... where graff began +++
_______ ______ ___
___\ /____ \\ /______\ /_____ tHE yARD
\\___ ______/___/\ ___ \\ _____/____
// |/ / /\ / /\ ___|/ /
?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> >
/\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\
/\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\
____|---/- ___ ___ ___
------------. ___\ | /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____
.--------' \\ \ | ___\\_____ \\_____ \\_____ \
-----------\------\__ \ | \ / /__ /\ /____/\/_____\'cls
\ \| \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+
+op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\ gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998
/\ tELNET tO * theyard.dyn.ml.org /\
* rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN *
/\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb /\
. .
__________/__ _ .______:_ .
_ _ .______\ /____ .________\\_ |____ _______ ________ .________/_
__\\\\\___ \ __/_\\ ____/___ _/_\\ ____/_\\.__ /_\\___ /__
\ _______/ \/ _/ __/ . _/ _/ _______/ /
\ \/ __ _____________________|__\\ ________|_ _\ \/ /
.|__________/-\__/---------------------·----\____\-------·-\\\\ ___________|.
|· \_/_ ·|
| haze/real - zleik/skr - nemo/awe - glue/real / |
| |
| your favorite board for demos/intros/music/ansi-/ascii art/pcb/asm |
| |
| »» pc · amiga · c64 «« |
| |
____ /\
_________|_ /__________ //\\ __ __ _ _
\__ __/ \ - __/_ //\\· /_/\ __ _ _
/_____\|__|____\_______\ _/\_ /· \ \_\/____ _ _
_______________________________\__// \ ___ _____ ________________
_/ ____/ __ \_ ___/ ____/_ |_ | |_ |_ ___/_ __/
_\___` \ ` ____/ ` __)_ ` / / | / | /__` \/ \
\________/ |________/______/_____/ |______|____/_______/______\
|______| /ic! \
first ascii colly from alex
more shit text in the end! =/
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by aLEx in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : black listed /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
you are dead | meat phucking lamer
. . _|_
. |
. _____ : ___ -[bLACK] ____ ___
. _\_ (_______) |_____________________/ __/_______| |____
: | /__ | __ | /
----| / /----.
. |__/ __________________/ _______________________\ \ :
/____/ /___/ \___\ :
. . : .:. .
. . .:. .:::::.
: : .:::::::::. [LiSTEd]- .
: ___ _:____ ____ .::::::: ___ :.__ _____ aLEx ____
____) |_______ (_____\ _/__________\ \ /______) _ /_______\ \
| | \__ ___/ __/ \ \
| \
. :
. .
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by aLEx in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : phunky shit /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
.___________:_ . .
| : [ yOU cALLEd pHUNKY sHit ] .
| _________ ____ ___.___ ___ :
| \ / \ \____ ____ _____/ /_ | ______ .
| _____\_/ /___\ \ /___| \______\ / / | | \ .
| \ __/ | \ \ \ | \ :
: \_______________\ _____________\ _______\__\ |______| \ .
: \/ \/ /_________\ .
. ....... [pHUNKY] :
: ____ ____ [sHit] _____ . :
. :__|__:. ____\ _/_____\ \____ __________\ /__ aLEx .:
: | : \ \_ \ \ /_____\__ \ _(___ .:
. : . \ | / . .:
. \_____________\ __________________________/ ..::
. . \/ . .:::
. .::::
. . . ... .. .. . ..::::::
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by aLEx in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : comment /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
. .......
.____ .__ _:-:.................. : aLEx
...........: | .--' ' :..........:
: ___ :_| _____ _____ ____ ___ ____
:... / /____________ / / / /____\ _/______\ \____| (__
/ / __ \// /\// / _| \ | _/__
/ \/ / \/ /| \\ \
/________________ \__/ /___/ | ______________ \______________\
\______________| \__\
: [cOMMENt]
:. .
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by aLEx in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : bulls /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
. .
. .
