__________________________________________ _ ________________________________
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| | | \\\_ | | | | | | \\\_ | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
_|_____| |____| |_______| _|____|_ |____|_ |____|__ ____|___
_\ __/_ _\ /|___ |\ /_ _\ /_ _\ __/_ _\ __/_ _\ __/_.
/ \__ / : / \__/ / \__/ / _\ / \__ / \__ |
/ / / /| / \ / \ / / / / / |
tGø| | | | | | | | | | | | |m'S
| | | | | | |____| | | | | |
|: | | | |: | | |: | | | |: |
|:: | |: | |:: |: | |:: | |: | |:: |
|:::. | |:: | |:::. |:: l |:::. . |:: | |:::. |
`-----' |:::.| -|-------|:::. -|-----|---|:::.| -|---------'
`----l____| `---------' | `----l____|
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[· ÷ s u c c e s s | i s f | a i l u r e ÷ ·]
| |
| __________
| ____\ /
| \ \ /
_/\\ /\_
) \ / (
| \ / |
| \ / |
__| \ / |__
÷(^- Mo'Soul Newbie -^)÷ | T¯¯¯¯¯¯\/¯¯¯¯¯¯T |
________________|__ _ |
| | _________ | Rpd!
_________________ _________ ___ | /_________ ___________
\ _ _ /__\___ \__\_ \| /_\_ _____/_____\_____ \_
\___/ \___/ _/ / \ / \__ / / /
/ \ _ / \ / / / _/ /
/_________\______/______/_______\ /______________/_____________/
. \ / . .
| \/ _ __|________________| .
| | .
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.__ _ ________________________________________________________________:_:____.
| (((( : : |
| _ _ : : |
| . . |
| . . |
| ........../_........ _ _ ........._\.......... |
| :.........:/.......: |HOSE WHO S|AND WILL SOON FALL :........\:.........: |
............/.........._ ...........\............
. ......../:...... . |HOSE WHO FALL WILL SOON FADE . .......:\........ .
| ......../_:......... _ ..........:_\........ |
| :......../:........: |HOSE WHO FADE WILL SOON DiE :.........:\........: |
| : : |
| . . |
| _ _ |
| P E R F O R M E D B Y 7 H E E V I L S E R V A N 7 S |
| _ _ _ _ |
| U N D E R I N S 7 R U C 7 I O N F R O M 7 H E B E A S 7 |
| |
|__ : |
: /____________|__________________.-\-----.__________________________________|
| | \ |
. · m O ' s O U L ·
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DEMoNiC HoMEPAGE \\_¯ \___¬\
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s / \\ \
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- ------------------------ - __:/\ ____:
SKY TOWER - Mo'SoUL WHQ! \\_¯ \___¬\
/¯ |/ \
AMiGA/PC/N64/MAC/MP3 _/ / \_
+45-Yo-MoMMA-BiTCH / /|_ ¬\
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__:/\ _: :
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/¯ | ¬\
_/ | \_
/ | ¬\
u / | \
\ ¯ /
- ------------------------ - __:/\ _:_ :
tHE bITCHES aRE bACK aND nOW \\_¯ \ |/_:
/¯ / ¬\
wE mEAN sERIOUS bUSINESS _/ _/| \_
- ------------------------ - / \ | ¬\
/ \| \ l
\ \ /
\________L\_____// .
. : ¯ :.............
:_ _______________________________¡ :____________:_____________________:
|\\\ | : : /|
|_\ |mR!/m'S: : /_|
| `-------: : |
| The moon has passed around the earth a few times since I last released |
| what could be defined as an ascii collection, and all:of a sudden I feel a |
| helluva lot older than I used to. Contemplated quitting the scene for a |
| while, but a few words in my ear from comrades-in-arms made me rethink my |
| strategy. The rest did me good. Cleared out my life a:little as well. My |
| girlfriend is now sleeping with one of my best friends which always |
| improves matters I guess. And then I realised it was probably for the |
| best. Now my goals are many and my aims:are high. Then again it could be |
| worse. If I succeed at what I set out to achieve then there is nothing |
| left for me to do. Therefore I have lost. Success is failure. Whatever |
| way you look at it my friend. : |
|__ :............:... |
| / DAVE .aka. TANGo / MO'SOUL :::... |
|/__/ : : __|
: /______________________________________________________:__:_____________\ :
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Shelter
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
.___ _ ___ _ ______ _.
