[ t h i s s h o u l d b e l i n e # 3 i n c y g n u s E d ]
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ___ _ .-------. _ ___
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"welcome your bad self!"
__ | | __
(___ _ mR! "-------" m'S _ ___)
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\_ _/
/__ _ · you can let go of the down arrow-key & shift now ;) · _ __\
_ ____ ____ _
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[ ÷ · (^·- wELCOME yOUR bAd sELF(c)mARk rYdER/cAPCOM/mO'sOUL -·^) · ÷ ]
_ __ | | __ _
_ /___ | | ___\ _
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________ __________ /\_ _____________ ._/\ _________ ________
----/\ __ \--\ __ /// /--\ __ / ___\--\ \\ /__ \--\ ____/\----
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\ \_______\__/ /\___\___\ \___\/\___\___\__/ /\___\__/___/ /
mR! \ / / \ / / / / / \ / / / \ / / / \ \ / m'S
_____\\\/_______/____\/\/___/___/_/ __ \/___/___/____\/\/___/____\___\///____
: :
: preface :
: :
: art point :
: :
ze'chill out zone
: :
express board dezign vo.o1 beta
: :
mo'soul expands
: :
: the end :
: :
________ __________ /\_ _____________ ._/\ _________ ________
----/\ __ \--\ __ /// /--\ __ / ___\--\ \\ /__ \--\ ____/\----
/ \ \___\/ / / /\ \/ / / ___\__/ /\ / \ \/_____ \\ \
\ \ \ \ / /\ \ \ /___/\ \ \ / /\ \___\ / /\\/
\ \ ¯¯ \¯¯ / \ \ \/\ \ \ \ \/ / \ \/ / / \
\ \_______\__/ /\___\___\ \___\/\___\___\__/ /\___\__/___/ /
mR! \ / / \ / / / / / \ / / / \ / / / \ \ / m'S
_____\\\/_______/____\/\/___/___/_/ __ \/___/___/____\/\/___/____\___\///____
: | · ::
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: your mind is the enemy, compation your prison :
__ | thoughts forms a temple, death preaches from the throne | __
/\ \ ! soul bows, eyes close.. ! / /\
\\ . . //
_ _ __) the killer inside is knocking .. welcome your bad self. (__ _ _
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_ | |
_f Y_ | |
_|_ .\/. |¯ ¯| ·| | · _|_ .--. \/
..: | . /\ ¯T T¯ | | _/_ | . |::| /\
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mR! | | m'S
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____ . : /
__/\_ \ _/\ _______ ___________ ____________
--------/\ ¯¯\\ \----\ \_ /__\----\ ______/_ \----\ __ /___\----------
__ / \ \\ \ / _// /__\/_ / ___/ __ \ / /___/__\_/ __
/_/\ \ \ \\ \/ _ __/ \¯¯ \/ /\ \ \ \/ / / \¯ ¯\ /\_\
\_\/ \ \ \__/ / \\ \ \ / \_\ \ \ ¯¯ /\ \ \ \/_/
\ \___\/___/___/ \___\___\/ / \___\___\____/ \___\___\
mR!\ / /\ \ \ / / /\ /\ / / / \ / / /m'S
_________\\\/___/ \___\___\/___/___/__\/ \/___/___/______\/___/___///______
· (^·- wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf - pARt#o1 - p R E f A C E -·^) ·
first off, i'd like to say that this file was never to be released.
_ the only reason why this file is released, is because i've promised _
\/ everyone's who's been waiting for their logo that they would get it \/
in the beginning of january '96. well, now they're getting it in
the end of '95 instead (lucky bastards!)
in some days I'm off to the army for 9 months (9th of january)
but, what the hell - this production has a higher quality than most
released these days, so why not try to enjoy it - even though it's
crap. sorry to the m's posse for this terrible release.
look out for my next project, called "Angel". Coming some time in
__/\_ \ _/\ _______ ___________ ____________
--------/\ ¯¯\\ \----\ \_ /__\----\ ______/_ \----\ __ /___\----------
__ / \ \\ \ / _// /__\/_ / ___/ __ \ / /___/__\_/ __
/_/\ \ \ \\ \/ _ __/ \¯¯ \/ /\ \ \ \/ / / \¯ ¯\ /\_\
\_\/ \ \ \__/ / \\ \ \ / \_\ \ \ ¯¯ /\ \ \ \/_/
\ \___\/___/___/ \___\___\/ / \___\___\____/ \___\___\
mR!\ / /\ \ \ / / /\ /\ / / / \ / / /m'S
_________\\\/___/ \___\___\/___/___/__\/ \/___/___/______\/___/___///______
· (^·- wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf - pARt#o1 - p R E f A C E -·^) ·
/ . ·
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_ __ __________________________________
__________ ______________ _____________ |
________ \ ________ / _ | |
_/ _/ \_ / /_ /________| _|
\_______\________/______\________|__________\ (_____
____________ ________ _______ _________ __________ |
/ _ / _ |_______}_____| / _ | |
/ _/ / \ | / \ / /_______| |
/ \_____/___________|_______/______\_____/__________\ |
/_________|-uMn/wL! |
_ __ _______________________________________________________________|
· - (^·- wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf - pARt#o2 - a R t p O i N t -·^) - ·
o1.[ 5d - honey - whale ... ]
o2.[ apocalypse now ....... ]
__|_ o3.[ astro ................ ]
/_/\ o4.[ atomic ............... ]
\_\/ o5.[ boards ............... ]
o6.[ capcom ............... ]
o7.[ contra ............... ]
o8.[ cream ................ ]
o9.[ crusader ............. ]
1o.[ crux ................. ]
11.[ crux - atomic - motion ]
12.[ data division ........ ] __|_
. . 13.[ deathknight .......... ] /\_\
|\__/| 14.[ desoto ............... ] \/_/
Oh?yOU |_oø_| 15.[ dial hard ............ ]
wANt SUm? `|()|' 16.[ epsilon design ....... ]
| | 17.[ eurolist ............. ]
cOME'n'GEt l__j 18.[ everyware ............ ]
sUM! T__T 19.[ hf - crux - psg ...... ]
___||___ 2o.[ homeless ............. ]
/\ `' /\ 21.[ ihs - lsd - hf ....... ]
| /\ ¯¯/\ | 22.[ misfit ............... ]
|_|:____||_| 23.[ mo'soul .............. ]
x · :! | x 24.[ mortuary ............. ]
___ .: | 25.[ motion ............... ]
/\ ¬\ . ! 26.[ on the run ........... ]
\ \__\ : 27.[ pc maze .............. ]
\/__/ . 28.[ prestige ............. ]
29.[ raveland ............. ] __
3o.[ relief ............... ] __/ /___ _
31.[ slime ................ ] / / /
32.[ twisted .............. ] \/_/
33 [ u-man .................]
34.[ weird amiga .......... ]
35.[ world of elite ....... ]
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "5D - HONEY - WHALE", made for u-man (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
: ____. ¬:
_____:_/ ¬|_____:._____
_\ \\______|\ | ¬\
_/____________ T |\ \
\ _// | | \ \
/ \ | |_/ /
mR! \\\____________\___A______A______/// m'S : .
______:_ _____·______:______ _____ :____________ ______| |
_\ |/_____./ _:_ ¬|\ \\ ¬\:\ _______/ _\ ¬\| |
/// _/_ ¬| |/ T |\\ T ______/____| \_ \\\
/ _/ | / | | \ | \\_ |______|/ \
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\_________\ |______:_____/|______|______|___/___________| /__________/
|\_ | . : :
______| // |______:_ :____________ :______:__ ____________
_\ |/ |\ |/_____:\ _____ ¬\:\ | /____.\ _______///
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\_________|______|______\ |_____\|______|______\______|___/____________/
L\_____| :
(^·- 5 t h d Y N A S t Y ( 5 d ! ) - h O N E Y - w h A L E ! -·^)
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "APOCALYPSE NOW" - requested by data (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
| ¬|
______ ___________ _______|___ _____ L___ ____________ ________
__ \ \ _ / \ \ __ ¯/_ \ \ /\/\ \ \ _ /__/ \ _____
__ \/ // /\ \/ /___/__ \ / /¯¯¯/\ \/ // /___ \ / ____/\
\ \ \ // / \ \ / / \ \/ / / \ \ // / / \/ \ ¯/\
\ \ \/___/\ ¯¯ \¯¯ /\ \ \ / /\_____ \/___/\ \/\ \ /\/ /
\___\___\ \ \_______\__/ \___\___\____/ / /\___\ \ \___\___\/___/
/ /___/ \___\/ / \ / / / \ /_/___/ \___\/ / /\ \ /
\/_ \ \ / \/_______/____\/___/___/______\/| \ \ / \/___/___/__\___\/
mR!\___\/ | | \___\/
_________ __________L______________ | ___________
\ \\ / __ \| \ /\________ __ _
/ /\\ / \ \/ /¯¯ /\\\
/ / \ / \ \ / / \
/ / /\ ¯¯ \ __ / /
/_________/_________/ \___________________\____/_________/ /
\ \ \ / / \ \ /
_ __\\\_________\_________\/___________________/______\_________\/m'S
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___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "ASTRO" - for astro/vd/flt/cncd/movement/lemon.. (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
_______ _______
_) (·) (_
___|. ¯ |
_____________:______ _/ |_____________.L_____:_____ _____·______.
_ _\ ___ |\ \\_____|\ _ _|\ |___ \ / _:_ | _
/// ¯ ___ __T___________ _T¯ _\ \ ¯ |__\ \ |/ `\\\
/ |/ \\ ¯ _// \| |\___/¯ ___ ___/ / \
/ _/ / \ \_ | \ \_ \_ /|_ \
\________\|___/____________\___A/_____j \________|/ /____:_________/
mR! m'S /_______/ ·
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___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "ATOMIC" - *NOT* for drakar. (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
_ ____________ _____________. ______:_ ______ ________________
\_\ ________ \_\ _ |.¼¼¼¼¼._\ |/______\_____|\ ____ //
\/ ___ | _\ |¼¼' `¼¼| / | | \ /_______/
\| | |\_____|¼. .¼| /_____\ | | \ __________
\_ | | `¼¼¼. .¼¼| | | | \/
mR!______|/_____|______| `¼¼¼¼¼'|______|______|______|______|_______m'S
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) a "BOARDS" bbs-listing screen for the capcom internal magazine. (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
___/\ _: ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _|¬\_
.-\\\__ \¬|___\__ \___¬\\__ \__ ¬\\__ \___¬\\__ \___¬\\__ \_|__/------.
