·this file passed·
_ _____ ___ ______
)_ __ _| (___) _ )_
__/__) (_ | |___/
_ ___ | |___| |__
c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
____ ____ _____ ____
___\ (_ ___\ (_ __\_ (_ __\ (_
_) _/ /___) _ /___) _/ /___) _ /__
/ \ / \_ / \ / / /
\___ \_____/ \____\ \___ \ \
\ ________\ /______\ \ ____\ \_______\
\/ <(·tHE YARd·)> \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
[· rUNNiNG oN 8 nICE nODES · 2 iSDN/2 aNALOGUE/4 tELNET ·]
[· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]
[· aHS wHQ · b-GiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · sRZ wHQ · lP! gHQ ·]
[· pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · pPH eHQ ·]
[· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·]
__ ._ __
(__ | ) (_/__
_________________..::::. _ _________ _________
.___\ / .:::·· .::·__________ ________.____ ./__\ /
| \ / | . .::· /___. _/ _____| _/ _/ \_\ /
| \ \ / ' __::.:::_\__ _ __/_ |__\___ __l__. \ / \ /
| \ /_______/ ::::· \____ ___/ | / \ ' |___\_____/\ /
l____\ /[rLf] .::::::. \____/\___ . __/_______| oS!l___\ /
\/ : ··::::... \__|__/ \/
· ····
p a l a c e
tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
<0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>
Sun Aug 20 09:04:48 1995
| |
| _ .. _ |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| \______________________________/ |
| " legale lego leger " |
. . .............. ................. ...
_ ______________ : _ __________ : :..:.:
_______/__ ___:________________ ________/ ____:____ ____ _ _ :
\ \ __ / | \\ :
·\ \ / / | \\ __________:___
_ ________:___________\ /___ /__ ________| \ \/ : /
:dto/e^d _ _________|_______...\. _ ____________\ / . /
· : :..... .::::::::: : \/ /
: : _ ___________:__ :::::·· ·::: _ ______:____. /___________/
:. : \::::· ::· |___________
::. :....... o :::: ·· ..·· __ __/_____
·::::............: ::::. .::· / /
_ _______________::::.. ..::· _ _________/ /
: ··:::::::·· : /_______________/
_____ .°8 :o
.-------'_ `-------. Oo·O
: .. : °·Oo·
: )_______(________:__o_____
: _\_ _________/
`-----------/ ________/
/_________ :_ _
of what group??
oh, maybe it's prestige or polka bros or hellfire..or...or
maybe even pro^arts or epsilon^design.. no, I know it...
it must be sanity..or maybe cncd!! ..abyss? hoodlum? access?
no, I am afraid not... I'm just a member of..
_________ __________ __________ ______ __________
\__ ___/__\__ ___ \\__ \\__ l__ \__ ___ \
/ (__ \/ (__ _/_/ | \/ __/___/ (_____/_
_/ l \_ | \_ l \_ l \_ l \_
.\_______ /___| /____ /____ /____ /-------------------.
| \_____/ l_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ · grotesticle · |
| __________ ______ _____ __________ ______ __________ |
| \__ ___/_\__ l__ \__ \ \__ \\__ | \__ ___ \ |
| /____ \/ __/___/ \__| / |___/_/ |_____/ (_____/_ |
| _/ l \_ l \_ l/ l \_ l \_ l \_|
`------------\_______ /____ /___\_______ /____ /____ /'
\_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/©bHm\_____/
..and I sure as hell am proud of it!!
