_______________ _______________ _____________ ___________ _______
\ _ ___\______ /_\_____ \_\ ___/________/ \
\__/ \ _ / / / \_ / \
/__________\_____________/_______/ Mo! /________ ' / \\
/________/ `---------/\___________/
.o.f. .t.h.e. .l.u.n.a.t.i.c. .a.s.y.l.u.m. .n.a.m.e.d.
_____________ _______
_____\ / __\_ ___/___
_ _\_ \ / : ______ \ \_
\ /______¦ __\____ \ \ /_________
/\ /_\_ |__ __ \_ /_\____ /
_ _ __ / \ __/ ___/ \ /_______/ _/ /__ __ _
/___/\___\ | / \___/
_ _______|H2o! _ __________ __ _
We are gathered here today ... to mourn the loss of the days when we could
card our way over to the US on a regular basis ... it was fun while it
lasted and incredibly useful but now it is gone ... in tribute to those
days you will find 20 of the best US boards listed below as a memorial to
the times we enjoyed last summer ... :
.---------. :
: __ : :
: _\/_ : :
: \/\/ : ¦
.__ _________:_________:_______|
! : :
: : :
. `---------'
! .-------.
: : !
`---------' :
onward and ever on ... .------^--------------------.
___/___ ___ /__ :___ ___ /__ .____ ___ :
(__/(__/_`---.(___// )(___\(___/(___// ) !
---' ! :
_________ : .________.
( _______________ . .____.____| _ ¬|_____
/ __}__| _______________ .________| ¬| ¬| ) | ¬\___
\____ ¬|____ ¬| ._____________| .___| _ l____ | \ ¬\
`--.-l____ | | ¬| _ ¬| | ¬l____| | `----l____\ /
| `----l___ | _ l____ | `--.-' tGø/wL!\__/
! `-----l____| | `----' :
: `----' .
-- ---------÷------------------------------------------------- -------------
United States Bulletin Board Systems
---------------- ----------------------------------------÷--------------- --
o1. MegaLoMania
o2. Mortuary
o3. Deep Freeze
o4. USS Enterprise
o5. Dark Domain
o6. Point Blank
o7. Planet-X
o8. Worlds Of Wonder
o9. Dawn Of Eternity
1o. X-Factor
11. Jurassic Park
12. Ice Station Zebra
13. Gates Of Asgard
14. Zions Hideout
15. Snakes Den
16. Pirates Haven
17. Obituary
18. Dark Tower
19. Masturbation Station
2o. Chaotic Entity
21. Priority One
22. International Chaos
Mega Lo Mania |
._____ _____._________.___________.___________.
| \/ | _____| _____| _ | RESiDENT GOD IS RAD!
| \/ | __}__. \ | _ | .______. .__________.
|_____/\_ |_____ |_______ |_____) | | |___| _ |
__ `----' `----' `----' `-----' | | | ) |
<----_\/_--------------------------------------. |__________|__________|
\/\/ ._____ _____.___________.______ :______.___________.
| \/ | _ | \___(______) _ |
| \/ | _ | \ \ | _ |-------->
|_____/\_____|_____) |_____( /_____|_____) |
`-----' \___/tGø/wL! `-----'
Mortuary |
.... .... ........ .... .... .... ....... ........ .... ....
:::: : :::: .....:::: :::: :::: :::: ::::.:::: .....:::: :::: ::::
:::: : ::::.:::: :::' ::::::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::' `:::.::::
:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: .::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::
:::: :::: :::: :::: `:::...:::' `:::.:::' :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::::::'
<--------:::: ::::-------------------------------------------------------->
Deep Freeze |
__________ | _____/ ___________________ \
/ / | __}__. __}__. ______/
\__________ |__________ |__________ |____ |
`----' `----'tGø/wL! `----' `----'
/ ____/ _ ___/ _____/ ______________ \ _____/
/ ___/ _ \_ __}__. __}__. _________/ __}__.
\___ | \_______|_____/_______ |_______ |_______ \_______ |
`----' `----' `----' `----' `----'
Uss Enterprise |
.________ ______________________________________
| | \/ _______________/ _______________/
| | \_______________ \_______________ \
.t.a.k.i.n.g. .y.o.u. .i.n.t.o. .a. .n.e.w. .g.e.n.e.r.a.t.i.o.n.
