use AFS.COM for maximum enjoyment in this colly.
._\ /_.
| c o m i c ! a s c i i |
| |
: <mess> ; ; : :
/(________ /(_________ /(_________ /(____ /(________
__\_ ___ _|__\______ _/__\___ ___/__\____/__\_ ___ _|__
)__ \|_____/__ \| |__ \_/ |__ |__ \|_____/__
l__ | __/__ | __/___| __/__ __/__ | __/
l l l l l l l l l l
| | | : | | | : | |
| : | . ; : | . : |
; . : . : . :
. . . .
presents an ascii collection by
____ _________ ____ ______\ _//____:_
_:_\\ _ \ /\____ __\\ __ /______( _/__\___ \_____ |
| \ \/ _ // /____/ / \_____ / / |
|______\ /____|________________|____________| /______|
\/ m e s S \ /mjay
\ /
______ | |_________ _____ ______
__\_ /__|_ _|\_____ _/________) _/__ /\ ____\ _|__
\ / /-. \ \| /-. | /-.__(__)__ \_____ /-.
\___ | \______ |___ | /___ l// |
l________| | | | l_________|______/ l_________|
| | | : (mess)
|_______| : .
<sQuish> mEss_:i am gay mate.
this is a very simple colly, cuz i don't wanna complicate the stuff too much ..
and because i'm to stupid to make it complicated ... umm .. this is it ... njoy
BUT .. there's a couple of EXTREMELY funny quotes in here ... good luck finding
them ;) ... hmm ... anyway .. this is like an intro to the colly or something
... but since i can't think of anything to write here, ... watch the colly !
_______ _________ ____| /
_((______)_ __________\\___ /_ __________\\__|___/_
/ \_\\ _ /_ /_ \_\\_ _/_ | \
/_____________\ | \__________\ /___/ \___| \
_____________ /_______| \ _____ /_____________\s1|-------\ __
._\ |-------\ | /_.
(| ## ascii requester | ## ascii requester |)
\ ------------------------------- | -------------------------------- /
|) O1 aneurysm aneurysm | 11 remorse remorse ;) (|
| O2 beyond ins. outloud | 12 mjay gift to mjay |
(| O3 bleak i forgot .. | 13 nordanvind baphomet |)
\ O4 creed serialtoon | 14 pesticide squish /
|) O5 ethnikal trance g | 15 remorse uhh..well.. (|
| O6 ethnikal trance g | 16 sb (diz) forgotz0r |
(| O7 helicon uhh... | 17 tm (diz) well...err.. |)
\ O8 item 9 dunno ... | 18 turegyn stalker /
|) O9 stats forgotz0r | 19 x3m errrr... (|
|__ 1O serial none .. | 2O brud helicon __|
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#O1 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: aneurysm
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: aneurysm
..... ... ... ... ... .....
:...: ..:.: : _____________________________________ : :.:.. :...:
..... : :....: ._\ /_. :....: : .....
: : : | a n e u r y s m ______ | : : :
____________________________ ____________\ |____ ________________
__\______ _/__ ___ _/__ __ /_____) _/_____ _|\_ | _/__/ _____/___ __/__
\_ ___/ _/ l// _/ /___/ / | _/ //____/______ _/\_____ \ \_/ _/
|____| |__| | ___/__ |__/ / l// | l// __/__| |
<mess>l_____| l_____|______| l______| l_______/_______|________| l____|
:...: : ...... | requested ascii: | ...... : :...:
..... :.:.. : | ascii requester: | : ..:.: .....
:...: :.: :.. |_ _| ..: :.: :...:
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#O2 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: bi
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: outloud
... ____ ......
:.:.... ...... ____\ /____ ...:.. :
.........: ..:...: : ._\ beyond /_. : :.: :.....
: :.: _____. : | insanity | : :
________ : _________ \ |____ __________ ___________ _______
__\_ //____\______ _|___\ | _/_.\______ _/_.\_ ___ _/_.____\\ _/_.
)__ ___/ \ //____/________ |__ l// |__ l// |__ \_____ |__
l__ \| ___/__ __/ l/ __/_ | __/___| __/__ l// __/
l______| l________l___________| l________| ... |______| l________|
: ... ... : ......... :.:....