_ _| ((((___)))) (_)|_ _
\\\_ _///
....|.. . . . . ...|....
... : | | : ...
. : : : | | : : : .
________ ____:_: : :___|___ ______ .___|___: : :_:____ _________
_\ __/_ _\ /:_:_:\ __/__ _\ /_ _| /_:_\ __/__ _\ _ \
/ \__ / _ / _\ / / \_ / _\ / / /
/ / / / / / / | / / \ _/_
\__________\____/ /\__________\____/______|________\__________\_____\_____/
tGø/_____\m'S | _ | : : : :
: : : : | (_) ø : : : :
:.: : | | : :.:
:...|... . . . . ..|...:
| |
_|_ / _|_
\| _________//________|/
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Shelter (Colour)
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
[0;33m .___ _ ___ _ ______ _.
[0;33m _ _| ((((___)))) (_)|_ _
[0;33m \\\_ _///
[0;32m ....[33m|[32m.. . . . . ...[33m|[32m....
[0;32m ... : [33m| | [32m: ...
[0;32m . : : : [33m| | [32m: : : .
[0;36m ________ ____[32m:[36m_[32m: : :[36m___[33m|[36m___ ______ .___[33m|[36m___[32m: : :[36m_[32m:[36m____ _________
[0;36m _\[34m __/[36m_ _\[34m /[32m:[36m_[32m:[36m_[32m:[36m\[34m [36m__[34m/[36m__ _\[34m /[36m_ _|[34m /[36m_[32m:[36m_\[34m [36m__[34m/[36m__ _\[34m _ \
[0;36m / \[34m__ [36m/[34m _ [36m/[34m [36m_\[34m [36m/[34m / [36m\[34m_ [36m/[34m [36m_\[34m [36m/[34m [36m/[34m /
[0;36m/ / /[34m [36m/[34m [36m/[34m [36m/[34m / [36m|[34m [36m/[34m [36m/[34m [36m\[34m _/[36m_
[0;36m\[34m__________[36m\[34m____[36m/[34m /[36m\[34m__________[36m\[34m____/______[36m|[34m________[36m\[34m__________[36m\[34m_____[36m\[34m_____/
[0;35m tGø[36m/[34m_____\[35mm'S [33m| _ | [32m: : : :
[0;32m : : : : [33m| (_) ø [32m: : : :
[0;32m :.: : [33m| | [32m: :.:
[0;32m :...[33m|[32m... . . . . ..[33m|[32m...:
[0;33m | |
[0;33m _|_ / _|_
[0;33m \| _________//________|/
[0;33m /
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Mo'Soul
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
_:__\ (((( M O ' S O U L S E R P E N | S )))) /__:_
| _ _ |
: ___ ____________ ________ /\ \/__\/ /\ _____ ______ :
_\ \/ / \ _\ __//()\\_\/_//()\\ /____ _\ /___.
/ \/ / \ __ / \__ ¯ (o(())o) ¯ : / / |
/ / / \\// / _¯ /__\ ¯_ /| / / |
\____/ /\__________/ \__________ _))--`'--((_ ________\____/______|
/_____\ tGø( (__ __ __) )m'S
: \Y__Y__Y__Y/ :
_|__ __|_
: /__ _ _ _ _ __\ :
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Shelter [Diz]
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
_______ _ _ ______ _____ ._______ _______
_\ __/ /_\ _/_\ / _| _/_\_ \
\__ _ _\ / \_ _\ / /
/ / / | \ _/_
________/ _______/_____| ._____\____/
: \\:
: \:
: ø
:\ :
:\\ :
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Dark Disaster
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
_ ___ _ _ __________
:_/// (_:
| |
| . .|..............................
| | ..:..........