____________________ ______________________________________
\ _____/ \____/ \ ______________ ___/
/ __}__. \ \_| |_/ __}__. _ \_
\_______ |______( / |________| \___________|_______|_____/
CAPTAiN ___________ \/ _ _____________) _________ _____/
PiCARD! | _____/ _ \_ |________ | __}__.
|______| \_______|_____/____ |_______ |_______ |
`----' `----'tGø/wL`----'
Dark Domain |
__________.___________._________________| /
<---______ | _ | _ ___/ | _/-------.
/ / | _ | _ \_ _ \ ¦ e.n.t.e.r t.h.e
\__________|_____) |______|_____/____| \ ! g.a.t.e.s o.f
`-----'tGø/wL! `----'._____: h.e.l.l
__________.___________._____ _____.___________(_____)____
_______ | _ | \/ | _ | | \____
/ / | ( | \/ | _ | | \ \
\__________|___________|_____/\_____|_____) |_____|___( /
`-----' `----\___/--------->
Point Blank |
____________________(______)______ _________ _
__________ \ _ | | \____/ \\\\__ _
__/// ___/ ( | | \ \_| |_/
\_______| \_________|______|_____( / |_____|
\___/ ._____
_ ____________________. .____________._______ ______| /
__\\\\ _ ____ |___| _ | \____/ | _/
/ _ | | | _ | \ \ _ \
\_______ |_______ |______) |______( /______| \
`----' `----' `-----'tGø/wL!\___/ `----'
Planet-X |
__________. ........ ____ _______________:::::::. .:::::::
______ \ |__:::: ::::( \___/ _____/ _ _ \ `::::::'
/ ___/ | \:::::::::/ \ \ __}_.\_| |_/ ::
\___| \______/::: ::::\___( /______| |___| .::::::.
:::: :::: \__/tGø/wL! :::::::' `:::::::
.t.a.k.e. .y.a. .b.r.a.i.n. .t.o. .a.n.o.t.h.e.r. .d.i.m.e.n.s.i.o.n.
Worlds Of Wonder |
.____ ____.________._______________. ________ _________
____ __| \/ | _ | _ ___/ |___.______ \/ _____/__ ____
|___// | /\ | ( | _ \_ | | / \_____ \ \\___|
.___/ |____/\____|________|____|_____/________|_________/________/ \___.
| __ |
| _\/_ . o . f . |
| \/\/ .____ ____.________._____ __________ ___________________ |
| | \/ | _ | \__________ \/ ___________ ___/ |
| | /\ | ( | \ \ / \ __}__. _ \_ |
| |____/\____|________|____( /_________/________|____|_____/ |
Dawn Of Eternity |
_________._________.____ ____._____ ._________.___________
_______ | _ | \/ | \____ | _ | _____/
/ / | _ | /\ | \ \ | ( | ____/
\________|____) |____/\____|____( / |_____ |_____|
`----'tGø/wL! \___/ `----'
....... .... ....... ........ ....... ... .... .... ....
:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: .....:::: :::: :::: ::::: :::: :::: ::::
::::.:::' ::::::: ::::.:::' :::: :::' :::: :::: ..... ::::::: `:::.::::
:::: :::: .::::::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::
`:::......`:::...:::'`:::......:::: :::: :::: :::: ::::: `:::::::::::::::'
X-Factor |
::::. .:::: ______________._______________________.________ _
`::::::' __ / ________ | .___/ _ _ \ _ | _ __////__ _
·::· (__) / __/ _ | | \_| |_/ ( | _ \_
.::::::. \____| \____) |____ | |___| \____ |___|____/
::::' `:::: `---' `---'tGø/wL! `---'
Jurassic Park |
.___. .___._______________ _______________________._________
__| | | | _ ________ \/ _____/ ___________) .___/
/ | | | | _ \_ _ \_____ \_____ | | | \
\______|_______|___|____/___!___/_____ |_____ |_____|________/
:_____ `---' `---'
_____________.___________| /-----------------------------------__
_____ \____ | _ __/ | _/ slap yer sysop names in here!! _\/_
/ ___/ _ | _ \_ _ \ \/\/
\___| \___) |___|____/__| \----------------------------------- -- -
`---'tGø/wL! `----'
Ice Station Zebra |
(____) .____ ____/
| ¬| | ¬| __}_. ___________________________________._____.____
| |____ |____ ¬| / ___/ ¬\ _ / ¬\____) _ ¬| ¬\__
`----' `---' `---' \___ ¬\_| |_/ _ \_| |_/ ¬| ( | \¬\
/______/ |___| \___|___/ !___| \____|_____|___( /
_______________________________________. : ! \_/
\___ ¬\ ____/ _ ___ _ ________ ¬| .--' `-----.