___ _____ _____ ______ __ ______ ______ _____ __ ___
_ _ _\ \ \___/ \___/_\____/ \___\____/ \ / \ / \___ / /_ _ _
\\ \\\__ \ \ \ / \__ ___/ \___ \ / \ ___/ / __/// //
\_ ___ _ _ ___ _/
.______ .____ ______ _____ _______ .____
| / _____|___/__/ ____/_ ___\__ \j / _____|___/
| _/--\ |_/--\ \_ \/ _ \ _/--\ l_/--\--------.
| _` \_ _` \_ _' \_ _` \_ _` \_ _` \_ _ _ _|
|---\_____/--\______/--\______/---\______/--\_____/--\______//// |
|©nUP! |
|______ .____ ______ ._____ LeGALE |
| / _____|___/__/ ____/_ ____| \ LeGO |
| _/--\ |_/--\ \_ \/ |) \ LeGER |
| _` \_ _` \__ ' \_ _ ` /·_ _ _ |
|---\_____/--\______/-\_______/--\______///// |
| |
|______ .____ ______ .____ .___ |
| / _____|___/__/ ____/______|___/ _____|_ \_ |
| _/--\ |_/--\ \_ \ |_/---\ l/ _/ |
| _` \_ _` \__ ' \_ _` \_ / ¬\_ |
.--------------' _- `-------------.
| _ ·· _ |
| \_____________________________________/ |
| | | |
| | p r e f a c e | |
`-------| written on a tounge |-------'
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| No!! Not him....AGAIN!! |
| When will he understand |
| that we don't like his |
| wanna-be asciis!?!!!?!? |
| Can't he just go away?? |
| Moooahahahhahah! No, |
| ya won't get rid of me. |
| Even if you don't req- |
| uest my paintings, I |
| will release my collies |
| , because I can just |
| give away my asciis, or |
| simply do as I've done |
| this time... make some- |
| thing different! Jada.. |
| This colly contains 99% |
| of lego-dudes..and most |
| of'em is actually reqed |
| by my spirtual master |
| Kingpin/acs^lsd^spb.... |
| Thanx alot for liking |
| liking my legodudes.. |
| They are kinda cute, |
| aren' they? Yoddelihei. |
| |
| Right now I am at Magz |
| place, and we are hav- |
| ing a good time..well, |
| magz is having a head- |
| ache... anyway, hope U |
| like this, and to those |
| who requested my asciis |
| , you'll get them in my |
| next colly, which will |
| be a "ordinary" colly.. |
| Greetinx to magz who is | .
| making funny noises | .
| with his mouth... =) | :
`----------------. .-----. `-----.
: ____:___ :__ __ :
.---' \ _ :\_/__:\ \/ / :
: \_/: \ /: \ / .-'
`-------- `-----' -----'
okei.. nothing much else to say than :
.---------------. __(________/_
: there moight : \___________/ .------------------ -- - -------.
: just happen' : _|_______|_ : we're a family.. I don't :
: an accident : (____/ \____) : wanne kill my own brother.. :
: you know. we : | ___ | ----' Ploise..don't moik me :
:don't want that`---- ___`-------'___ : do it.. ploise.. I love you :
: to happend, : ./ \_/O\_/ \. : as my son...don't betrade me. :
: now do we?? : | _ \/ \/ _ | `--- - -- ----------------------'
`---------------' | ./ \_/ \. |
| | | |
| (_____________) |
|__| ___ |__|
(( )) / | \ (( ))
¯ ¯ | ¯ ¯
.---------------------| | |------------------------------------.
: legoseries by g®m _|_ | _|_ mafiaboss legodude :
_________| |_________
\ /
/ _ \ _ .. _ / / _
/__\ egale / _ \ \ / / /__\ ego / _
/ _ /__\ eger \ \________/ / / _ /__\ eger
/__\ ego \____________/ /__\ egale
a legodude is _
always nice weither .--' `--.
life's a bitch or not.. | · · |
| | \___/ |
`----> _`-------'_
° o· | _ _ | °.o . .--------.
___ _))) . ° | | | |o.____.: blupp..:
\ -\_/ (_.) ·° | |_________| | | .. |`-.------'
\- ___)o· |_| ____ |_| l____| -' _
/-/`-----' (^) || (^) \\_____)
¯¯ | || | (______)
| || | _|| _||
.------------------------------(_____||_____)---(__|(__|-------- -- - ----.
