die beginnung
/. it should all have ended somewhere around here ./
and i just can't figure out how i
could finnish all this ..
-----' |
| :______ ______:___
| ___:______ ______| // |_ /__ _
| _ __\ _| \\ | :|\/
| \/| : :|
| | |
| : :
| ___ __________ __________
|_\ /__\ /_________________________\ /______
| \/ \ ____ ____/ _ _/ \ __ \.
| .__\ __/__--' ._\ .___\ ____\/ |
|_____| \__________| \_____| \_____| \__/ \_____|
| __. .___ .___
| (__| .___ ___ |-- '|-- '· |_ ·
| ,__| | ' (---) | | | |___, |
| : :
| | |
| |: : [fL] |
| |: |_____\\______|_
| _|______//_____| :/
| \: : /__ _
| _ __\
| .
| gIVEs yOu! /- --------|- /---.`---/-----------
| -|------//
| |
| `
. .
| |
-|-----------/-. __ . |
| -|---------'.-------------------\/-----|--'-----
' | |
| |
| i wANt tO gIVe uP |
--|-/ bUt i cAN't |
| i wANt tO qUIt |
| bUt nO, i wOUNt |
| |
| iT aLl sEEMs iMPOSSIBLe |
| aNd tHe pRESSURe iS oN mE '
| oNLy mE !
| wHy cAN't iT jUSt sTOP !?
| lIFe iS hARd, lIFe iS diFFICULt
| lIFe iS lIFE
.-.`-. --.| .--..__ --. . .-.
| | | .--||--.| || '.--|--|- | |
| | | | || || || | | | » e l a b o r a t e b u r n « | |
| | | | || || || | | | | |
|-' `-`--`'--'`--'' `--` `-----------------------------------|-'
| ______________ |
| _______ .______________ \ / |
| _)_____ )---.___|__ _____ )--------\ / |
| \. ( / / \ / |
| | .__ / / T .____\ / |
| | .__| \________\____| | \ / |
| l_______| l_______| \ /bHe^fL |
| . \/ | .
`-' `-'
-----. |
`----|-/ `------------. .
| -|--'
| |
| '
________ ____/___ .__ ________
.-\__ /_-\ / /_-\ __/___-\_____ /_
. | | | /_ /_ /_ | /_ |_____/_
| | | | / /mute / l / l /
| `-/_l__|__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/
-|-/--- -
| // iS aBOUt tO gIVe uP,iT aLL /-
. .
---------------\\ |
| aRRgH .. i can't stand it anymore..
e | why must this life be like this ? why can't
| it just be a little humane.. it's killing
l | me.. have to do everything, but have absolutely
| no time.. no time at all.. everything-nothing
a | ;the biggest and worst contrast of life..
m | got to do it all at once..but nothing gets
b | done.. i hate it. inefficiency.. another word
u | in my self-description..
o |
t | i hate it.. why is everyone so faaar in front
r | of me.. can't follow. can't compete .. i give
e | up... cannot stand it anymore.. i hate it..
a |
| elaborate .. it so damn comlicated.. elaborate
^ t | is there any way out ? no way out, but one..
| hate it.. got no option.. have to stay with
e | them all.. even though i can't .. elaborate..
i |
b | life is boring.. life is hard.. i'm alone..
G | everyone have left.. hate it..can't stand it..
u | i give up.. but hell.. i can't..
r | why is it so ? tell me why .. tell me why
| life is so strange, that it can be compared
n | as an..
| elaborate burn..
-\ -|-----------/
| // <---- mute^iG ; so bloody fed up ! ----/
--' |
| i'm behind every scheme
| can't do anything
| lost the theme
| feel like nothing
| but sorrow.
| -|-----------------------> i dEDICATE tHIS cOLLY tO
| l
| mute - the genious <------------------------.
| _|____________
| |
| '
| i was the prodigy nobody understood .
| :)
| -|------------> sOME iNFO 'bOUT tHIS cOLLY .
| l .---
| this colly was made as you might .----------'
| already have understood, in a period |
· where i had more or less probs |
at school.. both in learning and to |
mOTIVATe myself to continue. |
there has lately been a massive |
pressure on us students, and it'll |
just increase.. i just cannot |
stand it anymore; i'm so sick of it |
all ! argh.. why is it so ? |
- --.-----------------. mute <--------------------|---.
| | |
| · `---/--- -
. |
- --|-. |
| \\--aSCII's-iNCl--,
| /----\ | /req'ed·by/
.---|------\ .--|---------------------|----------------.
| l | | |
__|_. ____. ____. ____. ____| tEREBINTh | byron |
_(__. |_( __|_(__ |_(___ |_( __| mINd cORRUPTIOn | trooper |
\ _| /____ /_ /___/_, ___/____ | oCCULt cRIMe | trooper |
| \_ / / / \ / | / / | tROOPEr | trooper |
|___|__/______/______/______/_____| fEATURINg | venturus |
| | iCEBREAKEr | hash |
`-----> aSC²'s iNCLUDEd <-----| sTORMLANDs .-|-/- blade |--.
