-[ presenting another ]-
_ __ __/\__ __ _
· . _ ________ \\\ oO /// · . __ _ __
_ __: : _ ___ _ /___ /_\/_\ __ _ ____:_ _ : _ _________\/__ _ __/( ___ _
\\\_/ ¦ \\\_/// / _____ \/ ___/// _____/// ¦ \\\_ _________///__ \\_///
__ _| |_ __ _ / \| | _ ___ \ |_ _ ___/__ |
\\\_ __///_ /\ \_ | / \_ __///_ \ \_ ¦
\_ \ / | \/ / \_ / :
_ ______ _/___ _/ ¦_ __ _/___ _/___ _/___ ___ _
\ ___(zd! \ ___(¦ : \ ___( \ ___( \ ___( \ ___(
\/ \/ : . \/ \/ \/ \/
-[ ascii disaster ]-
-[ the english fuckup ]-
. . .
____ __\ ___________________________ |__________________________ ____| ____
|____|| \\___ __ __ \| __ ________ \\ ||____|
_____| / |/\_____ \/ \ \/ \_ /\___ \. |_____.
|. s_/ | _/ \_ \ \ / / / \s .|
|| . c\______| \_______/ |\______/________/____________/c ||
|_____ _|_ ______\_______|___\________|______________________________________|
-[ entitled ]-
______ _____ __ _______ ______ _______ _____ __
._\\ /_ _\\ __/__\/__/ //__\\ /_ _\\ /__\\ \\/
| __/__ \ \_____/ __/__ \___/ / \
| \ \ / \ / \
|________________/\___________ /_________________________________/
___ ___ __ _____ __ _______ ______ ________ ____.__
._\\ \/ \__\/__\\ \__\/__/ //__\\ /_ _\\ \ _\\ | \_
| \ \ / \ \_____/ __/__ \ __/ \___ \
|_______\ / / \ \ | \
/__________ / __________ /______________ \__________________/
/________/ ________ __________ |______|-T!
__ ._\\ \__\\ ______/
__\/__ | / ___/
\/__\/ | / |
\/ tGø|___________________|
________ _______ _________ __ __
._\\___ \_ / //__\\__ / __\/__\/__.
| _/ \_____/ _/____/_ \ \ |
| \ / \ |
|_____\____________ /_________________________|
bear with me while I try a twist on my style=)
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o1: no stinkin windows
req'd by: forgot
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
_____ ________
.____/\\_ \_/\\ \
| / / \
tGø|______/ / \
_______ ______ __ _____ ___ ______ __ _____
._/ ____//\_/\\ /_ __\/____/\\_ \_/\\ \/ /__\/____/\\_ \
| \_______ __/__ \ / _/ _/ \ / \
| / \ / \ \ / \
|_______________________________ / _____\ \________ / /
/_______/ \______\ /_______/
_____ __ _____ _____ ________ _____ _______
._/\\ _/____\/____/\\_ \____/\\_ \_/\\ \_/\\ _/____/ ____//\_
| \ \ / / / \ \_______ \
| /\ / / / /\ / \
|______/\__________ / _____________________________/\________________/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o2: power trip
req'd by: forgot
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
________ ________ _____ _______ _________
________.._\\ \ _\\ \__\\ __/______\\ /____\\ \
|| \ \ / \ \___/ \ __/
|| \______/ / \ \ \_
________||_____| _________________/\_________________ \______/
______ _________ __ ________ |______|-T!
._\\ /_ _\\ \ __\/_____\\ \
| __/__ \ __/ \ \ \
| \ \ \______/
|___________ \____________________|
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o3: pitstop
req'd by: sealapex
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
________ __ ______ _______ ______ ________ ________
._\\ \ __\/__\\ /_ _/ //__\\ /_ _\\ \__\\ \
| \ \ \ __/__ \_____/ __/_ / \ \
| \______/ \ / \ / \______/
tGø|_____| ______________________ /______________________________|-T! .
| gods whq · xfactor whq · flood nhq · vodka nhq · twilight nhq .
