@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .____ __________ .____.___. .______
..| __/__\__ __/_| | |___| ___/-...
::l___ | | | | / | _/ |::
:::| | l__, | | |::
:::| ._| ._| ._| .__| .__|::
l____| l____| l_____| l____| l____|bHe
·«( sTYLE! does it LIVE! at ASSembly96! )»·
| /
._______ _________________| /__. .________
| ____/____\___ ___/ | / |____| ____/---.
l____ | l____, / / | __/ |
| | | / | |
| | | / | |
| | | .__/| | |
| | l_______j / | | |
| | .__j\ /_/ l__. | |
| l______j\ \ \___/ \ / /l________| |
| .__j\ \ \_\/ \/_/ / /l__. |
|________j\ \ \_____\/ \/_______/ / /|________j
\ \ \_\/ \/_/ / /
\_______\/ ..performs live at asm'96!.. \/_______/bHe
·«( bOhEmE · cOCO pOPS · fOLAR · sTZ · fOLAR · cOCO pOPS · bOhEmE )»·
.. oh, and of course our moral-supporter: rEPE ..
(oh yes rEPE, I didn't accept your design.. you're a musician! :)
______________ _____ _____________________ ________
\ / \----\____ _________ )-----./ \.
\____________/ \ | | | |.---.
.__ | | | \ | | T | || |.--.
| | | | | | | | || || |.--.
| | .___| |_______| .___l_____| | .___|l___|l__|l__|.
| l______| l_____| l______| l_______l______|bHe .
| |
_| |
\_ So here we are at the fucking ASSembly'96. sTZ just picked up some |
| bitch called "Liisa" and disappeared. A miracle occured too: Demolee |
| guessed her name CORRECTLY! fOLAR also disappeared.. he (fOLAR) |_
| didn't pick up any bitches though. He's just probably around here _/
|_ somewhere. To be nice to the all ppl attending this shitty |
|/ EXPENSIVE party, I have to give a list of those fuckers: |
__/ |
\ bOhEmE (me), sTZ, fOLAR, rEPE, LAGERS, Demolee, Hangman, Loop, Blade, ·
\. Kent, CYBeR POWeR (a really-cool-italian dude:), Naig, Artisti, |
| Mr.Studd, WÄiSKi.. and of course our dear pSYKO, who COULD forget him? |
| |
| There are also some MISSING ppl: _|
| \|
| tRAiTOR, nUP!, Darkman, Zeus, 3d, niKE (the swedish-trsi-dude:), \__
| G.O.D. (you better show up!).. erm lotsa ppl that can't be /
| remembered due to lotsa alcohol (also known as booze) consumed!-) ./
| |
| Extra-special-drunken-d00d: Dominator - he was _REALLY_ druuuunk :) |
| |
| Wheee! sTZ came back and "Liisa" is outside. Oh well. She has |
| a boyfriend. Poor sTZ:) But sTZ says: "Soon she's gonna be MINE!" :) |
| bOhEmE wrote this shiiiiiiiiiiiit.. huorrrat. |
_| ·
\| Emmä ees jaksa lukee näitä juttuja, ollaan niin hyvissa etta voisin vaan
\ sanoo etta hajoo _SINÄ_ jjonka kone hävisi.. se en ollut minä !! hahahah
|\ Huorran näkönen Stezo taijotain. .
_/ Liisalla oli mun mielestä aika iso pammpu ... varsianki kun se työntyi mun
\| aika kireeseen pereeseen .. mutta pakko sanoo että oli hienoa pitkästä aikaa
\_ saada kunno transvestiittiä ... aaaaaaaaaaaaahh .. she's my love .. [fL/sE]
|/ .
| There were _LOTSA_ different THINGS in Darkman's ASS! Hän on elite ja |
| vitun 'hyvä' jätkä, jolla lukee perseessä: "PLACE RESERVED!" |
| |_
| I (bOhEmE) think that sTZ got caught stealing an A1200. Dunno yet if |/
_| the pigs (cops) are gonna take him away. Hope not. _/
\| \.
\_ The Finnish Pigs (The Finnish Police Force of Pasila) took sTZ away. |
|/ I (bOhEmE) wonder what will happen to him.. will he EVER reach Loimaa? |
| |
| We are all drooling over the laku-tyttö that Demolee captured on video. |
| Demolee must be in love.. he shot 30min of her on the farken video! :) |
| Yes, there are some GIRLS in ASSembly.. weird. I wonder how come |_
| they're here. ./
| |
| Hajoo sina STZ joka joutui kasvotusten pasilan poliisien kanssa .. |
| Style toivoo täydestä sydämestään että STZ saa asian mukaisen _|
| SadoMasokismialistuksen ...... huorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaa!! \\
| \\
| Melkein unohdettiin mainita, että sTR sai pillua QuartZilta! QuartZ:lla |\
_|_ oli iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihanat rintsikat. Tai niin sTR kertoo.. ja |
\_/ ja jatkaa: "ai kuka quartz?" .. Ei vaan kehtaa tunnustaa, no siihen |
| |
| Darkman is the most elite booooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOzer at asm'96! _|
| He did it - he lied down while we fucked him up. Oh god we love him.. \_
| //
| We must also mention Irwin/Damones for his AMAZING capability to STAND |
| up after... ermm, who knows how much boOoozE. I (bOhEmE) also bought |
/ a "DAMONES HARDCORE HANGOVER VII"-cassette from him while he was taking |
/ a leak - got it REALLY cheap (10FIM). |
| |
| Irwin's famous line: " ..eiku onks kenelkää heittää röökii? " |
| |
| Furhm..... tried to sleep, but it's not very comfortable to use three |
| chairs in a row and sleep on 'em. Can't feel my other leg, damnit! |
| Some of these lammas-ppl have their sleeping-bags with them.. where's |
| the real spirit? :) A bloody boring party when you're sober, or is it ._/\
.| just my hangover? (btw. it's 06:23AM while I'm typing this incase | /
||| you're interested) I hope sTZ has it all warm^cozy in the jail.. if \//.
|· he got that far. Uuuuuuuuuuurgh.. shit these fuckers are playing some |
| crappy X-Files-theme-tunes. Just what I wanna hear in the morning..not! |
| bOhEmE/written-enough-bs-yet? |
| |
| Oh no. Demolee put on our party-video.. mighty interesting. |
| |
| The italian dude just arrived at our desk.. even MORE interesting. |
| |_
| The Amiga Democompo is in 2 hours and 5 minutesssssss.. argh. \/
| |
| The Amiga Democompo is in...... can't understand this clock anymore.. |
| |
_| Now nUP! of the famous (?) mO'sOUl has read this .txt, I must be the |
\| happiest bloody huora in this messukeskus? And now he wants to be our |
| guest artist.. oh shit. Well well well.. |
| |
| Ok. It happened.. I HAD to give up.. nUP! is ouuuuuurrr guest-artista! |
| |
| If you're stupid or something, this is up-to-date-parrrty-report..hoh? |
| |
| nUP! seems to rule the scene and the rest of the world.. at least he |
| thinks so.. HIMSELF! |
_| |_
\_ The Amiga Democompo is over and it _REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY_ was worth _/
| waiting for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| PC-sceners can just go wank themselves cause they will _NEVER_ reach |
| the holy status of perfect design.. actually, perfect EVERYTHING!!!!! |
| So that's it for the "dead-machine-and-scene"-talk. Hah! |
| |
| Coco Pops on the keys.. THE WORLDFAMOUS ASCii-KiNG is back! Finally I |
| found some groupmates herrrrrrrrrrrrrrre... shit, PCdemocompo is about |
| to begin...... hopefully Nup! succeeds to puke on a pentium while the |
| compo is running! cP! logging off.. over and out. |
| |
| STZ elää syömmissämme |
| |
| ®epe on da keys! Missä kaikki on, suuri kävijäpula vai huono näkö? |
| viralliset ASSy-jatkot Kaivarissa hyvän musiikin ja kylmien oluiden |
| merkeissä. - jatkot enkuksi... Just watching PC democompetition...where |
| is the originality, design and why so many crappy tunes are used ....? |
| I want to see some new effects, not these "pure-power-3d-shit" demos. |
| |
/| Amatöööööööörejä. Amatööööööööööörejä. |
\| |
| Artwork - they got the touch, just watching their PC demo. |
| |
| ASSembly Organizing fucks up in PC Demo compo! |
| |
| bOhEmE just buyed this computer. So MORE releases are coming from him |
| ... an intro and music disk perhaps? Suuri smile. |
| |
| "joohei, tehään musadiski. askii graffiikoilla." murjaisee cocopops |
| |
_| "mutta vartokaas ensi assyjen wildcompo rellua" örähtää repe |
\| |
| hysteria iskee pakokauhun lailla ja ilmenee aihetta poistumiseen |
| ruokalan kautta kaivopuiston suuntaan.. and so coco pops disappears. |
| |
| Repe kiittää Orankea ... ainoo designi joka miellytti täydellisesti |
| ... kiitos Setä Piipo! |
| |
| Not so long anymore and Repe disappears too! Heading to Kaivopuisto! |
|_ Style meeting at Kaivari - just few missing membahs! |
|/ |
| f0LAR - where are you? |
| |
| Fourteen A-Olvi's waiting for drinking - suorituspaineita! |
| |
| But suddenly mysterious Mr.Ääni lurks here and says: |
| "Nyt kuule loppu se tenuttelu tähän! Pankahaas ne kaljat poies!" |
| To specify Mr.Ääni's identification you should watch Abuse ASM'96 |
| official partyvideo!! |
| |
| "Return your votedisks", says SCALA... "NEVER!", yells bOHEME! |
| |
| ®epe leaves this intro to someone else and runs away from Helsinki |
| (not so)Fair Center. The ASM'96 is over! Atleast concerning me! |
| |
| Uh. Back home. Just showered myself (bOhEmE:) and began to finish this. |
| Had to make some adjustments 'cause the A1200 (THAT I BOUGHT!!!) had |
.| a weird screenmode and those logos are pretty wide on my A500+.. oh, |
|\ maybe I should start tuning up my A1200. 10 years of OCS/ECS and now |
\ finally AGA! Ok, I won't bother you with that anymore. |
| |
| I must admit that rEPE was fucking clever. He didn't drink that much |
| during the party and now he's at the Kaivopuiston Kansanjuhla and I'm |
| too fucking broken to go there.. terrible hangover. |
| |
| Asm-organizer were FAR too strict with booze'n'such.. come to SKENERY |
| in Palokka (Jyvaskylä/Finland). Invitation intro is somewhere.. |
| It'll be more relaxed! I'm even one of the organizers:) |
| |
| In general, as I'm able to think stright now 'cause I'm sober (whou), |
| ASSembly'96 was the comeback of Amiga-scene.. just take a look at |
| those demos. They're all ASTOUNDINGLY AMAZINGLY GR8! Thanks to those |
| involved.. you're gr8 too:) |
| |
| Well I think this intro must be the biggest intro ever in a colly.. |
_| ..so I stop here and catch me and the other dudes on iRC and such! .__|
.\\_ _____________________________________________________________________|
..there's no design, no idea, no meaning, no nothing in these logos, or
in the whole paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarty-colly, guess why..
· anna persettääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääää ·
.____.----.___.----. _____________ _______ _______ _____.
| | | | |/ \_____ )--\_____ )--\_____ )---.---(__ |
| | | | | | | | ) |
| T | ' | | T | T | T | |
| |____| .__| .__l___| l___| l___| | .__|
l____| l_____| l_____| l_____| l_____| l_____l______|bHe
______ ime mun sykkivää huorrra ..
____ __\ / ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _ _______.
\\ _|___\ \ \_\ \_\\___ \__\\___ \___\\___ \___\\__ \ |
_/ \ \_ \ \_ \_ / /_. / /_. / /_. _ \_ ime mun |
\_____/____/________/_______/___\_____|___\____|____\____|___\____/ Munaa!! |
- -----------------------[sTZ!/sE ©'96]-----------------------------------------'
| _/ _/ __ __ _/ __ _/ __ _/ __ \__
|____\ ____ ___\/ ___\ ___\ ___\ ____\( /
tirehtöörejä perrrseestä, · .
_____ . __________·._______ _______ _______ __________
.-| |____::::: :::::| _ \_ _ )__/ _ )__/ _ )__/ _ \_.
|:| _ \:::: :::::| / / _ \_ _ \_ _ \_ _ /|
|:l_____/ /:::.::::·l__________/l____/ /____/ /____/ /____/ /:|
`------l_____/---------------------[cP!]l_____/----l_____/----l_____/----/ /--´
· .
_____ _____________________________________________________________ _____
|_____|| ||_____|
______| · . _\ |______
| ___| ___| _____ _____ _____ _____ / \ |
| / _|__ / |---/ / ¬\ __/_ \__/_ \__/_ \/ \ |
| / / \/ | \/ \/ / _/ / _/ / _/ \ |
| _/ /_ \_ | \_ \ /_ \_ /_ \_ /_ \_ \ |
| \_____\_____/_________/_______/____\____/ \_.__/___\____/ \ |
| _/ | _ _/____________\_ _ |
|______ \__________| ______|
_____ | | _____
_______ _________ __________________
.·:. .·::. \_____ )----\_ __ /--\_______ \ __ /--. .::·. .:·.
·::· ::::::: ) ) \__/ ) ______/ \__/ ) ::::::: ·::·
·:::· /____T /___ /_______j\___ / ·:::·
\ l_____/\ l______/ / / /l______/
\____\ \ \__\ /_______/\/_/ / /
\____\/ \__/bHe \/_____/
| /
____.____ .____ .______ .____.----.____ .___. .___| /
.---(__ | __/___| __/___| ___/-| | ____ )---| |____| | /
| ) l___ l___ | _/ | _ / | ( | / l___. /
| .__| | | | l__ | Y |________|__. || _/
l_____| l_____| l_____| \____| |____|bHe l_____|l_____|
·!· aSSembly'96 - where the organizers are stupid annoying bitches! ·!·
_________ _____| /___ _________ ________
\_ ____/---\ | ____ )---\_ __ /---\_____ )----.
) ' )___, / ( ) \__/ ) )
_ /____ / .__/__________/____ /____T /_
.\\\ l______/______j\ \ / /l______/ /l______///.
\___\ \ \ \_\_______/___/ / /____/ / /
\_____\______\/ \/_____/ \/_____/
_________ _
___________________________\ /______ _______
\________ \ _ _/ /\ / __ /---\_____ )-----.
) _______/ ( ) / \__/ ) )
_ /________j\__________/ ._____/___ /____T /_
.\\\ \ \ l_______j\ / /l________/ /l______///.
\________\/\________\ \ \_/__/ / /____/ / /
\______\/ \/_______/bHe \/_____/
·«( CYBeR POWeR - the italian dude at asm'96 - why is he HERE? :) )»·
\|| \\ ||/
| |
| _____._____ _________ _______.-----. _____.______
_______.------.----(__ | \---\_ ____/--\_ | |----(__ | \----.
\_ | | ) | \ | L | _ / | ) | \ |
| | | | \ | | Y | | | \ |
| T | | | | | | | | | |
| ¦______| .__| |_____l___. | |_____| .__| |______|
¦ : . l_______| l____| l______l_____| l_______| l____|bHe
: . | .
. ._|_. h a n g m a n o f T Y K O ! ._|_.
| |_|_______________________________________________________|_| |
l___| l___|
· This piece of crap aSCii is dedicated to zEUS who thinks he LEFT sTYLE! ·
_____.______ .____.----.______ _____________
. ._____\__ | ___/--| | | ___/____. ./ \_ \-----. .
__|_ | ____| _/ | | l___ | ____ | | \ | __|__ _
| | | | | ' | | | | | | \ | |
| | .__| | .__| .__| | .__| | .__| |______| |
_| l___.|| l_____| l______| l_____| l___.|| l____| |
\| |
\ . |
|· ._____.-----.____.-----. ________________ ______._______. \|
| | | | | |/ \_______ )----.----(__ | | \__
_| | | | | | | ) | | | /
\| | T | | | | T | | | |/
\___ | | | ' | | | | l_______| ___/
· | |_____| .__| .__| |______| .__| | ·
l_____| l_______| l______| l_____| l________| l_______|bHe
·!· zEUS iS aVAiLABLE fOR tHE hIGHEST bIDDER! :) ·!·
.______ __________ _____.____. ______.
| ___/_______\_ ____/----.-----(__ | |_______.-----(__ |
l___ | / | ) | / | ) |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| .___| .___| .___| .___| .___|
l________| l________| l_______| l________| l________|bHe
·«( Moku - onks Scala hyvä? t. bOhEmE, Demolee et Graaand Zumba )»·
._________ _ __ _ ._________ _ __ _ ____ _
| //// | //// ` \||/
._____.___| /__.------.___| / oO .
| | | / | | | / ___ ( |
____| l___, / _ / l___, / /___) (_______|
) \ || / Y || / |||| |_____.
/ .__|| ./ |______|| ./ |`-' |___. |
.//________| l_____|_______| l_____| | | |_|
| | /\_/\
____________ ____.____.-----.____.-----, _________ `-----' / _ _ \
\________ \----(__ | | | | /--\_ ___/---. \_\ /_/
| ______/ ) | | | | _/ | \)-(/
| | | ' | T | | / T \
_ | | | | | | | _ ./ | \.
.\\| .___| .___| .___l____| | .___|//. _|___l___|_
l_____| l______| l______| l________l______|bHe (_____|_____)
·!· ihan kiva semmonen jymypauke taas vaihteex hei ·!·
Bonus-kuva-arvoitus #4562
____ __|\ o o /|__ _____/)_____
/ / ^ \ _/
/ _/ \______ \ liisa, haluukko keihästäin?
\ \____o__/ \__o_____/ \/¯¯ _________ /
\_ \ / ______( - _ - )__
/_ \_ .:##: _/ \___ \
/ / \ \ <-- Liisa! \ / <-- Darkman!
/ < > \ \_ . /
\ \ / / / /\ \
/______/ \_______\ \_____\/_____/
Ja kysymys kuuluu: Missä on sTZ?
______________________ ___.__.
.·:. .·:. \__ __/ \__ __/--(__ | |___ .:·. .:·.
·::· :::::: | | | | ) | / \_ :::::: ·::·
·::· l_____l______l_____| ._l_______/ ·::·
_____._______.-------.___________________ _____.
.------(__ | | | ____/----.------(__ |
| ) | _ / |___________ L | ) |
.__.| | Y | | | |.__.
._.| || | | | | | || |._.
.|_|l__|| .___| |_______| .___l___. | .___|l__|l_|.
l________| l_______| l______| l________l________|bHe
________ _________.---.________ _______________ __________
\______ \/ \_ | ______ \---.---(__ \__ _______/ \_ \---.
_ | ' \ | _ / | | . \ | ) | | | | . \ | _
.\\l_______/_____| Y___|____l__| | .__l_____l____l______l__| |//.
`---' `----`-----' `----'
..bear in mind that this production was made by VARIOUS ppl under
influence of VARIOUS substances during the ASSembly'96!
..get in contact with the sTYLE! posse for anything..