En funksjon f er kontinuerlig i et punkt a i D(f)
dersom følgende gjelder:
for enhver e>0, skal det finnes en d>0
slik at når x i D(f) og |x-a|<d, så er |f(x)-f(a)|<e.
ja selvfølgelig !
| a E R O S O l
- --------------- / |
// ---|--------------------------------------
__________ ________ _______ ________ ________ ________ ____.
_\______ /__\_____ /___\____ /_\____. /___\ ___/____\____. /___\ |_____
/__ ___ / / |______ |__/ \| ________ / \| __ | /
\ \l /_ l /_ | \ l /_ l/ /_mute l /_ l /_
/___________/___________/____| /___________/__________/___________/_________/
/ darkus · karlos · vouck · blue · h7 · native · mute /
is proud to present to the public
another release in cooperation with
| . .
| .
. |:.
. :|·
:: |
___ _!_____ .
! _____ | /_
_\ || | : tHE hOLy lAbORAtORiEs oF :
| |· | .
| ___ __ / __ __ / ._ _ \ __ _.
| __\\_ )_ _( _//_ _!_ )__ _( _//_ ___| )_ _!/_ _\\_ )_ _( !___
o .__[ \| /[ ____/[ /__ /[ ____/[ __ /[ /[ __ /[ / //__. o
_\!_____ ! ______ ! ___ ! ___ ! ! ________ ! _____| ___!/_
---- `-----' -- `-----' `-----' `----------' ---- `-----' -- `-----' --
| .| .
n7/aSl ||______| ~ jEBEDIAh scIentiFIc ~
|______|_ ___! refUgeE cAmp aLLstarS
| ,x¾¾x,
| ,x¾%^~~^%,
|x¾%^ ~,
, ,|¾%^
^x, ,x¾%|
^%¾x,_,x¾¾#^ |
^%¾¾¾%^~ |
~ |
._____ _____.
unDer the dIRECt ____| _ ( ______ ) |___ ______ dKS!
jurisdiction of the _\ _ | / /_\ /_____\ ____/___\ __/____
mAd pROfEsSOr! \ \_/ _ /| _ \| _ __/ /
. ... /_____|_____\__________\_____\____\__\|_______\
| . ·
| -/-------- - '. - ---- .:·
| . · ·
| .
| ·.. .
| .·:.
| .·.·::· .
-/----.`- - ·::·.
_____ _____ _____ _____ _·::_ _____ __.
__ __(___ /___\__ /___\__ /__\ _ /___\ __/___\ _ /__\_ |___ __
\ \ _, / /_ /___/_ |__/ _`/ /_ /_, /_ _`/ /_ l /_ /_
/ /________ /_______/___|mute______/_______/_______/_______/ /
.·::.. .
- -'.----/- - ---- . · ::.·
| · ·::·
| ·::.. .
| .· ··:·.. ·
- --\\|
| .____._
| m A T H e M A T I C A l .___|____|/
| \ | |
| n.E.S.S.E.C.I.T.I.E.s | `----|-
|. | |
_\ _/ _\|/__/_\/__,/_\/__,/_\|/__/_\l___/-\--'/_\ ,__/-\--'/ \|/__/ \/__,/
mute| \ | |
| \ |____/ |
| · · /----!-
_| - the frustration !
-\|-- -
,x%^~ | ,x%¾¾x,
,x%^ | ,x¾%^~~^%,
·¾¾( | ,x¾^ ~. ·
^¾x, | ,x¾^ - ---\\
^%¾x, | ,x¾%^ _____ _____ _____ _____ _\___ _____ _____
~^%¾¾|.,x%¾%^ __\__,/__\__ /__\__ /___\ __/__\__ /___\_ /___\__ /_
~^|¢¾¢^~ \ __/ |__/ l___/_ __/ _, / /_ ,|___/_ l___/_
| /______|____|mute______/_____|________/_______/_______/
| \
-|--------------- - - \\-
! · ·
·:.· \\------------- -
.|:: .