| | :.: ::
| ._____. ____| _________ ___ _____ ::
| ____|_ | / |\ _\ _ \/ |/ / ::
| / _/ / : \ / / / _/ _/ ::
| / | / \/ \ _/____\ \ ::
| tGø\__________/_______.___\_____\_____/ \_____\m'S ::
|_____. ____ ________ __|__ ________ ._________ _______ _____::__
____|_ |__(____)_\ __/_/ : \_\ __/_| /__\ __/_\ _ \
/ _/ / \__ / \ \__ \_ / _\ / /
/ | / / / | / \ _/_
| | ::
| ·D a r k D i s a s t e r· | ..::
| | :
| . ..|....................................:
|_ \ _____________|
)__________\\\ :
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Beyond Reality
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
.____. .______ .____. .·. ._________. .____.
| _ _|____| _ __ \_ ___| | .· ·. | _ |____|_ _ |
| \\\_ | \\\___/_ / | | .· ·. | | | _/// |
| | | / | | .· ·. | | | | |
| | \_____ | .· ·. | | | |
| | | |.· ·.| | | |
| | | .· ·. | | |
___|_____ _|_____ |____ |_____ _|_ |____|____ __|_.__
_\ _ \ _\ __/__ / \ _\ /___ __(___)__| /_ _\ | \_.
/ / // _\ / \ / / / \_ / \___ |
/ \ _/_ / \ / / | / | |
tGø| | | | | | | |m'S
| | | ·. .· | | |
| | | |·. .·| | | |
| | | | ·. .· | | | |
|: |: |: | ·. .· |: | |: |
|:: |:: |:: | ·. .· |:: | |:: |
|:::. |:::. |:::. | ·. .· |:::.| |:::. |
`---------`---------`---------' ·.· `----|____|---------'
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Junction
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
_) (_
_ __) (__ _____ /_______________ _
\\\_ (_) // )))_.
½¾¾¾¾¾¾¾| / |¾¾¾¾¾¾¾½
¾¾ _ __|___________________________________|_ _ ¾¾
¾¾ | ·Shelter Mega World Headquarters· | ¾¾
¾¾ ¯ ¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯ ¯ ¾¾
¾¾ | ._________ ______ _______ | ¾¾
¾¾ | _| /_ _\ /_____\ __/__| ¾¾
¾¾ | \_ / _ / _\ : ¾¾
¾¾ | | / / / : ¾¾
¾¾ | |_________\____/ /\___________: ¾¾
¾¾ | /_____\ | ¾¾
____¾¾_. ___|_ ___________________ ._________ _|_ _¾¾___ ___________
__.\__ |_\ /_\____ /\ _ /_| /_(___)_ / \_\____ /
/ |__/ / : / / \__/ \_ / \ / /
/ / / /| / / \ | / \ / /
\__________\_________ / /\___________|_______________\__________/_/ /
¾¾ |tGø/_____\m'S | ¾¾ /_____\
¾¾ _|___________________________________|_ ¾¾
¾¾ :We'll See You At The Funky Junction: ¾¾
¾¾ ¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯ ¾¾
½¾¾¾¾¾¾¾|_ __ |¾¾¾¾¾¾¾½
\/ |/
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Junction (Colour)
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
[0;32m _\/_
[0;32m _)[0m ([32m_
[0;32m _ __)[0m ([32m__ _____ /_______________ _
[0;32m \[0m\[32m\[0m_ ([32m_) [0m/[32m/ ))[0m)[32m_.