| / |_ ¬\/ | \/ __|_ \/ /_ \/ / \/_______ ¬\ |
| _/ || \_ | \_ \___ \_ ______//\ _/ \_ | \_ |
| / |_ ¬\ | ¬\ | ¬\ | \ \___ ¬\ | ¬\ |
|/ || \ | \ | \ | \ \ | \ |
|\ || / ¯ / | / | _/ / | / |
| name number status sysop |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| |
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "CAPCOM" - for the capcom posse! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
___ ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _______/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _: _________
\\\__ \___¬\\__ \__ ¬\\__ \___ ___ \___¬\\__ \___¬\\__ \¬|___
/ |____/ __|_ \/ /_ \ |____/ | \/ | ¬\
_/ | ¬\_ \___ \_ ______/ | ¬\_ | \_ \_¯_/ \_
/ ¯ ¬\ | ¬\ |/ ¯ ¬\ | ¬\ T ¬\
/ \ | \ / \ | \ | \
\ / | / \ / ¯ / | /
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "CAPCOM" - for the capcom posse! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
___ ______ ___ __________ __________ ______ ___ __________ ______ / \ ___
\ _ / \_\ _______ \_\ ______ \_\ _ / \_\ _ __ \_\ _ / \_
mR!/ \/ /-----/ \/ __ / \/ / / / \/ /-----/ \/ / / \/____/ m'S
_ /_____/_____/_____/_____/ /_____/_____/_____/___________/____ / /___
\ / \ /
\ / \ /
\ / \/
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "CAPCOM" - for the capcom posse! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
___ _____________ _________________________________________________________
f ___ ___ Y
|_/ \___\__ |
///\ \ ¯ \|
C \ \_____\_____\
|\¯_ __¯ \_ |
/ \/ __ /\|
A /_____/_____/ /|
\_____\_____\/ |
|_/ ¯\ _ ¯\ |
/\ \_____\|
P \ \_____\____/|
|\/_____/___ |
|\¯_ /___/\ |
/ \/ /¯ ¯/\|
C /_____/_____/ /|
\_____\_____\/ |
|_/ ¯__ \ |
/\ \ \|
O \ \___________\
|\/____ ______/
|\¯_ / /\
/ \//___/ / /
M /_____/_____/ /|
| ¯ ¯ |
___ mR!_________m'S _________________________________________________________
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "CAPCOM" - for the capcom posse! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
_________________ __________________________ ______ _____ __________________
/_\ ____ /________ \_\_ |__ \\__
mR! _// \ /_______/\/ ___ // | \ \_\ m'S
/_/ \ _____/__. / _/ |__\ //
\\ \/ | _/| \ |______//
_ ___________\\________|________|__\_|_____\_______| /______________ _
________________ ____________________·______ ______:_ __ ________________
\_\ ____ / _:_ |\ |/____\//
\ /_______/ |/ | /| \/
\ ______|_. / _/ /_____\
\/ | /|_ \ |
_ _____________________|________|____:_____\_______|_____________________ _
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says "CONTRA" - for the contra posse (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
| ¬ |
| |
___ ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ |__ /\ __ ___/\ _____|_/\ ____ ___/\ ____ _______
¬\\\__ \___¬\\__ \___¬\\__\/ \\¬\\__ \__ __ \___¬\\__ \__ ¬\ ¬
/ |____/ | \/ |\\ \/ | \ /_ \/ __|_ \
_/ | ¬\_ | \_ | \ \_ |____/ ______//\ \___ \_
/ ¯ ¬\ | ¬\ | ¬\ |/ | ¯ \ | ¬\
/ \ | \ | \ / | \ | \
\ / ¯ / | / \ | _/ | /
| |
sorry all members of contra, for this
rotten and un-personal logo
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
|mR! m'S|
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "CREAM" - for deathknight/cream/prestige (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
_ _________________________________________________________________________ _
mR! ____________________:_____ ____________ ____________ ______:_ m'S
____\ ____ /\ |__ \_\ _______/ _\ ________ \_\ |/_________
\ /_______/¯ |_\ \ ______/____|_\/ ___ | /
\ ______L_. ___ ____/ \\ | |/ | /_____\
\/ | \_ \_ \_ | _/ | |
_ _______|________|____|/ /___/_________|___\|______|______|_______ _
( - C ÷ R ÷ E ÷ A ÷ M - )
_ _________________________________________________________________________ _
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "CRUSADER" - for crusader/e^d/gts! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
| ¬|
___ ____ | | ____
__/\ \\ _/\ _/\__ \ | ___________ | _/\__/\ \_ _/\ ____
mR!/\ ¯¯\ \ \ \_¯¯ / \ | \ _______ \ | \ \_¯¯____// \ \_ //\m'S
/ \ \_ \ / // /\ \ L/_____ /__ \| / // /__)__ / // / \
\ \ /___\/ _ __/ \ \\ // / \ \/ _// / \\ \/ _ __/ /
\ \ \ \ / \\ \ \ / /\ \ \ /\ \ \ / \\ /
\ \_______\/___/ \_______\/___/ \___\ \____/ \___\ \/___/ \\/
\ / /___/\ \ / /___/\ \ / /\___\ \ / /\___\ \ /
____\\\/____\ \ \___\/____\ \ \___\/___/ / /____\/___/ / /\___\///_____
\___\/ \___\/ \/___/ \/___/
| |
· c R U S A d E R / e P S i L O N ^ d E S i G N / g i A N t S ·
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "CRUX" - for the crux posse! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
________ ________________ _________ ____ _| |______.______ _________
\_\ ____ / ___ \_\ \\| |\ L\ \_/
mR! \ /_______/ | \ \_ \_ | /
\ ______|_. |__\ / |/ L__ ¯
\/ | ___ __/ | _/ T
_ _____________|________|___/ \___________\________| m'S
/_________/ l_______________ _
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) "CRUX - ATOMIC - MOTION" login screen for fury/prestige (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
mR! :______. m'S
________ ________________ _________ ____ _| |______.______ _________
\_\ ____ / ____ \_\ \\| |\ L\ \_/
\ /_______/ \| \ \_ \_ | /
\ ______|_. \__\ / |/ L__ ¯ __ _
\/ | ___ __/ | _/ T
_ _____________|________|___/ \___________\________|
/_________/ l_______________ _
[ - c · R · U · X · w · O · R · L · d · h · Q - ]
_ ____________ _____________ ______:_ ______ ________________
\_\ ________ \_\ _ |.¼¼¼¼¼._\ |/______\_____|\ ____ //
\/ ___ | _\ |¼¼' `¼¼| / | | \ /_______/
\| | |\_____|¼. .¼| /_____\ | | \ __________
\_ | | `¼¼¼. .¼¼| | | | \/
_ ______|/_____|______| `¼¼¼¼¼'|______|______|______|______|_______ _
[ - a · t · O · M · i · C · w · O · R · L · d · h Q - ]
______:_ _____·______ ____________ ______ _____·______ ______ _______
_\ |/______/ _:_ |\ _ |\_____|/ _:_ |\ _\\
/ | |/ | _\ | | |/ | |\\
/_____\ | / | |\____| | / | | \
| | /|_ | | | | /|_ | |
_ ____|______|______:_____/|______| |______|______:_____/|______|____ _
. .
