sum big fat dude behind me, a little 2 the left, probably bringz the rockuz..
..stop flippin' through the pages motherfucker!..
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ_|_______ ______/\_______ ___/\__________
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Sk¡n/___ / \/ \/ /___ / \/
-------\/---+ P r e s e n t s +\/-----------
g a s o l i n e c h o i r
t h e r e t u r n o f e v i l
. ... : .......
: :
: :
_ ___ : : ___ _
( mark ryder of arclite )
: :
e-mail: --
: :
: :
:...... : ... .
t h e m a d m a n h a s b e e n r e - a n i m a t e d
( )............
i'm just a gust of wind \ maybe you think i'm evil
'cause i come close \ then i go
:..........( )
F o R E N H A N C E D V i E W i N G P L E A S U R E
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pC ViEWERS: USE EDiT.COM - 5o LiNES - SCREENMoDE 1280x1024!
-- ------------------------------------------------------------- --
( s o m e t i m e s t h e y c o m e b a c k )
: :
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: : : :
A R C L i T E p r e s e n t s i n t h e y e a r 1 9 9 7
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w e l c o m e t o t h e s o u r c e o f i n s a n i t y
. .........
. :::::::
. __ :::::::
: /\_\ :::::::
| \/_/ :::::::
_|_____________________________________________________:___ _ _
\\| |
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| . C o N C i D E R . Y o U R S E L F . W A R N E D . |
_ _ ___|_____________________________________________________|\\
. __ |
::::::: /_/\ :
::::::: \_\/ .
::::::: .
t h e r e t u r n o f m a r k r y d e r
::::::: |
::::::: |
| :::::::
| :::::::
religious fools brought on the myth of the devil and his hell so they
could have someone to blame for their own wrong doings. they admit to
the crusades taking place. people were raped and killed for their refusal
to believe in something as evil and wicked as christ. and through time,
how many people have died in religious wars? and how many have sought
forgiveness, for their wrong doings, to a priest or in a private prayer
to their pretend god? a man tought by his parents and church that sin is
forgiven through prayer: washing the blood of his cock as he is praying
forgiveness for the rape of a small girl he left to die in the woods.
she is found days later, naked, covered only by insects and worms eating at
her flesh. then we say our final farwell's in your church and bury her on
your christian grounds. this is the ace up your sleeve, having the dead
buried on your grounds. this alone gives many of us belief in you and
your false preaching. this alone closes many eyes to your cruelty..
one generation passes your filthy christ on to the next, and so it has been
done through time. telling the little girl's brother that his sister is
going to heaven, to a kind man called jesus christ, sounds so much better
than giving him the trouth about her rotting flesh 10 feet under. and
so this boy is recruited to your filthy religion.
i believe in myself and keep ME responsible for MY actions. i acknowledge
the power of money and the media. i acknowledge that we are not free to
say what we want, or go where we want, through the restrictions
brought on by the authorities in our country.
i forcefully acknowledge that there is indeed such a thing called
"mainstream opinion", and that it is the accepted term for the facist
crap it really is. i see with sadness that this facist mass-media
propaganda is believed by the masses, and speaking against it will lock
you out of society, and possibly in jail.
with all this in mind, i still encurage you..
. F i G H T T H E P o W E R .
.......... ::
:: :: ::
:: :: ::
:: :: . ::
..... :: .. :: ............................::.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: .
:: :: ::
:: :: ::
.::.. :: ...::.
:: a word of advice
S T A Y T H E F U C K A W A Y F R o M M Y D E Z i G N
.::...... . . .....::.
| .a.r.c.l.i.t.e. | ______________ __
_ ___________ _______|_______ ______ |/"_______ _______
_ _______ "\_____ "\_____ "\__ / / __ "\_____ "\_
/ _ / _ __/ /___/ /"\_/ /_ ___/ /___/
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/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
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/___/ /___/ /___/ /___/ / |kRM /___/
: _ _/ / |
_ _ __ _______________:_____________/ |
. :
: :
. . . . :::::.......
::::: ......... . .
::::: jEKYLL iN YoU
::::: THE NiGHT iS oN FiRE
::::: ............... .
::::: ::::: :::::
::::: ::::: :::::
::::: :::::... ::::: ............... . . . .
::: M A R K R Y D E R
______ ___. ____\ ___________ _. ____
\ \/ | ___ \\______ /__|/ / ____
\ \ / | \___ \/ \ ___/ \ ___/_______\___\ ____ ___________
_ _\ \/ | / \ \ \_ \ \_\______ / \/ / .___._____\______ /
\\\\___\___|__/______\ _\___/___\___/ / \ ___/ ___/__|___| ____/ \ ___/
\ / \ \_\_ \ _____/| ___/___ \ \
:::: dZG\____\___// \ \| | /_ /__\ \_
::::: \ / \ \ |______/ \___/
::::: \/ \______|
( w e l c o m e y o u r o w n b a d s e l f )
:::::::::: ARCLiTE
:::::::::: .
::: ::: : . :_
___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ ___ | |__/\ ____ ___/\ _| \_
\__ \__ \\__ \__ \\__ \___ \\__ \ /__| \__ \__ \\__ \_|__///
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/ \\___ \_ //____//\ | \_ _/ \_ _/ | \_\\_ \_
| \ | \ | \ \ \ / |_____/ /
| \ | \ : \ \ \ |/ /
| / | / / \ / mR! _/
_______|______/___|_______\_________/____\_____/ \________|\___\\____________
: : | | :
::::::: ' :
:::::::::: .
|:::::::::..................... .
:::::::::: H A N D B U i L T B Y P E R V E R T S
.::::::::::......................... . . .
c o r r e c t t h e i n j u s t i c e
d e a t h t o o . j . s i m p s o n
. . . .........................:.
: w e l c o m e
: t h e
: c h a o s
. ..:................
................... .
: :
: : .
: :
: :
: :
W A T C H M Y S T Y L E S 6 6 6 Y o U i N T o o V E R D R i V E
: :
: :
: ......:......
: : : :
: : : :
: : : :
:.........:.....: :
: ...:...
: : : :
:........:..: :
: :
: :
:.....:.. .
. the mental assassinator
: :::::::::
:: ::::::::
M A R K R Y D E R o F A R C L i T E
:::: ::::::
::::: :::::
:::::: ::::
::::::: :::
:::::::: ::
::::::::: :
p r e s e n t s
... | ...
::::: | :::::
::::: | :::::
:::: | ::::
::: | :::
.::: :::.
___ . . .
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(__| /__| : : : \
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::: | :::
:::: | ::::
::::: | :::::
::::: | :::::
.. g a s o l i n e c h o i r ""
::::::::: :
:::::::: ::
::::::: :::
:::::: ::::
::::: :::::
:::: ::::::
::: :::::::
:: ::::::::
: :::::::::
after the release of "M'S-BYE!.TXT", where i announced the death of
one of the best ascii groups ever - MO'SOUL! - and that i was selling
my amiga, many people thought i was giving up on the scene.
it is as i said in "M'S-BYE!.TXT" - i wasn't leaving you for good, i've
only had a small break from the scene. now i am back! on a pentium,
i've had an amiga since the first amiga 1000 machines was released.
it's a marvelous machine, but one thing the amiga owners of
today should realise is that the amiga is *dead*.
the last year or two i had the amiga, it always pissed me off that it
was impossible to get hold of any cool games/hardware for the amiga. now,
what pisses me off with the PC is that I don't have enough money to
buy all the cool hardware/software i see beeing produced.
get the difference?
you will grow tired of the scene if you're on a dead platform. I did.
ofcourse, some things must be said...for one thing, there is no good editor
for the pc. nothing on the pc even comes close to cygnuseditor. but
what you can do on the PC is to emulate an amiga and run CED. i've been
doing it during the production of this collection, and it works OK.