[0;1;35m ½¾¾¾¾¾¾¾[0;32m| [0m/ [32m|[1;35m¾¾¾¾¾¾¾½
[0;1;35m ¾¾[0;35m [0m_ __[32m|[0m___________________________________[32m|[0m_ _ [1;35m¾¾
[0;1;35m ¾¾[0;35m [32m| [36m·[33mShelter Mega World Headquarters[36m· [32m| [1;35m¾¾
[0;1;35m ¾¾[0;35m [0m¯ ¯[32m|[0m¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯[32m|[0m¯¯ ¯ [1;35m¾¾
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[0;1;35m ¾¾[0;35m [32m| [36m_|[33m /[36m_ _\[33m /[36m_____\[33m [36m__[33m/[36m__[32m| [1;35m¾¾
[0;1;35m ¾¾[0;35m [32m| [36m\[33m_ [36m/[33m _ [36m/[33m [36m_\[33m : [1;35m¾¾
[0;1;35m ¾¾[0;35m [32m| [36m|[33m [36m/[33m [36m/[33m [36m/[33m : [1;35m¾¾
[0;1;35m ¾¾[0;35m [32m| [36m|[33m_________[36m\[33m____[36m/[33m /[36m\[33m___________: [1;35m¾¾
[0;1;35m ¾¾[0;35m [32m| [36m/[33m_____\ [32m| [1;35m¾¾
[0;36m ____[1;35mm¾¾[0;36m_. ___[32m|[36m_ ___________________ ._________ _[32m|[36m_ _[1;35m¾¾[0;36m___ ___________
[0;36m __.\[33m__ |[36m_\[33m /[36m_\[33m____ /[36m\[33m _ /[36m_|[33m /[36m_([33m___)[36m_ /[33m \[36m_\[33m____ /
[0;36m /[33m |[36m__/[33m [36m/[33m [36m:[33m [36m/[33m [36m/[33m \__/ [36m\[33m_ [36m/[33m \ [36m/[33m /
[0;36m/[33m [36m/[33m [36m/[33m /[36m|[33m [36m/[33m [36m/[33m \ [36m|[33m [36m/[33m \ [36m/[33m /
[0;36m\[33m__________[36m\[33m_________ [36m/[33m /[36m\[33m___________[36m|[33m_______________[36m\[33m__________/_[36m/[33m /
[0;1;35m ¾¾[0;35m [32m|[34mtGø[36m/[33m_____\[34mm'S [32m| [1;35m¾¾ [0;36m/[33m_____\
[0;1;35m ¾¾[0;35m [0m_[32m|[0m___________________________________[32m|[0m_ [1;35m¾¾
[0;1;35m ¾¾[0;35m [0m [36m:[33mWe'll See You At The Funky Junction[36m: [1;35m¾¾
[0;1;35m ¾¾[0;35m [0m¯[32m|[0m¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯[32m|[0m¯ [1;35m¾¾
[0;1;35m ½¾¾¾¾¾¾¾[0;32m|_ __ |[1;35m¾¾¾¾¾¾¾½
[0;32m _|[0m/[32m_____________________((__[0m)[32m)_______|_
[0;32m \[0m/ [32m|[0m/
[0;32m .
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Faction
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
_:_____ _ _ _ _ ____
\| /_:
\ |
_|\ ·Friendship In Action!· |
\/¯ |
_______________ _________ |_________ ____ ____|_ ___________
_\ ______/ \ _\ /_| /_ __(____)__ / : \ _\____ /
/ ___|/ \/ \__/ \_ / / \ / /
/ | / \ \ | / / · \ / /
\_______|/___________\__________|_________\__________\______:___/_ / /
tGø| |m'S /_____\
| |_
| |/
| /
_|_ ______________________ _/|
\| \/¯:¯
: .
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Mono
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
__ _ .------÷-÷------------. _ __
_:__\ : \\ : /__:_
| ·Eklektik· : \ : |
: : ·Elektronik· : :
. : ·Musik·
:___________ ______________ :
| \/ /_____________________:
· \/ /. :\
__ . / // . \
/_:_ /__________.__\_________________________/
| __|_ tGø| . _ /______________________
|_________\ : · . / /. \
__ . : / //. \
_ __ __ _ ____ _ _ /_:_ : /______________\_:_______________________/
_\\\ Y /(_)\ /(_)))_ | : __|_ :m'S
|____:____\ : :
: :
: : \ : :
_|__ : \\ : __|_
: /__ _ `------------÷-÷------' _ __\ :