: lego series by g®m flooding-victim legodude :
`- -- ----------------------------- - ------------------------------------'
_________| |_________
\ /
/ _ \ _ .. _ / / _
/__\ egale / _ \ \ / / /__\ ego / _
/ _ /__\ eger \ \________/ / / _ /__\ eger
/__\ ego \____________/ /__\ egale
.-------- - -- ------------------.
: geeeeeeeeeez!!! :
: 'pacman extended doom version :
: ecs/aga hd installer for the :
: previous cd32version' :
: from prestige! kooool!! :
: oh, I'm gonna climb the :
: the charts with this! Oh, boy! :
`------ _ ------.-------- - -----'
.--' `__ :
| ---( .| : \ .____
| l__| : - | |\__
._ | \___| --' - | | |
| |`------' - | | __|
| ./ ( \ \. / |____|/____.
| | \ \__|__ __ | |
| | \______|__\_____ | |
| l_________|__./_______)|___________|
| (________. | \_________________/
l_________) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
_| |_ | | | | | |
/_____\ l___) | | | |
: lego series by g®m tradernerd legodude trading sum hot warez :
_________| |_________
\ /
/ _ \ _ .. _ / / _
/__\ egale / _ \ \ / / /__\ ego / _
/ _ /__\ eger \ \________/ / / _ /__\ eger
/__\ ego \____________/ /__\ egale
\ /
| \___________/
|__ .. _:
| \_____/ :
./ \.
| _ _ |
| | | | .-------------------.
| | | | |i'm a poor, handi- |
| | | | |capped legosysop.. |
________|__|___________|__|_________ /|please pay for free|
\_______(( ))_________(( ))________/ //|leech...PLEASE!!!! |
(_) ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ (_) // |___________________|
| legoseries by g®m legodude without legs begging for money :
_________| |_________
\ /
/ _ \ _ .. _ / / _
/__\ egale / _ \ \ / / /__\ ego / _
/ _ /__\ eger \ \________/ / / _ /__\ eger
/__\ ego \____________/ /__\ egale
harh-harh .---'_-`---. sikle, sikle..
kåt! kåt! | ·o)) | præh-hæ!!
.____________| \______/ |______________.
| | \_/ | |
|_ ___`----------'___ _|
(__| (___. .___) |__)
| ` | lego | ' |
| | | |
| | _ | |
| |__\\______| |
| | \\_ | |
| | (__) | |
`-------------| || |---------------'
.----------------------- -- - __l || |__ - -- ------------------------.
| legoseries by g®m \_____||_____/ exhibitionist legodude |
_________| |_________
\ /
/ _ \ _ .. _ / / _
/__\ egale / _ \ \ / / /__\ ego / _
/ _ /__\ eger \ \________/ / / _ /__\ eger
/__\ ego \____________/ /__\ egale
\ _/___
|. _ |
|___/ |
./ _ \.
__ |___/ ) |
(__|_____/ |
|________|____. _ __ ____
| _) | - --- --- --- -( )
| |----. | -- - ( ( ) )
__| | |__| _ - -- -- vrooom ) )
___|_____|________/ | --- -- - ---( ( ( )
(____________________| (____ _ __)
(_) (_)
| legoseries by g®m skate-legodude :
_________| |_________
\ /
/ _ \ _ .. _ / / _
/__\ egale / _ \ \ / / /__\ ego / _
/ _ /__\ eger \ \________/ / / _ /__\ eger
/__\ ego \____________/ /__\ egale
.---------. __
: hey... : .--' `--.______ ___. (v)
: call : | \ . | | || |¯|
: genetic : | \___. |------'--'' | |
: waste.. `- `--------'_ .|_|_.