[ - m · O · t · i · O · N · s · W · i · S · S · h · Q - ]
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "DATA DIVISION" - requested by arcane! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
| ¬|
______| ___ _____|_____
\\\ __ ¯\__ \ \ __¯ /_ \
T // /__ \ / / /__ \
/ // / \ \/ /___/ \ \
/ _// /\ \ \ /\ \ \ \
/_______/ \___\___\/ \ \___\___\\\
\ \ / / /\ /\ / / /
\_______\/___/___/__\/ \/___/___/m'S
| ____ |
_______ ___|/ /\ _______L_ _________
\\\ __ \ / / / \\ _____/\ / __ ///\
T // /\ / / /\ T_____ /\ \/ / /// \
/ // / \/ / / \/ // / \/ / / /\ \
/ _// /\ \ / /\ \ / /\ \ ¯¯ /\ \ \
/_______/ \___\____/ \___\/___/ \___\____/ \___\___\\\
\ \ / / \ / /\ \ / / \ / / /
| |
d a t a d i v i s i o n!
| |
| |
| |
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) DATA DIVISION file_id.diz - requested by arcane (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
_ ____________ ______._______ ____________ _
/ . /:\_ . \
dATA / /| "|| |\ \ DIVISIOn
mR! / /_| || |_\ \ m'S
_ ________\\\________jl________///________ _
[- d A T A D I V I S I O N pRESENtS! -]
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "DEATHKNIGHT" - for deathknight/cream/prestige (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
______.____ ____________ ____________ _____________.______:_ ________ __
_\ | \ _\ _______/ _\ ________ \_\ |\ |/_____. \/
| |\ \| _______/___| \/ ___ | _\ T / |
| |_\ \ \\_ | |/ | |\_____| ___ _ |
| | / / | _/ | | | |/ |
l______A_____/l___/_/\______A_____\|______A______j | _/______j
______. __________/\ _____ ______.____________ | \|____________.
_\ |/ /\ / _\\ \_\_____|\ ________/________| |\ |
| ___ __/| \/ |\\ | | \\ | | _\ |
| \ \| | \ | | \_ mR! __ | |\____j
| |\ \_ | | | / m'S |/ | |
l______|/ /_____A______A______A____/_______________/______A______j __ /\
/______/ ¯¯
[ - ( · D E -/\- T H K N i G H T i S O N L i N E! · ) - ]
sorry for this one dK! it looks ugly as hell. make you a new one when I have
the time to do it
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "DESOTO" for my friend with the same handle ;) (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
___ _:___ __________ ____ _/ | ____·_____.__________ ____·_____.
_\ \| \ _\ ______/ _\ \\_____|/ _:_ |\ __ \ / _:_ |
| \ \| ____/____|________ T |/ T \| T |/ |
.-| |\ \ \\\ / | / | _\_____| / |-.
| | |/ / \_ _/ | /|_ | | | /|_ j |
mR!_____A____/l_____/___________\_____A_____:____/l_____j l_____:____/m'S
| . d · E · S · O · t · O ·/· c · A · P · C · O · M . |
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "DIAL HARD" - for fury/prestige! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
__ ___/\ ____ : :__/\ ____ ___/\ _: ____________________________________
\\\__ \___¬\ | mR! \__ \__ ¬\\__ \¬|___
/ || \| |/ __|_ \/ | ¬\ d·i·A·L · h·A·R·d!
_/ | \_ _/ \___ \_ | \_
/ | ¬\ / | ¬\ | ¬\ cRUX (/\M¡GA) wORLd^hq
/ __| \ | \ | \ mOtiON (/\M¡GA) sW¡SS^hq
\ ¯ / | / ¯ / aNtHROX (sNES^sEGA) sW¡SS hq
_\_______________/ \________|______/__________///____________________________
__ ___/\ _: ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ______________________________
\\\__ \¬|___\__ \__ ¬\\__ \___¬\\__ \___¬\
/ | ¬\/ __|_ \/ || \/ || \ sYSoP: fURY/pREStiGE!
_/ ¯ \_ \___ \_ _| \ | \_ cOSYSoPS: dEAtHKNiGHt
/ T ¬\ | ¬\ _______//\ | ¬\ pATRiCiAN - sNAKE&dELBOY!
/ | \ | \ | \ __| \ dEViL&rAVEN! - ANTiFAST
\ | / | / | _/ ¯ / aRtiC CAT
s Y S p W + n U P r E Q U i R E D ! 5 N D Z v 3 4 & i S D N r U L E Z
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "DIAL HARD" - for fury/prestige! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
\ /
___ _ ____T T____ _ __________ ________________ _______ __________________
/ / \|__|/ \ \\ ______ \_\____/\ ______ \_\ _ /_____
f _ | | _ T \/ / / / / \/ __ / \/ / / di/\L H/\Rd!
_ | ) \l__j/ ( /_____/_____/_____/ /_____/_____/_____///_____________
| )___||___( | / / m'S
_ l YY j ____ _______/ _/________ __________ __________ __
\_______jl_______/ \\\ ____/_ \ ______ \_\ ______ \_\ ______ \_
\________/ T \/ /¯ / \/ __ / \/ _ ___/ \/ / / /
______ [___||___] _____mR!/ /_____/_____/_____/_____/_____\_____/_____///
/ \ / /
| || | cRUX (aM¡GA) wORLD hQ - mOT¡ON (aM¡GA) sW¡SS hQ!
| | | /_____/ aNTHROX (sNES^sEGA) sW¡SS hQ
| | |
| || | sYSOP: fURY/pRESt¡GE
| | | s N A K E & d E L B O Y - a R t ¡ C C /\ T
| | |
| | | sYStEM+nEWuSER pASSWORD rEQ. - 5NDZ v34 & ¡SDN rULES hERE!
_____ l____jl____j __________________________________________________________
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "EPSILON DESIGN" - for epsilon design! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
/ \\
______/ \______
_____ ____ \ _____ / _______
_____ ________\____\__ ¬\ ______ / ¬\_\ _______ // __ ¬\ _____ ____ _____
¬ \_ _________/ \\\ \\_ __/_____/¯\\ _ /__\__ \ \\____\ ¬\_ ¬
./ ________/\_ \___/_______ \\ \\/ / ¯¬/ ¯¯ \ \\ /
___ l___\\ ¯//____\ / //____/\____\__/_____/\_______// /_\___/-tS!_
\ / \ / / /
D ·\ / E ·\ / S · I · / G / · N
\/ \/ /_____ _____\ /_____/
¯ \ / ¯
\\ /
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "EUROLIST" - for recall/ihs/lsd/hellfire (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
_ ___ ___/\ _|¬\____/\ _: ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ __________________________
\\\__ _\_|__/\__ \ |___\__ \_ _¬\\__ \__ ¬\ ¬Y
/ _____)__/ | ¬\/ \/ \/ | \ · E U R O L i S T · |
_/ | ¬\_ | \_ ___ __//\ | \_ |
mR! / | ¬\ | ¬\ \_ \ | ¬\ |
/ | \ | \ | \ | \ by inhumans |
\ | / ¯ / | _/ ¯ /__ |
___\______| /__________/___|_______\_________/// Y |
f |_______/ ¬| | - iSSUE #xx |
| : | · :_ |
| bLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLl__ ___/\ _: : :__/\ _|¬\____/\ _____ ___j
| bLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbL \\\__ \ |___ | \__ \_|__/\__ \__ ¬\
| bLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbL / | ¬\| L/_______ ¬\/ | \
| bLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbL _/ | \_ _\ | \_ |____///
| bLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbL / | ¬\ / | ¬\ |
| bLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbL / | / | \ |
| bLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbLAbL \ | \ | / |
l_____________________________\________|______/ \ |______/___|_____m'S
: \_______| :
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "EVERYWARE" - for shade/trsi (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
:_ :_
________ ___/\ _|¬\____/\ _: ___/\ _|¬\____/\ ____ _:__ ____________
¬\\\__ \_|__/\__ \¬|___\__ \_|__/\__ \___¬\ ____\| ¬\ ¬
/ _____)__/ | ¬\/ _____)__/ /_ \/ \ \
_/ \| ¬\_ | \_ \| ¬\_ ___ __//\ _|\ \_
/ \ ¬\ | ¬\ \ ¬\ \| \______ ¬\
/ _|\ \ | \|\ \ \_ \| \
\ / ¯ / / |/ _/| /
_ _____\_______________/__________/__________/___/_______\|________///___ _
_____________ ___/\ _: ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _|¬\_ _________________
¬\\\__ \¬|___\__ \__ ¬\\__ \___¬\\__ \_|__/ ¬
/ | ¬\/ __|_ \/ /_ \/ _____)__
_/ | \_ \___ \_ ___ __//\ \| ¬\_
/ | ¬\ | ¬\ \| \ \ ¬\
/ | \ | \ \_ \|\ \
\ ¯ / | / |/ _/ /
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "HF - CRUX - PSG" - for enzo/prestige! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
_______________________ ______:_ ______________________________________
\ \_\ |/_____ \ ________ /
\\ /| // _______\ //
\\ _¯_ _/ \| //
\\ T/ \ \_ //
___\\__________________________/ \__________________________________//___
mR!/________| :______.