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Sky Tower
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
______________.____ .____.
«--------------------/- _____/ | / ___| |
SLOt 1: +45-PRiVAtE \______ | _|__/_ / | -|------------------------»
SLOt 2: +45-PRiVAtE | | | \\\_ / | | HELLFiRE EHQ
SLOt 3: +45-PRiVAtE | : | | \_____ | NiGHtFALL EHQ
SLOt 4: +45-PRiVAtE | | | | | DiGitAL CORRUPtiON DKHQ
SLOt 5: +45-I S D N | | | | | FREEZERS EHQ
SLOt 6: +45-tELNEt | | | | | SHELtER DKHQ
SLOt 7: +45-tELNEt | | | | | UNiQUE WHQ
SLOt 8: +45-tELNEt | | | | | AUDIOPHiLES WHQ
SLOt 9: +45-tELNEt | | | | |- ----------------------»
«------------------ -|______ | _|____| _______| _________
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_| /_ / \ / \ / _\ / / /
\_ / / /\ / / \ _/_
| \_.________\_____/\___\_________._\_____\_____/
tGø|__________| | | | | |m'S
«--------------------|- | | | -|------------------------»
SUPPORtiNG: |. |. | |. | StAtIC iP ADDRESS
| | | | |
«------------------ -|:: |:: | |:: |- ----------------------»
|:::. |:::.| |:::. |
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ __(((_)))__ RUNNiNG A4000/CYBERSTORM 060/50MHZ/16GB HD __(((_)))__ _
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Spaced Out
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
______________________ _ _
| | __________________________
| |_) (_:
__|______ ___________ _|____ _________ ______|_ .______.
_\ __/_ _\ __ \/ \ _\ /_ _\ __/__ ____|_ |
/ \__ / _/ / . \ / \__/ / _\ / _/ |
/ / / \______/ : \ \ / / | |
\____._______\______| /____|_______\___________\________.___\____________|
tGø| _______ | ______ __________. |m'S
| / \| _\ /____._\ |_ |
| / \ / : | _/ |
|_ / \ /| | | |
|/ \__________./____________|___________| |
/ | ø
¯|______________________( | dIGI7AL cORRUP7ION^oU7LAWS |
: | 57H dYNAS7Y^gODS^fAI7H^CPU |
: )__________________________|_
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Zoo 1997
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
-·- ÷ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ÷ -·-
. _____________________.
:_\ |
| _ __|____ · _ ______ _ ______
| _\\\___ /_._\\\ \ _\\\ \
| / _____/ : \/ \
| / | . : \ \
| /_______|_____:___________/_______.___/
| _ _________ _ ___ | _ :________ _ ______ _ ______. _ ___.__
_|___\\\_ /_\\\__)_|___\\\_ /_\\\ __/__:_\\\ |_\\\ | \_.
| / / : / / _\ : _/ \__ |
| / / : / / : | | |
_ ____ / / _ ________:___ / / _ ___________:_________|___________|
| /______\ . | /______\ · .
| _______ _ _ __|___ _ __________ _ ______ _ _________
| _\ ___///_:_\\\ __/_ _\\\ /_\\\ __/__:___\\\_ /
| / \______ : _\ \ / _\ : / /
| / | : . \ / : / /
| /_____________:_____|_____ _\_ _/_ ____________:___ / /
| · __| \ / ·tGø/______\m'S
|________________.___\ : \ / .
-·- ÷ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ÷ -·-
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: World Terror
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
._\ |
| ·
| _______ | _|_ _|_ ____ ___ ___ _______
| /_|_\\__/\ 'l(__/ \__,\__/_,\ '\ '\__/\ '
| |
| _______ ______| _________ ______ ._____.
| ___\ / : _\ _ \_\ /___ ____|_ |
| / \ / \/ / / / / _/ |
| / /\ / . \ \ _/_ / / | |
| tGø\_____/\___\________|_/____\_____/___/_____\___________|m'S
| ._________ _______ |________ _________ ______ _________
| _| /_ _\ __/__ _\ _ \_\ _ \/ \ _\ _ \
| \_ / _\ / / / / / \/ / /
| | / / \ _/_ \ _/_ \ \ _/_
| |_________\__________\__.__\_____/____\_____/_________/____\_____/
| |
| .. .. . .........:......... . .. ..
| :
| |
|_ | ÷(^- World Terror -^)÷
: )__________________________|
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Dartagnan
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
· | | ·
. ..:...|.......................................|...:.. .