. . . . . . ............
| | | :
_____ [bULLS] ____ : ___ : ___ ____ :
_\_ (_________| (________) |_______) |___________\ _/__ :
| /__ | | | \_ | :
| / | | | :
|__/ ____________________________________________________| :
/____/ :
| | | aLEx :
| : . . :. . :
. . . . . . .::..::.::
. . . .::::::
:............: . . . ....::::::::
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by aLEx in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : alex /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
[aLEx] ___ _____ ____
_______________) |_______) _ /_______\ /______
\ __ | __/ \ /
\ | \ /
\__/ _____________________________/______/
/___/ /
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by aLEx in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : main menu /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
____ ___.-| __.. ___ __ |-.__..
_.-.__| | | |-| | |-' |
[$] Global Mail Stats [J] Join Conferences [G] Goodbye/Logoff
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[ADDBBS] add ya board [FS] Global FileStat [ORDER] Order Ascii..
| | ........-' | | |
:_______ :....: _________ : : ______ aLEx :
____ / /_________________ (________ / |_ :
\ \/ / __ / _ | \ :....
\ \_____/ /__/ \
.... \________________/ _____________________________(
: /___/
:......: _.-' : |-._,....
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by aLEx in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : main menu /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
_______ ______ _____
.... ______/ /_____________ (_______/ _ |_ ....
: \ \_____/ __ /__/ | \ :
: [mAiN] \_______________/ _________________________\ [mAiN] :
[$] Global Mail Stats [J] Join Conferences [G] Goodbye/Logoff
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[OPEN] List Doors Avail [N] New Files Scan [W] Edit Setups
[WHO] Who's Online [F] Files Menu [S] User Statisitics
[REQ] Request file [FR] File Reverser [X] eXpert Mode
[ADDBBS] add ya board [FS] Global FileStat [ORDER] Order Ascii.
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _______________
____\ /____
__ \ __ ASCii COLLY __ / __
: :
: ascii collection made by :
: alex in 1997... first ascii :
: colly made by alex :
: ____ ___ __ __ :
:_________\ _/____/ _/________:
| \___ |
| __ |
| / |
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by aLEx in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : nibbles /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
_____/ (_____)_\_ (__\_ (___) |_____) _ /____\ _/___
| / /__ /__ | __/ \___ |
| / | |
|_/ _________ __ ___________________________a|Ex
/______| /____/ /____/
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by aLEx in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : not4ya! /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
___ ___ :
_____/ |__________\ ( |_____
| / __ ____| a|Ex
| / | |
|_/ ______________________________
______________ [nOt4yA]-
| /__________________
| / __ |
_______________ __________ / _____ |
/_______/ /__/ |
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by aLEx in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : wares /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
____ [wARES] _____ _____ ____
/ /_________________________\_ /________) _ /_______\ _/__
/ / __ / / __/ \_ \
/ /\ \ \
/____/\\ _______/ _______ \ \____________________________\
\______\ /___/ a|Ex\ /
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by aLEx in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : internet /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
____ ___ ___ : _____ ____
______________/ |___\ ( |____) _ /____\_ /______
| / ____| ___/ / \ a|Ex
| / | _ \ |
|__________/ ________________________\ /_ |
/______| ___ _____ ___ \/ | :
_____/ |__) _ /_\ (_____| .
| / ___/ ____ .
[iNtERnEt] | / | :
|_/ ___________|________|
/______| |
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by Lazorus in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : x-raid /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
:: ______________
: |
. |
. ____ x-rAid _____ ___ ________
. _____\ /__________\_ /____________\ |
.| \ / | \___ |
| \ __ __ | |
|___ /_______________ /___/ _____| a|Ex
. / \/ /__/ | |
. | | :
. . : | .
. .:::. : |
.:::::::. . : .
. . .
. .