________ ________________ _________ ____ _| |______.______ _________
\ \_\ ____ / ___ \_\ \\| |\ L\ \_/ /
\\ \ /_______/ | \ \_ \_ | / //
\\ \ ______|_. |__\ / |/ L__ ¯ //
\\ \/ | ___ __/ | _/ T //
___\\___________|________|___/ \___________\________| //
/_________/ _____. |____________//____
________________ ______ _____ _____ _/ |____________ ________________
\ \_\ |__ \_\ _\______|\ ________/__/ /
\\ | \ \_________ | \\ | //
\\ |__\ / _/ | \| //
\\ |______/ \ | \ //
___\\___________________| m'S\__________\___A______L\__________________//___
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "HOMELESS" - requested at raveland by -(-SLIME&VOYAGE-)- (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
______:_ _____·______.______:_ ____________
_\ |/_____:/ _:_ |\ |/_____ \ _______/
/// / | |/ T / T ______/______
.----/ __ T / | /_____\ | \\_ \----.
| / \| | /|_ L | | / \ |
|mR!\_________\_ |______:_____/l______A______A___/____________/// |
| l/_____j · _____. _____. |
| ______:_ ____________ _____ _/ |_____ _/ | |
| _\ |/_____ \ _______/ _\ \\______|\ \\______| |
| /// | T ______/____|___________ T___________ \ |
| / _/| | \\_ _// | _// \ |
| / \ | | / \ | \ \m'S|
( ^ · - h · O · M · E · L · E · S · S - · ^ )
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "IHS - LSD - HF" for recall/ihs/lsd/hellfire (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
_____________________ ______.______._ _____ _/ |____________________
\ /_\_____|\ |/_____.\ \\______|\ /
\\ iNHUMANS // ¬T / ___|___________ \\ wORLd hQ //
\\ // | __ \ _// \\ //
\\ // | \| \ \ \\ //
__________________ ______:_ _____ _/ |______:_____ _________________
\ /_\ |/______\ \\______|\_ _____ \\ /
\\ LSd // | |___________ _|______|__\ \\ sWEdiSh hQ //
\\ // _/| | _// \_ : \\ //
\\ // \ | | \ / \\ //
_______________________ ______:_ ______________________________________
\ \_\ |/_____ \ ________ /
\\ hELLfiRE (hF) /| // _______\ sWEdiSH hQ //
\\ _¯_ _/ \| //
\\ T/ \ \_ //
___\\__________________________/ \__________________________________//___
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "MISFIT" - requested by misfit (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
____________ ___/\ _: : ___/\ _| \____/\ _:____ .__/\ _____ __________
\__ \ |___ | \__ \_|__/\__ \_____/ \__ \ \\\
/ | \| L/_______ \/ _____/ |/ _ \
_/ \__¯__/ \_ _\ |/ \_ | _/ _\____/
/ T \ / _/ \ | / T
/ | / \| \ | / |
mR! \ | \ ¯ / | \ | m'S
_ ______\\\________A______/ \_______________/___| \________j ___________ _
: · : ·
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "MO'SOUL" - for the MO'SOUL posse! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
: ·
| ·
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__ | | __
\/ | | \/
_________________________A________ _______________A_________________________
__ :_
__ ___/\ _:_ ___/\ ____\_\___/\ _| \____/\ ____ ___/\ _:_ ___/\ _:_ _______
\\\__ \ |/__\__ \___ \L/\__ \_|__/\__ \___ \\__ \ |/__\__ \ |/__
/ __/ \/ |/ \ _/________ \/ |/ \/ / \/ _/ \
_/ \\___/ \_ / \\ / \_ / \_ _/| \_ \| \_
/ | \ /|_ ¯\ _/ \ /|_ \ \ | \ \ \
/ | \ ¯¯ \ \ \ ¯¯ \ \| \ |\ \
\ | / / \ / / ¯ / | \_ /
( · -/X\- O ' S O U L · )
| |
/\ | | /\
¯¯ | | ¯¯
! |
: |
. |
. :
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "MO'SOUL" - for the MO'SOUL posse! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
_____/\ /\_____
· - -- \ (__·__) / -- - ·
_) ¯ (_ ..
.:::: | | `::.
:::':::. | | ::.
_____.:: ::: ! _____. ! .: `::
_____ _/ ¬|:' :::_____ _/ ¬| _____·______::' ::______:_
_\ \\/ |: :::\ \\______|/ _:_ ¬|: ::\ |/_____.
- | / |: ::T___________ T |/ |: .:T / ¬| -
| /_____\ |: \\¯¯ _/ | / |. ::| _/| |
| | |:. `\ \ | /|_ L:: .::'| \ | |
mR! |______j:: .:\__________\__A______:_____/ `::::' l_____\|______m'S
| ! `::: :::' .
| : :::::' ¡ ¡
! . | |
: | |
. | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "MO'SOUL" - for the MO'SOUL posse! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
| |
· m O ' s O U L ·
! |
: !
__:/\ _: :
\\\_¯ \ |__:
/¯ | ¬\
_/ \__¯__/ \_
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__:/\ ____:
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: :_ :
__:/\ _|¬\:
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__:/\ ____:
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: ¯ :
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___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "MORTUARY" - for bloodwolf (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
__ ___/\ _: ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ______ _ /\ _ _____
\__ \ |___\__ \___ \\__ \___ \\__ \___ \ .::::::: / \ ::::...
/ | \/ | \/ /_ \/ | \_ `::::: / \ ::'''
_/ \_¯_/ \_ | \_ ______//\ |____/ | fY |
/ T \ | \ | \ | ...::.. | || | ...::
/ | \ | \ | \ | ``` | || | ```
\ | / ¯ / | _/ | /\| lj |/\
\____/\__A______/\_________/\__A_______\__| Y Y
___/\ _: ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ :__ | fY fY |
\__ \ |___\__ \__ \\__ \___ \ _____| \ | lj lj |
/ | \/ __|_ \/ /_ \/ | \ /| _ _ |\
_/ | \_ \___ \_ ______//\ | \_ Y | / TT \ | Y
/ | \ | \ | \ | \ | | Y || Y | |
/ | \ | \ | \______ \ _|_| | | .||. | | | \/
\ ¯ / | / | _/| / | | | | || | | | /\
[ M · () · R · T · U · /\ · R · Y ]
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "MOTION" - for the motion posse! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
______:_ _____·______ ____________ ______ _____·______ ______ _______
_\ |/______/ _:_ |\ _ |\_____|/ _:_ |\ _\\
/ | |/ | _\ | | |/ | |\\
/_____\ | / | |\____| | / | | \
| | /|_ | | | | /|_ | |
mR!____|______|______:_____/|______| |______|______:_____/|______|____m'S
. .
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "ON THE RUN" - requested by jazy (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
________ _/\ _____
______ /\ __ \ __ \ \\ /\ ____________________________________________
/// \ \ \ / /\ / \
\ \ \ \/ / / /
\ \ ¯¯ \ / /___/__ _________
\ \_______\/ / __ ¯ /___ \ _____/\
\ / /___/ / /\ \ / ____/\ \ \
mR!\/_______/\ / /___/ __ \/ \\_ ¯/\_\/_
/ /\ \ \ \ / /_/\_¯ \ _/\ _____
/___/ \___\___\ \/___/\_¯¯ / \ \ \\ /\
\ \ / / /\___\/ // /\ \ / /\ / \
\___\/ \/___/ / / _ __/ \ \/ / / /
\/___/ / \\ \ \ / / /
/___/___/ \_______\/ / /
\ \ \ / /___/ /m'S
________________________________________\___\___\/_______/\ \ ///_________
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "PC MAZE" - requested by g0! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
| ¬|
___/\ ________________________|_____ /\ __|__________________________
\\\__ \_________________________ ¬\_ \____________________________/___
/ ____________________/ \\ ¬\
\___________________\\ | \___________\________________________///
______:_ _______|____ _____|_______ _____________
_\ ¬|/_____.\ _____ ¬\.\________ ¬/_\ ________/m'S
/// / ¬| ___ |¯ ___________| ______/______
/ /_____\ | |/ | \\_ ¬| \\_ ¬\
/ | | _/ | / | / \
| |
· w E L C O M E t O t h E p C ^ m A Z E ·
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "PRESTIGE" - for the prestige posse! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
mR! .--------. ·
_\ |___ \
| | \ \
| __|___\ \
| \\__________/
| |____:_
| |___ \
| |__\ \
| ___ ___/
| \_ \_
l_______|/ /
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___:__ _/ |
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__|___________ |
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l____/ __j
_\ ________/
| ________/_:__
| \\ \\
| \_ \
: :
: :
· `--------' m'S
___ ___
// /\ \ / /\ \\
/ /\\_ _//\ \
( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
// | ( ¯\___A___/¯ ) | \\
. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "RAVELAND" - for h2o/contra! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
¯ _| .| | | |. |_ ¯
\' _ |: ` ' :| _ `/
_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
¢ .----------------. ¢
|mR! _ _ ¬ |
| /( )\ |
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\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
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\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
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_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
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/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
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/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
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/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
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_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
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/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
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_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
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/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
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[ - ( · W · O · R · L · D · O · F · E · L · I · T · E · ) - ]
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\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
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. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) logo says: "WORLD OF ELITE" - for deathknight/cream/prestige! (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
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_ _ _ _))___( \___^___/ )___((_ _ _ _
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( · wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf.. Y \ V / Y ..mARK RYDER/cCM/mO'sOUL! · )
\/\_ _/\ | _\ /_ | /\_ _/\/
____(·__ _) _| (^)V(^) |_ (_ __·)____
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. mR! \__ __/ m'S .
_/(___________________|_____| | | | |_____|_________________)\_
_/\___) ' ' ' · ` ` ` (___/\_
) no more logos - move on to the next part. (
/___________________________________. · · ._________________________________\
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My ARt Is FOREVEr.. ·
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_ ___\ . : /___ _
· (^·- wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf - pARt#o3 - c h i L L o U t z O n E -·^) ·
________ _____ _ _____ _ ________ ______
///\ __ ¬\ \ ¬/__\ \ /\_\____ /\ __ ¬\ _____/ ¬/ ¬\
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| \ / /___/ / /\ \ / / / \ / / \ / / |
| mR!\/_______/\ \ /___/__\___\/___/___/ \/_______/______\/___/m'S |
| \___\/____ __________ _________ |
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l___________________\ / / / \ / / /\ \ /____________________j
[ - ( (^·- c h i l l o u t z o n e -·^) ) - ]
- --- ----------------------------- --- -
if you think this is boring, stop reading it. don't send me messages saying
you thought the chill out zone was boring crap. this was made for all
who wrote me a message saying they liked the chill out zone(s) in
"FLASHBACK - the world is silent tonight" (e^d-tsfb.lha), so don't
complain about it, just skip it..
this might comfort you: this is (probably) the LAST chill out zone ever!!
(i'll make more if there's a real big demand (hah, fat chance ...))
(In-) Sanity check.
Below are a number of questions, please
answer as truthfully as possible and
check your points when you're done
filling out the answers.
1. Aliens lands on earth. They're all
fe-male with great bodies, except they
have got green skin and yellow eyes.
One of them comes to your house. Would
you ...
(a) rip her clothes off and do her?
(b) rip your clothes off and make her
beg for sum'?
(c) see if she floats in water?
2. Cindy Crawford is in town. You meet
her and she likes you. As a matter of
fact, she likes you soo much she
invites you to her room. When you get
there, you find her lying naked in bed,
telling you: "Come on, give me what
you've allways dreamt of giving me!"
Would you give her ...
(a) 10 days of intense sexual pleasure?
(b) 10 hours of intense sexual
(c) 10 dollars to leave?
3. The condom should be..
(a) placed you-know-where.
(b) in your wallet at all times.
(c) filled with water & dropped on cars
driving along the freeway?
4. A strange illness is ...
(a) what you've got when you buy a pc ?
(b) NOT wanting to have a 3-way with
Cindy Crawford & Claudia Schiffer?
(c) fun to have because you never know
if your dick will fall off or not ?
5. When hair grows out of the palm of
your hands, that means that ...
(a) you've watched too many porn-movies
(b) you've been doing to many drugs?
(c) you're a wearwolf?
6. She puts her hand between your
thighs, wets her lips and moans: "take
me, take me now!" You respond with...
(a) "Yeah baby, I'll pump you like a
pair of AIR NIKE's! Gonna slam-dunk
your pussy like Michael Jordan!"
(b) "Right now? -- Errr .. ok."
(c) "Take you where?"
7. She lies on her back, naked, got her
legs high up in the air -- it's ..
(a) how your girlfriend always is on
saturday night,when she's with you.
(b) a girl in a porno-movie.
(c) what you can see through your
telescope, when the neighbours have
forgot to close the curtains..
8. Mick & Jill went up the hill. When
they got on top, Mick let his pants
drop. Jill went WET and said, Mick you
better give me..
(a) your dick.
(b) 20 bucks.
(c) a pack of always ultra's?
9. "When I saw you, I couldn't help
beeing spellbound by your beautiful.."
(a) face.
(b) titties.
(c) girlfriend.
-- How's how you add up your scores. --
every (a) gives you .. 2 points
every (b) gives you .. 1 points
every (c) gives you .. 0 points
if you got...
18 points: you're normal. wow.
10-17 points: you're weird.
1-9 points: get that white-powder out
of your nose&try again!
0 points: 'ello!, where's the nice
friendly men with the
stylish straight-jacket??
ah, I'm back to bore you again. the army is
going to take me away from you for a while.
I have to go to the army on the 9th of january
1996 (just some days to go..). i've got a note
from my doctor about some things, but with my
luck the army'll just keep me. if that happens,
I'll be gone for 9 months (!).
going to the army really wasn't in my plans
for 1996. this year I was going to move into my
own appartment, get my drivers-lisence and take
a trip to sweden to meet some of the nice
swedes I've met on various boards. if I have to
stay in the army,I can just forget all of that.
the army is one piece of shit fascist
institution. you've got nothing to say for
yourself & you're commanded around by a fascist
asshole who doesn't respect you at all. people
say that norway is a democratic country, but
any country who forces you to go to the army,
threatens you with prison if you don't - that's
not a democracy, it's fascism.
I hate people who think they're better than me
more than anything else in the whole world. do
I belong in the army? no. will they like me in
the army? no. do I care? no. i'll do my best
NOT to do as they say. deny the fascists their
daily dose of fascist pleasure, commanding me
around. they're almost like the nazi's, but
instead of killing you physically - they kill
you mentally. -* fight the power! *-
"What may I do for you?"
"you can get down on your knees and suck my dick if you like.."
some say you should ban drugs, then they light
their Marlboro cigarette and take a sip of
their beer. "drugs kills" they say with great
convincement. tonns of studies prove cigarette
addiction to kill way more than ten times the
number of people dying from drug abuse. anyone
addicted to cigarettes, telling you drugs are
bad for you, are blinded by their own abuse.
they should seek help instead of preaching.
the ONLY reason why people who are addicted to
cigarettes and/or alcohol tell you that drugs
are bad for you, is IGNORANCE and FEAR ...
the FEAR and IGNORANCE both come on strong as
they preach about all the bad things drug
addicts do, while they themselves are a part of
forcing the drug addicts into that way of life;
stealing,robbing,selling themselves for money..
some go through a pack of '20 a day, some more,
some less. in norway they pay about $6 to feed
their addiction, so they can afford it. DRUGS
are WAY more expencive, because they are
illigal. a pack of '20 with hash in norway,
using 1 gram pr. cigg, will cost the user about
$250. you see your mother and father not beeing
able to quit smoking, they have a house and a
car. you see the drug addicts not beeing able
to quit whatever drug they're using, they live
on the street or in some real shitty appartment
... you understand what I'm trying to say?? the
ONLY difference between YOUR parents and the
"dangerous drug addicts" living on the street
if drugs were cheap, drug addicts would have a
house and a job - they'd be just like your
parents, neighbour, teacher .. who-ever.
solve your own problems before trying to solve
"would you hold my erection for a while?"
"you pervert!!"
"hey, it's YOUR fault I've got it!"
on norwegian TV2 there's a so-called
"breakfast show" with a woman who
should stop trying to cover up she's
getting FAT with tonns of make-up.
and with her? a guy who looks like
the only thing he's been putting his
wiener into are assholes, men's ass-
holes. fucking faggot! he's the kind
of guy you see, and you just want to
crawl right through the tv set and
kill him because he annoy's you like
hell. moving on .. swedish TV2 - also
a breakfast show going on. 1 program
hostess, and she's as old as my
mother .. and she's ugly, and her one
and only guest is an old fart who's
as interesting as watching paint dry.
then we've got NBC SuperChannel with
Financial Times going on - wow, how
interesting - NOT!. so, we try the
last channel that has something to
offer at this time a day - MTV! yes,
the channel we've come to love&hate..
..and they're sending THE GRIND!!!!!!
who the hell wants to see loads of
geeks dance to rotten music ??!?!?!?!
> > F U C K T E L E V I S I O N < <
ah, I found something to do in the
morning - write this! it made 5 mins
fly by .. now, what to do with the
remaining 37 before I have to go to
work ... hm.
in a perfect world, I'd have a big hard dick growing out of one hand,
a wet pussy in the other, and I'd go around clapping all day long ...
think about this whole man/woman thing. if some one came up with some
alternative thing to sex, something even better than sex, who in hell
would bother to go out every f'ing weekend to try and lay as much
pussy as humanly possible then? not me, I'd be doing that alternative
thing as much as I could. this thought should scare the living crap
out of women, because they'd be pretty lonely if some one ever found
something .. not that I think some one ever will because sex is f'ing
great - but let's open our minds to the thought "what if...". I mean,
let's he honest for a minute - the only thing that drives you to
take a shower, put on some nice smelling perfume and some half-decent
clothes, and take a taxi down to some 'happening' place - is that you
are tired of masturbating. you want to stick your dick into something
other than your own hand. so, you go out and do your very best to get
some chick to go home with you - or you go home with her. either way,
what we're all aiming for that night is to get so see her naked. and
to have her fuck the living shit out of us, ofcourse. now, if you
could have something better & much easier - you wouldn't be out that
night, and that girl would have been lonely - along with the rest of
the women of the world, going "where are all the men at?".