: | | :
.___.___:___|________ __. ._______.______ ._______|___:___._______.
.___|_ _|_ __ |_ __ __/ |__ |_ __ |_ ___/_| _ |_ __ | _ |
| _///|\\\_ |\\\_ | __/ |\\\_ |\\\_ | | |\\\_ | | |
| | | | | | | |___| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|. |. | |. | |. | |. | |. | |. | |. | |. | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|· |· | |· | |· | |· | |· | |· | |· | |· | |
|: |: | |: | |: | |: | |: | |: | |: | |: | |
|:: |:: | |:: | |:: |:: | |:: |:: | |:: | |:: | |
|::: |:::| |:::| |:::. |:::| |::: |:::| |:::| |:::| |
`-------`---| |---| |-------`---| |-------`---| |---| |---| |
|___| |___| tGø|___|m'S |___| |___| |___|
: | | :
. ..:...|.......................................|...:.. .
: | | :
. | | .
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Slapshot
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
--------------------------------> ._______________________ __|_ _
h e r e c o m e s . . . | \/ |
-------------------------------> | |
______ ______ ____ _________ ___|__ _____ _____ ___|___.
_\ _/_ _\ /___ / \ _\ __ _\ _/_ _\ /____/ \ ._\ |_
/ \_ / / / \/ _/ / \_ / _ / \| _/
/ / / / / \ \____/ / / / / \ |
\________\____/____/__________\___| \_____.__\___/ /\_________/________|
tGø| /_____\ .m'S
|_ |_
|\ \/
|\\ |
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Slapshot
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
[0;34m :
[0;36m--------------------------------> [34m._______________________ __|_ _
[0;32m h e r e c o m e s . . . [34m| \/ |
[0;36m-------------------------------> [34m| |
[0;35m ______ ______ ____ _________ ___[34m|[35m__ _____ _____ ___[34m|[35m___.
[0;35m _\[33m _/[35m_ _\[33m /[35m___ /[33m \ [35m_\[33m __ [35m_\[33m _/[35m_ _\[33m /[35m____/[33m \ [35m._\[33m |[35m_
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[0;35m\[33m________[35m\[33m____/____[35m/[33m__________\___| [35m\[33m_____[34m.[33m__[35m\[33m___[35m/[33m /[35m\[33m_________/________|
[0;32m tGø[34m| [35m/[33m_____\ [34m.[32mm'S
[0;34m |_ |_
[0;34m |\ \/
[0;34m |\\ |
[0;34m -----------------------------
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Energy Disaster
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
_) (_
_ __) (__ _____ /_______ _
\\\_ (_) // )))_.
| / |
| |
___|___ __________________ · _________ _______ ____.__
_\ __/__ _\____ /\ __/__ _\ _ \_\ ___/__ _\ | \_.
/ _\ / / / _\ / / / \__ / \___ |
/ / / / / \ _/_ | / | |
\_____.____\___ / /\__________\.____\_____/_________\___________|
tGø| /_____\ |m'S
|_____. ____ ________ __|__ ________ ._________ _______ _________
____|_ |__(____)_\ __/_/ : \_\ __/_| /__\ __/_\ _ \
/ _/ / \__ / \ \__ \_ / _\ / /
/ | / / / | / \ _/_
| |
| |
|__ _|
: /______________________\\\/
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Power Slave
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
.___ _ ___ _ ______ _.
_ _| ((((___)))) (_)|_ _
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....|.. . . . . ...|....
: | | :
: | | :
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_\ __ / |\ ___\ _\ __/__:_\ _ \\))
_______ _ / _/ / . \/ \ / _\ / / / /___________
((// \_____/ : \ /\ / . / \ _/_
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________ :___|_ _____________|___:_______
_\ __/_ _\ /___ / \ /\ __/__.