. .::|· · wELCOMe! to my twentieth asc²collection .. it
.:·.| feels great. but when planning it i had no idea
·. |. of what this colly was to be about. all my so
.· | called inspiration had been used for my last
. | production. of wich i'm actually very proud of!
| but then i thought of what my mind is really
| working on these days .. math. as stated in
| earlier colly's, i hate math. it stinks, but i
| have to take it since i'm fond of physics.. blah!
| i actually wonder what you all thought of the
| concept of my last "collection".. hmm .. more about
| that and my thoughts about the future of the
| asciiscene later on in this colly..
. |__ the aerosol memberlist have been a bit
\| / changed. devistator out, vouck in. welcome ! make
\/ us proud .. hehe :) i, myselves, have become a
|\ cosysop at nightline. yIHA! make mE prOUD ! :)
| ·
| oki. this colly contains mostly requests
| i've done lately. i mostly use the old style from
| "alive!" and sometimes the "INT" style.. but to
| the small style i use for design here. it's
| supposed to be a small version of the "alive!"
| style, but it looks quite standard. i hope no
| one will feel i've copied elements in their own
| style or something 'cause that has nEVER been
| the intention. it just "had" to look like that.. :)
. |
-/-------|- mute;aerosol;jEB;i^g
| ~^[][|
! []| hAVE a gOOD vIBe !
[| \\----- --- - .
·| , - ----------------\ ··:. .
-/-|------ - ~ ·
. __
- --|------- - - \/------------------/ .
·.|:::· //-l._____________ _
|:: !
|. messages marlon brando
| menu .
| nightline 4play dino dino
| resistance . divine stylers .
| rse -diz . jedi arts .
| `x, . simon king simonking basement .
-/-|---^%x,---\- the loop . darkus -
! ^%x, \\ dwarf dwarf native -
"~·| kkz -diz . blue -
. _ __) miles to go shaolin karlos -
| sanitarium saint vouck -
/- letharic letharic brutal conflict red^blade
twilight . bluebox .
tl! . project blueb .
genesis james dean ground ph. ind. .
marlon brando marlon brando . _
the zero netw. . h7 - | \
/ \\ ._
/ -// \ ___|__ _ · \
/------------------------------'.--- - \ / | \ \
\/ | \ \
| / -- --\\ \\-
| \ \
for reasons not entirely clear, ! _\
Doomsday Airlines books a daily shuttle service
from Altoona to Hoboken.
They offer two round-trip flights, one on a two-engine prop,
the other a four-engine prop plane. Suppose that
each engine on each plane will fail independantly
with the same prob. p and that each plane arrive safely at its
destination only if atleast half its engines remain in working
order. Assuming that you want to continue living, for what
values of p would you prefer to fly in the two-engine plane ??
\\- ,x%¾¾%x, (from my statistics book)
. \,x¾¾¢^~ ~^%; (simple question, but funny)
,· |,x¾%^~ ;^~
(¢, ,x¾%^ \ __
^¢¾%¾%^..-\\- ------\ /---------- )
~.|:·:·. · /
|::·. /_
|·:. .
|: .
| A s A M P L E S
| _____ _____ _____ _____P __. _____
. | __\ __/___\__ /___\ /___\__ /__\ |_____\__ /_
. | \ /__ /_ _, / /_ _ / /_ __/ l /_ l___/_ _______
·:| /________/_______/__\/___/_____|________/_______/ __) ___/_
.|· A _\_____ /_
|: . C \ / /
| : - ---------------- // . E /__________\
|· . / - ------ .:· .
:| · " S " ,
-/ -|-
/ --------- nIGHTLINe / -- .`-
| \ ------ -
· - --\-|----\\ · \
. . | . nIGTHLINe . --- - \\ \
:.· · \ \\
·::.· .______ .______ .______ .___ .__._ \ ·
½x;· . \-`/__ /_\-` .__/_\-` _._ /_\-` |___\-` |/___ - \ \\
¾¾%¢x, _\ l/ /_\---\\ /_\ |/ /_\ ._ /_\ ____/_ \ \
^%¾¾¾½¾½\ /_ __\ \ __\---l __\ |/ __\ \ __\ \\ \--- -
~^%¾¾/_____/____\_________\_________\____\____\_________\ \
~^", . ~^mute' - ----\\
| .___ .______ .______ .______
| \-` |____\-` .__/_\-`/__ /_\-`/__, /_
| _\ | /_\---\\ /_\ l/ /_\ |____/_
| \- \ l _\ \ __\ /_ __\ l __\
---|- \ /___________\_________l____/____\_________\
· ________ _
-- // - -------- ----- - '
/ --------- rESISTANCe / -- .`-
.______ .______ .______ .______ .______ .____
\-` ___ /_`/__, /_\-` __/_\-` .__/_\-` __/_\-` /___
_\ ' |__/ |____/_\___._ /_\---\\ /_\___._ /_\ ____/_
\ | \ l __\ l/ __\mute\ __\ l/ __\ l __\
| .______ .______ .______ .______
-- r E S I S T A N C e --// ______ /_\-`/__ /_\-` _ /_\-`/__, /_
| / _\ _._ / /_\ l/ /_\ /____/_\ |____/_
! /---\ \l __ /_ __\ \ __\ l __\--.
-/-- - cRACK iNFO! - ---// /__________l____/____\_________\_________\
/ --------- rSE - dIZ. / -- .`-
\---------/ - -- > rESISTANCe < -- /
|· .______ .______ .______ !
! \-` ___ /_\-`/ ,__/_\-`/__, /_ __
_\ '\ |__/_\_____ /_\ |____/_ \|
\ | __\ )/ __\ l __\ |
/______|___\_________\_________\ l
~^mute; -/
/----- - ·
/ --------- sIMOn kINg / -- .`-
. . _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
·.:.· _\ __/___\ .__/___\_. /___\__._ /___\___. /___
. ·:.· /_______ /,--\\ / | . /' |/ / \| /
·:. \_ )/ /_ \ /_ | | /_ l /_ | /_
. : /__________/_________/__l__l___/_________/____l____/
___ .:
\ / . _ _____. ________ ________ ________
-/{ sIMON KINg }/--/ _\ |_____\ .__/___\____. /___\____. /___ /----- -
///_ l /_,--\\ / \| __ \| ///
\ . _/ /_ \ /_ | /______l /_
/______|______/________/_____l____/ ______/
\ mute
/ --------- tHe lOOp / -- .`-
tHE .. ______. _________ _________ _________
_\ |_____\____._ /___\____._ /___\_____, /_ /- - \\ --
.. lOOP ! /_ | /' |/ /' |/ / __/ ! \
\ l /_ /_ /_ /_ /_ mute | - ---- \
/____________/___________/___________/________| ·
/ ------------ dWARf / -- .`-
._____ ___. _________ ________ ________
__ _____| /_\ |--._____\_____ /_\ ___ /_\ ,___/_
/ / /__ / /_ _|_ / / | | / _._ / / \ |__/ __/ /__ /
\ \l /_ l l /_ \l /_ |mute, |
/___________/__________/__________/_____| /________|
/ ---------- kKz - dIZ / -- .`-
____. ____. ______
_\ |____\ |_______\__ /_
/_ | /_ | /_ ____/ /
\mute. _/ /_ . _/ /_ \' /_
/ -------- mILEs tO gO / -- .`-
________ _______ ____._ ________ ________
.mILEs _\ , /___\ .__/___\ |/_____\_____ /__\ ___/___
To gO. /_ _ // /--\\ / | / |______,_____ /
\ \ / /_ \- /_ l /_ l /_ )/ /_
_____. _______ ________ _______ /-
// ----- -_\ |___\__._ /___ _\____. //__\__._ /___- ----- //
-/ /_ ___/_ l/ / /_ \| / / l/ /
\ l /_ /_ /_ \_____l /_ /_ /_
/___________/_______/ / ______/_________/
- -- -------'
eOS ! -- - - ----|-_/-
_|__ .
\| //
\ /
\ |
\ |
\\ a N e S T I M A T I O N |
_____ \ _____ ___. ____ _____ ____ ___. ____ ___|_ _____
__\_, /__\\ __/__\ |___\,_/___\ /___(__ /__\ |___\,_/___\ _ /___\_, /_
\ /___/_ /__ /_ ,__//_ \ /_ _ / /_ _, / /_ ,__//_ \ /_ _`/ /_ /_ /_
\ · ·::.·.|;mute^~
o F t H·E p A S T e V E N T S h(1) - h(k) .·:::|
\\ .:.|
\ ·:|
\ . :|
· aSCII sCENE - cHANGES are cOMMINg. .|
nowadays more and more ascii collections are mostly |
gift collies. nothing bad about that, but why ? about |
every ascii artist have to ask for requests. why ? one |
easy answer: the need for ascii's are decreasing. rapidly! |
fewer and fewer amiga boards are operative, not so many |
ppl actually need ascii-logos. so why are wE, the artists |
still active? i hope it's because we enjoy it. but i must |
ask. |
how long will you enjoy to make all those gift collys? |
and beg for more requests to fill up a colly.... ? |
not for too long i guess. so then : changes! |
again: why are we artists active ? i can ofcourse only speak |
for myselves .. : i enjoy it. for me it's recreation. and |
that's what is most important to me... ofcourse it's fun to |
have the logos i draw used, but there are limited of req- |
uests. then i got this idea to make a colly with my fav. |
music artists. it seemed fun. and as you know: that's why i |
keep on drawing. this was in '97. but i never got any far. |
later i made "Listen to the Beat". it was fun to make. |
no requests. the colly was entirely dedicated to music. and |
the "review" by dipswitch in tac0899.txt: |
"... i'm asking myselves who could use use that logos, |
but nevertheless it's pleasant to view..." |
first: i don't care at all about who could use them |
logos. it was never my intention to make logos for others |
to use. second: thanx, my intention was to have fun, and |
make it pleasant to view. so to my point: |
if we always think of who'll use our logos, then many |
artists will get fed up by doing the same all the time, and |
because of the decreasing amount of requests.. |
we should try to think more innovative, experiment with |
our collections, try to make them different in structure |
and intention. |
so then i made this collection dedicated to the eritrea-|
ethiopia conflict. (asl-int.txt) perhaps it illustrated my |
point a bit to the extreme, but it had to look like that.. |
why did i make it? curiosity. pure curiosity for this forgot-|
-ten conflict. i learned a lot. and if you read it, you'll do|
that too... so that was the intention of it. i learned alot, |
had fun, and hope you'll learn something too if you find it |
pleasant to view... |
yet i've had little feed-back on this collection. but |
if the asciiscene want to survive some of these changes, more|
feedback from other aritists and sceners are needed. 'cause |
up till now, the feedback has been in a form of how much |
your ask² are used. and i think the ascii charts are a step |
in the right direction !! but more reviews should become more|
objective and larger. (= more interresting) |
but all you others have a repsonsibility to tell what |
you think of other collections. and hopefully in another way |
than "you lame ripper" or "your style stink like dogshit". |
·,,_ |
~^%x, pLEASe tHINk aBOUt iT !!!. |
~^%, |
^%, mute^aerosol^jEBEDIAh prod^i"g |
- -------½,------ /-- - -|-/(
;%' !
^%, if the k·th moment of a random variable exists,
all moments of order less than k exist.
/ --------- sANITARUIm / -- .`-
.____ ._____ ._____ .___ ._ ._____ ._____ ,_ ._ __ .____
\-` __/_ ____ /\-`_._ /_\-`._/_\-` |__ _____ /\-`,__ /__/_\-` / /_\-` /_
_\___ /_\ _._//_\ l/ /_\-\ /_\ __/_\ _._//_\ / |__/ /_\ /_ /_\ _./_
\ / __\ \l __\ /_ _\ __\ l _\ \l __\ |mute __\ ,/ __\\ / __\
.::. .:· · sANITARIUm /
.·· ·::·· // - -
/ ---------- lETHARIc / -- .`-
_______ _ lETHARIc - ' .--- -
____. \ _______ ____. ____. ________ _______ ____ _______
_\ |____\____ /__\ |____\ |/_____\____ /_\ ___ /_ ._/___\_. _/__
/_ | __ |_____/ ____/_ _._ / _._ / / \ |__/-\ __ |_____/
\ l /_ l /_ l /_ |/ /_ \l /_ | \ /_ l /_
/ --------- tWILIGHt / -- .`-
\ -- - . ·..·.·
____. ___. ______ ____. ______:·_______ ____. ____.
_\ |____\ |-.____\ .__/__\ |_____\ ._/__\___. /___\ |_____\ |____
/_ ____/ | | ____\\ / | ____\\ / \| / _._ / ____/
\ l /_ l l /_ \ /_ l /_ \ /_____l /_ |/ /_ l /_
/__________/________/_______/_________/_______/ _____/____l____/_________/
·.· \mute^~
· ·. / - ------ -
/ --------- tL! - dIZ. / -- .`-
tl! ____. ____. ___:
_\ |____\ |_____\ |
/_ ____/ | ____ |
--- -\ l /_ l /_-\ |- --/
mute/__________/________/ ;!_
/ ---------- gENESIs / -- .`-
· ::_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
:·_\___. /___\____ /___\___. /___\____ /___\ ___/___\ .__/___\ ___/___
:·/_ \| / |_____/ \| / |_____/_____._ /---\\ /____._ /
. \____l /_ l /_ | /_ l /_ l/ /_mute \ /_ l/ /_
/ ______/_________/____l____/_________/_________/_________/_________/
· \
/ --------- mARLOn bR. / -- .`-
_______ ________ _______ ____. _______ _______ .
_\_. /____\____ /_\ ___ /_\ |_____\___. /___\___. /___ /
/_ | . / _._ / / \ |__/ | __ \| / \| / mARLOn
\ | | /_ \l /_ |mute l /_ l /_ | /_ /.
/___l__l___/_________/____| /__________/_________/____l____/ /
_____ ____. _______ _______ _______ ._____ _______/
'--\ /---/ _\ |_____\ ___ /__\___ /_\___. /______| /_\___. /___
\ / /_ _|_ __ \ |__/ _._ / / \| / _|_ / / \| /
/_ \ `/ /_ | \l /_ | /_ \l /_ l /_
/ ---------- kUNg fU / -- .`-
\\------- - KUNG FU! -- . ` -- - / /
\ ____. ____. _______ _______ / _______ ____.
_\ |____\ |_____\___. /___\___. /___ _\ ,___/__\ |_____
/_ | /_ ,| / \| / \| / / /_ ___/ ,| /
\ . _/ /_ \l /_ | /_\___l /_// \ | \l /_
/_____l_____/_______/____l____/ _____/ /________|mute______/
_ __\
/ marlon brando^the zero network
/ kUNG fU
edit this shit ! make it how like it..
/ ---------- kUNg fU / -- .`-
< - tHE zERO nETWORK - >
____. ____. ______ ______ ______ ____.
__( |_____( |____(___._/___(___,_/__ __( __/___( |___
\__ . __/_ _|_ \_ |/ \_ l/ \_ \__ ___/ _|_ \_
_/ | /_ \l /_ | /_ / /_ _/ ' |mute \l /_
\______l_____/__________/__l______/____, / \________|/____________/
- --/ kUNG fU ! / ----------- - . -/
` - -- - // - -- ·
/ ---------- kUNg fU / -- .`-
tHe zERo nETWORk
.___ .__ __ .______ .______ · .· .______ .__ __
\-` |____\-` \l /_\-`/_._ /_\-` _._ /_ :. . \-` ___/_\-` \l /_
_\ | /_\ _\ /_\ l/ /_\ |/ /_ ·: _\ ' ___/_\ _\ /_
\ . _/ _\ \l __\ /_ __\---l __\. \ \ | \ \l __\
k U N G f U
/ --------- mESSAGEs / -- .`-
---------------------- \ - mESSAGES !
______ ______ ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ ______
_\_. /___\___ /__\ __/___\ __/____\____ /_\__. /___\___ /__\ __/___
/_ | . / |____/___._ /___._ / _._ / / \| / |____/___._ /
\ | | /_ l /_ l/ /_ l/ /_ \l /____l /_ l /_ l/ /_
/___l_l___/________/_______/________/________/ _____/________/_______/
' _\ ~^mute;
---- / ---------
Let Y have the pdf: /y+r-1\ y=0,1,...
f(y)=\ y /p^r*q^y
Show that W=(r-1)/(r+Y-1) is an unbiased estimator for p !
--\\ _ __
_____ _____ __. _____ ___. __\__ _____ __./ ____ _____ _____
_\ _ /__\__ /__\ |____\__ /_\ |____\__ /__\__ /__\ |___\_./__\ _ /__\_,_/_
\ /__/_ l___/_ l /_ l___/_ -l, /_ |__/ _, / /_ ,__//_ / /_ `/ /_ |/ /_
\ . ·
. .·. \\---/-- - ------ : - /
,x%, . . :· cELEBRATIOn ! · |
,x%~^%x,:.:··. |
,x^ . .;%x: . |
%¾. .::·^%$ my twentieth ascii collection ! !