1o cd's NOT to buy!
o1. dj hooligan "i want you"
o2.strictly underground & ravealation volume 1 (live at wembly)
o3. moby "early underground"
o4. dune
o5. strictly underground "intelligent drum&bass #2"
o6. jungle vibes 2
o7. hardleaders 6 - jungle dub
o8. goldie "timeless"
o9. hyper rave #4
1o. jungle massive #2
if I could have oral sex with myself,
i'd have bad breath 24hr a day.
ever seen the movie "fuck the world",
starring Mickey Rourke & Lori Singer?
no? then, don't. don't go renting
the movie "friday" starring ice-cube
either. see, now I saved you some
money. gosh, I'm nice.
ask "Who would you rather see naked - Tom Arnold or Sylvester Stalone?"
if he says without thinking "none of them!!" - he's ok.
if he has to think about it - he's bi-sexual.
if he says "Sylvester Stalone", he's homosexual
if he says "Tom Arnold", he's an insane homosexual.
if he says "none of them, I'd like to see YOU naked" - he's a dead homosexual
easy, isn't it?
why is there no easy way to die? as I
see it - it is my RIGHT to die if I
feel like it. fascist norwegian laws
says it's NOT my right to die if I
want to, it's against the law. it's
also against the law for doctors to
help you die.
the first thing, that it's against
the law to die, that's something I
don't give a shit about. if I manage
to kill myself, what are they going
to do? arrest my dead body? j-h-esus!
but the part about doctors can't help
you to die - that pisses me off.
is it that much better that people
hurt themselves real bad trying to
end their life by their own doing ?!?
a lot of "classic" ways to end your
life arn't as straight forward as
most people think. take for instance:
cutting your wrist. ok, you take your
knife and move it sideways, to the
left & right. THAT'S WRONG!! you're
supposed to be cutting from the
middle of your wrist and straight up
your arm. I.e: vertically, not
horizontally. it's a common misstake.
then we've got PILLS. take a couple
hundred valium's and you'll die??? it
could happen. what also could happen
is that your body reacts to the over-
dose by emptying your stomach,
throwing up. that's lead people to
live with braindamage the rest of
their life. (this little part about
the pills, i've seen a program about.
I.e: if it's not 100% correct, send
your complaints to some tv-station..)
you dig Nirvana and want to shoot
yourself in the head? miss,and you'll
look totally fucked up and you may
suffer some braindamage or some other
nasty thing (urgh..).
quick & safe ways? wait for the
express train'n'jump onto the tracks.
go to some 40 story building and jump
out from a window. grab hold of some-
thing heavy when you are jumping. a
tv or something ..
hint: people have survied falling out
of the 9th floor. (be sure to aim for
some concrete)
btw: according to some doctors, if
you cut a man's head off -- his brain
stays active for about 30 seconds
before it 'dies'.
who thought 1 person could write so much boring text?
this is typical. it's 5 hours till I have to get up and go to work,
and I still havn't gone to sleep (obviously...)
women are the worst idiots on this planet!!
I've tried & experienced the following, so
don't even THINK about telling me it's
wrong. imagine: you're with your girlfriend
and some of her girl-friends, they see a
poster of some handsome dude and go "Oh, he
is so gorgeous!!". as a man, you won't
react to this at all. NOW, *YOU* TRY THE
SAME! walk around, find some Hennes&Mauritz
poster and go "wow, that babe is awesome!!"
and see how your girlfriend reacts. 100%
guaranteed that she'll give you the "WHAT?"
look and be a bit upset with you the rest
of the day -- just because you did exactly
the same as she did.
now we can look at my mother for another
fine example of stupidity. we've got a dog,
my mother says "You have to take her for a
walk in the morning and at night" and I say
"we can just tie her to the house and get
her used to NOT beeing taken for a walk -
make the dog understand that going for a
walk is a TREAT, and only happens once
every second month or something ..." what
does my mother do? jepps, she calls me LAZY
and takes the dog for a walk. that goes on
for a while till the dog is USED to beeing
taken for a walk. NOW my mother goes "Oh, I
can't take the dog for a walk, I have to
something-something" or "I'm too tired to
walk the dog, you do it". me, I just tie
the dog to the house and expect it to shit
outside -- but it won't do that. it's
expecting to be taken for a walk, so it
just sits there looking stupid. so now I
have to take the dog for a walk. I tell my
mother "I'm not taking it for a walk. do it
your self - you're the one who wants the
dog to be walked so badly, YOU do it." what
happens? oh yes,my mother gets mad. TYPICAL
female re-action & action. my mother gets
another child, says BEFORE the child is
born "you and your brother won't have to
look after it, it's MY choise to have this
baby and not yours, so it's my
responsebility." what happens some months
later, after the baby is born? "Could you
look after your little sister while I go
out?" and I answer "HELL NO! THAT KID'S NOT
OWN FUCKING PROBLEM!!" what does she do?
jupps, she gets made because I won't watch
my kid sister. god, women are STUUUUUPID!!!
should I go on about the girl I met, had an
exellent time with, she tells me to call
her, she's never at home when I call, meet
her again and we AGAIN have a most exellent
day together, she tells me to call her, she
is never at home. that cycle goes on for
a while, I get sick of it and stop trying
to call her. I'm at some disco talking to
one of my girl-friends whom I've known for
2 years. the other girl shows up, see's me
chatting with this girl - tries to make me
jelaous, it doesn't work - she gets mad. or
should I go on about the girl I met who I
went out with, had a good time, we talked
and I said I could make time for her any
time, but she was kinda busy so SHE had to
call me to tell me when she had time to see
me, this to avoid the situation of me havin
to call her 1 billion times to get hold of
her and find some time when we could meet
again. she DOESN'T CALL so I think "bah,
fuck her.." and go on with my life. I see
her at shops & shit, stearing at me, smilin
and whispering to her girl friends. I'm in
the same cafe as she is, I her her go "oh,
there's [my real name]" with a tone you
just can't misstake - she wants me. DON'T
I hang out with, we've gotten quite a few
laughs over how stupid these girls are bcoz
they know the situation, they've seen&heard
it themselves.
then again, maybe it's just ME. after all,
my best friend asks me "why is it that all
the women you meet are good looking, but
stupid as hell?". argh, argh, ARGH!!!!!!!
"doctor, I've got a serious problem!"
"what is it?"
"I'm just TOO horny, could you help me??"
don't think it's cool to tell a fe-male cop :
"hand-cuff me and rape me" because she WILL hand-cuff you
but the only one raping you'll be a big guy with a harley
tatoo across his belly, after she's thrown you in prison.
btw: CZAR thinks i've quitted the ascii scene
(he wrote so in a request), and some other
dude thought I was from germany. now, people:
czar's (or how the hell you spell his handle)
thoughts, I won't even comment. you can all
make up your own minds after watching this
collection. the guy who thought I was from
germany (and the guyS who thinks I'm swedish)
drinking beer & fucking women like in the old
days, harr, harr.. (god, that sounded stupid)
"have you got a ticket??"
"no. but I've got a big hard erection in my pants,
and there's a toilet just down the hall.."
I want a cd-player that says "ejaculate" instead of "eject"
"you, me, a crow-bar, a box of vazeline and some running speed??"
"what? I don't care what the law says!! even if you're only 15 years old,
you still look good to me. what'ya mean, 'pervert' ???
[- Observations & Opinions! -]
- The only place in the world where
you can stop and make the following
- 90% of the people around you are
wearing suits.
- 9% of the 10% that are not wearing
suits, are tourists.
- The remaining 1% are junkies&punks.
- It is no use sending money or
- The money won't be used to save any
people because all the people that
has been collecting the money wants to
get paid for collecting the money.
- Clothes will never get there because
the people who are going to transport
the clothes refuse, because the people
who collected the money won't pay the
people who are going to transport the
clothes, because they used the money
on themselves.
- IF the people who are going to
transport the clothes GET any money,
it's never enough.
- God doesn't like me, so I don't like
- No religion accepts my way of life,
so I don't accept any form of
- Religion is the main source of evil
in the world, anyone found to be
religious should be shot on sight.
- Believe in yourself, everything else
is bullshit.
- Gym is the result of torture beeing
- Shoot all gym-teachers.
- 95% of all gym-teachers are faggots.
- Gives us the chance to loose huge
ammounts of data, instead of just the
measly few kilobytes you can loose
on a faulty floppydisk.
- If told into a woman's ear, when you
are extreamly drunk, that you have a
harddisk --- you might get your face
slapped for beeing a pervert.
- Trust a harddisk to crash just after
you've saved some wery important data
onto it.
- Any harddisk bigger than 1 gigabyte
is bound to have at least 1 file
containing 1 virus, no matter how many
virus-killers you've got.
- Horrid little things that shit green
the first month(s) or so of their
- The green shit is flushed down the
toilet and it forms huge green shit-
alliances which will soon take over
the world.
- Never ever have kids.
- 'Em f*cks are the motherf***ing
b*tches who f***ing censors your
f***ing great f***ing good kick-
f***ing a*s articles.
- F**k 'em!
- If the Ku Klux Klan took over, you'd
be able to order such wonderful
delights as: "Mc.Nigger" and "Lenched
m'abdullah w/family". The last meal
beeing the so called "family pack".
- The "big mack" would be a big-ass
nigger named "Abdhul" with a huge
apple stuck in his mouth and a fork up
his ass.
- Stupid people.
- They think it's O.K to drive a
tractor on the Freeway.