____. ____. ____. __. | fUNFAIr | cosmic |
_(____|_(__. |_(__ |_( |___ | dISTOREd | war-child |
\ /_ | /_ /___/_ | /_ | rEALITy | war-child |
| / | / \ / l / | gOa hOUSe | wiper |
|______/___l__/______/______/ | nUCLEAr iNFERNo | darktrooper |
. | vOUCk! | vouck! |
| | rRr -dIz | rEPe |
| | pENTANGLe | pENTy |
- -----------/ | | wOe -dIz | [mS] |
//-----¦ | uNDERGROUNd pOSSe | kasper |
| | kASPEr | kasper |
| | sPRUNGe | kasper |
| | tAXi | taxi |
| | tOOn tOWn | taxi |
| | nONSENSe | taxi |
| | aCp eXPLOREr | weird one |
| | tHREAz | threaz |
| | sYNERGy dENMARk | genious |
| | | |
`-|---------------------|-. |
----------------------mute---------' `----\ 25asc's \-'
/ aNd tHEn .. iT's tIMe tO hIt /
yOu'll kINd'a lUUv tHIs !
- ---nUMb01------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
new | terebinth .----------> rEqbY
style.. hmm.. l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | byron
' `
.---------| . //- tEREBINTh -/-------. ----/
|-------' | //--- -
___ ______ ___|__ ______ ___ ____ ______ ___| ___
.( |___.(____ /_.(____ /_(____ /_.( |___.(___/.(__._ /_.( |___.( |___.
\_ ___/| |_____¦ |___/ |_____¦ _|_ | | |/ ¦_ ___/| ___ |
| l | l | | | l | l/ | | /_ | l | |/ |
l________l________l____| l________l________l_____l____/___l______muTe___l___|
.--|-----/- |
--------------' l // - --\-----------'
- ---nUMb02------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| mind corruption .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | trooper
' `
. \\-----» mINd cORRUPTIOn «---/
-|-/--------\ |
________. _|______. ________. ________. -|----/
__(__. |____(________|____(____._ |____(_____._ |__ ` //-)
_\ | | )_ )_ |/ )_ |/ )_
/___\ | | /__ mute /__ /_ /__ _/ /__
_____ _____ _____ __|__ ___ _____ ___ ___ _____ _____
.(_. /_.(_._ /_.(__. /_(__. /_( |__.(___ /_( |__.(__/_.(_._ /_.(_._ /_.
| |____| |/ | |___/ |___/ _| | .__/ __/| | |/ | |/ |
| l | l | | | | | \l | | | l | | l | /_ |
l_______l_______l___| l___| l_______l____| l_______l_____l_______l___/___|
- -------' `---/-)
- ---nUMb03------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| occult crime .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | trooper
' `
. \\------ oCCULT cRIME --|-)
.----------/-| - -----\ |
___|_. _____. _____. ____. ____| _____.
__\__. |_____\_. |_____\_. |_____\ |______\ |______\ |__
_\ \| )__ |_____)__ |_____)__ _| )__ | )__ ____)__
|__ l /_ l /_ l /_ \l /_ l /_ l /_
| -/-|-------.
___|____. ________. _____. ________.`--. ___|____.
__(___. |____(_______ |____(_____|____(___. |____(___.___ |__
_\ |_______)_ . ,____)_ )_ | | )_ |_______)_
/___\ l /__ | /__ mute /__ | | /__ l /__
-|----------/ |
l //--------> - ---/-'
- ---nUMb04------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| trooper .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | trooper