other cool stuff to do on the pc, that i didn't do on the amiga? when
i am bored, i play some sega genesis/megadrive games on the pentium
or maybe some commodore 64 games. if that seems boring, there's always
the emulators that can run aracade machine roms..been playing the
original final fight aracade rom and the ghost and goblins aracade rom,
they both rock. if not even that appeals to me, i can always boot up some
nintendo or super nintendo games...still bored? some gameboy games then??
or some pc engine games. we can also do amiga games/demos..
what? the pc still sounds boring? fuck you, liar! :-) you can emulate
even more machines than i've listed (atari, vectrex, coleco etcetc)
and, hey, remember running graytone 8bit mpeg porn movies in a small window
on your amiga 1200? try running them full-screen color w/sound! :-) and
there's avi & quicktime movies too. the pc is a porn machine .)
anyroads, you do as you please - i'm not here to try and tell you
what to do. if you want to stay on a dead platform and think everything
sucks, that is your choice. if you want to swap to a platform that is
highly alive, have tonns of new software/hardware to choose from, that is
also your choice.
after having an amiga for 11 years, the pc felt VERY un-friendly when
i started using it, this probably scares away quite a few users. but what
you have to do is to think back to when you first used the amiga: did
it feel that friendly to you back then? no. i've used the pc for some
months now, and i've started to learn where files go and what this-and-that
is and does, and now i'm starting to get the feeling i'm a bit more inn
control of the machine then back when i bought it...give it time, you
won't get to know your PC as good as your amiga (that you've had for years)
in a day, or a week..
ok - enough! here comes the artworks i've drawn for you maniacs!!
::::: :::: ::: :: : .:::: ....... ..
:::: :::::::
::::::: ....
.. ::::::: ::::.
:::: : :: ::: :::: :::::
:::: for: zoltrix
___| X |___
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::::: :::: ::: :: : .:::: ....... ..
:::: :::::::
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:::: : :: ::: :::: :::::
:::: for: taxi
:::: TAXi
. . . .::########## .
############ ##### ############################### # # #
######## ##### .
######## ##### : .
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##### ###### .
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::::: :::: ::: :: : .:::: ....... ..
:::: :::::::
::::::: ....
.. ::::::: ::::.
:::: : :: ::: :::: :::::
:::: for: mogue
:::: GoDFUCK
.gOdfuCk. :::::::: ::::::
..::::::::.. ____
___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ::::::::__/\ _: ___/\ ____ ___/\ _: /
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/ \ __ \/ |/ \/ / \:::::::/ | \/ |____/ T /
_/ \/| \_ / \_ _/ \_:::_/ | \_ | \_ ______/
| \ /|_ \\\___ _ \:/ | \ | \ \\_ \
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: :::::::: : \____
::::: :::: ::: :: : .:::: ....... ..
:::: :::::::
::::::: ....
.. ::::::: ::::.
:::: : :: ::: :::: :::::
:::: for: myself
:::: TEST
:_ : :_
___/\ ____ ___/\ _| \_|___/\ _| \____/\ ____ ___ _
mR!\__ \__ \\__ \_|__/|\__ \_|__/\__ \__ \\\
/ | \/ _____)_|_/________ \/ | \
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::::: :::: ::: :: : .:::: ....... ..
:::: :::::::
::::::: ....
.. ::::::: ::::.
:::: : :: ::: :::: :::::
:::: for: tommy
:::: aLTERN
. |
: |
:_ xx | | xxx
___/\ ____ ___/\ _: ___/\ ______/\ _| \_ ___/\ ___| ___ /\ __ |
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/ | \ | \ | / \ | \ | \
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: : : | : |
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| x |
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: :
::::: :::: ::: :: : .:::: ....... ..
:::: :::::::
::::::: ....
.. ::::::: ::::.
:::: : :: ::: :::: :::::
:::: for: 2fast
| .
| :
___/\ _|_____ |___ /\ __ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _:
\__ \______/ |\__\/ \\ \\__ \__ \\__ \ |___
- -----/ ____/ | / |\\ \/ __|_ \/ | \----- -
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/ | / | \ | \ | \
/ | mR! / | \ | \ | \
: \ | \ | / | / | / :
: \\\________|______\________|______/___|______/__________/// :
: : : : :
: :_ :_
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| \_ __/ \ | \_ _// \_ \___ \_ _/ \_ \\
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| \ | \ | \ \ \ | \ \ /
| / | / | / \_ / | / / /
: : : :
: :
:.......... ..........:
:.......... . . ..........:
. ... FINAL CRUSADE ... .
::::: :::: ::: :: : .:::: ....... ..
:::: :::::::
::::::: ....
.. ::::::: ::::.
:::: : :: ::: :::: :::::
:::: for: zinko
:::: MooNTRACK
___/\ _: ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___ /\ __
\\\__ \ |___\__ \___ \\__ \___ \\__\/ \\ \
/ | \/ |/ \/ |/ \/ |\\ \
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:.....\__ \___ __ \___ \\__ \__ \\__ \___ \\__ \ |/ ///
/ | \ |/ \/ __|_ \/ |____/ _| /:
_/ | \_ __/ \ \___ \_ | \_ \ __/_:
/ |_____/\\______//\ | \ | \ _ \
/ | | \ | \ | \ | \
\ | | / | / / | mR! \
: : : :
..... . M O O N - T R A C K . ............:
: : :
: :....:
::::: :::: ::: :: : .:::: ....... ..
:::: :::::::
::::::: ....
.. ::::::: ::::.
:::: : :: ::: :::: :::::
:::: for: crusader
:::: RELiGiON
. .
. :
: |
| . |
:_ | : : |
_____ ___/\ _| \____/\ _: | _|_/\ ____ | _|_/\ ____ ___ /\ __
\___ \\__ \_|__/\__ \ |___| \__ _\___/_| \__ \___ \\__\/ \\ \
|/ \/ _____)__/ | \ / \ __ \ / |/ \/ |\\ \
__/ \ \ \_ | \_ _/ \/| \_ _/ / \_ | \
\______//\ \_ \ | \ / | \ / /|_ \ |
| \ / \ | \ | \ : \ |
| // / | mR! / | / / |
: |. . .| :
: . : .:|
: ::::::::: :
. ::::::::: .
. . :
. .
::::: :::: ::: :: : .:::: ....... ..
:::: :::::::
::::::: ....
.. ::::::: ::::.
:::: : :: ::: :::: :::::
:: a window is open
:: curtains open
:: you look at me
:: to see if i look at you
:: gently you pull
:: your new dress on
:: you look good
v e l v e t b e l l y :: you look young .
:: :
"" trick "" ::........................:.. .
g r e e t i n g s & h a n d s h a k e s
-- --------------------------------------------- --
fatal - crusader & candyman - zoltrix - zinko - tango - red demon
sal-one - fungus - manta - vinzi - desoto - boheme - recall
cesspool - gryzor - octoplex - trivial - relief - necromancer
trivial - cybergod - dartagnan + the 2 million people i've forgotten!
major schoobee-schoo greetings to the ARCLiTE gang!
i got to finnish this colly now, zoltrix wants it badly! :-) hehe
if you think this colly sucks, then you can go fuck yourself hard
in the ass 'cause this is my FIRST colly made on a PC so give
me a fucking break! you don't have to e-mail me and write
that the design sucks, i know it!
. | :
t h e __/_ |___ ___ | ___ _ | ___
(___| ( )-___ )-___)\ |____)
: \| e n d
| :
g a s o l i n e c h o i r |
| (c)opyright mark ryder / arclite
all design & ascii works |
by: | mark ryder / arclite
y o u ' v e b e e n w a t c h i n g a n
::::::::::: :::::::::::
:::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: ::::::::::::
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:: ¼¼¼¼¼ ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::
A R C L i T E P R o D U C T i o N
- mark ryder / arclite, november 1997
running cygnuseditor v3.5 on a pentium 166
(thanks heaven for UAE the amiga emulator!)
* end