/ ____/ __}_. _ ¬| _ ¬\_ _ | .-' the coolest wares `-.
\______\____ ¬|___ |___|____/___) | `-- the hottest users --'
`---' `---'tGø/wL! `---'
Gates Of Asgard |
_____________________________________________ ._______._________
/ _________ / \ _____/ _____/ | _ | ____/
/ \ | _ \_| |_/ __}__._____ \ | ( | ___/
\________|____|____/ |____| \________|________/ |_______|____|
.________ ____________________________.___________________.
| _ \/ _____/ __________ | _ __________ |
| _ \_____ | \ | _ | _ \_ / |
| |____/____ |_____ |____) |____|_____/____ |
`----' `----' `----' `----'tGø/wL! `----'
.r.u.n. .f.r.o.m. .y.o.u.r. .l.o.c.a.l. .m.i.l.i.t.a.r.y. .b.a.s.e. =)
Zions Hideout |
_ ________________._________._____ _________ _
_ __\\\\_____ \______) _ | \____/ _____////__ _
/ ______/ | ( | \ \_____ |
\________\______|_________|____( /____ |
._____. \___/ `----'
_ _____.____(_____)________._________________. .__ ________ _
_ __\\\\ | | |______ | _____/ _ | | \/ \\\\__ _
/ _ | | / | __}__. ( | | \_| |_/
\____) |_____|____ |____ |____ |_______/ |____|
`----'tGø/wL! `----' `----' `----'
Snakes Den |
________________ .__________._____| /____________________
/ _______ \____| _ | | _/ _____/ ______/
\______ | \ \ _ | _ \_ __}__.______ | __
/_____ |_____( /_____|____|_____|____/_____ |_____ | _\/_
_______ | _____/ \____
/ / | __}__. \ \
\_________|_____ |_____( /
Pirates Haven |
_______ | | _ __________ / \ _____/ ______/
/ ____| | _ \_ _ \_| |_/ __}__.______ \
\____| ! :____|_____/____|____/ |____| \________|_________/
: .____._________. .____.______________
| | | _ |/ | | _____/ \____
| _ | _ / | | __}__. \ \
|_____) |____) \_________|____ |____( /
`----' `----' tGø/wL!`----' \___/
Obituary |
.--------. .. make your mark and be forever remembered! .. .----.---.
| . |--------.-----.---------. .---.---------.---------| | |
|. | | _ __| | _ | | | _ | _ ___|. | |
|: | |. _ |. |. |___|. | |. _ |. _ |:____ |
|¦ | |: |: |: | |: | |: | |: | |¦ |
|| |¦ |¦ |¦ | |¦ | |¦ | |¦ | || |
l____ || || || | || | || | || | l____ |
`----l____ l_ l_____| l____ l____| l____| | `----'
`----'`----'tGø/wL! __`----' `----' `----'
.---------------------------> _\/_ <-----------------------.
| .u.m.f. .o.r.i.g.i.n.a.l. \/\/ .a.l.i.e.n. .s.i.t.e. |
Dark Tower |
___________.___________.__________________| /
________ | _ | _ ___/ | _/ a.n.t.h.r.o.x u.s.h.q
/ / | _ | _ \_ _ \
\_______ |______) |______|_____/_____| \
`----' `----' tGø/wL!`----' tHE rEALM oF sHADOWER!
______________________________._______ _______.__________________________
/ \ _ | \/ | _____/ _ ____/
\_| |_/ ( | /\ | __}__. _ \_
|_________| \________________|_______/\_______|___________|_______|______/
Masturbation Station |
- --÷{ cream yourself with delight on ... }÷-- -
___ ___ ____ ______ /____ _____ /____ _____ /____ ._____ _____
( Y )(____\`-----.(_____(_____)( /_____)(_____\(_____/(_____)( )
.-----' .