' `
. \\------»tROOPER«-----/-
.-------- - --/-| - --------\
____. _____. ___|_. _____. _____. _____. . _____.
__\ |_____\___ |_____\__. |_____\__. |____\___ |___\___ |__|__\___ |__
_\_ ___)__ . ,___)__ \| )__ \| )__ __) |_____)__ . ,___)__
|__ l /_ | /_ l /_ l /_ | l /_ | /_
.----|-) .---------------/ |
` `--------------' //----'
- ---nUMb05------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| featuring .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | venturus
' `
----------- -- - .--/- fEATURINg - ------->
____. _____. _____. ____. ____. _____. ___. _____. _____.
__\ __|__\___ |___\__._|___\ |__\ |____\___ |__\__|___\__. |___\__. |_
_\ ____) |____)__ _|/ )__ __)__ _| )__ . ,_)__ )__ \| )__ |___)__
__ | l /_\__ /_ l /_\l /_ | /_ /_ | /_ l_ /_
- -- ----------------
- ---nUMb06------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
new | icebreaker .----------> rEqbY
style.. hmm. l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | hash
' `
| // iCEbREAKEr - --
| ----\ ______. ______. ______. - ----------- -- -
· | __\ |____\__. |____\____ |__
| \__________)__ |_____)__ |_____)__
. | | /_ l /_ l /_
| | | mute . / , / . / .
| . \\-' `------l____/-----l____/-----l____/ |
`-----|-----\ - -- ---------'
______| ______. ______. ______. _____. ______. ______.
__\ |____\____ |___\____ |____\____.|____\ |___\____ |____\____ |__
\_ |_ )__ _ __)__ |_____)__ __ | )__ | )__ |_____)__ _ __)__
| l/ /_ | /_l /_\__ /_ _ __/_l /_ | /_
| , / | / . / . / | / . / | /
- ---nUMb07------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| stormlands .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | blade
' `
\\------ -sTORMLANDs- ---\
.-----\ | .------/-
______| _____. ______. ____|_. ______|
__\ __|____\ |____\___. |____\____ |____\___ .|__
\_______._ )__ ___)__ \| )__ _ _)__ | | )__
| |/ /_ l /_ l /_ | /_ | | /_
| / / . / | / | | /
| | //-
.---------|-/- `------------/
| · ______. ______. ______. ______. ______.
| __\ |____\____.|____\___. |____\___._|____\ __|__
| \_ | )__ __ | )__ \| )__ |/ )_______._ )__
| | l /_\__ /_ | /_ / /_ |/ /_
`--/ | , / . / | / . / /
//-- - `-mute-l____/-----l____/---l______/-----l____/-----l____/
- ---nUMb08------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| funfair .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | cosmic
' `
- ----------. .
.------ - `-------- -fUNfAIR- ----|-/--- -
| |
__|__. ____. _____. _____. _|___. ____. _____.
__\ __|___\ |______\__. |_____\ __|___\__._|____\___|_____\___ |__
_\ ____) _| )__ \| )__ ____) _|/ )__ )__ . ,___)__
|__ | \l /_ | /_ | \__ /_ mute /_ | /_
| |
`---------> - -------'
- ---nUMb09------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
fynny | distored .----------> rEqbY
style! l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | war-child
' `
// dISTOREd /
.-----/ //-------------------------.
.-----/____\_____. \-----| \_____. \_____. \_____. .-----/
_| /______\ .__l_ _\ |_ _\__. |_ _\___.|_ _\___.|_ _| /_
____\| / \_____ /__\_ _/__\_ \| /__\_ _ __/__\_ |___/______\| /
\ _| | | / / | / | / | / l / _| |
_\ \| |mute| /_ l /_ l /_ | /_ /_ \| |
.----|-/- |
| //----> - ------'
- ---nUMb10------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
funny | reality .----------> rEqbY
style! l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | war-child
' `
.-------------- » rEALITy « -----/
| //--------.
\_____. \_____. \_____. \-----. | \-----. .-----/
_\___.|_ _\___.|_ _\__. |_ _\ |_ __|___ _\ |_ \--| /_
\ _ __/__\_ |___/__\_ \| /__\_ |/__\____/__\_ _/_____\____ /
| | / | / _| / | / / | / | |
| | /_ l /_ \_ /_ l /_ mute /_ l /_ | |
| .---|-/-
<-|---/ - ---------'
' //-------------------------- -
- ---nUMb11------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| goa house .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | wiper