^%x;.·:.x%^ weeey . i would have never guessed it to
·^%x,;x% come true this soon half a year ago. when
. ·~%%^ i had just made sixteen, and was quite far
,%~ from making another one. but this autum
%^ have been pretty productive...
^%, i'm aMAZEd !! . __ //-
^% \ /
%' nOW i've reached one of my goals in the _\\
;^ ascii scene. the other goal of mine is to beat
`. snuffy in the amount of released collections.
the trouble is that he's not sure wether he've
released 20, 21 or 22 ... hmm.. do anyone of
. you know ?? hehe.. :)
| i gotta have a serious talk with the fellah !!
-!------ -
/ ----------- mENU / -- .`-
________ ________ ________ _____.
/ mENU ! _\__. /___\____ /__\____. /___\ |____ \\-----/- -
/ /_ | . / |______/mute\| / _| /-----\
//--|------------\ | | /_ l /_ | /_ \l /_
| /____l__l___/__________/____l____/__________/ /
| |
| |
| |
| edit yourselves. make the frame |
| how you like it .. it's just an example. |
/------------/ |
//----------------- - --- - \
/ ----------- dINO / -- .`-
.____ ______ _______ _______
dINO . _____| /_\ .__/___\___. /___\___. /___
/_ _|_ / /__\\ / \| / \| /
\ -- \ \l /_ \ /_ | /_ l /_ -- /
/ --------- dIVINe sT. / -- .`-
.____ ______ ____. ______ _______ _______
_____| /_\ .__/___\ |_____\ .__/___\___. /___\____ /__
/_ _|_ / /__\\ / _|, ____\\ / \| / |_____/
\ \l /_ \ /_ \l /_ \ /_ | /_ l /_
/ -------- jEDI aRTS / -- .`-
/ /
.____ ______ .____/______ _______ _______ ___. _______
_____| /_\___ /______| /_\ .__/__ __\____ /_\____ /_ |_____\ ___/___
/_ | / / |____/ _|_ / /__\\ / /_ _._ / / |__/ ____/______ /
\ l /_ l /_ \l /_ \ /_ \ \l /_ |mute l /_ )/ /_
/__________/________/________/_______/ /_________/____|/__________/_________/
// jEDI ARTS !
/ --------- bASEMENt / -- .`-
. '.- \ b A S E M E N t ! \ -.`
____. //_______ ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ ____,
_\ |___/__\___ /_\ __/___\___ /__\__. /___\___ /__\__. /___\ |____
/_ _|_ _ _._ / /___._ / |____/ \| . / |____/ \| /, ____/
\ l/ /_ \l /_ l/ /_ l /_ | | /_ l /_ | /_ l /_
/· ./ ~^mute;
/ // blsh blah ..
- --//-------- - / - ---- /
· / write waddeva you want ! //
· '.-- -
/ ----------- dARKUs / -- .`-
.____ ________ _______ ____. ____. _______
_____| /__\____ /_\____ /_\ |____\ |/____\ __/___
/ /_ _|_ / / _._ / / `|__/ \| /_ _|_ /____._ / /
\ \l ,/_ \l ,/_ |mute , _/ /_ \l ,/_ l/ /_
/__________/_________/____| /_____l_____/_______/_________/
/ ----------- nATIVe / -- .`-
_______ ________ ____. ______ ____. _______
_\___. /____\____ /_\ |____\ .__/___\ |_____\____ /__ - .`
/ /_ \| / _._ _/ / ,____/--\\ __ _|_ .__ |_____/ /
` - \ | ,/_ \l ,/_ l /_ \ ,/_ \l ,/_ l /_
/ ------------- bLUe / -- .`-
____. ____. ____. ______
. _\ |_____\ |_____\ |_____\___ /___mute - -/-
|- /_ ,|_ / | __ _|_ / |_____/ |
`. \ l/ /_ l /_ \l ,/_ l /_ .'
- // /__________/_________/_________/_________/ // -
/ ----------- kARLOs / -- .`-
____. ________ _______ ____. _______ _______
. _\ |_____\____ /_\____ /_\ |_____\___. /___\ ___/___
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/ ------------ vOUCk / -- .`-
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/ ------------- hSEVEn / -- .`-
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~^mute;| :
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/ ------ bRUTAl cONFLICt / -- .`-
____. _______ ____. ____. ________ ____. bRUTAL
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\ l/ /_ |mute \l /_ l /_ \l /_ l /_
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//- - -- > > - - ------- - \ -
_______ _______ _______ _______ ____. _______ _______ ____.
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// - - - \ cONFLICT
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____. ____. ____. _______ ____. _______ ____.
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/ ------ pROJECt bLUEb / -- .`-
_______ _______ _______ .____ _______ _______ ____.
\ - _\____ /_\____ /_\___. /______| /_\____ /__\_. /__\ |____
/_ __/ |__/ \| __ | / / |_____/ |_____/ ,____/ - /
\ | |mute l /_ l /_ l /_ l /_ l /_
/_______|_____| /__________/________/_________/________/________/
- p R O J E C t b L U E b O x -
____. ____. ____. _______ ____. _______ ____.
_\ |____\ |____\ |____\____ /__\ |____\___. /__\ |_____
/_ _|_ __ | __ _|_ / |_____/ _|_ __ \| ____ l /
\ l/ /_ l /_ \l /_ l /_ l/ /_ l /_ / . __/_
/ - /__________/________/________/________/________/________/___| /_ - /
/ ----- gROUNd pHLOOR i / -- .`-
_______ _______ _______ ____. _______ .____
_\___. /__\____ /_\___. /__\ |____\___. /______| /_
/_ \| __ |__/ \| __ _|_ / \| __ _|_ / /
\____l /_ |mute l /_ \l /_ | /_ \l /_
/ ______/___| /__________/________/___l____/________/
_______ ____. ____. _______ _______ _______
_\____,/__\ |____\ |____\___. /__\___. /__\____ /_
\- gROUNd -/ /_ __/ _,_ __ | __ \| __ \| __ |__/
//-- -\-, | |/ /_ l /_ l /_ l /_ |---- /
\ pHLOOr /________|_____l____/________/________/________/___|
I N D U S T R I E S !
-\-| ----------- \ credits: sCIENtIfIc aId .. \ ---- - -
__|__ _____ _____ .___ _____ ___. _____
__\._ /___\__ /__\__ /____|_ /___\ ._/__\ |_____\ __/_
·, ,x%x, ,x\ /__/_ |__/ l___/_ (l / /_`--\\ /_ ,__//_ /__ /_x%x,
~^x^~ ~^*x*^/________/___|mute______/_______/_______/_______/_______/~ ~^*x,,
| ~
- ---- |-\-
| mAd professor : mute·aerosol·jEB·i^g
| junior scientist : native·aerosol·blackArk
| engineer : darkus·aerosol
| la programa : cygnused3.5 & dIED2.8
| sound waves .. : lamb, depeche mode, bjørk ..
| the roots, jamiroquai ..
_ | k&d sessions ..
/ _ __|_ ____
//___ \ |
| bORINg bUt rEADAbLe rEPORTs to..
| snuffy . vegard! . folar . boheme . 4play
| woober . taxi . nicomen . daeron . bird
| speed devil . vouck . godfather . karlos
.| blue . wisek . darkus . dipswitch . nup
.| vegard! . letharic . zaner .repe . acid^kg
.·| frenzy . shaolin . letharic . fatal . h7
. ·.::|· # ascii ++ .. .
.·.:·.:|. \--- - |
- ----/ ----.:·-|-----\\ - ---------/
·::· |
· :: | fOr eVEn mORe bORINg rEPORts oR
. ·:| (in)sAne rEQUESts .. .
|:.· carstee@stud.ntnu.no
| :· or
| .: jebprod@hotmail.com
. |:.· mute - at #ascii and #amielite at IRCnet
:|. ·
. · | jEBEDIAh productioNs hOMEpAGe : .. (oh dear)
· :| http://www.ifi.ntnu.no/~carstee/ascii .
· |. get my colly's
|. there ..
--|--------/ (-under constr.)
·| //-------------- -
. !