:...: :........:.: :....: :......: :......... .____
_____ _________ ______ ________ _________ ______ _____ : ___| /
__\___/_.\_ __ _/_. / ___/__\____ _/_.\_ __ _/_\____/_.__) _/___\_ | _/_.
)__ |__ l/ |_\_____ \ _/ |__ l/ |__ |__ ____/_______ |__
l__ __/__| __/ l// __/__| __/__| __/_ __/_ l// __/ l// __/
l___l |_____l________l l_____l l_____l l___l l______l________l
: ... ....... :
:....... ..:.: (m355) ...: |_ +o outloud _| :.:.. :.... :
...:.....:.: : /____ ____\ :.: ...:...:
:..: :............: /____\ :..:
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#O3 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: bleak
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: forgotz0r
......... .........
.... ..:.. _ : _/\ ___________________ /\_ : _ ..:.. ....
:..:.......: :.: ._\ : \/ (b)(l)(e)(a)(k) \/ : /_. :.: :.......:..:
.....: _________ |________ __________. ___________ |_____. _____ :.....
: __\_ /.___\_ ___/.___\______ _|___\_______ _/_._\_ |/ / :
: )__ ____/ \ \| |__ //_____/__ ___/ |__ / / :
: |__ \| __/__ | __/__ __/____| __/____\ \ :
:..... <-l________l---l_______l---l_________l------l______l-------\____\ .....:
...:........ ... |_ _| ... ........:...
:..: :.:.: /_ : _ /\___________________/\ _ : _\ :.:.: -mess :..:
:.......: \/ \/ :.......:
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#O4 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: creed
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: serialtoon
.... ....... _____________________________________ ....... ....
:..:..:.. : ._\ /_. : ..:..:..:
.....: :.: : | crEEd v1.3 - get it. it rules. | : :.: :.....
: __________ : _|________ __________ __________ | : ________ :
_ __\_ ___ _|___\______ _|___\______ _|___\______ _|__|___\ _/__ :
_ __ \\|_____/__ //_____/__ \\_____/__ //_____/__ \_____ |___ _
l__ | __/____/ __/__ __/__ __/__ l// ___ _
<---- l l --- l l - l l - l l - l l ---->
| : | | : | | : | | -mess
: . | : . | : . : |
. : . : . . :
. . .
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#O5 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: ethnikal
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: trance g
________ ______ ______
__\_ _ /_____) _/_____\_ _/____
\ ____/_ ______/_ \_ /_
\___ \ \__ l// \_____| \
m5 _l_________\l__________\ __ |______\
._\ ethnikal recordings presents: /_.
| |
|_ [XM] blah-blah by blah blah _|
expand the box as needed ...
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#O6 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: ethnikal
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: trance g
._______. / \
_______ ______ ______ _______|_ |_____ / \____
___\_ _ /____) _/___\_ _/____\_ _._ _/__ | /__/_ \ |_____
\ ____/_ _.____/_ \_ /_ l// /_ | / / \ | /_
\___ \ \__ l// \___| \__| \ | _ __/__ \ \
l_________\|_________\ |______\ l________\ |___| \ \________\
<--------------------------------------- |_______|-- l_______\ \ ------->
messCOMIC / \
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#O7 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: helicon
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: helicon
._\ h e l i c o n /_.
_______ _____|__ ________ ______ ________ ____|____ _________
__\_ __/_____\_____ _|__\_ ___/.__\____/__\_ ___ _|__\_____ _/__\_ __ _/_.
)__ \\_ |__ //____/__ \| |__ |__ \|____/__ \| |__ |/ |__
l_____| __/__ __/__ | __/__ __/__ | __/__ | __/__| __/
<-- : --l____l---l______l---l______l---l___l---l______l---l______l----|_____l->
: ... | | : <mess> ..:..
:...... : | requested ascii: | :..... : :.:
...:....: | ascii requester: | ...:...:
:..: |_ _| :..:
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#O8 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: item 9
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: forgotz0r
item nine ?! [-] soon to be opened ! .... ......
______ :..:..:.. : .....
________\ /________ .......: :.: : ...........: ..:.....
______\ /______ :...: :.: :
._\ _______ ______ ____/_____ ___________ _________
| __\_____/______) _/_____\______ _|___\___ ___/__ / __ _/__
| )__ |__ _______/__ //_____/__ \_/ |__ __\______ |__
| l__ __/__ l// __/__ __/____| __/ \ // __/
|_ l_____l l_________l l_________l<mess>l______l \___________l
/______ _______\ : .....
