- --.
» ALIVE ! « |
_____ ___ ___. _____ | .
__) /___) |____\ |____)__ /_ `-|
--\__. . )_ _| )__ ___)_ |____)_ |
._ | | /_ \l /_ l /_l /_ |
/___l_|____/_______/_______/___mute/ |
`-- -mUTe iS bACk iN aSC²sCENe!- --'@END_FILE_ID.DIZ
\\--- - tHE sILENT vOID oF
- ---\
- ---//
pReSENts A hOlY
______._ _.______ _. _____._ ._ .______
\_. |/_______| /____________ \_ |/__|/ ----| /_____
______| | /___|_ /_ / /___|_ ____|_ | |-----, |_ /__ /
_\ l |_ / l/ /_ / l/ | | \) / |/ /_
\__________|/ ___\________/ ___\________| | ___\___|____/
| |
· ·
- P R O D U C T I O N -
| .
» sUSPiCIoUSly cALlEd « |
. |
/ |
/ \ |
/___\ |
.__\___ ._____ | .
__________ | / | | _______ _________ | \
_ _____(_______ ___l_ /____|-----'-. /_____(_ ___ /_ · / \
__ ___ / __ / / | /_ / (_____/ /___\
/ \( \_ \_ / ./ \_ ' \_ .
_____\_____________/___________/ \___________/___________/___|__ _
\| mute |
\ |
|\ |
i lIVe, aGAiN ! - ---|-\-- - |.
| \ /
: · /| ___
· /_|____\
| \___,
| _
| (_)
mADe sTRICtlY fOr tHe |_
fAMe .. bY |
________ ____/___ .__ ________ |
.-\__ /_-\ / /_-\ __/___-\_____ /_ |
| | | /_ /_ /_ | /_ |_____/_ |.--- -
. ------- -| | | / /mute / l / l /- ------|-'
`-/_l__|__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/ |
| _
| (_)
jeg går rastløs onkring søgende lindring |
jeg føler en åndens kraft beherske meg | _
som månens kraft over havet |(_)
der langt langt bortefra |
tvinger uro i havet | _
tvinger forandringer ebbe og flod | (_)
således er det uro i min sjæl |
og min legemes atomer har forandret plads |
- Edvard Munch |
utdrag fra mÅNENs kRAFt |
| _
| (_)
.--------------------------------------------------|- _
| | (_)
| aI aI ! this is a kind of sensation. it must |
· be at least two and a half years since i did |
this. and about time !! |
iezzz. i'm alive to boogy the ascii scene from here to the |
o'great disco dancefloor ! hah! and, why i suddenly took |
my asciiFinger back up again ? ahm, well.. during this spring |
while i was at the university i became reinterrested in the |
in the asciiscene. so why nOT do a colly then ?????? |
tell me that, you sorry pimp ! hah! eehm... |
okey ! my exams did go. not greatly, not |
disasterous, but passed. and it's suMMER tIME!! |
aiai! i lIKE it! if only my bankaccount would |
feel mutual satisfaction, it'd be great ! |
but it doesn't .. pity indeed . |)
now .. |
hit your playbutton and do this colly. | _
| (_)
\ l/
mute . 07.99 \ /
back for good .. ?
.hAVE a gOOd vIBE.
I nEEd : money :
.___________ .___________ _.____
| __ _____|_ | __. _______ . | /
_|_ \ / / l/ _|_ \| / /___| \---, /
\l____\/____\___ \l____\___\mute____| _____\
:big bucks tells the truth!
/ |
//----|-------- lOGO's iNCLUDEd
| //------------- -
| iN tHIs aSC²sESSIOn : ----------/
| darkus bird low profile
| massive ascii charts sative mea
| 4play news arcade
| nightline reviews remorse
| shroom prod. style
| that's all for now.
|- - -------\\
· \----- eNJOY !
the main style used is a small development from
my old one from 'lifeforms', wich is also present
here. only a few adjustments are made. but as you
might notice the overall "feeling" of the two styles
are the same one i've developed trough all my
previous collections..
the oldest one is ofcourse my fav. !