- When the air smells fishy, you can
bet a farmer had something to do with
+ 72o lines / 3o39o bytes wasted (biggest chill out zone so far.) +
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· (^·- wELCOME yOUR bAd^sELf - pARt#o4 - eXPRESS bOARd dEZiGN! -·^) ·
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e X P R E S S b O A R d d E Z i G N v O . o 1 b E t A r E L E A S E
[-(· a V A I L A B L E L O G O s ·)-]
c o n f e r e n c e s
d o o r s
d o w n l o a d
2 × l a s t c a l l e r s
m e n u
u p l o a d
[-/----- - a tOtAL oF 7 LOGOS iNCLUdED iN thiS bEtA rELEASE. eNjOY - -----/-]
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\ express board dezign vo.o1 beta - logo says [ CONFERENCES ......... ] /
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mR!_____/____\/___/___/\/ \/___/___/\___\/___/___/\___\/_______/\___\/___m'S
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| > o1. [ amiga ..... ] < |
| o2. [ consoles .. ] |
| o3. [ pc ........ ] |
| o4. [ ascii ..... ] |
| o5. [ requests .. ] |
| o6. [ modules ... ] |
| o7. [ /X tools .. ] |
| o8. [ something . ] |
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| 1o. [ something . ] |
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_) \/ (·) \/ (_
\ express board dezign vo.o1 beta - logo says [ DOORS ............... ] /
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___________ _|___·______. _____·______.______.___|_ _____ _/ ¬|
mR!\_ _ ¬\ _/ _:_ ¬|/ _:_ ¬|\ ¬|___ ¬\_\ ¬\\______|
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_) \/ (·) \/ (_
\ express board dezign vo.o1 beta - logo says [ DOWNLOAD ............ ] /
______ _________ _/\ __\__ ___________ ______
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///\¯ \\ \ / / /\ ¬\ / /\ /\ ¬\ / / /__ \ / // /\
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__ _________________________________ _________________________________ __
_) \/ (·) \/ (_
\ express board dezign vo.o1 beta - logo says [ LAST CALLERS ........ ] /
_ ____________ ___________ _________ _____ ______ ____________
\___mR!\ __ /__/ \ _ / \ \ __ /\__ \ /__ ___/ \____ /__/
\ \/ __ /___ \/ / /\___\/ __ /\¯ \/ / /__\__/ // /___ \
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/___/___/\___\/___/___/\/ \/_______/\___\/___/___/\___\/___/___/\___\/___m'S
t h e 1 o L a s t c a l l e r s
Super-AmiLog by P0T-NOoDLE of ANTHROX (C)1993 Gods'Gift
Baud N Name Group / Location On-Time Actions H:MM Up-K Dn-K
14.4 1 Zwitex =>) NoizeVision (<= 19:36:41 [--P---] 0:02 0 0
28.8 1 CAESAR -+ SIR LEECHALOT +- 19:28:31 [------] 0:02 0 0
28.8 1 deliveryman PRIMAL RAGE 18:57:08 [----U-] 0:23 3543 0
14.4 3 BlackEye <|>)( SkidRoW )(<|> 19:10:55 [H-----] 0:02 0 0
14.4 4 Hot Tuna Razor 1911 19:11:38 [--P---] 0:01 0 0
16.8 2 Lorus - 7LL & VIKINGS - 19:03:16 [---D--] 0:09 0 654
28.8 2 MR.Crunch World of Packers 18:41:50 [---D--] 0:06 0 254
28.8 1 Iceman * [ HELLFIRE! ] * 18:44:34 [------] 0:03 0 0
24.0 1 CHODE odense,dk 18:34:23 [------] 0:02 0 0
26.4 2 CHICK -*- LEECH -*- 17:58:30 [---D--] 0:35 0 3851
Don't even try to tell me what you think is right...
Calls: 71 / Y'day: 138 | U: 24 / 6351k | D: 87 / 14455k | Hrs: 7
The Records - Calls: 198 | U: 181 / 114mb | D: =923 / 78403k | Hrs: 38
The Actions: [-H-] Password Hack [-C-] Drop Carrier. [-P-] Sysop Page...
------------ [D/d] Download/Fail [D/u] Upload/Fail.. [-S-] Sysop Command
__ _________________________________ _________________________________ __
_) \/ (·) \/ (_
\ express board dezign vo.o1 beta - logo says [ LAST CALLERS ........ ] /
______ ____ _ ____ _ ____ ____ _ ____
mR!/ /\ - \/__-/ _\:::/ __/- \/ /\ \__/ _-/ _\/__-/\::::::::::::::::::::::::.
/__¯/\_\_\__/\_\/ /___/\_\_\_¯/\___\__T\_\/___/ / the last 1o callers ::
Super-AmiLog by P0T-NOoDLE of ANTHROX (C)1993 Gods'Gift
Baud N Name Group / Location On-Time Actions H:MM Up-K Dn-K
14.4 1 Zwitex =>) NoizeVision (<= 19:36:41 [--P---] 0:02 0 0
28.8 1 CAESAR -+ SIR LEECHALOT +- 19:28:31 [------] 0:02 0 0
28.8 1 deliveryman PRIMAL RAGE 18:57:08 [----U-] 0:23 3543 0
14.4 3 BlackEye <|>)( SkidRoW )(<|> 19:10:55 [H-----] 0:02 0 0
14.4 4 Hot Tuna Razor 1911 19:11:38 [--P---] 0:01 0 0
16.8 2 Lorus - 7LL & VIKINGS - 19:03:16 [---D--] 0:09 0 654
28.8 2 MR.Crunch World of Packers 18:41:50 [---D--] 0:06 0 254
28.8 1 Iceman * [ HELLFIRE! ] * 18:44:34 [------] 0:03 0 0
24.0 1 CHODE odense,dk 18:34:23 [------] 0:02 0 0
26.4 2 CHICK -*- LEECH -*- 17:58:30 [---D--] 0:35 0 3851
Don't even try to tell me what you think is right...
Calls: 71 / Y'day: 138 | U: 24 / 6351k | D: 87 / 14455k | Hrs: 7
The Records - Calls: 198 | U: 181 / 114mb | D: =923 / 78403k | Hrs: 38
The Actions: [-H-] Password Hack [-C-] Drop Carrier. [-P-] Sysop Page...
------------ [D/d] Download/Fail [D/u] Upload/Fail.. [-S-] Sysop Command
__ _________________________________ _________________________________ __
_) \/ (·) \/ (_
\ express board dezign vo.o1 beta - logo says [ MENU ................ ] /
___\ __ __________ _/ /\__
mR!\ \ /___ - \ _____///\ -- \ /¯¯ /\ -
/ \ / / / ____/_ // \ / / / \
\ \ \___\ \/ \\ / /\ \/ / / /
._\ \ \ \ /\/ /\ \ \ ¯¯ / /m'S_______________________________.
| \_ \___\ \/___/ \ \___\____/ _/ |
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__ _________________________________ _________________________________ __
_) \/ (·) \/ (_
\ express board dezign vo.o1 beta - logo says [ UPLOAD .............. ] /
_____ ____ ___ _/\ __\__ _____ _______ ___ ___ _/\ ___ ______________________
__/\ \ \ \_ /___ \ __ \__ \ \ \_ \
mR!\ ¯¯\ \ / // /\ \ / \ / /___ \ / // /\ thANkS fOR giViNg
/ \ \ \/ // / \ \/ / / \ \/ _// / \ sOMEthiNG bACK tO
\ \ \ \ /___/\ \ \ ¯¯ /\ \ \ \/ / / thE sYStEM! bUT
\ \_______\/\ \ \___\___\____/ \___\___\____/ / rEMEMbER tHE u/L
\ / /___/ \___\/ / / \ / / / \ / r U L E Z
__\\\/____\ \ /__\/___/___/______\/___/___/___m'S\///_____________________
__ _________________________________ _________________________________ __
_) \/ (·) \/ (_
\ express board dezign vo.o1 beta - the end - move on to the next part! /
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I saw her again, some days ago.
when she saw me, she smiled
like she's done all the times
she's seen me after I gave up
on her last time. she steared
at me while I met and spoke
with a friend of mine. I saw
her in the corner of my eye,
I saw her looking at me till I
dissapeared around a corner.
I hate myself for wanting her
I hate myself for not asking
how she feels
i hate myself for not caring
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: : : :::::::::::::: | | :::::. ·····················
! | .... : :::::::::::::::::::::
: ! : · : :::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . : :::::' ............... . .
-(*)- Mo'Soul expands with a new artist, another swede on the team... -(*)-
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///\ ¯¯\ \ ! |\
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· Vinzi, we welcome you with open arms into the Mo'Soul family. ·
the mo'soul posse are
-) dESOTO & mARK RYDER & viNZI (-
[ Mo'Soul - expect quality. ]
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the end is here. all that is left for me to do
is to write these final words, this bitter
poetry of farwell's. (dramatic,eh? werry-naiz!)
this collection has been under development
since the release of my "flashback" collection.
if you want that collection, travel down to yer
local sysop and leech "e^d-tsfb.lha" from his
harddisk. (oh, a bit of commercial here..)
anyroads, what i've got coming up for you right
here, is the credits. they might be boring as
watching a porn movie with both your hands
broken - but it's something I've got to inform
you all about...and it's something I take pride
of (bah, not this collection), telling you that
this is MY piece of art (and what crap it is..)