/_________ _______\ : ... : :.......... :
/____\ :..:.: : :..... :
:....: ..:....:
telnet: / login: bbs :.:
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#O9 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: stats
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: hmm ..
_______ _____ ______ _____ _______
.__\ ___/_____) _/___ .__\____ )______) _/___ .__\ ___/____
| \___ / _____/_| _/ /-. _____/_| \___ /
| / / l// \ | | \\l \ / /
`-----/ /---,_________\----|______|--,_________\----/ /
/ / (mess) / /
__/ /___________________________________________/ /__
._\ /_.
| |
| |
| |
| |
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#1O /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: serial
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: phun ;) ..
.. goodbye to ..
________ _________ _________
_ ___\ ____/__\_ _ /___\_____ _/__ /\ _________ ______
\_____ _____/ _ ____/___(__)___\_ _ _/___\_ /____
/ \ .___| _ / /-.
- -- ----/________________| |____________________| / |
<---------------------------------------------- (mess) |__________________| ->
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#11 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: remorse
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: remorse ;)
._\ /_.
| |
| /\ rEMORSE 1991 ! |
________ ________ ____ / \ |
__\___ /___\_ _ /__\_ \/ \ _________ _________ ______ ________
\ _ ___/ ____/ \/ \__\_____ _/_\____ _/___/ ___/__\_ _ /_
\___| __ \ .___l| l// _ ___/ \_____ ____/-.
|________\l_______| l______________________| l// \ |
| (mess) |__________________________|
| or is it 1981 ? |
|__ __|
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#12 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: mjay
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: shiveem ;)
___________ _________ ___________ \ |____
__\___ ___/_____\___ _/___\_______ _/___\_ | _/__
)__ \_/ |__ l/ / ___/ |________ |__
l____| __/ | ____/_______| __/ l// __/
l______l________| <mess>l______l___________l
(no bg here .. cuz i was too lazy ;) ...)
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#13 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: nordanvind
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: baphomet
__________ __________ _________ _______ __________ __________
__\______ _/__\______ _/__\______ _|______\ _/__\______ _/__\______ _/__
)__ l/ |__ l/ |__ //____/__ \____ |__ ___/ |__ l/ |__
l____| __/__ | __/___/ __/__ l// __/___| __/___| __/
<------ |_____l - l_______l -- l______l - l________l --- |_____l --- l_____l ->
______ _______ ___________ ________
______\ _/___\_____/___\______ _/______\ _/_.
)__ \ |__ |__ l// |__ \_____ |__
<mess> l____ __/__ __/____| __/__ l// __/
<---------------- l______l - l_____l ---- l______l - l_________l ------------->
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#14 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: pesticide
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: sQuish
... ..... .
.........: : : ..:.. ................ : . ....
: : : : :.: : : | : .... :..:...
___________________ _______ _____ | | : : ......: :
__\_____ \______ _|__/ ____/_____) _/___ | | .....: :.:.. ..:
)__ //____/ //____/\______ \ _____/_| | ... :.: :
l___/ |____ __/ l// __/__ l// __/ | : : .....:
l____| l________l________l l_______l | | <mess>: :...:
__________________ ________ | | ______ ________
._\ __\_ ___ _|__ | |____\ _/__\_____ _|__
| pesticide )__ \(____/_| / \___ |__ \\____/__
| l__ | __/ \___ l// __/__ __/
| +o someone l_______l | | l________l l______l
|_ | |
/______________________________ : |
. :
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#15 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: remorse
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: errr ....
_________ (mess) /\
__\___._ _/__ _______ ____ / \_________ _________ _____ _______
l/____/___\ _ /___\_ \/ \____. _/__\___._ _/____/ __/___\ _ /___
_ __/ \ __/ / \/ \ \l / l/____/_ \____ / __/ /
l_________\________/_____l| \______/_____/ \_______/_________/
<----------------------------- |_______\ -------- l_________\ ---------------->
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#16 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: sb (diz)
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: uhh ...