\------ -- - dARKUS - ---------\\
\------- aLIVE! --------/
·/----------- dARKUs ----------/.
| mute_________ ________ ____ _____ ________
\ _______| _\______ /___\_____ /_\ |_____\ |______\ ____/__
| /__ _| /__ ___ / / |__/ | /_ _|_ /_____ /
| \ \l \ \l /_ | \ . _/ /_ \l /_ l/ /_
\------ -- - mASSIVe - --------\\
\------- aLIVE! --------/
___\\ //____________\\
\ / \ mASSIVe
_________ _________ _______ _______ __ ____. _______
_\___ . /____\_____ /__\ ___/____\ ___/____\___\ |______\____ /_
/__ | | / ___ / /______ /______ / / _|_ / |____/_
\ | | /_ \l /_ l/ /_ l/ /_ /_ \l /_ l /_
// \\
\------ -- - 4pLAy - ---------\\
\------- aLIVE! --------/
_ __/---- 4play ! ----\__ _
- -------- -
_____ ____ ________ _____ _________ _____
/-- -_\ | _\ /______\ |_______\_____ /___\ |_____ - -----\
| /______: /__ ____, / | / ___ / /______` / |
| | \ |____/\ l /_ \l /_ \l /_ |
\-------\--| /______|mute/_____________/___________/___________/-/------/
\------ -- - nIGHT lINE - ---------\\
\------- aLIVE! --------/
_________ _______ ________ _____ _____
_\______ /____\ ___/___\___._ /____\ |______\ |___
.-----/ /__ |/ /____\ / l/ / ___ _____ ___/__
| \ | /_ /_ / /_mute |/ /_ l /_
| /_____l_____/_________/_______ /______| /__________/
| /________/ / night
. ·
______ _______ ________ ________ |
_\ |_______\ ___/___\_____ /____\_____ /___ _ |
/__ | /____\ / |/ / |______ line |
\ l /_ /_ | /_ l /_ . |
/____________/_________/_____l_____/___________/ /-----------|----'
- ------. 4play yatti yatti |
`----/ blah! /----'
\------ -- - sHROOM p - ---------\\
\------- aLIVE! --------/
/ .------------------------\\
//-----------------------------' \
_________ _____. _________ ________ ________ _______
_\ ____/____\ |_______\______ /_\___. /____\___. /____\__. /____
/________ / ___ / |__/ \| / \| / | . /
\ l/ /_ |/ /_ mute | \ l /_ l /_ | | /_
// \\
/-----------> produktion <-----------\
\------ -- - bIRD - ---------\\
\------- aLIVE! --------/
_____ _____ ______ ________ ._____
\ / _\ |______\ ___/___\ _ /_____| /_
\ / /__ |_ /___\ / |___ _|_ / /
/ \ l/ /_ /_mute | \ \l /_
/__________/________/______| /___________/
\------ -- - aSCII cHARTS - -------\\
\------- aLIVE! --------/
___________ _________ _________ ________ ________
/ _\_______ /___\ ____/____\___. /___\ ____/_\ ____/_
/_\___ /__ ___ / /_______ / |__________\ _____\ /
/_\_\ / \ \l /_ )/ /_ l /_ /_ /_
\ / /____________/____________/m___________/________/________/
/ aSCII cHARTs ! /
_______ _____ _________ _______ _____ _______
__(___. /____( |______(______ /___(_____ /___( |__ __( ___/___
\__ |_______ __ \_ ___ / \_ _ ____ ___/__\________ \_
_/ l /_mute |/ /_ \. /_ | /_ l /_ / /_
\------ -- - nEWS - -----------\\
\------- aLIVE! --------/
_________ ________ _____ ________
_\____._ /____\_____ /___\ |-.______\ ___/___
.-------/ /__ |/ / |_______ | | /_______ / -\
| \ | /_ l /_mute l l /_ )/ /_ |
/- /_____l_____/___________/____________/___________/ /-------'