' `
gOa hOUSe - -------------------/--|
_______________. _______________. _____________|_.
_( ________ |____(__________, |____(_____________ |___
_\__\ |__________)__ \| ' )__ _.__ / l )__
|___ l_ /_ l mute /_ \| /_
_____. _____. ____. _____. _____. `----/
. __\ |_____\__. |_____\ |______\ __|_____\___ |__ //-- -
| _\ _._ )__ \| )__ _| )_______._ )__ |_____)__
| |__ |/ /_ l /_ \l /_ |/ /_ l /_
- ---nUMb12------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
79col. the last | nuclear inferno .----------> rEqbY
logo of this style! l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | darktrooper
' `
______. _____. ______. ______. ______. ______. ______.
__\___. |___\ |_____\__. |___\ |____\____ |____\____.|____\____ |__
\_ \| )__ _| )__ |_____)__ | )__ |_____)__ __ | )__ _ _)__
| | /_ \' /_ l /_ l /_ l /_\__ /_ | /_
| | / / / / / / | /
______. ______. ______. ______. ______. ______. ______.
__\_____|____\___. |____\ ___|__\____ |____\____ |____\___. |____\___. |__
\_ )__ \| )__ ___) |_____)__ _ _)__ \| )__ \| )__
| /_ | /_ | l /_ | /_ | /_ | /_
| mute / | / | / | / | / ` /
- ---nUMb13------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
not 100% | vouck! .----------> rEqbY
successful.. :) l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | vouck!
' `
-/-|---------- -- .--------> vOUCK!
| ____. _____. ____. __|__. _____. .--/_.
| __\ |______\__. |_____\ |______\__. |_____\ |___| |
l _\ _|_ )__ \| )__ _| )__ |____)__ . __)__ |
|__ \' /_ l /_ \l. /_ l /_ | ' /__|
- ---|-/- .
- ---nUMb14------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
uUH! | rrr -diz .----------> rEqbY
hmm.. l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | repe
' `
\\----------/- rRr -/-- -
.-\ _____. _____. _____.
| __\___ |_____\___ |_____\___ |__
|_\ _ ,___)__ _ ,___)__ _ ,___)__
|__ | /_ | mute/_ | /_
| /\
| || choose height
| \/
| .
`-/ |
//--- - - --/-l
- ---nUMb15------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| pentangle .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | penty
' `
_____. _____. _____. _____. .
__\___ |___\___ |_____\__. |_____\ |__ - ----------\-|--->
_\ __) |_____)__ \| )__ ____)__ pentangle
|__ | l /_ | /_ l /_ |
/_________|mute________/__l_______/__________/ |
- -------|--. _____. _____. _____. ____. l______.____.
· | __\__._|_____\__. |_____\_. |_____\ |______\___ |__
|_\ _|/ )__ \| )__ |_____)__ | )__ |_____)__
|__ \__ /_ | /_ l_ /_ l /_ l /_
- ---nUMb16------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| woe -diz .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | misty
' `
\\--------|-/---> wOe
.-\ ___. l _____. ______.
| __\ |_._____\__. |_____\____ |__
|_\ | | )__ \| )__ |_____)__
|__ l l /_ l /_ l /_
| /\
| || choose height
| \/ .
`-/ |
//--- - - --/-l
- ---nUMb17------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| underground posse .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | kasper
' `
_____. _____ _____ _____ _____
_\ |___\__._)___\__._)___\___ )___\___ )___ uNDERgROUNd .
\_ _| /__ |/ /__ |/ /__|_____/__ _ __/__ \\-------------/-|-
.-| \|_ / | mute/ / /l / | /---\- pOSsE! |
| | ` /_ | /_ /_ /_ | /_ |
| `---/_____/-l______/--/_____/--/_____/-l______/ _____ _____ |
<-|------/·----. _\___,|___\___ )___\__._)___\ |___\__._)___\__._)_|_
· | \_____. /__ _ __/__ |/ /__ _| /__ |/ /__ |/ /__
| | \| / | / l / \|_ / | / / /
| | /_ | /_ /_ ` /_ | /_ /_
| `---/_____/-l______/--/_____/--/_____/-l______/--/_____/
. · |
| _______. _______. _______. _______. _______. - --|--.
| __(______ |___(_____. |___( _____|___( _____|___(______ |__ `--|-
| _\ __)__ \| )__________ )__________ )__ |______)__ |
| /___\ mute | /_ l /_ )/ /_ )/ /_ l /_ |
- ---nUMb18------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| kasper .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | kasper
' `
- ----/ kASPEr^uP /---------------|
_____. _____. _____. _____. _____. __|__.
. __\ |______\__._|_____\ __|_____\___ |___\___ |_____\___ |__
|_\ ' _)__ _|/ )_______._ )__ __) |_____)__ _ ,__)__
|__ | ' /_ \__ /_ |/ /_ | l /_ | /_
| |
`--/- |
//------- - '
- ---nUMb19------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| sprunge .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | kasper
' `
\\--------- sPRUNGe ------------- - .