/ _____/ \ _ / \______| _ | \____
\_____ \_| |_/ _ \_| |_/ | ( | \ \
/________/ |_____| \_____|_____/ |_____| \______|______ |______( /
Chaotic Entity |
_________________.____.___________.______________________ (__) ___________
/ ._____ | | _ | _ / \/ \/ ._____
/ | | _ | _ | ( \_| |_/ \ | |
\_______ |______) |______) |__________/ |_______| \____/______ |
`----' `----' `----'tGø/wL! `----'
......... ......... ...... .... ...... ...... ....
:::::: :::: :::::: :::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::
::::::.:::' :::::: :::: ::::::::: ...... ::::::::: `:::::.::::
:::::: :::::: :::: :::::: .::: :::::: :::::: .::: ::::
`::.::...... :::::: :::: `:::::...:::' :::::: `:::::...:::' ::::::::::'
Priority One |
........ ......... ... :::: :::: ......... ... ..... ..... ....
:::: :::: ......:::: ::::: :::: :::: ......:::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::
::::.:::' ::::: :::' ..... :::: :::: ::::: :::' ..... :::::::: `::::.::::
:::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::
:::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: `:::::::::::::::::'
._______________________.___________________ _____________________
| _ | \_____/ ______/
| ( | \ \ __}___.
|_______________________|__________________( /____________________|
International Chaos |
.___ /__ ___ ___ ___ ___ /__ .___ ___ ___ /
<-----------// )(___(__/__( / )(___\(___/(___)( )(___\/----------->
/ .____| | | _ | _ | ___________/
/ | | _ | _ | / |___________ |
\________ |_______! |_______| |_______ |________ |
! `------' : : ! : `------'tGø/wL!`------'
¦ . · : ·
: .l.e.t. .y.o.u.r. .i.m.a.g.i.n:a.t.i.o.n. .r.u.n. .r.i.o.t.!.
. .
: .----------. :
: : | home of ax-edit! |
: | : .. yOUR gOD iS sHATTERSTAR ..
: | `-------------------------------->
| Xcluziwe - Doh! I forgot to credit you for your superb faces in my |
| last collection ... sorry! |
| |
| U-Man - Hey I want a Nerve Axis ascii from you ... oh you're so |
| unproductive =) |
| |
| CountZero - Get out of bed and stop faking your illness and call |
| me! |
| |
| Crash! - Look ... lets stop leaving silly mail on 13th I can't |
| cope with this ill define madness hehe |
| |
| Scarface - Could I have a 13th Hour logo from you please? And keep |
| up the great work! |
| |
| Reflex - Don't be shy about it ... we know you really do think |
| Joseph Hodge is great hehe ... :
| .
| Axe - Hurrah! Lets start a TANG* web site hehe ... |
| |
| Meson - I don't really have the urge to discuss Bliss' obsession |
| with the arse of a goat, OR the coke bottle hat of invisibility |
| ... we'll continue this when you rejoin reality =) |
| |
| Bliss - Daddy Axe? Eeek! |
| |
| Acid Kid - I need a 'The Edge' logo from you mate! |
| |
| Shapechanger - Aren't you going to buy me a pint now? Just 'cause |
| I spilt your last one =) |
| |
| Zone - NEVER am I allowing you to eat bombay mix within a 5 mile |
| radius of this solar system, your bowels ain't natural ... they're |
! a weapon of war! |
| |
| Cyber - Don't tell me that you're actually sober for once in your |
| life? Nah I didn't think so hehe! |
| |
| Scouser - I've done it ... use it ... or I'll hit you over the |
| head with a bar stool hehe. |
| |
| Biggles - "Oh now he tels me!" well you should have phoned sooner |
¦ hehe ... |
| |
| Dartagnan - I think I'll have to draw a new OTT ascii for you |
| because the one you're using by me is old and shit! |
| |
| Chrombacher - Wow ... how many TANGo asciis have you drawn for me |
| over the years? Thanks mate! |
| |
| Desoto - I hate you with all of my jealous little heart ... how DO |
| you draw ascii that well? |
| |
| Hotwire ... Smoking can kill but so can a Biohazard concert hehe |
| Is it time for a chat show yet daddy? |
: |
. Icon - Well it took you bloody long enough bud! Doh! Hehe ... your ¦
| car will NEVER make it to Coventry, I'll bet a beer on that one =) |
| |
| Mic Flair - Hey chief I want ya babies hehe ... I once saw this |
| alien who worked at Morrisons ... ya know him? |
| |
| Venom - If we get our zip drives to mate, will they produce A590 |
| drives? Or maybe the first 200 meg floppy disk? But which one is |
| the male? Hehe ... damned squirrels! |
| |
| Leech - Well thats AFS for you ... shouldn't use it until Reorg |
| and Disksalv support it mate! |
| |
| Julius/Lemon. - Will you PLEASE release some new music as I |
| haven't heard anything by you in ages! |
| |
| Steel Fury - If you offer me another bloody joystick I'll shove |
| your so far up your arse you'll control your game by wiggling your |
| finger in your bellybutton! |
| :
| Lord Chaos, Manta & Skize - Hey guys, release a collection! I'm .
