aRTcORE! EHQ
SEA QUEST .................................................... aRTcORE! GHQ
PUN¡SHMENT ¡NC. ............................................... aRTcORE! GHQ
F¡NAL ¡MPACT .................................................. aRTcORE! SHQ
NO VEGETABLES ................................................. aRTcORE! DHQ
M¡DN¡TE ...................................................... aRTcORE! OZHQ
fOR aSCIi fROM "tGø" cALl.....