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by aLEx in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : system expr. /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
____ ____ _______ ___________________
___\ _/___________\ _/_____\ /_____\ _ __ /
| \__ \__ _\ _/ \____ \/ /
| _ \________ \ \ \____/
|___________ ________| |________\ \___\
/_______\ |
______ ____ ______ ____________ ____ ____
_\ _ /___\ /____\_ _ /____\_ _ /____\ _/__\ _/____
| __/ \ / _/ / __/ \__ \__ |
| \ / __ |
a|Ex______ /______/ ______ /________________________|
/ /_______\ \/
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by aLEx in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : rules /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
________. ___. ______ ____
__\_ |___) |___\ _ / \ _/_____
| / | | __/ \__ |
| __ | \ |
|___ /__________| \__________a|Ex
\/ |
[rULES] |
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by _Baphomet in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : nocturnal de./___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
___ _______ ._____ _____ __ ____
_____/ |____________ \ /__| |__\_ /_____/ |_______) |_____
| / __ /_____\ / | / / | |
| / __/ _\ | __ / __ | |
|_/ _______ __ \_________________ /__/ ____/ _________|
/______| /______/ | \/ /_____| /__/
nOCtURNAL _______ ______ ____ ___ _____ ______
\ |_\ _ /___\ _/________\_ /____\ _ /___
dESiRE _\_ _______ \__ / __/ |
/ _/ | | __ |
/______________| a|Ex____________ /____________|
: \/
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by aLEx in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : enter /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
______ pUSH- ___ _______ ______ ____
__\ _ /_______/ |______\ /___\ _ /____\_ /
| __/ / _\ _/ __/ / \
| \ / _ \_______ \ \
a|Ex_________/ ___| |______________ /
/______| | eNter- \/
_____ ___________
___\_ / \_________/ alex 1st colly!
| / Eqested by radicat in 1997 _)(_____|________
| __ _\__ _______ _ _/
__ : __ / logo desc. : elite maa /___( \' ___/_/_/
. \/ collection : alex 1st / )____ \/__/_/_/
. /__________/ | '/'
--'| __:_/
. _ | _| .
\_________________________| ' .
. |
______ ____ ___ _______ ____________________
_____\ _ /__) |_______\ /_____\ _ __ /_____________
| __/ | _\ / _____ \/ / |
| \ | _ \__________ \ \ \____/ __ __ |
a|Ex___________________| |_____\ \ \ /____/ __ / __|
| eLitEmAA- \___\ /__/ /__/
that was all for this time! =/ check out for more ascii colly's by alex
in the future!.... I promise there will be more...
check the latest collys on alex board +46-371-14601
open 22-7 in swedish times! =).... sure...
greets to : iCE - for tha nice ascii inspiration..
SIMS - another ascii&ansi designer!
cASE - hav'nt seen you around...
enterprice - tombstone member!..
all other guys! - sEE yA around!
and the last thing tHE pRODiGY RULES! =)
get there albums and enjoy the cool music!...........
. .
__________/__ _ .______:_ .
_ _ .______\ /____ .________\\_ |____ _______ ________ .________/_
__\\\\\___ \ __/_\\ ____/___ _/_\\ ____/_\\.__ /_\\___ /__
\ _______/ \/ _/ __/ . _/ _/ _______/ /
\ \/ __ _____________________|__\\ ________|_ _\ \/ /
.|__________/-\__/---------------------·----\____\-------·-\\\\ ___________|.
|· \_/_ ·|
| haze/real - zleik/skr - nemo/awe - glue/real / |
| |
| your favorite board for demos/intros/music/ansi-/ascii art/pcb/asm |
| |
| »» pc · amiga · c64 «« |
| |
... where graff began +++
_______ ______ ___
___\ /____ \\ /______\ /_____ tHE yARD
\\___ ______/___/\ ___ \\ _____/____
// |/ / /\ / /\ ___|/ /
?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> >
/\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\
/\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\
____|---/- ___ ___ ___
------------. ___\ | /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____
.--------' \\ \ | ___\\_____ \\_____ \\_____ \
-----------\------\__ \ | \ / /__ /\ /____/\/_____\'cls
\ \| \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+
+op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\ gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998
/\ tELNET tO * theyard.dyn.ml.org /\
* rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN *
/\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb /\