· the start of a whole new life ·
a weak little being
strugglin' for it's survival
on an everlasting wandering
keeps goin' on and on
doesn;t it ever get tired?
a tiny creature, but nver the less
a precious lifeform
and it's not alone
though it might seem foolish
there are many billions of 'em
you are one
. . ` | ' . .
- -- |::::| - --(ø)-- - |::::| -- -
___. _|::::!_ _¦_ _!::::|_
_) |___ _______ ___:__ _/_____:_____\__ __:_____ ____ ___ _____
.\ |\ (_ _) _ (_) __/__) _ (_) ._ /.) ._ (_\ \/ (_.) __/_
|¯ |¯ /.\ /___. _/ (\ /___. |/ ¯| _|/ _/ \/ /|___ (_
_| : |¯ __/ _| \ ¯ __/ _| / : \ |_ _/ |/ /.
\______________| \___________| \_____________\_____/__\______________|
¡..... _._ .....¡
VtR_|::::|_ ___)|(___ _|::::|_VdL
__|::::|__\ _|_ /__|::::|__
- --\ |·· : `¦' : ··| /-- -
· ! ·
·mADe bY·
_ ____._ ______________ _:_ _____ ___.______ _. _______ ________ _
|// ._ ._ \\|// // | \\|_ \_._ /__.
| |/ |/ | /- | |/ |/_/ |
_ ____`)____| | | / | / |______ _
.vK|______| |\_________('\_______|\_________('
-· mute ·-
- the cute ..
under absolutely
nO label
- -------------------/
//------------- sOME nICE wORDS tO sTART wITH -------- -
hUMMm ! jIIHUUu! i'm back ! back with some old design old
style and the same shit as always ! it's just as it should
be .. no surprises, nothing new.. well, i guess atleast.
wHAT's aLl
tHIs in my last colly (uhm, even forgot wich it was),
aCTUALLy i wrote that it was the last from me under the 'inferno
graffiti' lable .. (or did i ?) so true indeed. i have
'BOUt ? not joined any new ascii-thingy yet, so this colly isn't
under any other lable, but the very best one : mute ! :)
· eeeh .. well.. eeh. next subject please..
aAAHh ! have you ever noticed how boring ascii-
eEEEh ! making really can be ? it's just hopeless ! these days,
dON't there're very few that even need or use ascii's.. to be
a little moe nostalgic: what happened to the good ol'days?
aSK! gwaaah !
. in a way, i feel now that this colly has a kind of
personal meaning.. this collection is illustrating how fed
sEXy up i can be of som things.. i actually start on this colly
bABE's ? in may this year ('97), and i just lokked at the half made
thing few times untill end of August. then i made some, and
then nothing again! but in end of october i wanted to
oOOHh ! finish it. and i actually made it !! it's unbelievable .
but now i need to do something new ? hope so.
but never the less.. it's a colly.. and i, personaly, thing that
the style is very nice indeed !
but i guess that's more for you to decide.
.hAVe a gOOd vIBe.
//---------------------- mute - the tremblemaker ----- -
trying to think, want to believe
have loads questions, but no answers
who do i ask, where do i seek?
i dunno, and it bugs me, i dunno.
have much to do, nothing gets done
dunno where to start, or where to end
so who do i ask, where should i seek
i dunno , and it bugs me, i dunno.
got so much on my mind, but nothing to say
looking for the right words, my vocabulary is too short
and again; who do i ask, where do i seek
i dunno , and it bugs me, i dunno.
and so it goes forth
so many things to ask
no one else will ever answer
but my own precious mind
_______.____ .__________ ___\|____
.--- -\------------->__\ __ .| _)_|___ /---:---:| _)_ <------- -
\__ \_ |`--- \_ /---: | |`--- \_
.------ pART oNE -------------------/
| //---.
| o1 - drop zone < lathspell |
| o2 - winterland < fisherking |
| o3 - south bronx < chriz -|-- pART tWO ----------------------.
| o4 - amiga oldskool < chriz . | |
| o5 - porn palace < chriz | ·13 - rave phobia > axetro |
| o6 - most wanted < arcane | 14 - axetro > axetro |
| o7 - royal < arcane | 15 - onyx > axetro |
| o8 - contraz < arcane | 16 - renegade > axetro |
| o9 - tomb < cyberion | 17 - acp explorer > weird1 |
| 1o - purple haze < purple haze | 18 - european desp. > purplex |
| 11 - saints < purple haze | 19 - logical progr. > couder |
| 12 - saints -diz < purple haze | 2o - reverence > vector |
l________.___________________________|_ _21 - homepage > vector |
| | 22 - radicator > radicator |
| uhm.. guess that's all? | 23 - index > radicator |
l____________ _ | 24 - bad omen > kalle hykkö|
| 25 - request > kalle hykkö|
| 26 - moskova > ventii |
| 27 - tropic > ventii |
| 28 - abomination > ventii |
| |
. det finnes nOEn ... _____. _______ _____. _______
__( |____(______/___( |____( __/__
... nOEn som virkelig går \__ | \_ \_ _|_ \_______ \_
under parolen . _/ l /_ mute /_ \' /_ / /_
(eehm.) \_____________/__________/__________/__________/
_______ _____. ________ _______
__(___,_ /___( |____(______ /__(___,_ /__ " lIVSGLAD
\__ |/ \_ | \_ ___ / \_ |/ \_ uNGDOM "
_/ / /_ l /_ \. /_ / /_
\_______, /__________/__________/__________/
the official > sNUFFy < apartment - in OslO !
call :
+47 22 17 22 88 aNd ask4 [ pUNJAb ]
'n be surpirsed !
_____. _______ ________ _______ _______ _______
__( |_____(____. /____(____,_ /___(___._ /____(___,_ /____(___. /___
\__ | \_ | \_ |/ \_ |/ \_ |/ \_ | . \_
_/ /' /_ | /_ / /_ _/ /_ l /_ | | /_
\______________/___l_______/_____, /___________/___________/__l__l_____/
and the address ?
have nOOO idea !! :)
,aND nOW iT'S tIME .. tIME tO kICK bUTT,
________.____ .__________ ___.__________.___
__\ __, .| _)_|___ / _\ |____ /___' /_
\__ \_ |`--- \_ /---: \_ | /---: ) / .
/___l___l________/_____l___l___l______| ____/ <---------|--.
`---' |
_________ ________m______ .____ |
< aSCHEy pARt oNe > __\______ /_\ __, ._____ /_| /__ |
\__ |_____ \_ | . ,__ __/--:
/_____l /___l___l___l____\________|
- ------------. u |
______|_ ________ ________ |
__\_____. )_______\_____. )_______\______ )______ |
/___ \| /_ \| /_ |_________/_t |
_\ l /_ | /_ l /_ .--|--
| e |
.the following ascii's presented
here are made with the inspiration
of pure
01 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> dROP _ _|_ mADe4.
zONE l/ lathspell
/___ _ _ __________________ _
._____ ________ ________ ________ /---------- -
_______| /___(______ /_____(_____, /_____(______ /___
\__ __|_ \_ . ______ \| \_ _/ · dROP zONE ·
_/ \.l /_ | /_ l /_ mute |
\_______________/____l________/_____________/_________| - -----------\
| -\------------------------- {
-|-/-------\\ ________ ________ ________ ________
| ____(_____ /___(_____, /_____(_____, /_____(______ /___ _
| \__ __________ \| \_ | \_ |__________
| _/ \ /_ l /_ | /_ l /_
· \_______________/_____________/_____l_______/_____________/
02 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> wINTERlANd _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ fisherking
/___ _ _ __________________ _
.------------------------------' · w I N T E R L A N d ·
___. _____ _______ _____. _______ _______
__( |--._____(_________(____. /_____( |_____(_____ /____(_____ /____
\__ | | \_ \_ | \__ _______ |_________ , _____
_/ l l /_ mute /_ | /_ l /_ l /_ | /_
- ------//- _____. ________ _______ ._____ -\\------ -
/ __( |______(______ /____(____. /_________| /_ \
\__ | \_ ___ / \_ | \_ _|_ \_
_/ l /_ \. /_ | /_ \' /_
- ---/------ - - ---\--- -
03 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> sOUTh _ _|_ mADe4.
bRONx l/ chriz
/___ _ _ __________________ _
________ ________ ______. _____. ______.
__( ____/_____(_____, /_____( |______( |_______( |_____
\__________ \_ \| \_ _| \___ _________ ___ \_
_/mute / /_ l /_ \' /_ l /_ |/ /_
bRONx _____. _______ _______ _______ _____.
__( |______(_____ /_____(____, /_____(____, /_____( |_____ _
- ----- -\__ _|_ \_ , _____ \| \_ | \_____ . ____
_/ `/ /_ | /_ l /_ | /_ | /_
- --- - \______________/___l________/____________/____l_______/_____l______/
04 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> aMIGa _ _|_ mADe4.
oLDSKOOl l/ chriz
/___ _ _ __________________ _
- ---------------------------/- -
_________ ________ ________ ________ _________
__(_______ /____(____, /_____(_______/_____(____,_ /_____(_______ /__
\__ ___ / \_ | . \_ \_ l/ \_ ___ / \_
_/ \. /_ | | /_ mute /_ / /_ \. /_
\_______________/____l__l_____/_____________/________, /_____________/
l_______/ .
- -----------/ |
_______ _____. .____ //-----------------------|-/- -
__(____, /____( |__________| /_ |
\__ \| \_ | \_ __|_ \_ · aMIGA oLDSKOOL · |
_/ l /_ l /_ \.l /_ . |
\______________/___________/___________/ | ·
_______ _____. _______ _______ _____|
- -------- - __( ___/____( |_____(____, /____(____, /____( |____
\_________ \_ __ _____ \| \_ \| \_ | \_
_/ / /_ | /_ l /_ l /_ l /_
- ------ - \______________/____l______/___________/___________/___________/
- -\-------------------------------- -
05 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> pORn _ _|_ mADe4.
pALACe l/ chriz
/___ _ _ __________________ _
.------------------------------' · pORN pALACE ·
________ ________ ________ ________ .
__(______ /___(_____, /_____(______ /_____(_____, /___ |
\__ _ \| \_ , _____ | \_ .----|-/- -
- ---/- _/ |mute l /_ | /_ | /_ | |
_______ ________ _____. ________ _______ __|____
__(_____ /___(______ /____( |______(______ /____(__. /____(_____ /___ _
\__ __ ___ /_ \_ | \_ ___ /_ \_ |_________ |_________
_/ | \. /_ l /_ \. /_ l /_ l /_
- ------- --------------\ /-------'
06 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> mOSt _ _|_ mADe4.
wANTEd l/ arcane
/___ _ _ __________________ _
`----------------------------. · mOST wANTED ·
________ ________ ________ _____.
___(____. /_____(_____, /_____( ____/_____( |_____ _ .
\___ | . \_ \| \__________ \___ ________ |
_/ | | /_ l /_ / /_ l /_ |
- ---\______l__l_____/_____________/_____________/_____________/------/-|--- -
___. ________ _______ _____. _______ .___|
__( |--.____(______ /___(____, /____( |_____(_____ /_____mute| /_
\__ | | \_ ___ /_ \_ | \__ _______ |_________ __|_ \_
_/ ' l /_ \. /_ | /_ l /_ l /_ \.l /_
.--------------------------' ·
07 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> rOYAl _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ arcane
/___ _ _ __________________ _
· rOYAl · - --------------------------. `------------ -
________ ________ ._____ _________ _____.
__(______ /_____(_____. /__________| /___(_______ /____( |_____
\__ , ______ \| \______, / \_ ___ /_ \_ | \_
_/ | /_ l /_ l /_ \. /_mute l /_
/----------------------------------- -
08 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> cONTRAz _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ arcane
/___ _ _ __________________ _
· c O N T R A z · `---------------------------.
______ ______ ______ ____. ______ _______ ______
__(__. /____(___, /____(___, /____( |____(____ /____(_____ /_____(___ /_ _
\__ |________ \| \_ | \__ ______ , _____ ___ / \_ ________
_/ l mute/_ l /_ | /_ l /_ | /_\. /_ \ /_
09 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> tOMb _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ cyberion
/___ _ _ __________________ _
· tOMB · _____. ________ ________ _____.
__( |_______(_____, /_____(____. /_____( |_____
\___ ________ \| \_ | . \_ _|_ \_
_/ l /_ l mute/_ | | /_ `/ /_
- ------\_______________/_____________/____l__l_____/_____________/------- -
- -------------// //------------ -
/ /
10 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> pURPLe _ _|_ mADe4.
hAZe l/ purple haze
/___ _ _ __________________ _
.------------------------------' · pURPLe hAZe ·
_______ _____. _______ _______ _____. _______
__(_____ /___( |______(_____ /_____(_____ /___( |______(_____ /____ _
_ __ __ _| \_ , ______ __ | \_ |_________
_/ |mute \' /_ | /_ | l /_ l /_
_____. _________ ________ ________
__( |_______(_______ /______(_____ /___(______ /____ _
_ __ ___ \_ ___ / \_ ___________ |__________
- ----/ _/ |/ /_ \. /_ \ /_ l /_
//--\_______l_______/_____________/_____________/_____________/-------- -
11 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> sAINTs _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ purple haze
/___ _ _ __________________ _
.-----------------------------------' · sAINTS ·
_______ ________ ______ _______ _____. _______
__( ____/_____(______ /____(_____/____(____, /_____( |_____( ____/___
\_________ \_ ___ / \_ \_ | \__ ______________ \_
_/ / /_ \. /_ mute /_ | /_ l /_ / /_
- -----/ \\------------- -- -
//-- - - ---\ .------------------------------------'
12 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> sAINTs _ _|_ mADe4.
-diz l/ purple haze
/___ _ _ __________________ _
.-- -/----------------- - .
.___ ______.__ _____.___mute._|_
.| _)__\ __, |--: _._ | /__ .| _)_
|`-- \_ \_ | | \| | __/-|`-- \_
- ------/ |
//--> |
-diz'ez 've never been my favourite stuff.. :(
but you should've seen my first attempt!
it was disastrous ! and thos style became
a bit too shortened down..
. aND wITH tHAT i eND tHE fIRST pART .
oh yes! lets go to that new place, with a
name a bit like that place, where the famous
get so out of their face, they die of fatal
cocktails all chemically mace, we'll be
rubbing shoulders with the stars inna outer
there'll be seven foot women there, five
o'clock shadow rammed into ladies under-
wear and the aminals go in two by two,
into the circus, itno the zoo, into the loo.
and the hog boars snuffle with curly pig tails,
guest list cysts leaving trails like snails,
there'll be the pierced, the piercing screaming
studs, fiercer than elivs, pure phets no duds.
fake diamonds, holographic cheekier than
jesus, but pornographic.
oh do! yes lets! lets go to that new place,
with the name like the place where the
glamourous died, and user friendly all are we,
the tired tried, what do you do?
i'm god, you lied.
from nOAh's tOILEt
in cOLDCUt's newest album - let us play
!. wHIIUu ! lET's gEt bACk oN tRACk .!
eeeh..uhm.well. :)
________.____ .__________ ___.__________.___
__\ __, .| _)_|___ / _\ |____ /___' /_
\__ \_ |`--- \_ /---: \_ | /---: ) / .
/___l___l________/_____l___l___l______| ____/ <---------|--.
`---' |
_________ ________m______ .____ |
< aSCHEy pARt oNe > __\______ /_\ __, ._____ /_| /__ |
\__ |_____ \_ | . ,__ __/--:
/_____l /___l___l___l____\________|
- -------------. u |
_______| _____. ________ |
__\ |________\ |---.______\_____. )______ |
/___ _______/__ | | /_ \| /_t |
_\ l /_ l l /_ l /_ .--|--
e |
en lite ballalaika sang
i mitt øre så at jeg ble rar
13 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> rAVe _ _|_ mADe4.
pHOBIa l/ axetro
/___ _ _ __________________ _
________ _________ ______. ________
------/ __(______ /_____(_______ /____( |______(______ /____ _
//--\__ , ______ ___ /_ \_ _|_ ____ |_________
---/ _/ | /_ \. /_ \' /_ l /_
_______ _____. _______ _____. ______ ________
__(_____ /__( |_____(____, /____( |_____(_____/____(______ /__
\__ ___ ___ \_ \| \_ _|_ \_ \_ ___ /_ \_
_/ |mute |/ /_ l /_ `/ /_ /_\. /_
14 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> aXETRo _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ axetro
/___ _ _ __________________ _
`- -|--------- · axetro . `---------------------.
____|___ _____. _______ _____. _______ _______
__(______ /___( |_____(_____ /____( |_____(_____ /____(____, /___
\__ ___ /_ \____ . _____ |___________ _______ , ______ \| \_
_/ \. mute/_ | /_ l /_ l /_ | /_ l /_
- ----/-|-
l______________ _
15 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> oNYx _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ axetro
/___ _ _ __________________ _
`- -|-/----------- -----------. oNYX !
____|___ ________ ._____ _____.
----/ __(_____. /_____(_____. /__________| /___( |_____ _
//---\__ \| \_ | \______, / \_____ , _____
-/ _/ l /_ | mute/_ l /_ | /_ \\----
16 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> rENEGADe _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ axetro
/___ _ _ __________________ _
.----------\ rENEGADe \------ -
.--->________ ____|___________.______________________________ ________
| __\_____ /__\______ / _. |______ /___ /_\ __, .____ \__\_____ / .
| \__ . \_ /---: \| | /---: /----:__ \_ | `/ /_ /---: |
· /____l_____/_______l____\__l_______l____ |/___l___l_______/_______| |
| `-----'mute <---'
17 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> aCp eXPLOREr _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ weird one
/___ _ _ __________________ _
.--|------------------. .> a C P eXPLORER <.
| |
·-|--' ________________ ____________ _____________
| ___\___________. /_____\____. )________\__________ )__
| \___ _____ / /_ |_____________/_ ____/
| _/ \. /_ l /_mute |
| \_______________________\____________________\__________|
· /------ sysop .. weird one ..
.----------// dill dall.. suit yourselves..
__|_________.---.___________. _ _______._______ ________________
__\______ / l |______ /_ |_______. |_____ /__\______ /_____ /_
\__ /---:-- , --: _.__ l | \| | . \_ /---: . \_
/________| |___l_____|l________l______l___l_____/_______l___l_____/
| `---'
' - -- -------------- -
18 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> eUROPEAn dESPAIr _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ purplex
/___ _ _ __________________ _
· ----------------------//
__________ ___._______ _____________________________________ /
__\_____ / | |_____ /__\____ /_____ /_____ /_ __, . ,___ /_ //---.
\__ /---: l\ | . \_ / | _.__ /---:/ \_ | |/ \_ |
/_______l______l___l_____/______l____|/_______l___l___l___l_____/ |
//------- eUROPEAN dESPAIR -
_______ _______ _______ _______ _________ ____ _______
__(___._ /___(_____ /___( ___/___(_____ /_.______ /__(_______(_____ /____ _
\__ l/ \_ |_______________ \_ __/ ___ / \_ mute\_ , _____
_/ / /_ l /_ / /_ | \. /_ /_ | /_
19 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> lOGICAl pROGRESSIOn _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ couder