.------------\ |
___|_. _____. _____. ____. _____. __|__. _____.
__\ __|____\___ |___\___ |____\ |_____\__. |____\_. |____\___ |__
_\______._ )__ _) _ ,__)__ _|_ )__ \| )__ |_____)__ |_____)__
|__ |/ /_ | | /_ \l /_ | /_l_ /_l /_
| |
--|-/-----------> |
l - ---'
- ---nUMb20------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| taxi .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | taxi
' `
------------ ------ - tAXi
_______ _______ _____ _______
_( /___ _( /___ _( |____ _( /___
_\ _ _____)___\_________ )___\____ | )___\___________)___
/___\ | /_ _._ / /_ . ____/_ mute /_
/ ` / \| / | / /
--- --------------.
`------ --- -
- ---nUMb21------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| toon town .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | taxi
' `
____. _____. _____. _____.
__\ |______\__. |_____\__. |_____\__. |__ ---.
_\__ ____)__ \| )__ \| )__ \| )__ |
|__ l /_ l /_ l mute/_ | /_ |.-------------------- -
.-/_____________/__________/__________/__l_______/-|-' ___ _____.
__\ |______\__. |_|___\ | ._____\__. |__
_\__ ____)__ \| )__ |-| )__ \| )__
|__ l /_ l /_ l l /_ | /_
- -------------------------------------------'
- ---nUMb22------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| nonsense .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | taxi
' `
· .
: |.. .----------------/
:.|.: - ---------------' //------.
_|___. _____. _____. _____. _____. _____. _____. _|___.
__\__. |___\__. |___\__. |___\ __|___\___ |___\__. |___\ __|___\___ |_
_\ \| )_ \| )_ \| )_______ )_ |____)_ \| )_______ )_ |____)_
|__ | /_ l /_ | /_ _/ /_ l /_ | /_ _/ /_ l /_
| |
`-------------------------- - - ---'
- ---nUMb23------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| acp explorer .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | weird one
' `
. ________. ________. ________. - ---------- -
-/-|------- -__(_______ |____(___. |____(_______,|__
| _\ _ _._ / )__ |_______)__ ___) aCp eXPLOREr
| /___\ \| /__ l /__ mute | .
|________/_________________/_____________/________| - ---|------ -
(| |
| - -------. |
| `---------------/
_____.· ____. _____. ____. _____. _____. _____. _____.
_\___ |____\ |____\___ |__\ |____\__. |____\___ |____\___ |____\___ |__
\ |_____)____ . __)_ ___) | )_ \| )_ . ,___)_ |_____)_ . ,___)_
(_ l /_ | /_ | l /_ l /_ | /_ l /_ | /_
`---------/ /-----------.`---- -
- ---nUMb24------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
uUUUh! | threaz .----------> rEqbY
t & h is awful! l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | threaz
' `
----------/-|-------------- - .
____. | ____. ______. ______. ______. ____|_.
__(_ |__|___(_ |______(_____ |____(_____ |____(______|____(_____ |__
_\ _ _____)_ __ )_ . ,___)_ |______)_ _._ / )_ _.____)_
/___\ l /__ |/ /__ | /__ l mute/__\| /__ \| /__
l_______________ |
/---------------> - -----'
- ---nUMb25------/ .
//--|----------------------------/eLABORATe·bURn/---------- -
.---\- |aSC²
| synergy denm. .----------> rEqbY
l_____ _ . |
- -------------/ | | genious
' `
<------/-|---- - )---sYNERGy-----------\
_____| _____. _____. _____. _____. _____. \_____.
__\ __|____\ |____\__. |____\___ |____\___ |____\_. |____\ |__
_\______._ )______. )__ \| )__ |_____)__ . ,__)__ |_____)______. )__
|__ |/ /_ l /_ | mute/_l /_ | /_l_ /_ l /_
| .---------------------------------------. \
`-----|------- -- - - -------/ dENMARk /--|-------------\
| sys: ....... |
| cosys: ........... . ... |
- -----------|-----------------------------/- cOMMENTs ! sTNEMMOc
| aNd .. it's all over.. open your eyes, it's safe now..
| don't be afraid.. i'll protect you against those evil
| logos. i'll guard you every moment - every second !
| but anyway.. some styles used.. one old one, and some
| others that were more or less successful.. two of them
| wasn't in my opinion so good, but one other may be used
| later i think.. so look out for new collies to see wich..
| overall, i think it was an ok quality on this prod.. but
| it's you ofcourse who best can evaluate the quality in
| this production. i hope it's quite satisfying..so, enjoy!
| -/------------------------------------------- -
..|:.. :
: |:.:.:
| :.|..:
| | .