| missing ya styles! |
| |
| Tango/LED - Saw ya picture in DreamCharts 10, we may have the same |
| name but I'm a lot better looking than you =) Love ya doors mate! |
| |
| 2Fast - Nice to see ya back in business mate, keep up the great |
| ascii work! |
| |
| Treach - Do me a logo mate! TANGo would be nice, or anything cause |
| I just lurve ya style! |
| |
| Rage - Hey ya twat, stop uploading! Hehe ... |
| |
| Nup! - Any chance of a big VISIPHOBIC ascii soon? |
| |
| Silk - Guards? Dogs? Research center? Isn't this a plot for a B |
| Movie not a party? Hehe ... !
Hoopla! A special bonus section for RELIEF/OFFSPRING!
Puzzle |
___________ ._____.______________________________. .____________
___________¬\ | ¬|________ ¬\________ ¬\ ¬|____| _____/
/ _____/ | | _________/ _________/ | ¬| __}__.
\______| \___________|___________\___________\______ |______ ¬|
Tropic Dreams |
___________ _____________________.__________(_______)____________
.-------/ \/ _ __________ |_________ \ | .___/-»
: __ \_| |_/ _ \_ ( | ____/ | | |
| _\/_ |___ | \______|_____/_____ |__ | |___ |_______ |
__________.________________________________._____ _____.___________ |
_______ | _ __/ ____________ | \/ | _______/ |
/ / | _ \_ __}__. _ | \/ |_______ | |
\_____ |______|____/_____ |_____) |_____/\_ |______ | |
Dope On Plastic Part 3 |
_________ | _ |___________ \ _____/
/ ( | ( | ____/ __}__. ::::::::::::::::::
\_______ |__________ |____ | \_______ | ::::::::::::::::::
`----'tGø/wL! `----' `----' `----' :::::::: :::::::
.________________.__________ :::::::
| _ | \____ REL!EF/OFFSPRiNG'S :::::::
| ( | \ \ :::::::::.
|________________|_________( / FiNEST HOUR! :::::::.
\___/ ..... :::::::: ::::::::
____________. .________._______________: :________ :::::::: ::::::::
_______ \ |__| _ | ____/ \ : .___/ ::::::::::::::::
| ___/ | | _ |____ \_| |_/ : | | `::::::::::::'
|____| \____ |____) |_______/ | | : :____ |
`---' `---' `---' :...: `---'
Flush Part 3 |
______________________. .______ ______________________._______.
/ _____/ |____| | \/ ____________ | |
/ ____/ | | | \___________ | _ |
\_________| \______________|______________/______________|_______|_______|
________________ \ _ | _ ______/ \
/ _____/ _ | _ \_| |_/
\___________| \________|________|_________|________/|____________|
| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
.--+----. :::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::::
: | ! :::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: THE BiTCH iS BACK!
: | | .::::::::::. .::::::::::. .::::::::::.
: `----+--.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.---[tGø/wL!]--»
: |
... Anyone who cares ...
I need some ascii doing for me and my friends!
So feature these in your next collection
Aquarius [full size & id] The Edge [title screen]
Whale! [full size & id] 13th Hour [title screen]
Nerve Axis [full size & id] TANGo [banner]
Pressure [full size & id] Ace [banner]
Cheers mates!