. rESPECt.. mogue markryder mortimertwang
| snuffy tango
| _ .___ _
-!---- . ` - '
/ Theorem 8.3.1 /
If T:V->W is a linear transformation, then the
followingn are equivalent..
.. (a) T is one-to-one.
.(b) The kernel of T contains only the zero vector;
that is, ker(T)={0}.
. (c) nullity(T)=0.
- -- -
. aEROSOl: - - -----/
| |
| darkus.h7.vouck.native.blue.karlos.mute ·
| hq: the yard bbs .
-!--- \ ----- -
-|-/ ____
| \\ //--- -
!__. _____ _____ ___. _____ \\_____ .___
__\ |_____\.__/___\ __/__\ |_____\ _ /___\__ /_,-| /_
\ _ /__ \ /_ /__ /_ ,__//_ _`/ /_ |__/\_. / /_
--- -----/ . . ·:.· ~^mute;
//-----|----------- - ·.:· ·
-nUMba-/ | · · -\ sIze
/ | ..aNd sO sUSPICIOUSLy \\----. oUt:
-//-fILE.. | nAMEd.. `------ ------ -
-!-/------ --- -- -
·01 twow.txt tERRIBLE wASTE oF wORDS 46.6k 04'94
02 tnc-1asc.txt fIRST aSCENSION 64.8k 07'95
·03 tnc-fufs.txt fUTURE fASHION 121.5k 08'95
04 mute-fop.txt fROZEN oRANGE pROJECT 65.2k 09'95
·05 i^g-nex.txt nO eXCUSES 67.8k 12'95
06 i^g-ICM.txt iNNER cORE oF mE 63.0k 02'96
·07 i^g-ms.txt mARE sERENITATIS 99.3k 03'96
08 i^g-OM.txt oLYMPUS mONS 48.2k 06'96
·09 i^g-spj.txt sPINELESS jELLY 43.2k 08'96
10 i^g-dh.txt dUBAI hAREM 43.5k 08'96
·11 i^g-sfg.txt eARTHQUAKE iN a sTORMY fLOWER gARDEN 103.2k 10'96
12 i^g-hop.txt i lOVE hOPSCOTCH 64.5k 11'96
·13 i^g-elab.txt eLABORATe bURn 54.2k 03'97
14 i^g-room.txt rOOm 2o8 51.0k 05'97
·15 mute-lf.txt lIFEFORMs 51.4k 10'97
16 mute-al.txt aLIVE! 29.2k 07'99
·17 asl-ltb.txt lISTEn tO tHe bEAt 54.2k 08'99
18 asl-com.txt cOMMUNICATIOn rELATIONs 55.8k 09'99
·19 asl-int.txt fORGOTTEn bY tHe iNTERNATIONAl pEOPLe 71.0k 10'99
20 asl-mat.txt mATHEMATICAl nECESSITIEs 51.3k 10'99
- ----------------------------/- -
okey. that's it. a bit few ascii's but what the hell.
i didn't have all the inspiration in the world when
making it.. but ok. what i really wanted with this
colly was to get rid of some waiting req's, and to
write some shit about my last colly, and the scene .
i have just caught a damn cold !
have a nice day !
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ____ ____ ____ -dKS!
___.______\_ /__) _/______\ /______.___
¾¾¾| _. \ \_____._ \ _/ |¾¾¾
¾¾¾| \| / |/ / \ |¾¾¾
| aEROSOL ^ jEBEDIAh prod. |
| gives you |
| |
| by mute |
sPREADsITES : tHE yARD (asl-hq) and nIGHTLINe
theyard ? zaner's ip :)
. . .·.· . thE eXAM aPROACHEs !
·.:· .
.. i sTARt tO . .·.:· ·
________ ·_______ ________ _______ ________
_]/____,/__\___, /_]/___. /__\ .__/__\__, _/__ \\--
--------\ /_ ___/ _._ / /- --\| /--.\\ / |_____/ \----- \
. \ \ | \l ·_/_; | /_mute \-/_ l /_ ___
. . /________|_________/_____l___/________/__________/ \ /
..:.· . /
. .·.:··. /---- - pANIc ! .
..·. -//
·.:· ·
. ·
another time it might have been so different
if only we could do it all again
but now it's just another fading memory
out of focus, thought the outline still remains
· future is ours ·