`---------' | _ \ .----'-- |
| | | | _____ |
| | | |_| | |
|________| | |____|_____
| ___ | l_. | |___|_))
| |___l____| | |
| | .----------. | l_
| | :..we did..: .-|____|-.
|___| `----------`-- | .. |
(( )) | \____/ |
.------------- ¯ ¯ -------------------------------- `--------' -----------.
| legoseries by g®m genefeil legodudes |
_________| |_________
\ /
/ _ \ _ .. _ / / _
/__\ egale / _ \ \ / / /__\ ego / _
/ _ /__\ eger \ \________/ / / _ /__\ eger
/__\ ego \____________/ /__\ egale
_ _
I sorgens dal - bakom de mørke fjell /( __ )\
hviler en avgrunnens hersker \ \__.--'__`--.__/ /
i grotten hinsiden smertens evige vidde \____) ·· (____/
en hersker så sterk som natten selv | ______ | /\ /\ /\
de roper hans navn ut i den evige natt |/ -- \| ||_||_||
flammehavets mester - hatets far _`--------'_ \__ __/
han er mørket - han er ild / 6 _ \ ||
han er magz - semi-onding!!! | _ 666 \ \___||
| | 6 \____|_))
-"en hymne til magz" av grimlock | |__________| || /\
|_|| |\ || / _\
(^)| ____ |\\____||___))
| || | `----||----'
___|___||___|___ ||
\______||______/ ||
| legoseries by g®m satan legodude |
_________| |_________
\ /
/ _ \ _ .. _ / / _
/__\ egale / _ \ \ / / /__\ ego / _
/ _ /__\ eger \ \________/ / / _ /__\ eger
/__\ ego \____________/ /__\ egale
| .. | legodude BEFORE
|· || ·| calling checkpoint...
| )\___/( | _________________ _ _
_`---------'_ / _______________/// //
./_ _\. /
| |_ _| | _______ / legodude AFTER
| / \ | \_____/ / calling checkpoint...
l(_____________)| ___(___)___ / __
(^) l__((___| (^)./ \. / __/__|__|__\__
__ | /|\ | __ | one dullion | / |_/ .. \_|
/ \|___|___|/ \ \ dollars / / |· || ·|
(________|________) \_________/ / `------'`------'
______________________________________/ | )_____( |
_`---------'_ empty
____ ____ ____ spb whq·lsd nhq ./_ _\. dullion dollar
\ / \____\ _/ \ / \_/__ lsd nhq·mtn schq| |_ _| | bag
\__ \ / \__ \__ \ / | / \ | |
+47 ____ ______ _____ ____ l(_____________)| !
51593123 \__/ \ .. / · \ / \ / (^) l__((___| (^) ___
51592430 \ \__/ /__ \ / \ __ | /|\ | __ ___\_/
p r e p a i r t o g e t p o o r, c u z / \|___|___|/ \ (__(__ )_
y o u ' l l g e t a d d i c t e d ! (________|________) (_________)
: legoseries by g®m traderlegodude before/after calling checkpoint :
_________| |_________
\ /
/ _ \ _ .. _ / / _
/__\ egale / _ \ \ / / /__\ ego / _
/ _ /__\ eger \ \________/ / / _ /__\ eger
/__\ ego \____________/ /__\ egale
.__| |__.
| _ .|
| / \_|
/ _ \.
/ ) |)__.__ _____.
( /| |___|_)) ( .____/ |
\_\|________| __ =)--. | |
(( (__)\_ _)_| | : |_ \\\ |
/ / | bonk!!! : .|_________|_.
/ /_______| `---| a4000 |
/ /_ |____________|
________/______/_________ ((
/ _ _
/ (\/) _ _
/ _ _ (\/)
/ (\/)
/ /\ /\
/ / \ ____ / \
/ /\/ \/ \/ \/\
/ / \ / \/
: legoseries by g®m kingpin kicking his A4000 over a cliff :
_________| |_________
\ /
/ _ \ _ .. _ / / _
/__\ egale / _ \ \ / / /__\ ego / _
/ _ /__\ eger \ \________/ / / _ /__\ eger
/__\ ego \____________/ /__\ egale
.___| _|___.
hiihihihhihi | \/ _|
hihiihih hihi | _ °o)) /|
| (_/\/\/\/ |
| --- |
/_ _\
| ) psycho ( | rrrrrr
| \ maniac | | rrrrrrroooaaaaaar
_\ \____________|_|__. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ))
|.-(_)-. .-(_)-.|\)\)\)\)\)\)\)\)\_
|`-----' `-----'| _/))
|_____________________|\(\(\(\(\(\(\(\/ rrr
| | | ((¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯rrrrrr
: legoseries by g®m psychomaniac legodude w/ chainsaw :
_________| |_________
\ /
/ _ \ _ .. _ / / _
/__\ egale / _ \ \ / / /__\ ego / _
/ _ /__\ eger \ \________/ / / _ /__\ eger
/__\ ego \____________/ /__\ egale
\ / .----------------------------------.
devil \ / :mmmmmmm... oh..daddy's gonna make :
: \_____________/_____ :you sooo good..ah..that's good.. :
`------> |_________________/ :you naughty little boy... oh, god!:
| _ ._ _ | :O H G O D ! ! ! ! ! :
| (______) | :Yabbbbaaadabbbbaadooooooo!!!!! :
_`---| |---'_ ----:Your mouth feels even better than :
/_ | | _\ :Kingpins.. nnnghhh!! here it goes!:
(( | ) `--' ( | `----------------------------------'
smask!\ \ .--'¯¯`--. / /
__ sut!\ \|__ __|/ / )) .__.
| |_____\__\_) (_/__/_____| |
| __| |__ |
|_______/ _`--------'_ \_______|
(_______/./ \.\_______)
| | ( | | ) | |
| | \| |/ <---------- raven
| | |______________| | |
____|_|_____ (__ ____ __) _____|_|__ _____
/ / \ \
/ / / / / / \ \ / / · / /
/ · /_ _ _/\ · /\_ _ _\ · / ·
\_____\/ \/_____/
: legoseries by g®m devil&raven legodudes playing with eachother :
eheh.. hope you didn't get angry, devil and raven.. ehhe
we legodudes doesn't mean to harm anyone!
j u s t f o r f u n
oki.. and now you'll be presented to the members of...
g · r · o · t · e · s · t · i · c · l · e
_____ ______ ___ ______ _
| ____\ ___/_ _\_/_ _\__ / of alpha flight .--' `--. .____________.
| __/ \ \ \ \ / / grotesticle | .. | | ____ |
|__/ \ _____\ ____\ __/ total | _____ | | ./////\. |
/______\ (sysop·trade) |/ - \| | |//////| |
_`-------'_ | \///// |
Acid is really afraid of loudspeakers... ./_ _\. | .________. |
especially those you find at houseparties. | | | | | |////////| |
So if you want to get free leech at basic | |_________| | | |////////| |
instinct, then I suggest you to upload a |_|. ___ .|_| | |////////| |
scanned picture of a loudspeaker.. =) (^)| | |(^) | |////////| |
| | | | |////////| |
__| | |__ | |////////| |
____________ \_____|_____/ |____________|
\ / .____.
\________/ _|____|____
| | \_______ /l o c k h e a d / grotesticle^illusion
| | |_______/ (music)
| |
.-`----'-. I don't know why, but everytime I think of Blockie,
|\ .. /| I also think of food and cooking.. strange...
| \ / | Maybe it's because of his module, "eggedosis",
| \__/ | or his article (buzz 2or3), "don't fuck up a
_`--------'_ potato"... I dunno... or maybe it's because of
/ _||____||_ \ "egg raid on mojo 1, 2 and 3".. I simply can't
| | | | figure it out... He's also half italian, so
| | | | he can't live without pasta and pizza... =)
|_(_ _)_|
(^)| |(^) Leech his mods from Basic Instinct.. pure
__|________|__ techno/gabber/jungle/trance... yiiiha!!
________ .---' `---.
| _ / __!____..____!__
| _/___/_ r i m l o c k / grotesticle \______||______/
|________\ (organize, ascii, trade) | _ _ |
| (______) |
hey!! that's me!! what can I say?? I like lego! _`----------'_
I'm driving the newspaper to pay parts of my ./_ _\.
phonebill.. | |__ __| |
I'm the cosys at Genetic Waste and Basic Instinct,| / \ |
so now you know where to find me.. tjoppsann! |(______________)|
_(^)| __((__ |(^)_
/ \__|_____|____|__/ \
__ ____.
.--' `--. __\ |
| __ | / /_\ | o r u n / grotesticle ^ fjortiss prods
| _ ·· _ | /_______| (music)
| \__/ |
_`--------'_ who has more hd-chrashes than Magz??
./_ _\. Jorun once threw a chair in the wall, slammed
| | | | his fists at his c64 and screamed like god
| | | | damned hell... hehe.. what had happend??
| |__________| | Yup, you guessed it.. H D C R A S H !!
|_| ______ |_| Mohahh!! And then his pararellport went to
(^) || (^) hell.. haha.. and the.. yet another hd-
| || | crash. Jorun hates Western Digital.. no shit.
__| || |__
._____ __
| /_ .---' `---.
| / \ a i m b r a i n / grotesticle | _- |
|_______\ | /\ .. _ |
| \_\____) |
this due loves thechno!! He, Superted and _`----------'_
Blockhead are the technomusicians in grt.. ./ __ techno __ \.
Laimbrain is lazy, but quite talented... | |__________| |
| | _____ | |
If someone of you have any rare prodigy |__| /|\ |__|
items, then sell them to laimbrain! _(/\)_____|____(/\)_
.--' `--. ___
| .. | \ __
| ______ | \/ \
|/ -- \| ___\/ \ a g z / grotesticle^parasite
`--------' _ ____\ (sysop·gfx)
./ \.
| _ dark _ | probably the only evil legodude in the
| | throne | | whole legouniverse...
| | | | sysop at genetic waste (you know the
| |________| | number, din lille faen..). call him!!
|_|. ____ .|_| magz røyker ALT (suketter, te, sprit,
(^)| || |(^) viskelær, peanøtts...etc...)..yups..
| || |
| || | magz har en pokker til migrene..hihh..
| || | and hd-crashes is a common thing..
\. || ./
| || |
___| || |___
.______ ______.___
_ _|__ / (__________)
\\\_____/ l u s s p a n t / grotesticle |_ .. _|
|__\ |\ /|
| \____/ |
plusspant is a great artist, who developed kind of _`--------'_
a kool style.. those of you who appeared at TG95, ./_plusspant _\.
know that this gfxian is talented.. | | da vinci| |
| |__________| |
en cola koster 6.50 pluss pant.... |_| ______ |_|
(^) || (^)
\ __/__ ________
\______________/ _\ _____/_
-(_.)^(._)- \ \_____ \ u p e r t e d / grotesticle^suspiria
|\_______/| \_________\ (musix·gfx)
| --- |
`---------' techno is this brothers fave stajl...
./ \. actually, he won the tg95 4-track compo
plink | _ _ | with one of his fab techno-modules, and
plonk! | |papaja | | that sure wasn't his best techno-mod...
| | projex| | check out his soon-2-come video with his
schrall!|_|_________|_| techno-group, papaja!!
\ legonix 700-80fg-stereo /
|| | | | ||
|| _| | |_ ||
|| /_____|_____\ ||
A H , T H E E N D !
Sorry for this short colly, I would have made it longer, if it hadn't
been for my god, Kingpin!! He forced me to release this now.. usj
Greetings to :
Stratos/scx^essence : hope you'll change your mind
Kingpin/acs^lsd^mtn^spb : Puh.. du er kravstor! :)
Vapour/Offspring : Hi.. Hope you'll get rid of that bill soon..
Sca/Polka : Where are you tonight, then??
Nup/P^a : Thanx !!! A L O T !!!!
Juan/e^d : Nice chatting with you.. hvor er fatal??
Fatal/e^d : Hvor er du?? Jeg leter etter deG!
Jedi/hlm : Boardet ditt blir raskere og raskere!! Det er jo bra!
Akiro&Dr.Poop/dcs^scx^vty : Bad connects suxx!! Hope we'll fix it.
Grt members : Send stuff to asce soon, you lazy bastards! =)
ZorroMephisto : Nice chat we had.. talked with twister yet?