Is there anyone drawing ascii these days who is not in an ascii
group? Hehe ... what mad world we live in ... Catch me on 13th
Hour with possibly the biggest ascii/mods/ami express doors confs
in the UK if not Europe (hey MDR hehe) ... Ringdown 01704 505845
Disabled to all foreign users and the place to request ascii from!
Small message to anyone who even cares to read this sort of shit
for more than 5 seconds ... see ya at the symposium!
Be there or be a rectangular thing(?)
Thank you for watching another collection from the electronic
publishing corportation known as WHALE!
________ __________ _ _____|_ _ _______ __________________ _______
| . /_____\_ _ /_______ |____\ __/_ ||_______|
| |___/ _ / _)__/ . / | __\__ | |________
| | \_ / _/ | \_ | / | | / |s |
|_______/ \ \________/ | /____| |________|c dESTINATION eSCACHON! !
. / |\___/ |_____/ |___| |
| . | |
| : |
| . ..Every Thing in This Produkktion Was By: |
¦ |
.. current whale titles available ..
Filename Collection Name Artist
[WL!-LBOX.TXT] Little Black Box - TANGo
[WL!-JUST.TXT] Just A Bad Childhood - TANGo
[WL!-ABNS.TXT] A Breadknife Named Sonia - TANGo
[WL!-COME.TXT] Welcome To Whaleville - TANGo
[WL!-ESCA.TXT] Destination Escachon - TANGo
[WL!-WKTW.TXT] Who Killed The Whale? - U-Man
[WL!-OILT.TXT] Once In A Life Time - Acid Kid
[WL!-RBR.TXT] Red Beans & Rice - Acid Kid
[WL!-CHSA.TXT] Chili Sauce Part One - CountZero
[WL!-0BD.TXT] Birthday Collection - CountZero
[WL!-PARA.TXT] Paranoid - Dartagnan
.a.s.c.i.i. .___
_ _ _____________ ._____ ______.______ _____| |___ ._______ _ _
_ _ ___ / ___/__| ___/__\___ |_ ___/__/ ____|_. __/___| ___/___ _ _
| _/ /_.\____/_____ |__/ / \____/__ \ | \_ |_____ |
2Fast.911.Acid Kid.Adrock.Anf.Amblin.Axy.Biscrok.Boomer.Cardinal.Chrombacher.
Coco Pops.Cola.Countzero!.Crazy.Crusader.Cybergod.Danzig.Dartagnan.Daze.DDay.
Exocet.Fatal.Frame.Gravedancer.Green Eyed Monster.Grimlock.Godfather.Godhead.
Kid Curry.Lord Chaos.Maffia.Manta./Y\ascot.Maz.Mess.Metalbasher.Misfit.Mogue.
Mortimer Twang.Mr.Vain.Multiplex.Nike.Nocturne.Nup!.Ordyne.Orlingo.Perplexer.
Phase!.Polo.Prizm!.Psychic Santa.Qen!.Rad!.Ramon.Rapid!.Rat!.Rebel.Red-Skin!.
Red Devil.Recall.Relief!.Rotox!.Runt & Scottie.Sandman!.Scarface!.Seven /\/\.
Supertouch.Sy-Klone!.Terminal Silence.Tommy.Treach!.Trix·Fixion.Turbo.U-Man!.
.:.__. .___.---.. . ...__xCz_.. . .....
:/ ¬l/\____l_ _l__ l_______\ /_______ :
_/ / \ / \___ | __ ¬Y /__ ___/_ :
\_____/\ \ / T | `/ | _/ ¬\---' ¬\:
: _ _\__/l___| ¦__T ¦_\_____\ ____\
:..(((_).. . .`---' `----' `-----'. .:
: d.e.s.t.i.n.a.t.i.o.n e.s.c.a.c.h.o.n :
: t.a.n.g.o t.h.e u.k f.o.r.c.e :
.c.o.m.i.n.g. .s.o.o.n.
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a phenomina for the masses .. tango/whale
Here's what the press says about it:
"Oh fuck not another one!"
Ace - Nerve Axis
"Jesus dave, don't you get bored with this?"
Stainless Steel Rat
"Diga diga doo diga doo ... "
CountZero - Whale
"The best ascii artist around today, and he's proved it once more
with this incredible stunner!"
TANGo's Mum
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cOUNTzERo · uMAn · mANTA · tANGO · aCID kID · sKIZE · DaRtAGnAn · lORD cHAOS