/___ _ _ __________________ _
____. ___|___ _______ _____ _______ _______ ____.
__( |_____(____. /___(___._ /___(_______(__. /___(_____ /___( |____
\__ | \_ \| \_ l/ \_ \_ |________ ___ / \_ | \_
_/ l /_ l /_ / /_mute /_ l /_\. /_ l /_
\_____________/__________/_____ /_______/__________/__________/__________/
| l______/
· -------|-. /-------- lOGICAl pROGRESSIOn -
____________ ___|_______________ _______.___ .___ ___ ____________
__\____ /___ /_\___ /___ /____ /_\____ /| _)_ .| _)_:---:___ /___. /_
\__ _.__/ . \_ / | /--: . \_ /--:`-- \|`-- \_ | / | \| \_
/____|l___l____/____l___ |___l____/____l_______l_______/__l_____l___l____/
| `---'
. - ------------ - >
20 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> rEVERENCe _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ vector
/___ _ _ __________________ _
/------- > rEVERENCe < ----- -
_______ __|_____m___. _________________ ______________ _______ _______
__\____ /__\_____ /u |/ ._____ /_____ /__\_____ / _._ /__\__ /_\____ /
\__ . \_ /---:t l | /---: . \_ /---: |/ \_ /----: /---:
l________ _
21 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> hOMEPAGe _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ vector
/___ _ _ __________________ _
.-------------- /
__|_. _______ _______ _______
__( |______(____. /____(___. /____(_____ /__ _ \\------------ >
\__ ___ \_ \| \_ | . \_ |________ .---\
_/ |/ /_ l /_ | | /_ l /_ |
\______l______/___________/___l__l____/___________/ |
| _______ ________ ___|___ _______
`------/ blabla. __(_____ /_(______ /___(___._ /____(_____ /__ _
//--- hOMe \__ ___ ___ / \_ l/ \_ |________
pAGe _/ | \. /_ / /_ l /_
---\_________|____________/______, /___________/
22 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> rADICATOr _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ radicator
/___ _ _ __________________ _
.-------------- - rADICATOr - ----------- > .
_______ _|_____________ ____ ________________.--.__ _______._|_____
__\____ /__\ __, .__._ /_:----:___ / __. . __/__\__._ |_____ /_
\__ . \_ \__ | l/ \_ | /----: \__ | l \_ `/ | . \_
l_____ _ |
< - -------------------'
23 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> iNDEx _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ radicator
/___ _ _ __________________ _
.----------------------------/ iNDEx /----- -
__|____ ________ .______ ________ ______.
__(______/_____(_____. /_________| /___(______ /____( |____
\__ \_ \| \_ _|_ / \_ |____________ | \_
_/ mute /_ | /_ \l /_ l /_ . ___/_
\______________/_____l_______/_____________/____________/______| /
| l_____/
24 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> bAd oMEn _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ kalle hykkö
/___ _ _ __________________ _
__|__. _________ //--- - ._____
__( |_______(_______ /_________| /_
\__ |_ \_ ___ / \_ _|_ \_ - ----- bAd oMEn --- -
_/ l/ /_ \. /_ \l /_
| ________ ________ ________ ________
| __(_____. /_____(____. /_____(______ /____(_____. /___
- ----|--. \__ \| \_ | . \_ |________ \| \_ .
| | _/ l /_ | | /_ l /_ | /_ |
25 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> rEQUESt _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ kalle hykkö
/___ _ _ __________________ _
.-|-------------- > rEQUESt < -- -
--|-' ________ _________________m_______.________.____ _.---.__ .