PrinceOfTHieves/Psg : Hey, italian boy! Pop by Genetic Waste soon.
Desoto/e^d : Nice collies.. this messys suck..to unpersonal..
Elfin!/dlp : MAsesetningen kan du.. lenge siden du har vært i
collyene mine.. ehhe..
Xclusive/dezain : Hmm.. grt joining dezain.. GRT Isn't an asciigroup
only.. well.. good luck.. I'll keep it in mind.
To the rest : no need for messy now...
and now for something even lamer ...
.-these are the--- - -
: _ . _ _, 26.6 - 01.07
: !\/| O \ / ° __ (____
: · | ° \/ l_ (_/_, __/ I watched during the making of this colly
: _ (like you care..)
`-------------------. - --- ---\/-------------------- - ---------- -
stargate : I am a great fan of sci-fi/adv. movies, so this
: was a movie I had been looking forward to for
: a long time.. and I must say that I liked it..
: Good thing that they still make movies like
: this.. The alien planet was a little too non-
: alien though.. that is the only minus...
: I can't see why Kurt Russel came at the top of
: the casting list, James Spader had a greater
: part so he deserved the top spot....
willow : Another adventure-movie.. from 1988.. George
: Lucas is the man behind this movie, and the
: result is as expected - brilliant.. Val
: Kilmer is the most famoust actor in Willow.
: Had seen it before..twice.. and I will
: see it again - some day...
crow, the : GREAT MOVIE! Brandon Lee (RIP) is the crow.
: Based on the comic. This movie is kinda
: weird with a gloomy atmosphere.. yes, I
: reccomend this movie for all you moviefans.
: Brandon Lee got shot during this movie,
: so a little part is made on the computer...
: I couldn't see where though... Must have
: been an Amiga.. =)
stand, the : A movie based on the book by Stephen King..
: This is not a horror-movie, more like a
: thriller. As so many times before, it's the
: good vs the evil.. a entertaining movie
: which lasted for 6 hours (!!).
forrest gump : I was told that this movie was one of the best
: this year.. I got a little disappointed, cuz
: the movie wasn't THAT good, although it was
: great, but.. I had just seen so many cuts and
: heard so much about it, that it just got too
: predictable.. argh.. hate when that happends..
: But all in all, it was a darn good movie,
: with Tom Hanks playing his role extremly well.
outbreak : Dustin Hoffman's comeback you might say...
: He have appeared in some top movies the last
: years.. "rain man" and that movie..what's it
: name.. something with hero.. anyway, outbreak
: is another cool movie.. aah, disasters rule! =)
: I liked this movie alot, it's much like "the
: stand", but more realistic. What can I say?
: If you haven't seen it, then do! Many famous
: actors.. like Rene Russo..
chase, the : I have seen this movie before, and the last 2
: weeks I have seen it 3 times.. My friends
: wanted to see it, so I "had" to see it as well.
: Charlie Sheen is one of my fave actors, and
: he didn't let me down in this movie either..
: Lots of great humour, and several stars like
: Henry Rollins and some Red Hot Chili Peppers
: dudes.. You just have to see this!! It's
: funny and filmed in a cool way...
shadow, the : I feared this should be a Dick Tracy kinda
: movie, but it wasn't THAT comicated..øh..
: Alec Baldwin, a great actor, is the Shadow.
: OK movie..nothing special..
junior : Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emma Thompon and Danny
: De Vito.. great actors, and the result??
: Better than expected. I had expected this
: movie to suck bigtime, but it actualy turned
: out to be a nice movie, not a great one, but
: ok.. I had to laugh, it is just too stoopid
: watching Arnold playing a feministic charachter.
hehe.. interesting?
Request to eall!
Grotesticle (grt)
Write messys to me at these boards :
Genetic Waste · Basic Instinct · FlashBack · Checkpoint
Asylum · Sky Tower · Bodycount · Zillion Hours
See you in my next colly!
sånne rare adder nedenunder
Sun Aug 20 09:04:48 1995
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