\------ -- - rEVIEWs - ----------\\
\------- aLIVE! --------/
/------------- //
| ________ _______ ____. ______ _______ ____. _______
| _\_____ /_\____ /____\ |______\ ___/___\____ /____\ |-._____\ ___/___
//__ |__/ |_____/ _| / \ / |_____/ | | /______ /
\ | \ l /_ \l /_ mute /_ l /_ l l /_ / /_
/_____| /__________/__________/________/__________/___________/__________//
// -----------------/
\------ -- - sTYLE! - ---------\\
\------- aLIVE! --------/
_______ ____ _____. ____. _______
__( ___/_____( |______( |______( |______(_____ /____
.--\ \_________ \__ _____/_______` \_ | \_ |_______/_ -\
| _/ )/ /_ l /_ \l /_ l /_ l mute /_ |
\- \______________/___________/____________/___________/____________/ /--'
\------ -- - lOW pROFILE - --------\\
\------- aLIVE! --------/
______. _______ _____
_\ |______\___. /____\ |-._____ _____
/ /__ | / \| / | | / \ /
/ \ \ l /_ l /_ l l /_ \ /
/___\ /___________/__________/_____________/ \
_______ _______ _______ _______ ______ _____ _______
__( /___(_____ /_(___. /___( ___/_(_____/__( |____(_____ /___
\__ ___, __ |____ \| \_ ____ \_ | \_ |_____/_
_/ |____/ | l /_ | mute /_ l /_ l /_
\_______| \______| \_____________/____|____________/__________/__________/
\------ -- - sATIVE mEA - ---------\\
\------- aLIVE! --------/
_______ ________ ____. ______ ____. _______
__( ___/_____(_____ /___( |_____(_____/____( |______(_____ /___
\_________ \_ ___ / \__ ____/__ \_ _| \_ |______/_
_/ / /_ \. /_ l /_ mute /_ \l /_ l /_
/ / / /
/ _______ _______ _________ / _____
/ __(___. /_____(_____ /_____(______ /_ \ /
/---/ \--------\ \__ | . \_ |_________ ___ / \_ \ / -.
| /___\ _/ | | /_ l /_ \. /_ / |
`- \_____l__l_____/____________/____________/ /-----------/
\------ -- - aRCADE - ---------\\
\------- aLIVE! --------/
\-----------\\ aRCADe ! \\
___________ ________ ________ __________ ______ ________
__\_______ /__\ /__\__. /____\______ /_____| /__\_____ /___
/__ ___ / / |__/ |_______ ___ / / _|_ / / |_______
_ __ \. /_ |mute l /_ \. /_ \l /_ l /_
/____________/______| /___________/___________/___________/___________/
// //--------------/
\------ -- - rEMORSE - --------\\
\------- aLIVE! --------/
// rEMORSe ! . //--- -
--------------/ /
________ _______ ________ _______ _______ _______/ _______
_\ _ /_\____ /__\___ /____\___. /____\ _ /_\ ___/____\____ /_
/__ |__/ |____/_ | | / \| / |__/_____ / |____/_
\ | _ l /_ | | /_ l /_mute | _ l/ /_ l /_
/_____| /__________/__l__l___/__________/_____| /__________/__________/
//------------ -
ah . hmm.
what is jebediah productions. a group? nope. the story begins
with an episode of married with children. you see that the
great grandfather of al bundy was jebediah bundy, wich
ofcourse also was a shoe-salesman. tHe shoe-salesman!
and after that episode i wondered if i should change
handle to jebediah, but nah !
so, jebediah productions became my own tiny trademark
or whatever.
.. mute^jEB^ig ..