_____ _ ______________________\_ |_____ _______ ______
/ _/_________ / _ / _/ |_____}_ _ |/ __/___
_/ \ / / /_ /___/\ \ | _/___/ |\_____ /
main art work & design & text
MARK RYDER (ex. terminal silence)
(yes, i've changed handle.)
additional art work performed
by these talented artists
(thanks a million!)
is a Mark Ryder/Capcom/Mo'Soul production
musical inspiration and entertainment
2 brothers on the 4th floor "come take my hand"
coldcut "journeys by dj"
jam & spoon "angel"
liquid "sweet harmony"
moby "ambient"
paradise lost "forever failure"
seigmen "hjernen er alene"
seigmen "metropolis"
strictly underground "the re-mixed compilation"
trancylvania "tender heart"
way out west "ajare"
happy breaks volume 1 - jungle massive #1 - jungle massive #3
jungle massive #4 - jungle soundclash #2 - ravebase volume o2
renegade selector Series 2.2 - sliver, the soundtrack
smartfloor volume 1 - strictly underground & ravealation volume 1
also: korn - machinehead - paw
additional thanks to the creator(s)
of the PseudoOps Virus Killer music
and composers of various fred and
future composer tunes
respect to CygnusSoft Software!
cygnused professional release v3 - there is NO competition.
- ---÷+*#)¼(÷§÷)¼(#*+÷--- -
so, now you know who made this file and what
motivation and support I had making this. music
always plays a large part in my work. without
music, there'd be no collections. all the time
I spend infront of my amiga are the times I
want to listen to some music. the amiga is just
there to keep me occupied with something while
the cd spinn's. some months ago I got my cd-rom
and a 68030 accelerator card, so now I've grown
into an even bigger computer nerd. it's tragic,
but the amiga keeps me from wandering the
streets - doing things I shouldn't be doing.
it's nice to have a hobby, it keeps you sane.
a certain police report & court transcript can
verify that in my case..
well, it's time for some messages.
___ ___ _____________ ______ _____ ____ ____________
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_/ _ / \_ /__/\_\___ /\___ / / \_ \ / /__/\_\___ /
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messages goes out to (in chaos order..)
NUP!: I saw your collection, and you were right: you were wrong! :-) MO'SOUL
is the ascii group. CAPCOM is a demo-group, *NOT* an ascii group.
anyways, sweet of you to make me some logos :)
SAL-ONE: where's your big colly? still making logos for it, or have you
abandoned the whole project (hope not!) ?
ACE: long time no sending, no chat, no nothing. still in the army? (urgh....)
U-MAN: a walking legend :) you even know godhead, that's impressive :) hehe.
when I get out of this army shit, I'll come to sweden for a visit.
btw: please try and get FI up and running as soon as possible, we all
miss it like hell. all the best for you!
FURY: havn't chatted with you, or written a letter for you, in a long while
now. sorry about that, but I've been real busy working. in december I
was working on Monday, tuesday, wednsday, thursday, friday, saturday, &
sunday (!!) anyways, let's get some cheap tickets from your sis and fly
swizz air all over the world :) (if your sister is nice, she can get
payed with sexual favours for the tickets :))
ACTION: long time no sending - what's up? polish mail Services trashed your
sending, or what ?!?
DEATHKNIGHT: nice chatting! we can have some MAJOR fun at parties (hehe)
KINGPIN: guess I'll be seeing you pretty soon. the only thing nice about this
whole f'ing army thing: it's close to where you live.see your 'round
stavanger soon.
RECALL: skyline is improving. it's funny how you're always into something :-)
always nice chatting, and always nice beeing in the top 10 chatters
bulletin :)
DESOTO: no, you don't like this. this is crap, admit it!! :-) maybe we should
make something together?
MISFIT: thanks for the mO'SoUL logo in wL!-bURN.tXT
JEDI: you're gone, so you're not reading this. shame on you!!
H2O: we're still doing a co-operation collection when I get out of the army??
NIKE: always nice chatting. ps! why do you want to go back to norway??
WHOOSH: busy, busy, busy ... no time to play, or just sick of it all?
CRUSADER: the army sucks, sucks, sucks, and then it sucks some more! send
back soon!
N.N: long time, no sending?
VINZI: welcome to mo'soul! hope you'll have SOME fun as a member :) looking
forward to your coming collection!
ENZO: ah, you're back - love it! sky tower back in business.
ACID: bonde!!!! haha! blaker....tsk, tsk.
CESIUM: back? hm? omaha thunder? hm??
GRIMLOCK: så, watt wazz jur fønebill laik?? majn wazz 6155,-! c, i mentijoned
ju in wan øff maj kollektions! ai am najz & frendly :-)
RANDALL: waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting.. GIVE US DANCE DIVERSE #3!
SHADE: DET *ER* SANT!!! LAILA *HAR* KLIPT SEG!! (hu' ser ut som ett forvirra
ludder akkurat nå..)
NICK-NACK: bli u-kulturell og a-sosial, kjøp deg en amiga igjen!!
FATAL & CHROMBACHER: (-: !sdrawkcab dear ot lleh sa gniyonna saw ti
_ \|/
(*) --*--
T /|\
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_ ___\|/___\|/_____ _
^ here's your flowers :-) ^
ALL OF CAPCOM: read the internal magazine!! (if I managed to release it...)
(probably didn't .. ARGH!! HATE THIS ARMY CRAP!!!)
ALL OF MO'SOUL: hi desoto&vinzi! :)
9th of january 1996 - i'm off to the army
___ ___ _____________ ______ _____ ____ ____________
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- - - - - - - - - > > > E N D O F M E S S A G E S < < < - - - - - - - - -
if you want to reach me, or anyone else in m'S
then give u-man's board FIN/\L IMP/\CT a call.
all of the mo'soul posse are located there, so
be nice and dial +46 54159771 to get connected.
feel free to leave a message, but I *THINK* I
speak for all m'S members when I say that some
kind/interesting/friendly/whatever messages are
more appriciated than an ascii request. big
thanks to u-man for setting up an internal m's
conference, even though he isn't a member. much
love & respect goes out to you for that Anders!
"Ich bin Anders"
- U-man, when he met Fury/Prestige.
(source: nike/trsi)
if you "just" want to reach me (mark ryder) and
can't afford to call FINAL IMPACT, then I can
also be reached at these stations..
(+46) aCES HIGH
(+41) dIAL HARD
(+46) fINAL IMPACT (temp. down)
lOS ENDOS (+49)
(+49) rAVELAND
sKYLINE (+46)
(+45) sKY TOWER
my account name on all boards is "mark ryder".
anyone who is truly interested in getting their
request done will write a message, not just
scribble down a few mindless words real quick..
there is a difference between the two you know.
all requests left via ascii order doors are 100
p e r c e n t f o r s u r e i g n o r e d
if you can't be bothered with writing a real
message, then you're not interested in getting
your logo - and I'm not interested in making it
either. go requesting something from xcluziwe
or some one else who releases 1 or more
collections each month, who likes to kill the
whole ascii art form. if you eat sausages each
day, you'll eventually get sick & tired of it.
if you have to work every single day, you'll
get sick and tired of it. when you see a new
ascii collection almost every time you press
N S U, you'll get sick and tired of it ... I am
sick and tired of it already - it's time to put
an end to it all - it's time to NUKE all crap
collections, like we do with all other crap
textfiles. the time for ascii artists to be
part of sysop staff's has come, to clean up the
uploads for bad collections. >>>!NUKE HARD!<<<
phew, blew off some steam there. time to do
something i've never done before (i think..)
· R E S p E C T ·
.__) (__.
| thE aLL tiME rESPECtS! i dON't cARE iF yOU kNOW thAT oNE oF |
! thESE gUYS hAVE rE-nAMEd&diEd iN sOME aLLEY sOME^pLACE! thESE |
: aRE thE nAMES i rEMEMbER thEM bY & rESPECt thEM bY... |
. !
¡ i LOAdED uP tONNS oF cOLLECtiONS tO cOMPiLE thiS LiSt, sO nOW ·
| nO-oNE cAN aCCUSE mE oF nOt rESPECtiNG aNYoNE!! eVEN thE oLd^sChOOL :
|__ a R t i S t S a R E r E P R E S E N t E d . . . __¡
)____________________________ ____________________________(
___( · )___
| amblin |
_ __| barock |
\\ | boomer |
\_| crusader |
/| danzig |
/ | dhm |
. | enforcer |
| exocet |
. | fckw |
| godhead |
| g.e.m |
| h2o |
| hijack !
| juan :
| karma .
| manta
| mascot .
| maz
| metalbasher :
| metallikat ¡
! mouge |
: nup |
.one eyed pirate| __ _
phase |\\
. rat | \_
red devil | /
: redSkin | /
¡ rip |.
| rotox |
| sal-1 |
| seven M |
| shapechanger |
| skin |
| stylez |
| sy-klone |
| u-man |
| |
|_ _|
__________( thE gROUPs! )__________
_ _) (_ _
| art · arclite · contra · dezign |
| epsilon design·g-style·twisted! |
· | u p p e r c l a s s | ·
: | ___ _ _ ___ | :
_ _ __________\\`\_________( · )_________/'//__________ _ _
S · O · T · H · E · R · E !
· original size: 24oooo bytes
original size: 47oo lines ·
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.· m O ' s O U L ·
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the show is over, the curtain falls down .. time to go home
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\( ) ___ ( )/
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·::dto/m's ::· ::::::. . :::: .::::·
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m o ' s o u l :::::· 1 9 9 5
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[ 9th of january 1996 - i'm off to the army ]
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[ t h i s s h o u l d b e l i n e # 4 6 9 8 i n c y g n u s E d ]