`-----\--' | `--|--------> gREET's ! s`TEERg
| |
| l_ greetings to the o'most elaborate people..
| godfather·snuffy·splash·bird·dmg·speed devil
| rooster·misfit·cybergod·ramone·fatal·size·xcz
| trooper·war-child·cdr·folar·repe·boheme
| baffle·wise-k·arcane·and all others that i know..
| - -----------------------------------
.-------. .------. .-------------.
| | | |------| |-------------.
| | | | | . |_______._ |
| | | | | |_____| |/ |
.------.---. | .------.---| .------.------.------.---| .------.
|_____ | | | |____. | | |___. | |____. | |___|_____ |
| |___¦ |---¦ l | |---¦ \| | |__¦ l | ____/| |___¦
| | | | | _._ | _|_ | | | | | _._ | | | | |
| ` | l | \| | l/ | | | | | \| | l | ` |
| | | ` | | ' | | | ` | | |
l______l_______l______l_______l______l___| l______l_______l______|
| l/ | \| | | | | |
| / | \ | | | | |
| | | | | | |
l_____________l_____________l_______| l_______l_____|
| .
| .---|--------------- > cREDITs ! sTIDERc .
| · mAiN aRt - mute^inferno graffiti
| gUESt aRt - boheme^style
| folar^style
| mogue^arclite
| tRICkY^oRbItAl^nINjA tUNES
| - ----------------------------
| rEACh mE aT - sUb cONtINENt <godfather>teln order
| fLAMe sTRIkE <splash> teln msg
| gENEtIc wAStE <magz> teln order
| tHe bEYONd <dmg> teln msg
| aLSo mOSt oTHEr fAMOUs tELNEt bOARDs.
| rEACh mE aLSo aT
| #amielite
| #ascii
| aNd ·E-MAIL·
| caengh@sn.no
. - --|-/----------------------------- -
_ ___________________ _:_
_ //_|
(_) __________ _____________ __________ _____________________
_____ ____\_ / _ _/__\_ /__\_ _ /
\ \ / / _/ _/ / /. / \ / /
/______\ /_______\______|___________\_______| /__________________\
\/ -Mo!\aL-\/ .
·iNFERNO GRAFFiTi· _ | _
______ __________ _______ ________________ (_) _____. (_)
_/ _/___\_ /___\_ \/ _ __/___./ |_ _____
/ \ / /. _ \_ _/ _/ | _/ /
01 · tERRIBLE wASTE oF wORDS · twow.txt
02 · fIRST aSCENSION · tnc-1asc.txt
03 · fUTURE fASHION · tnc-fufs.txt
04 · fROZEN oRANGE pROJECT · mute-fop.txt
05 · nO eXCUSES · i^g-nex.txt
06 · iNNER cORE oF mE · i^g-icm.txt
07 · mARE sERENITATIS · i^g-ms.txt
08 · oLYMPUS mONS · i^g-om.txt
09 · sPINELESS jELLY · i^g-spj.txt
10 · dUBAI hAREM · i^g-dh.txt
11 · eARTHQUAKE iN a sTORMY fLOWER gARDEN · i^g-sfg.txt
12 · i lOVE hOPSCOTCH · i^g-hop.txt
13 · eLABORATe bURn · i^g-elab.txt
oH jA mAn !
i just wanna go
to a distant place
far from every foe
it could have been so nice
just live alone
listen to complete silence
be disturbed by none
forget all pain and violence
this is what i long for
just to live my own life
and find the real core
of human life
.thanks for reading.
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ.---------. eLABORATE bURN .--------.
|made by.. |
| _____ ___ ___. _____ `-|-.
| __) /___) |____\ |____)__ /_ ' |
:-\__. . )_ _| )__ ___)_ |____)_ |
| _ | | /_ \l /_ l /_l /_ |
`-/__l_|____/_______/_______/___mute/ |
/ .----/
/- mute of iNFERNo gRAFFITi ------'@END_FILE_ID.DIZ
· tHE fUTURE iS oURS ·
tHINk oF tHAt.. iF yOu rULEd tHe wORLd..
the end