_______ __________
__ ___/ ____/___ /_____ __ _
\_____ \ ____/
l// __/ l// _______ _ _
_ __ ___________l ________l-mess-.
| |
| ... blah .. blah .. blah ... |
| |
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#17 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: tm (diz)
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: coughcough
____/\ \\ /\_________
_____) _//____\___ ___//_ / /
\\__ _______/__ \\_/ ___|__
m5 l__ l// //____| \ /
<--- l_______\ // --- |____\\ / -->
\ \ \\\/ \/ // /
blah ... blah ... blah ... blah
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#18 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: turegyn
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: stalker
............. .................... .... ........ ....................
: ..:... : ... : :..:...:.. :...: :
: _____ :.: : :.:.: :.....: :.: ______ _________ :
__ _) _/___ _____: _________ _________ _________\ |______\_ ___ _/_ _:
______/____) _/__\_____ _|__\ _ /_\_ ____/_\_ | _/___ l//
_ __ l// / | / //_____/__ ___/ / \__ /_____ /__|
: l________/_________/____/ /________/_________/ l// __/ |__ __ _
<----------:---:---:-:--- l_____\ / <mEss> _ __ __ __________l ------------->
: :...: : :....:..____\/___:___________________ : :
:..................:_\ :.: :................../.: :
| |
| tUREGYN - +O bLAH .. |
| pUT sOME iNFO hERE |
|_ _|
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#19 /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: x3m
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: hmmm ...
._\ /_.
| extreme info file |
______. | 08/08/97 |
\ |_____ _________ ___________
_ __ _ __\__ | __/_. \____ _/_._\___ ___/_.
_ __ __ _____ _ |___(__ |__ \_// |__ __ _ _ _ __
l____| __/ __/____| ___ _ ___
|______l/__________l<mess>l l
we're more extreme than your grandmother! | |
<-----------------------------------------------: |-------------------->
. :
___. _______ ____
_\\ |---\ _____\\ _ /_ ___|---/_((___)_ _______
---- / | \_((___)_ | \_\\ | /_ \_\\__ /_ ------------------
#2O /___________\ \___\\\_\ | \________\ |_ \ ascii: brud
------------- /__________\s1-\\\__________\ --- /___________\ for: helicon
_____/ b R U d \____ ....
._\ _________ __________ ______ ________ /_. :..:...
| __\_ /____\______ _|______) _/______\ _/__ |.....: :
: )__ ____/ \ //_____/__ | |__ \_____ |__ | <mess> :
.. . l__ \\| __/____/ __/ __/__ l// __/ | .......:
. ---- l________l --- l_______l l_________l - l_________l ---- |
: |
| requested ascii: brud ascii requester: |
|_ _|
/____ /\_______________________/\ ________________/\_______\
\/ \/
*** Users on shrimp @cr4sh @SmokyboY @sq @mEss
__________ ______ ______ __________ __________
_ ___\______ _/________) _/______) _/______\______ _/____\______ _/__
\\| /_ | /_ _______/_ //____/_ \\| /_
_ _____ | \___ \___ l// \_____/ \___ | \
(and the greets ;)
hmm ... this has been a mess production released under the comic!a label ...
hope you enjoyed my BIGGEST colly yet .. hmm ... i'm too stupid to write
something interesting here ... yeah ... i just wanna say that i'm not from
israel :) ... to contact me, find me on irc (efnet) on channels #comic and
#ascii .. hmm ... let's write the greetings now :) .. i love this part ;) ..
the midnight judge - for making the 'mess' ascii even tho i didn't request it
subsonic - for the colly name, the 'index' ascii and the divider
.d2mac&roman.sQuish.helicon.kresile.shrimp.stalker.martz.crash.serial toon.
.black jack.baphomet.pariah.tzeentch.discyple.meatpod.sargon.the prodigy.
.drax.biogenesis.nosanity.massacre.natureboy.universe.aneurysm.mankind. man.jizm.mso.metal militia.volatile.groove.frgnfruz.
if i forgot someone (and i probably did), shoot me .. or something ...
-[the endz0r]------------------------------------------------------------------
there always has to be something down here ...
just keep looking, maybe you'll find it !
hmm ... is this it ?
or is THIS it ?
it don't stop, y'all, and it just don't stop !
---(line 666 - always has to be 666 ;)-----------------------------------------