/ \__ / / / \ / _\ |
/ / / / / \ / |
:tGø| |m'S:
: | | :
:...|... . . . . ..|...:
| |
_|_ / _|_
\| _________//________|/
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Stratosphere
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
_:_____ _ _ _ _ ____
\| /_:
\ |
_|\ |
\/¯ |
________ .________| _________ _____ _____|___. ______ ________
_\ __/_| /_ _\ _ \ / \ _\ · |_/ \ _\ __/_.
/ \__ \_ / / // \ _/ \/ \__ |
/ / | / \ _/_ \ | \ / |
_________ ______ _______ _____|___ _______
_\ __ _\ /_____\ __/__ _\ _ · \_\ __/__.
/ _/ / _ / _\ / / / _\ |
/ \_____/ / / / \ . _/_ |
\_____| \.___/ /\__________\_____\_:___/__________|
tGø| /_____\ |m'S
| |_
| |/
| /
_|_ _______________________ _/|
\| \/¯:¯
: .
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Brain Disruptor
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
.____. __ ______________________.__________.____. .________________
.____|_ _ |_(__)_/ _____ _ __ ____ | _ ____ | |__ _| _ _ __ ___/
| _/// | \____ | \\\_ | | \\\_____| __///| | \\\_ |
| | | | | | | | | | |____| | | |
| | : | | | | | | | | | | |
| .....| ....|....|.. | ...!.....|.. | ..... |....|.....|. |
| ::::::!...... :::::: ::::::: | ......::::::: |:::::: :::::: ::::::: |
| :::::: ::::::: ::::::.::::::: |:::::: ::::::: |:::::: :::::: ::::::: |
| .:::::: ::::::: .:::::: ::::::' !:::::: ::::::: !:::::: .:::::: ::::::: |
| ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: |
| ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: |
| ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: |
| ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: |
| :::::::.::::::' ::::::: ::::::: :::::::.::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: |
| | | ::::::: | | | | | | | |
|. |. |. | |. | | |. |. | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
|: |: |: | |: | | |: |: | | |
|:: |:: |:: | |:: | | |:: |:: | | |
|:::. |:::. |:::.| |:::. | |:::. |:::. | |
`---------`--------------`----| |----------' `---------`----------| |
tGø|____|m'S |____|
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
! _____|_ _
______:_ m'S: _____ _/ "||÷ s u c c e s s is f a i l u r e ÷|
_ ______ _\ "|/______\ "\\______|¯ _____________________ _ ¯
/// / ______________ "\\\
/ /_____\ \ _// \ Serpent Says: Progenitor
/ | \_ \ \
_ __\\\_______mR!_____/__________\______///________________ _
_ _
|÷ p e r f o r m e d by t a n g o ÷|
¯ ¯
: P R O G E N i T O R :
.--------------------------:- -:----------//--------------.
: : : :
: ___:_____ _________ __:___ :
: _\ __ _\ _ \ / \ :
: / _/ / / // \ :
: / \_____/ \ _/_ \ :
: tGø\_____| \_____\_____/____._____/m'S :
: _______ _______ __:________ ___ ____:___. ______ _________:
: _\ ___/__ _\ __/__ _\____ /_(___)_._\ |_/ \ _\ _ \
:/ \__ / _\ / / / | _/ \ / / /
/ | / / / / | | \ \ _/_
\__________\__________\___ / /\_________|_____.___|__________/_____\_____/
: /.____\ : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
`--------------//----------:- -:--------------------------'
: P R O G E N i T O R :
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
_____ _____ ____________ __________ _______________|_ /____
/ \/ \| _ //_(\ /__|_ _ / / / _/______
_/ / \_ \ / __\_ / \ / / / \ /
\_______\/ /________/ uMn)__________/_________/__________/___________/|
<------ /_______/ ----------------------------------------------------------->
p r e s e n t e d t o y o u " s u c c e s s i s f a i l u r e "
p e r f o r m e d b y t a n g o o f t h e e v i l s e r v a n t s
a s s i s t a n c e f r o m t h e s e a r t i s t s
r a p i d d e s o t o m a r k r y d e r
c r u s a d e r u - m a n d a n z i g
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
the definition of surprise:
"turning up to a scene party and seeing a style member completely sober"
- english tango dictionary
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
________ ______ ____________________. _____ ________ _________.
_\ /_ / \ _\____ /\ |_/ \ _\ /_._\ |_
/ \__/ / \/ / / _/ \/ \__/ | _/
/ \ / \ / /| | \ \ | |
\__________\__________/__ / / |__________|__________\_________|__________|
c o n t a c t i n g t a n g o o f m o ' s o u l
t a n g o @ h e l l f i r e . f o r c e 9 . n e t
# a m i e l i t e # n v x # a s c i i
s t r a t o s p h e r e - 0 1 2 2 8 x x x x x x
1 3 t h h o u r - 0 1 7 0 4 5 0 5 8 4 5
s p a c e d o u t - t e l n e t
_____ __ ____
_____ / / )/ / /____
\ \/ / \__ / Mo'Soul ©1998
/_____\/ ______________\
__ _______ _____ _____ /\ _____ _______ _____
/ \ _____\_ /__\ _/___\ _/___/ \__\ _/___\_ /__\ _/____
/ \/ /___/ _\ _\ /_ _\ \_ /___/ _\ /
/_____\/ ___________________________\ /____________________________\
\ /
It's always great to receive a mail from you but damned if I could get that
little picture of you to play fair on my copy of YAM. Try sending it again
you fool and this time I promise to look. Thanks for the weirdness you have
supplied on a regular basis in the last few months and this time I promise to
be a little more active on replying to it.
. ___
_/\/| . /_
\ |ARK | /YDER
As promised - nothing but pure text and nothing even close to original. I
think covers all the clauses in the contract does it not? :) How close to
your own words could i possibly get with all of this? Unless of course the
words come from the devil himself through you as his mouthpiece. Maybe i'll
just shut up about now ...
I hear evil rumours that you went and bought a BMX (Tolpan didn't tell me
obviously :) or something about going out into daylight and having a life?
Tell me this isn't the truth because i won't believe it ...
A German in France on IRC? I hope it all went well and next time you make a
trip to another country look for the map of England my man. I have internet
access somewhere round here I think hehe.
_/ |
Thanks to hash I received the logos without any problems. Not sure if i'll
ever use them (all lies :) so big thanks to you mate and must chat again soon
I think. Failing that I have an email address somewhere round here. Damn I
know I put it down in here ...
| \_
Is it possible to give someone a bigger reception? We just don't talk enough
these days. Personally I blame it all on my masseeeeeeve bills and lack of a
job due to this university ball and chain around my neck. The sooner it's
gone, the sooner I can return to being a vegetable on the net at silly hours
of the day chatting with weird people thousands of miles away.
. /_
You have no chance of mailbombing me in the future because you don't have my
new address yet! As for me being the man that goes straight back out to you,
and lets keep in contact this time huh? Been too many years since we talked
big style and I'm missing it so give me a shout sometime bitch :)
____ .__.
_____ __._____\ /___ ______ __|_ |____
\ \/ | ___ \\// /__ ___ \ / | /
\ \ / | \/ / _\____ \ \/ / / | /___
_\ \/ | / / \ _\ \ / / /_ | /_ /
\\\\__\ _|___/ dZG\______/___/\______|____/+
| |
| |
..: ::::·
:::: ::·
:::: · ....:
.:::: ..::::::::
::::: .::::·· :::::
:::::: .:::· ::·
.:::::: .:::· ·
.::::::: .:::
::::·:::: :::: ...................
.::::. :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.
.::::· :::: ..:::::::::::··········· ..:::::::··
.:::·· :::: .::::: .: .:::::···
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.:::· ::::::· :::::: :::: .::::·
. ..:::· ::::· :::::. :::: .::::·
·::dto/m'S ::· ::::::. . :::: .::::·
:::::::...::·:::: ::::·®
··::::::·· :::::.:::·
- ----------------------------------------:::::::··--------------------- -
m o ' s o u l :::::· 1 9 9 8
- ----------------------------------------·::·-------------------------- -
__________________________________________ _ ________________________________
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