| __\_____ /__\______ /___._ .u / |______ /| _)__\_ __/_ |
· \__ . \_ /---: `/ |t /l | /---:`--- \_ l \_ |
/____l_____/_______l_____ le_______l_______l________/_________/ .-|- -
`---' - ------------------|-'
26 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> mOSKOVa _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ ventii
/___ _ _ __________________ _
\------------------- mOSKOVa --------------------/
/ \
_______ .-/_______ _______ ____. _______ _____.\-. ________
__(__. /___(___._ /__( ____/__(_ |---/_(___._ /___( |____(______ /_
\__ | . \_ \| ________ __ ` ____ \| \_ _| __ ___ / \_
_/ | | /_ l /_ / /_ | /_ l mute/_ \' /_ \. /_
27 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> tROPIc _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ ventii
/___ _ _ __________________ _
\ -- trOPic --___/________
_____. __\_____ ____\_/_ __/____________ ________
__( |______(______ /____(_____. /____(______ /______/____(___, /___ _
\__ _________ . \_ \| \_ __/ \_ |__________
_/ l /_ | /_ l /_ | mute /_ l /_
\ / \/
28 <- .
· ------------------------------|---------- -- -
-> aBOMINATIOn _ _|_ mADe4.
l/ ventii
/___ _ _ __________________ _
\ ------------- aBOMInATIOn ------------- \
__________. ______.______ _____ ______ ______.___ _____ _____.______
__\ ___ . _|___\__._ | _ /_\____:____ /__\ ___ | /__ _\____.__._ |____ /_
\__ \_ | \_, \_ `/ | \ / \_ /| |/ \_ \_ | __/-. /| `/ | |/ \_
\ ---------------------- \
perhaps a bit too compressed, so i made one where i divided it:
___________. _______.______ _____
__\ ___ . _|____\__._ | _ /__\____: \------- aBOMInATIOn ---------\
-\__ \_ | \_, \_ `/ | \ / \_ /|---\\
/___l___|________/____mute_\/____/____|__.____ ____________._______
_._____ /__\ ___ | /__ _\____.__._ |_____ /_
| |/ \_ \_ | __/--. /| `/ | |/ \_
humm .. ahh! looks better ye?
and then i was finished..
.hope you enjoyed atleast some of it.
ach so
.. dann wurde die Asciis ferdig gemacht ..
ich denke dass die schtihle ich hier gebraucht habe
sieht ganz gut aus. sie sind ruhige, und nicht so
spetziell. die kleine wurde erst gemacht als ich
halbfertig mit dem alles war. and it's more, what should
i say, cool and "funky" like the bigger one. atlast
i've found a small style wich actually like very good.
and that ain't happening everyday .. i got the
inspiration to it, from the very weird looking logo
you can see a bit later in this collection.. please
do nOt ask me how, but, you know. my mind is a kind
of pECULIAr..
and so is my german. i hate to write german!
! wAs tO bE rEOPENEd !
but ..
- ---------------// ________ ______. ______.
·sUBcONTINENt· /----- -__(_ ___/_____(_ |______(_ |____
- ----------/ \__________ \_ _| \_ |_ \_
//-------- - _/ _/ /_ \' /_ `/ /_
nODe 1. +47 - 55231283
nODe 2. +47 - uhm .. ? - nODe 3-5. tELNEt !
_______ _______ _______ _____. ______ iNFERNo
__(__, /____(_____ /_____(____, /_____(_ |_____(_____/___ gRAFFITi
\__ |_________ |/ \_ | \___ _______ \_ wHq
_/ l /_ l /_ | /_ l /_ mute /_ OnyX
\______________/___________/____l_______/____________/__________/ NhQ
gODFATHEr/i^g&oNYx _______ _______ _______ _____.
oCTOPLEx/oNYx mute/i^g__(____, /_____(_____ /_____(____, /_____(_ |____ _
sNUFFy/babe&b·boys __ | \_ |_________ | \___ _______
_/ | /_ l /_ | /_ l /_
instead, just give godfather
a call, at the same number !
and tell him to sod off !
! wAs tO bE rEOPENEd !
\_________-_--_--------------/ .---- -- -
mR . gREETIn' //-------------|-- -
.·:. _|_
howdy mowdy to.. _·___/_l \
_ _____/__/
snuffy^agrash the fleetfooted dwarf^bird .
ramone^t3n^fisherking^fatal^misfit /.
2fast^speeddevil^dartagnan^baffle^dmg / |\
ftl^folar^repe^ventii^godfather! /__| \
andtoallyouthatimighthaveforgottentoputhere |
? |
\.-----------------{ .dIe eL-cREDITOs.! }----------------'
- - ----'\ main asculator.. .
mute(^inferno g.)
guest asculators.. .
vouck! "mute"
venturus "lifeforms"
.---\- - inspir.sources.. . coldcut^aphextwin^fsol
<-------|- \
`-----\-----------------/ gROOOOAr..a tIGEr iS nEAr! /---.
today i would also like to send my
cute little ascii respects to
mogue - mortimer twang - tango - mark ryder
\\--------------- -
- ---------\ rEQUEST ascii stuff fROM mE hERE !
#amielite & #ascii
at the most nice boards like:
wasted youth/northern p/subcontinent/checkpoint
bumble bee land/ ... \\------------- -
- ------------------\
but i'm not so often on boards anymore .. so.
//------------ -
don't want to be for my selves
all alone
where are you my equal
come home
in a world of distortion
distant strange noises
i don't know what to do
all to many choises
just bustling around
in my own little world
there cannot be any hope
for one, who can't understand
a single word
need your comfort
feel so sad
need your guidance
to get me past
my endless confusion
_ _. .
`---------------/-|---------------- -
- -----------------/
//----------------- -
fILE ..
nAMe ..
- ----------------/
//---------------------------------- - sIZe.
·01 twow.txt tERRIBLE wASTE oF wORDS 46.6k '94
02 tnc-1asc.txt fIRST aSCENSION 64.8k '95
·03 tnc-fufs.txt fUTURE fASHION 121.5k '95
04 mute-fop.txt fROZEN oRANGE pROJECT 65.2k '95
·05 i^g-nex.txt nO eXCUSES 67.8k '95
06 i^g-ICM.txt iNNER cORE oF mE 63.0k '95
·07 i^g-ms.txt mARE sERENITATIS 99.3k '96
08 i^g-OM.txt oLYMPUS mONS 48.2k '96
·09 i^g-spj.txt sPINELESS jELLY 43.2k '96
10 i^g-dh.txt dUBAI hAREM 43.5k '96
·11 i^g-sfg.txt eARTHQUAKE iN a sTORMY fLOWER gARDEN 103.2k '96
12 i^g-hop.txt i lOVE hOPSCOTCH 64.5k '96
·13 i^g-elab.txt eLABORATe bURn 54.2k '97
14 i^g-room.txt rOOm 2o8 51.0k '97
·15 mute-lf.txt lIFEFORMs 53.3k '97
- ----------------------------/- -
yOu hAVe uNFoRtUnATeLy rEaChEd tHe eNd
oF mY 15th aSCiI cOLlEcTiOn
/ \ (___
/ \_________ \·__)--'
/ \ /
.----. ____.-------.-----.---/---. .------. ____ .________
| | :====| ,___j___ |. ,___j.----|- . |--' || ,____).
.| |-----| | ___ |----'| _______ | |--' . | :|______ |
|· ` | | || l | || ` | || | | |· / |
l___________l____|_ |l________| |l_____. l___|l___l-l___|__________|
/ l____| \ /l____|mute
/ \/ \
this logo was actually i bit
fun to make.. it looks kind
of stupid doesn't it ? :)
yes it does !
.----------------- » lIFEFORMs « ---.
|the 15th colly made |
| _____ ___ by.___. _____ `-|-.
| __) /___) |____\ |____)__ /_ ' |
:-\__. . )_ _| )__ ___)_ |____)_ |
| _ | | /_ \l /_ l /_l /_ |
`-/__l_|____/_______/_______/___mute/ |
/ ·out atlast· .---/
/- with both new and old requests -'@END_FILE_ID.DIZ
//------------ -
hvordan jeg senere vil være
hva som vil skje
hvordan alt vil bli
vet bare en
ikke jeg
og ingen andre
bare en
den fremtidige .
-/-|---------------- -
· future is ours ·
..think of that, if you ruled the world..
· the end of all ·