/\______/\______/\______/\______/\____/\___ /\______
<--/ \__ /_ \___ /_ \___ /_ \___ /_ \ /_ \ /__/ _____/_
· /__ |___/_ _ __/_ |___/_ |/ /_____/_ ___/_______ /_
| / | /_ | /_ l /_ / /_ /_ |mute/_ / /_
//-------- main performer mute"jEB"i^g
guest performer snuffy"bABE
musical inspiration from /
radiohead, ninjaTunes, thinkerbell
miles davis, nightmares on wax
pat metheny, beck, kari bremnes.
/\______/\______/\______/\______/\___ /\______
/ \_. /_ \___ /_ \___ /_ \___ /_ \ /__/ _____/_
/_ \|___/_ _ __/_ |___/_ |___/_ ___/_______ /_
/ / /___ /_ | /_ l /_ l /_ |mute/_ / /_
//--------------- -/___________/_|_____/_______/_______/_______/_______/
cheers !
snuffy bird acorn ftl repe vouck woober
4play grimlock godather speedevil dezibel
darkus b acid aqua taxi vegard!
and also all others i've been in touch with the past
years .
\\------------ -
my glorious ascii respects to
mogue tango mark r mortimer t
requests or other obscure questions to
carstee@stud.ntnu.no or irc.net #ascii !
- ---------------\
\\---------------- -
- -----------------/
//----------------- -
fILE ..
nAMe ..
- ----------------/
//---------------------------------- - sIZe.
·01 twow.txt tERRIBLE wASTE oF wORDS 46.6k '94
02 tnc-1asc.txt fIRST aSCENSION 64.8k '95
·03 tnc-fufs.txt fUTURE fASHION 121.5k '95
04 mute-fop.txt fROZEN oRANGE pROJECT 65.2k '95
·05 i^g-nex.txt nO eXCUSES 67.8k '95
06 i^g-ICM.txt iNNER cORE oF mE 63.0k '95
·07 i^g-ms.txt mARE sERENITATIS 99.3k '96
08 i^g-OM.txt oLYMPUS mONS 48.2k '96
·09 i^g-spj.txt sPINELESS jELLY 43.2k '96
10 i^g-dh.txt dUBAI hAREM 43.5k '96
·11 i^g-sfg.txt eARTHQUAKE iN a sTORMY fLOWER gARDEN 103.2k '96
12 i^g-hop.txt i lOVE hOPSCOTCH 64.5k '96
·13 i^g-elab.txt eLABORATe bURn 54.2k '97
14 i^g-room.txt rOOm 2o8 51.0k '97
·15 mute-lf.txt lIFEFORMs 51.4k '97
16 mute-al.txt aLIVE! 29.2k '99
- ----------------------------/- -
_ __ ___ ____ _____________________ ____ ___ __ _
___________ ________________ ___________ |________________|____________
\____ _ \_/ _ ____ | ____/ ____________________ ____/
___\ \ / /___ | /____ | /___ |/_______/___
\ Sn \_/ / l / l / l /
.-------------------------------------------. |
---| .. sTAYINg aLIVE ! .. |----------------'
well. this holy jebediah production, so intrigingly
named aLIVe!, seems to go to an end. so sad !
my comeback to the asciiscene is over (for now), i
hope i'll somehow manage to do more collections later
on. perhaps with some luck, i wount have too much to do
on the university this autum. and luck is the key
word. i do nOt know how my brain'll manage this math
shit i'll take. math is nO fun !
though some have asked me to,
i didn't join any group prior to this collection.
that 'cause i wanted this colly to be kind of
ok the collection was short. i kNOw !! :)
and boring. but that's not what counts this time.
oooh! i'm in the mood for light jazz music and a
nice glas of red wine. i'm off !
tooodelidoo !
- ---------------\
\\---------------- -
another time it might have been so different
if only we could do it all again
but now it's just another fading memory
out of focus, thought the outline still remains
· future is ours ·
gOOd nIGHt!