.) _/__ _____. ______.___ _ ___. _ ____
l____ \\ |__\ | ///. |___\\\ _/_.
| \ __/_\__. | | / _\ |
l ___ / |__ l__ |
__________\_________| | | \___________|
· sTYLE does it LAME! at the ASSembly'97 ·
'' oh no! ''
. . :
:_______________ ____ ______ ____::. .:::__.:________
|( yep, ____\ _// _/:: :::: ||__ /____ _ __
|/ we're drunk \ /___ |`::.::: |_ /____/ / //\_\
/ again! _____ /_______________| `::::______/____________\ \/_//_
| ______ / \ ________ _____·cDr::: _____ _______
·____\ // | \\_ // _/____`::___(_____)) _/
\ / / : /____/ \___ / : \ |
/_______/ | _________________\'/_______________|_ _____
/_____________\ _____.:_____ ______| /_______
| ||_____)) /| //_ /___
S T Y L E D O E S I T L I V E ! |_ |_ \| / /____/ /
/_____/________\ : /_____________\
\ /
\ /
\ /
'' oh yes! ''
· ·
- -- ---÷--------------------------------------------------------÷-- -
¦ s t y l e d o e s i t l i v e ¦
- --÷--------------------------------------------------------÷--- -- -
_____ ___ ___ ___ ¦ _____
/ // |_____ ____./ |_________ ____| \ ________ _________/ /
\ \ _/ / | / _ | / _ / / _ \ \
|____/____|\______ |____\____\____| \____/____\________\____\____|____/
. /_____| .
¦ ___ ___ ___
____ / |_ ./ |____ ____ ____ _________ __________/ |_
(____) _/ | (____) / / _ | / _ \ _/
|____|____| |____|____|________/\____\____| \____/____|____|
. _____ _____ ___ ___ .
_________ / // /______________ _____/ |____./ |____ ____
/ _ |\ \\ \ _ \ \/ / _ \ / / |tm
\____/____||____/|____/____\____|\___\/___/|____\____/____\______ |
. ________________ /_____|
¦ / _ \___ \. .
¦ \_____\ | | | ¦
- -- ---÷-----------------------|____|--|____|-------------------÷-- -
¦ a t a s s e m b l y 9 7 ¦
- --÷--------------------------------------------------------÷--- -- -
· ·
_ _______. _ _________ _ ______ _ ________. _ _______. _ _______ _ ______
_\\\__ |_\\\_ /_\\\ __/_\\\ ______|_\\\__ |_\\\_ /_\\\ __/__.
| _/ / _/ _\ ___| | _/ _/___/ _\ |
| \______ \ \_ | | \_ | |
|_____| | \_____/________________| |_____| ______________________|
«----------|______|tGø----------------------------|____|-[ with some logos ]-»
TANGo writing a few words here on the night before I leave for
Finland. The thought of meeting all these crazed, drugged and drunk
Finnish madmen is something that quite scares me but fuck knows what
they are going to make of me and my tongue when I arrive. I guess I
should be packing a few things together and getting an early night
but I really can't be fucked when I know that I have at least 2 hours
in the morning (if I actually get up :)
Does anyone else think that Finnish currency looks like Disney
Dollars or something?
Does "Suomen Pankki Finlands Bank" mean "Walt Disney World"?
Does "Viisikymmenta markkaa" mean "Only useable in Walt Disney Land"?
And why does the man on the front of the Hundra mark note have really
fucking mad dope trip hair?
Oh well I guess it's time for a little sleep now and a weird journey
to the land of no sporting heroes :)
_:\ _ /:_
________.|¯ \-UCK¡NG bOhEME'S G¡R|fR¡ENd ¯|._______
_:\ || _ _ _ || /:_
|¯ || WhEN hE GOES OU| A| N¡GH|! || ¯|
| |· __ |· |
| _ ____|___. _ _______. _ _____ / \ ·_ ______|___
| _\\\ ______|_\\\ __ |_\\\ /___/ \__\\\_ · /
|/ ___| | \/ / / _/
| | | / / \ \
_/: | |_______________/____ ____\ \_
\__________| /____________\ \______/tGø
__ __ __ __..__ ___ __. _ . _ __
_\ | \__/ ._/_\/_/ ||_ _. . /__/ |_|_|_( _/\/|_( '_`--.
\ |___/\___| / \ | \_| |__/\___|\ |\___\ |\___ \___|
.__ __ __ __|__ __ _ __..__ | | _ __.
|_ _.\/. /__| _\ . /_\/_( _/ || \_ _/ |_|_|_( _/ |
\_| | /\___\ | / \___\ ||___/ \_/\|\ |\___\ |
_ .__ |__. _ _| __. | __. __.__._|
_|_|_( |_ _._/ |_( _`--. _/ || \__|_ _/ _|_|_ _/ |\/|_ _._|_|_|_
\ |\___ | \_|\___|\___\___| \___||___/\___ \ |\___ \ | \_|\ |\___
| | |. _ |. |
_|_ || BU| hE M¡SSES P¡A |¡KE HE|| | _|_
:/_______|| ||______\:
_|_ _|_
_________\ __________________________
:_\ \\ /_:
| ·|ONG f¡NGERS ¡N E||U· |
.____. |_________.____:____.______ .____ ___|______
| _ _|____| __ | _ _| | _ __ \_ | _ \/ _ |. __ \_
| \\\_ | \| | \\\_ | \\\___/_| \\\/// | \\\___/_.
| | | | | / | | / | |
|: |: | |: / |: |: / |: |
|:: |:: |\ |::/ |:: |::/ |:: |
|:::. |:::. ¯ |:/ |:::. |:/ |:::. |tGø
__. __..__ | __ __ __..__ _ ___ __ __ __| _
_| _/ |_/ ||_ _| _\ \/_/ ||_ _._( . /__`--. \/_/ | _( _| _| | \_
\___\___|\ | \_| \ \ | \_|\___| /\___| \ | \___\___\___|___/
| |
|__ / __|
: /________________________//_________\ :
| : _
| " Need Something : Stealing \-ast? "
| :
| ø
______ ._____. _____ |_____ ______ ._____: _____ :___. ____________
/ /__| |_/ __//_\ \/ __ \_| |_/ __//_| |___(___ _ __ /
\_ \_ _/ _\ _/ \| \_ _/ _\ | _ /__/
/______/_ ____|_ ____________\\________/_ ____|_ _______|___/ ___________\
__. _ _ .__ __ __. . _ : __ __..__/____|tGø
_/ |_( _( | \_ _`--._/ |_/\/|_( _|_ _|_|\/_/ ||_ _.
\ |\___\___|___/ \___|\___|\ |\___\___\ | \ | \_|
| __ _ __. __ __..__ | __ __| __ | ____
_`--._|_ _( _/ _|_| \/_/ ||_ _. _\ _/ _|_`--._|_ \ _/
\___|\___\___\ |\___ \ | \_| \ \ . |\___|\___ |
| : | | | .
_ : |
"|hen Stezotehic Is : Your Man!" |
: |
: |
_____. _______ ______ _____. ____ _____
._\__ |_\_ /_\ _ /_\__ |_\_ \_\ __/_.
| _/ / _/ \_/ _/ / _\ |
| \_ \ \_ \ \_ / |
|___|___ \___/_______ |________________|
.___. /\\ //\ _____ /\ ____________
__|_ |(__)\÷dAtA÷/(__)\ __/(__) __ _ /
/ \ / \____ \/ / /
\ / / / /
______________\/___________________ / /
(÷) MoNoToNiK (÷) __
. __. __. __. __. __(__)
_/\/|_/ |_/ |_/ |_|_ _/ |_/ | |_/_
\ |\___|\ |\___|\___\___|\ | | /
------|---------|------------------|- |----»
| |
| |
«----------------------------------| -|-tGø-
_ __ _______ _ ______. __
._\\\ \/ /_\\\ |_ _\ __\/__ /_
| \/ / _/ \\\\/__\////
| / /tGø | «-------\/-------.
|____/ / _ _________| ÷ MoNoToNiK ÷ |
| __ krayzeetrippyhiphoptilyourdropflopmop
__ _ _ __
_:__\ /__:_
| |
_______ _ _ ______ : _ __________ _ ________. _ ________: _ __ _______
._\ ___///_._\\\ /____\\\_ /_\\\ __ |_\\\ __ |_\\\ \/ /
| \______ | _ / / _/ \/ | \/ | \/ /
| | | / / \ \ / | / | / /
|___________|_____/ /_ ____\ \___________|___________|____/ /
tGø/_____\ __ \__.___/ ___ _ __ __ /______\
_\ _/ |. /__/_ . /__( _`--._`--.
: \ \___|| /\___| /\___\___|\___| :
_|__ __|_
: /__ _ _ __\ :
______ .____________ ______.____. _____
._\ __/ _| __ /_\ __ | _|_\ __/_.
| \_____\_ / _/ \/ \ _\ |
| | | \ \_ / / |
|_________|___ \___/____________________|
blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah |
__________________________ _____
_:\ (_) /:_
_______.|¯ ¯|._______
_:\ || || /:_
|¯ || .xX[ S.T.R.O.B.E ]Xx. || ¯|
| |· ·| |
_______|_ .____|_ _ _ __________ _ ________. _ _|__. | _ ______
._\ ___///_| ///_._\\\_ /_\\\ __ |_\\\ _|____|_\\\ __/__.
| \______ \_ | / _/ \/ | \ | _\ |
| | | . | \ \_ / | . / | |
|___________|____.|___| \______/___________|___|._______|___________|
_|_ ||tGø|______| || _|_
:/______|| ||______\:
_|_ \ _|_
_ ____ _ _____ ______ _ _ ______. _ _____ _ _________
.___\\\_ \_\\\ __/_\ __/// _ _______. ______ _ \\\ |_\\\ __/_\\\_ /
| / _\ \_____ _\\\__ |_\ __///_ _/ _\ / _/
| / | _/ \_____ | \ \_
|___________________________ \_ | ________|________ \_____/
_ _____| ___________ _ |______|
_ ____ _ ______. _ _____. _ _______ _ ______ _ ___ _ _______ _ ______
._\\\ _/_\\\__ |_\\\ |_\\\ _ /_\\\ /_\\\__)_\\\_ /_\\\ ___/__.
| \ _/ _/ \__/ _ / / \__ |
| /\ \_ | \ / / / | |
|_____/\_____| _________|_______________/ _______ / / _ ___________|
tGø|___| /_____\ /____\
_ ____ _ ___ _ _______ _ ____ _ _______. _ ____ _______ _
._\\\ _/_\\\__)_\\\_ /_\\\_ \_\\\ __ |_\\\ _/_\ ___///_.
| \ / / / \/ \ \______ |
| /\ / / / / /\ | |
|_____/\________ / / _ ________________________/\___________|
_____ _
· \ (((______ __________ ____
: \_______/ .\--\__ ____)----./ \.
¦ | _| | | _| _ | _| i · n · t · r · ø
| |
| |
| Uuh la la! ASSembly'97.. ehm. Getting MORE and MORE lamer |
| every year. That's the song we sing here. Ehm. Last night |
| was pretty cool anyhow. Outside that is.. oh, it's me |
| bOhEmE typing here. So pSYKO ripped his pants. LAGERS showed |
| his ass around.. and later on pSYKO joined the mooning |
| sessions. We're still waiting to see TANGo's hairy ass. sTZ |
| promised to lick it anyhow. So what's new? zEUs joined back |
| to sTYLE! Ehm. sTZ was boozing with the local denas - he sure|
| knows how to parrrrty. All these tROPIC aSCII -dudes are |
| SMALL.. except for some fat bastard. Hih! TANGo and the rest |
| of the nVx-crew (cRASH!, zONE, mESON, sCHLOTT) are amazed |
| of this fucked up land. Everything's so fucking expensive for|
| them. BAah.. my hangoverishhh mind doesn't work at all. We |
| need beer for inspiration. Oh, rEPE's module got into the |
| 4channel-compo! sTYLE rules your puny ass. I'll let fOLAR |
| type something 'cause my .. FUCK! |
| |
| Oh Damn.. Folar here! argh.. Very boring to type anything, |
| bcoz we are pretty much sober. This sucks.. Tho' it's quite |
| nice to see that Stz has a fucking great time :))) God damn |
| i didn't find my "new" girlie last nite .. Damn rednex!!!!! |
| Hey Tango .. Wanna write something .?? .. |
| |
| not really because i am too fucking sober. despite psyko's |
| promise to BOOZE LIKE HELLLLL all day the lightweight has |
| disappeared up his own ass and keeps showing us all his balls|
| i think that stezo is in love with his balls anyway but not |
| the rest of us haha. all the style guys are actually madder |
| than i thought they would be but i think that every fucking |
| fin in the country has a nokia phone and i want to eat them |
| all. i seem to have met more ascii artists than any other !
| type of amiga scener while i have been here. a special mention
| to all the members of tropic ascii for being so fucking young¡
| and tiny! i think i could put them all in my pocket (apart !
| from venturus who is sitting behind me hehe). uhhmmm what more
| to say? we are sitting here wathcing the raytracing compo on ¡
| the small big screen (well thats what ganja called it) and |
| boheme is screaming away in finnish in my one good ear so i |
| will give him the keys while i go for a cigarette and look |
| to see if i can find a drunken whino to have anal sex with! |
| |
| Time to go to syhop\ <-- fOLAR getting desperate! :) Beer is|
| the keyword here. Out of words.. "bOhEmE can't type English"|
| That was TANGo singing - TANGo the pitmaster TOId. I just |
| luv all these weird EnglishEnglish expressions. Ya know what |
| I'm talking about? Derek me up and all that Gordon. Yeah. |
| |
| Orhjddrb.hb. this is bOhEmE.. several hours later! Man.. |
| now we're drunk like HELL! Yeah.. we met tRIVIAL and GdM! |
| Fucking cool guys.. and I was all over tRIVIAl. HEheh. HUhu.|
| He picked up kUKKANEN/aBUSE also known as tIIA. Fuck. We |
| wonder where it's gonna end. We lost sTZ AGAIN.. as USUAL! |
| He did some ass-showing-session with pSYKo again, but we |
| never saw him after it. I bet his with all those alcoholics |
| of the city of Helsinki he met last night. They give him |
| free beer anyhow:) My voice is gone.. I have no idea wHY!? |
| I spoke also with some sCOOPEx dudes.. like aNTIBYTE. WOw! |
| Taught them some Finnish - poor guys. fOLAR wants to type |
| something. But I must say this colly isn't gonna get far |
| 'cause everyone's so fUCKINg pissed.. uuh .. maan.. |
| |
| Yeah!! . It's me fuckin' fOOOL!! .. aah first of all i have |
| to tell you that ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄNNNNNNIIIIIIII is a fuckin' wannabe |
| prick!!! I just wanna see him somewhere without that stupid |
| security flag!! ..Fuckin' idiot!!! .. Aah GDM & STZ just |
| came here .. Like a fuckin' cool :) .. I guess I have to |
| pass keyboard to GDM or STZ .. (whatever) .. bcoz my hang- |
| overshit is just coming up :) .. . later dudes .. |
| |
| I'm gonna type some shit before those two bastards get on |
| da fucking keyboard.. tROOPER is watching us like a hawk. |
| I wonder what his motive is!? Peeri helped us again. He just|
| fucking rules:) fOLAR is taking a dump - interesting, huh? |
| sTZ really wants to type something.. I'll let him type: |
| |
| vvggv ...stz on da board!!! hbhhh ... trivvvial suckks |
| |
| MM.. trivial here.. sitting in stezo's lap.. fuck.. went |
| with tango to meet up with the style wankerz. .. having |
| a wonderful time at asm97. .. i think.. fuck.. to drunk to |
| write so i just hand over to stezo again.. |
| |
| trivial gave me to much, to much at the same time!!! je4sus!|
| |
| sheee....... where4äs my peoplee ... hahahahha ahaaaahaaaa |
| zeusL: It's not nice to say that "dunno what to say", but |
| stezo rapes me if i don't write anything. hahaa they're |
| massaging me.. nice to type in this kinda mood. .
: .
. Ok.. it's fucking 4am and I'm (bOhEmE) drinking some :
. Red Bull (-tm) to stay awake. Uh oh. sTZ did some weird :_ _
. shit outside - like raped tRIVIAL:) And I pretetend to .//
. some stupid Finnish lamer girls'n'boys that I was NOT |
| Finnish. And they bought it. STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPIIIIIIID |
_ _| Whatever.. I have no idea where TANGo is - or.. where the |
\\\. hell I am? Anyhow. We haven't done any ascii. I wonder if |
| we're even gonna do some. Uuuhhh.. I'll let tRIVIAL wank .
| all over the keyzzzz now.. :
| :
| trivi here.. stezo raping me is a lie.. i raped stezo.. .
| fuck.. where did everybody go?.. tango dissapeared several !_ _
. hours ago without saying a word.. da finnish style wankers .///
| rule.. maybe ill stay here forever.. =).. .. here comes a |
. bonus logo: |
. _:
:___ \
/ _·__________________ _ _ _ _ __\
/ :
· : · s T E Z o ·
______________ ___ _______ ____:___ ___ _____ ______________.
\../ /_____\ /_/ _ /._____\ \./ _ \../ |
||_ \. / /____/ | _| / || |
_______________| /________|______\_________|________\:_______||_______________|
_____ t^:lp!
__\__ \ ______ ___|_ ______ _____ _____
/ / \/ _ \./ /___ _\ /_/ _ \./ _ \.
_ / /\ \ _/ |_ /| __\\ / / |_ / |
\\\____/\_____\_\____|/______\ /______\_______:/______|
_______ _____________ | ______ .____. _____ _
.\ _ /./ _ / /_:_./ _ \| |/ ///
|_ / | / /. /| | / | / /.
:/______| \____|________|___/____|____\_____|
l____| :
· wAY tOO dRUNK!!! · :
_ ____ ________________ ___._
.\ :__________________________ _ _
| /.
: :
_____: :
\. .
| Back to it and ill hand over the keyz to someone else: |
| |
: Oh shit.. tRIVIAL was on speed there. He did that logo .
. way too fast. Like 2fAST? No, not like Jens. Bluargh.. |
. I guess I should do some logo here.. I wonder what it |
| should say? tRIVIAL says: "TANGo UK WANKER!" .. ouki: |
| |
. .
_________ _ ___ ___ ____ :
_____ \__ __/---(_\_/ .\--./ _/---./ \. ___________ _ .
\ | _| ) _| | l_ L | _| \\\. |
\ l___/ l_____/ l___|---' \_____l____/ .
\ .____ |
. \ .__.---.__| / |
| \ | l | | _/--. |
| \| _| _ | ·«( TANGo - UK WANKEEEEER! )»· |
| l____/ `--l_____| |
| \ |
: \ _____________ .____ _________________ __ _ .
.___\ / _ ___ .__| / __. ____ .
. | /\ _/---(_\_/ .\--| | _/--./_ |--\___)----. |
. | __| ) _| | | _ l_\_| | _ | |
l____/ l_____/ l___|---`--l_____| \_____|--l____|bHe |
. |
| tRIVIAL's fingers are itching for some ascii-drawing.. |
| I'm like too tired to even fucking design or something.. |
| .. msneflnldikj493j 3p pQ£J£MTÖEdfm |
| |
: :
. Ok.. lo'pro wanker trivi is bekk.. .
. |
| |
| .____________ _ _______ |
| | |
: : · u A A d · |
____.__ _ _ _ _____ ______ : ______ ______ .___.._ _ _______ .
/ // /____./ _ \:/ _ \./ _ \| ||///
// /| | _/ | _/ | / _| ./
_________ __\\__________l___\____|___\____|___________\: l_________ _ .
: : |
: | :
_: | .
\. |
| _ _|___________________________________ .
| : |
| |
: |
. yeeh.. and the world leader is trivifoof himself.. quote from .
| lp!-sct1.txt " Trivial: I dont drink or smoke dope....... :
: So artists join in today.. :
: .
. .
| Boheme? u'd like to type some more of this shit???......... . !
: :
_ _. I'm gonna like collapse any minute.. good that rEPE went to :
\\\. get some coke with fOLAR. I'm thirstyyyyyyyyyyyyy.. Uarhg. |
| This colly is gonna be just one fucking huge intro-text. It's |
| a new concept I just invented - so don't even think about it. |
. Fuck me.. afuUCFU;Fc.. hehe. I'll do some logo: |
| |
| oh yeah.. I was supposed to draw something. Let's invent some |
| lameass new style! |
. . .
| ___________|__ _ .___________ ___ __ _ ___ __ _
: \ | .___|__ // // //// .
_____.______ \ |___| / //__//_//// | .
_/ _| _/ .__\. __| | / . ./ __ | :
\__ __\ /____| | \_ _ ` /__| |___ _ \__. |_ |
\\\ / _/ l__ Ö __/ | __/ ///· | \\ :
. / \ /______| \_______ \ \______| _ _ _.
| /____________\___/bHe \_________/ | \. | ___\\\_\.
| | | \ l ____| · .
| |____| \_____/ .
| .
| Go figure that out.. if you get some word from it then .
| e-mail me: asjohans@helsinki.fi - ok dear? weird... ??? Gmhmm.|
| I think nEURE is wondering if we're doing any hard drugs. Ehm.|
| NO! 'Cause we ARE uAAd!!!! Fuck ya drug addicts.. hah! |
| Man where the hell is rEPE with my COKE!!! FUucfk.e.,g. |
| |
: Trivi back againnnnn.. damn.. how come bohemolainen can do :
| doped out logos and i dont? ok.. not on drugs ill try to make
| you a doped out one anyway...... blah.. .
| |
| |
: _._____ _________ |
_ ___ ________: /_____/ / :
\\ \____\_ | /| \ .
_ / __/ |_ ___/\ .
//_ /_ ./ \ \ \ arharhar.. fuck.. doesnt work :
/\/______/________|________\__\/ .
· \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ we could really need some drugz
· \___\__\__\\_\__\____\_\__\
: here.. atleast some more booze..
| :
| |
| Got hold of some bad finnish homegrown 'clamed-to-be' female |
| superskunk.. i say FUCK OFF!.. that was fuckin shit maaaan.. |
| |
| OK.. Boheme went to get himself something to drink coz of hes :
| throat.. i think he's been yelling too much here at asm.. damn :
| fuck.. stezo is soooo fucking drunk..... met this fucking girl :
_ _: too.. yeh.. i didnt remember but folarilainen reminded me..arg |
\\\. and she's going with me on the boat bekk to sweden--arhahrarm |
| what shall i tell my girlfriend? the same fucking day that i |
| WENT to finland she got BACK from finland.. mm.. :
| shall i tell her about all girls during the Scand.Tour? Shall i|
| tell here about when i got stezo's horsedick up my ass? shall i|
| tell her about me having groupsex with Style?. dunno.. do you??|
| any comments: trivial@popstar.com < yehh.. damn.. the fukkin|
|lame jury didnt play rAMOna mUSHRooM's and tRiVi kIRVES mURhAAJAs
| multichannel entry.. fucking wankers .. they only played main- |
| stream musax in the .multichannel competition.. damn.. im |_ _
. getting sober here.. fuckk.. we need something more to drink.. .//
: or more drugs.. now everyone has dissepeared.. Folarilainen and|
. repe wanker PROMISED to come back but fukk.. where are they? |
| and WHO's compi am i using? hasnt even got workin' internal |
| speakers on the monitor.. so i cant listen to our .xm damn.. :
: :
| ueaheahea..fuck.. wanker trooper came over and wanted me to :
| check a fucking 1.44mb disk in this A1200.. wankeeeeeeeeeer |
| |
| Arghhhhhhh.. fuck this where are they?.. well ill do a |
| Brain Masturbation logo for Folariiiii while waiting for him to|
| Arrive.. |
| _ ____________ _ _____|
: .__ _____ \_ _
. | \_ · b R A i N ·
| .___. ____ ________:______ __/. ______
| | |/ _ \./ _ / _ \./ |/ _ \.
| |_ / | / /. _/ | | / |
_ _| :/_________| \____|__\____|____|___/____|
\\\. l____| |
| ___ ___ _____ ____ :_______ _____ _______
| ./ _\/ \./ _ \./ /____\ /_/ /___./ _ /
| |_ \ _ | _/ |_ \. / /| | / /. _ _
| :/___\/____|___\___:/________|______\_________| \___||//
: t^: _ `----'lp!
. .___. ____ ______ ______. __\/. ______ ______
| |/ _ \./ _ \.\ /_/ |/ _ \./ _ \.
. |_ / | _/ | / | / | / |
. :/_________|___\____|_______\_____|________|___/ |_
: | /_______\
: |
: _ · m A S T U R B A T I O N · |
|_/_____________________ _ ______:
| : / pORNODUCTIOn _ _ _
| Ok.. im outtahere.. who's next?:/____________ _ ___________ _/_
- -|------------------ ----- ---- --- -- - -- ---- ---- -- ------/__.- -
: :
. Oh! You fuckin' toids :) .. I'm drinkin' milk at mom!!! You |
| known .. These shitty pc parties suxx major dick :) God |
| I really have to thank GDM for his VODKAS!! Thas stuff was |
| a fuckin' great! Tho' GDM was way too tired for it :) Hmmm :
| I guess I have to go outside coz Trivial needs some cigs ... |
| and autz .. Me too . Fuck .. Damn I should do some logos |
| OK! .. |
| _ |
| _\)_ |_
| __)\/(__ \/
· _ __) (__ _ |
. (_| eL |_) |
______. _/\__ ___|| _____||___ .___ |
_\ |___\ \____\ /_|___./ /_\ /_____| \_______ |
\_ __/\ \ _/\ \/ / \/ _| /_____ ·
|___ / _\ __________/ ____________\| _____ / /. ·
<<>----/________|-\ /-----|| / / ||--------\ /--/_________|--<>>
· \ / ||/_____/ || :\ / ·
· Y (¯| |¯) Y ·
| ¯¯) (¯¯ ¯ |
| ¯¯)/\(¯¯ [fL^sE] |
| ¯(\¯ |
| ¯ |
| |
|_ |_
\/ I really hate these weird screen modes and all that!! \/
| Oh gOD .. BoHEME wants to type too .. I'm out and oofFF! |
. |
Oh shit.. a while ago I completely trIppEd. Dunno what |
. happened. I just got lost and stuff - lost in my mind. Then |
| I got back to this reality and noticed I was walking towards|
| cARROLS. Weeeeiird. There was even some lame rave going on. |
| Only like 15 ppl dancing. Hshaehah. They had smoke anyhow! |
. I guess tROOPER offered me some logos for this colly, but |
| too fucked up to understand. Whoopsie. And now he's gone. |
. Life IS hard. Buaargh.. drinking WATER. Oh my. I'm gonna .
| take a walk now. .
| |
| Finally we got some Amiga to finish this shit on. It's just |
| me bOhEmE here 'cause I lost everybody - and I also lost |
| my VOICE! Can't say a word. I guess I was yelling too much |
| last night. pSYKO told us gr8 stories about sTZ showing his |
| dick around at the Pasila railway-station. He was doing his |
| famous "helikopteri"-move. Oh well. nERVE aXIS saved the |
| Amiga Demo Compo. They're gonna win for sure. I sent rEPE |
| a gsm-txt-msg.. let's see if he can find me.. |
| |
. fOLAR left this crap party.. he's wise. Oh shit. rEPE and |
. TANGo found me. I was just slaving away with some PPainting |
| and they came and killed my inspiration immediatly. Wow! |
| I guess I should pass the keyboard to TANGo - the man (?) |
| who sleeps too much at parties. I guess. 'Cause I've been |
| awake like over 40 hours or something now. HuHeh.sdf.. |
| |
| Damn these fucking finnish keyboards all the time it is |
| taking me too long to get used to them after several days |
| of sitting in front of them. |
| _ ______. _ _____ _ __________ ______ |
| ._\\\ ____|_\\\ /___\\\ _ / / |
| | __| | : \____/ _/ |
| | | | /| \ \ \ :
| |_____| |______________________\ \_ ·
«----|------------------------------------------tGø\______/-------------- -
| Damned keyoboards. Oh well now that B/DCS has his own _
| cigarettes I know that mine are safe again. And remember tha|
| Bo´eme does not smoke. If you see him smoking then I guess
| it must be his twin brother or something ahaha lying lamer ..
| |
| Buargh. PC Demos or something. I guess we should hide now. |
| Just to avoid it.. bah. We're still safe 'cause the |
| orgasmnazis are changing the schedule. HMHmmM.. kENT is |
| breathing into my ear - altough I seem to have earplugs..? |
| He wants to type something: |
| |
| Kent here bangin' on da keyzz... Fuck, assembly becomes |
| more 'n' more commerciallized each year.. This is the worst :
| yet.. Hopefully they'll fix it before everyone starts |
| to boycott this event.. (or maybe someone should start sum- |
| thin' new instead of this. My machine seems to be in |
| frequent use by all different types of weird 'people'..;) |
| (Hope my HD's still intact after this... well, I'm off bye! |
| |
| TANGo back fora few more words. How about this for a slogan |
| for the PC people. I came to ASM and played Quake for 3 days |
| solid. I spent good money huh? Damn I wonder why they do it. |
| Anyway who cares? We have seen Demolee throw his guts up all |
. at Boosembly and the disorganiser run into ASM with his balls|
. swinging free. I have seen prettier but not funnier haha. .
| PC demo compo is starting so I guess that I have to type :
| something while it is going on. I want to draw ascii but I ·
| think that first I need another fucking cigrarette. Btw who .
| is silly enough to leave a DEC Alpha laptop lying around to |
| be stolen. Its weird ... since it went missing I havent seen |
| Stezo around aha ... |
| |
| The first PC demo sucked major quake-player-cock. They all |
| seem to FUCK UP! HÆhaehaeh.. HAHAha.. fuck PC still rules! |
| Booooooooooring... what's the idea to code a fucking anim?! |
| FIRST GO! :))) Demo #3 was skipped. Demo #4 isn't working! |
| Ok.. now it's running with a fucked up palette. Yiihhaaa.. |
. |
| Eagarly waiting for #5. Waiting. Waiting. WAITING! WAITING!? |
| This is plain silly. PC Scene is getting what it deserves. |
| Waiting.. hehah. They had to skip #6 too. Haha. #7.. eer. |
| The makers are deaf. shit. And blind. They have c64-vectors! |
| Another demo.. sucks. Hmm. Predictable? Yeah.. der piipo, |
| frank and dune know what design means. Orange's demo is #1! |
| |
| Oh phew.. I'm back home - barely alive. My wisdom tooth is |
| killing me and I still don't have any voice left. Listening |
| to rEPE's kickass compomodule called "Zarina" ! Rules.. |
| I guess TANGo and the rest are just about to get on the plane|
| back to UK - the bastards won the Amiga Demo Compo!!! They |
| just simply rule! Wow.. I'm freaking out.
| /__
\ /
| And I freked in to give you some of my memoriez from ASM97, |
| since I never managed to write any shit to thiz piece. So |
| it's the author of the sucka module in 4ch compo... hoho.... |
| back to the fukkin partys... thursday, picked up dave the |
| toidmastah & nvx winners from the airport, boheme had made |
| nice sign (Mr. Tango / Style). Dunno if he liked it, but it |
| was easy to recognize him. The G. Simmons clone without any |
| surgeries (not 100% sure :)) ... had nice trip with boheme, |
| tango, crash! and zone to boheme's fathers apartment. Zone |
| showed his butt in the front of the boheme's home and tango |
| was chasing that man with a dog ... with his beerbelly. I luv|
| it. listened some mika vainio (panasonic dude) and tango was |
| singing along trippy samples and weird beats. car's breaks |
| gave some industrial feeling to it with long "quiiiiiiiirhk" |
| noises. gotta fix them tho' .o. food. savusiika. yum. skip 2 |
| friday, I just finished/polished my tune at thursday and so |
| on... heard that tango & boheme had drinked beer... surprise |
| surprise... 8) came to asm with lagers, demolee, hypno (?) ..|
| before we started to walk towards pasila railwaystation we |
| went to local s-market.. bought some beer. another surprise? |
| it was .. midday. Waited for 30mins Folar & STZ at the |
| railwaystation. Bohhohoho. Alpo. Euh. 8) Few mins after they |
| came... we saw boheme, psyko and... hmm. don't remember :).. |
| oh and Ganja .. Demolee & I went in to buy tickets and return|
| our entrys. Damn it was HARD! HARD! HARD! First you had to |
| go to terminal (4 or 5 there was) and registrate yourself in |
| it gave you your ID number. It was quite confusing to enter |
| those informations about yourself, I think. Or then it was |
| that beer I drank before it. With your ID you went 2 infodesk|
| (where fucking many was waiting for getting that badge or |
| piece of paper, dunno how to say it in english 8)...) thanks |
| Zeus/now back in STYLE who had waited quite long there. So we|
| waited for about 5 mins .. instead of 20-30mins. After they |
| gave you your badge (with name & group on it). I wanted to |
| leave my contribution and go for a beer or ten, they said |
| that we have to go to the terminals again. You can guess how |
| many ppl there was waiting to contribute or to registrate... |
| fuck it. I gave my id number and password (behind the badge) |
| and voila... enter contributes ... enter.. my name was Repe |
| and nick was Repester .. had fucked it up 8) ... Machine |
| wanted to read the disk... surprise that some pc can't read |
| Amiga FFS disk... so I was confused again... but went to the |
| infodesk where I had to wait for 10 mins coz my paper said |
| "DIsks read: none" ... ehheeh. Jonne (Meegosh/Movement) was |
| wondering whatta fuck. After 5 mins I asked how long will it |
| take ... "Oh, I forgot you..." nice... Maybe better system |
| next time, organizers ... I REALLY HOPE SO! Booh. I think it |
| after that I wasn't inside at friday. We bought some beer... |
| from somewhere... don't remember actually. boozed somewhere. |
| oh and I had shower ... a nice one... from football field |
| watering machine or something like that... really freshed me |
| up, though Psyko didn't like my belly .. 8) Don't know who |
| did. 8) Well, I managed to drink almost all beers before 9pm |
| that's why I and boheme went to Teboil ... and they fuckers |
| didn't sell beer. SHit. It was 10 minutes till 9pm. I decided|
| to run to the next gas station. Runned like hell, got some |
| little scarfs to my right feet when I was trying to warp up |
| the speed. Shit. I was there 1 minute over 9pm ... and that |
| fat bastard didn't sell me beer. I almost begged on the floor|
| but no. Fuck him! Had to walk back... and I was like dead, my|
| throat was beggin for beer. But I had left all beers, GSM |
| and all xtra stuff to boheme. Fuck. Well I was quite drunk |
| already.. but pissed for a short time after that unsuccessful|
| beer hunting. Why can't they sell beer 24h in shops? Fuck the|
| laws. Rest of the night I spent with Stylers & other peeps |
| from Jormas, NVX and so on. Later that night when I was |
| talkin' to Naks & Raatomestari of Jormas... I lost all other |
| guys. Well. Boheme called me sometime ... don't remember when|
| or any other ... just figured out that he said they were in |
| some restaurant ... about 4-5km away from me. hmm........... |
| Me, Raato and Naks were listening Irwin's (Damones) new tape |
| ... HC Hangover VIII ... damn. It was far better than the VII|
| but I wonder what kinda tape HC Hangover I is... if someone |
| has it, he could email me... and yes. There was Vesuri also..|
| he refreshed my memory (which still is quite empty after |
| friday 10-11pm...). Hmm. I slept on the floor of Jormas .... |
| thanks for TERO-DEETSAY-POU for that! |
| single mother home... or something. Warm and soft! |
| |
| |
| Not. Woke up from there... hmm... did something. Then I saw |
| Trooper at the front of Assembly doors... I was about to go |
| home ... shower & wc & food. We came back at 12.xx ... it was|
| #10 in 4ch compo ... what they were playing. Well, dunno yet |
| what kinda tunes 1-9 were but... #13 was Ganja's ... hehee.. |
| Markus you know my comments I think ... it was cool. then #14|
| hmm. I liked 80s style when I downloaded my first modules, |
| as a joke... it didn't bite me. No. And _MAJOR_ surprise was |
| #15. Dunno why they played it but ... some say it rooled.. 8)|
| Well, some even voted it, don't know yet how many. Zarina. |
| Well, just leech se-zarin.lha and listen it. You might even |
| like it ... if ya like jungle. Dunno what kinda style those |
| top 3 modules were...........................................|
| so here some askii from me (oh no! more shit! :)) |
| |
| ____________________________________ |
| \ / |
| \ / sponsored by lahden |
| \ ___ / erikoinen |
| \ /__/ /____________ III |
| \ ___/| / .
. \ \· | `--------------------------
---------------' \ | "I hope that u voted for my Zarina"
\ |
\| it says...
_____ _____ _____
\ | / /______ \ | _____
\ | / _ \_ _ / \ | / |
\ `--. \ / / / \ `--.__ |
| | / |/ | |\ |
| | | / | E T | | | \ | T U
`--' |\_/| | `--' |----'
`--' `---' `--'
... jungle?
____ ____
/ / \ |
/ _ \_ \ |
v _\ \ / t E ___\ | ... you hear the breakz?
\ / / __ |
\ / \ \ |
\_/ \____'
"this axe was a gift for me from the
Zarina of Tokyo."
| /____
| __/ /
| \\ _ \_
you other ones | /_\ \ / R
who wanted some logos... | | \ /
| | \ /
... just wait. 8) `--' \_/
m Y design? not me.
____ /__/
\___\ ___/|
... you? / _/__ A R \· | N A
/ / / \ |
\_____/ \ |
if you did,
_o_ X
------------------------\|/-------. .------------/~|~\----------------------
| X / \ \ / |
| / \ ;---O¡O----; |
| / \ |
| / Zarina \ ^ |
| / \ | |
| \/____________\/ |
| Psyko's balls |
| |
| |
| short break for that text? hope yer now relaxed. more to come. |
| not ascii, though. I think... So where were we... oh 4ch compo.|
| yeah. After that I just hanged around with ganja and some1 else|
| boheme, stz and folar came in after my tune was played........ |
| so they missed a lot (a big not). 8) I went to Kinky mobile ...|
| with Kuu. Had some food. And so on. Were there few hours...... |
| Lutka, Addict (näinks se oli janne? 8)) ja Kuu-Joonas. Hurmio. |
| Patonki, vadelmakeitto ja broilerpyörykät. Awesome taste! |
| Pum. Boheme called me to the front of Rabatti. There were all |
| the other asciiers. Drinking ... what else? 8) There I spotted |
| Tööhi-Terhi... thanks for the votelappu. Kiitosh. hmm. Had some|
| great time with Kinkyposse after that visit in the middle of |
| Pasila. Weedstock. Pah. Karhustock -> Koriskenttä. Trivialen. |
| ja kumppanit. Howie B kuulemma oli hyvä. Hmm. Ilta meni sitten |
| siinä kaljoitellessa. Missed all compos. 8) Thanks for the |
| Kinky coffein support & Oblikobli for extrasupport. Like those |
| 6 pills from Lutka were not enough... 8) |
| Sunday morning ... hanged around with Ganja, Boheme and Trivial|
| oh .. and FOLAR! Dunno who else there were. Kuu was .. but I |
| lost him.. I think... my memory... :) Boh. Trivial, come next |
| year and we might have some more cigars... or perhaps next in |
| Denmark? You never know. And Boheme got that lovely voice, so |
| feminine, luvvah. uhm. Sunday was peaceful day, stz woke from |
| the dead... demolee was under the tables .. talking to gsm. |
| Now I even know the reason. Hehee. Oh... Spotted Iiro finally..|
| thanks to Ganja ... I didn't recognize him anymore. 8) Thanks 4|
| those rastas ... like Frank has. Dumdidum. Uncle Piipo, yer |
| demo had it, though PC-dudes can't get it. 8) Maybe it's that |
| Amiga of yours? hehe. Ok. I think I'm gonna stop this. NVX got |
| their prizes... cool. Way to go peeps! Schlott, Meson, Ganja & |
| J&S ... yeah!!! Repe sends greets to BS! Amiga Compo Organizers|
| Kinky posse, Jorma sedät ja tädit, NVX sedät... jne. Shame on |
| you who saw me and did not come to talk to me... Finkfink! Off!|
| Stz perkeleen dena,sä juot meijän tilin vielä joskus perikatoon|
| Ja Gerdykin... Site päälle ku olis jo.Linuxin vanha versio vaan|
| takas... helppoa. Bomb. Oh. And listen Revisq's tune from ZOOM,|
| demo by Anadune, released in democompo. It should have been |
| placed to #2 or #3 ... sorry guys. Embassy's demo just SUCKED! |
| Hehe.. Enough. It's cool. Off to send this colly back to Boheme|
| and to search full results. |
| |
| Huh. rEPE tripping.. hmm. Did I mention I got a V.I.P-ticket to|
| the asm97? Hehe.. even some organizers couldn't believe it. |
| I heard I could have gone to a sauna and stuff with this ticket|
| But they told me that when I was leaving.. fuuuck:) Ho-hum. |
| I still feel like shit after being awake for way too many hours|
| boozing too much, shouting too much. Mental hangover... |
| I promised dEMOLEE one logo.. gotta do it here. |
_| Oh btw. thanks to bEHEMOTH and cRUSADER for logos.. This shit |
. \| ends right here.. |
|\ \ |
l_\ · __ ___.____.___ :
· ./ .\-\ | | /
| | \ /> _ < .
. ..·
:: ..::· .
::: ..:::·'
::::. ..::::·'
···· .
j u s t d o n e i t .
______ ____ -- style ____
/ // |______ _____./ |___________
\ \ _/ / | / _ |tm
· |_____/_____|\_______ |_____\_____\_____| ·
- -- ---÷--------------------/_______|---------------------÷-- -
¦ -- skitzotehic -- cocopops -- boheme -- folari ¦
¦ -- speed devil -- behemoth -- dhm -- tango ¦
- --÷--------------------------------------------------÷--- -- -
· guest homo appearence by: el trivialo / Kma^Lp ·
: don't forget rEPE and zEUs-luvvvvvvvvvvvvvah. |
. |
|/ \:
_/ \_ _
| Join us and get access to :
| (mainly for boozing and hangover healing) |
¦ :
. See you LIVE! at The Party 7 .