| :
| sealapex/gds^cor^fld, unman/ins^fld, mythral/cooltown, sth/cor^hny^dd |
| |
| Node1 +47 333-87955 [33k6 v.everything] Node4 ip - [telnet] |
| |
| Node2 +47 333-84269 [33k6 v.everything] Node5 ip - [telnet] |
| |
| Node3 +47 NE7WORK [null-modem cable] Node6 ip - [telnet] |
|__ __|
: \_____________________________________________________________________/ :
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o4: menu
req'd by: sealapex
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
___ ___ _______ _____ _____
___________.._\\ \/ \__\\ /_______\\ \__\\ ./____ ____..__________
|| \ \___/ / : \\ ||
___________||_______\ / /| \\__||__________
/______________________/ ____________/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o5: call my friends
req'd by: sealapex
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
_________ ________ ____. ____.
._/\\__ / /\\___ \_/\\ |_____/\\ |____
| _/____/_ _/ | | \
| \ \ | | \
____________________ ____________________
_/ // \_
___ ___ ____.__ | Bumble Bee Land |
._/\\ \/ \_/\\ | \_ | 13th Hour |
| \ \___ \ | Northern Palace |
|________\ | \ | Cement City |
/___________________/ | Spaced Out |
|_ Digital Candy _|
__________ _________ __ _______ _____ _____ _______
._/\\ ______/_/\\ \ __\/__/\\ /__/\\_ \__/\\_ \__/ //_
| ___/ \ __/ \ \___/ / / \_____/ \
| | \ / / / \
|________| \________________________ / ________________ /____/
tGø|______| /_______/-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o6: bulletins
req'd by: sealapex
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
___. _____ ____. ____. _______ ______ __ ____ _____
._\\ _|__\\ ./__\\ |__\\ |__\\ __ /__\\ /_ __\/__\\_ \__/ //_
| \ : | | \__/ __/__ \ / \___/ \
| \ /| | | \ / / \
|______\_______ | |___________________________ / _____ /____/
tGø|_______|_______| /_____/-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o7: conferences
req'd by: sealapex
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
______ ____ ___ _______ _____ ______ _____ __ ______ ______ ____
._\__ / _\ \_\_ \_\ ___/_\ /_\ \ _\ /_\ \_\__ / _\ _ /_/ /_
| _/_/_ / / _/ \_/ \ _/ \_/ / _/_/_ \_/ \__/ \
| \ / / | \ \_ / \ / \
|_____________ /________| _______ \___/____ /______________________ /___/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o8: sealapex
req'd by: sealapex
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
_______ _______ ______ ____. ______ _______ _______ ___ ______
._/ //_\\ __ /_\\___ \_\\ |_\\___ \_\\ \ _\\ __ /_\\ \/ /
| \_____/ \__/ _/ | _/ \ \ \__/ _/ /
| / \ . | \ \_____/ \ \
|______ /________________\___: |_____\________| _____________/\______\
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o9: ultima
req'd by: shaitan
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
_____ ____. ______ __ ___ ___ ______ __________.
.______._\\ ./___\\ |___\\ /_ __\/___\\ \/ \__\\___ \\ _ |
| _ /| : | __/_ \ \ _/ \\/ |
| \/ | /| . | \ ___\ \ \ |
| |_________: |_____________________ /____________\____/ :|
| tGø|_____|-T! .::|
| .:::|
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 1o: orion
req'd by: orion
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
________ _________ __ ________ _____
__________.._\\ ¬\__\\ ¬\ __\/__\\ ¬\__\\ ¬\
|| / \ __/ / / \
|| / \ / / \
__________||____________ \_______________________ / /
tGø|______| /________/-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 11: style
req'd by: orion
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
_______ ______ ____.__ ____. _______
._/ //\_/\\ /_ /\\ | \__/\\ |__/\\ __ /__ __
| \_____/ __/__ \___ | \__/ \\/
| / \ | | \
tGø|______ /___________________________. |______________/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 12: lsd
req'd by: orion
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
.____. __________ .____.
| | / _____/ | |
_ | | \______ |____|_ | _
( ( (((_) | |____| | | _/// | (_))) ) )
|: | |: : |: | |
|:: | |:: |:: |
tGø|:::. |:::. |:::. |-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 13: lsd [diz]
req'd by: orion
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
____. _______ _____ __
___.._\\ |____/ //_____\\ \\/
|| | \_____/ / \
|| | / / \
|. |_________ /_______________/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 14: dream engine
req'd by: orion
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
_____ _________ _______ ________ ___ ___
.____\\ \__\\ \ _\\ __ /____\\____ \__\\ \/ \
| / \ __/ \__/ ____/ \ \
| / \ ___\ \
|____________ \__________________________________ /_______/
_______ _____ _______ __ _____ _______
._\\ __ /___\\_ \___\\ ____/___\/___\\_ \__\\ __ /__
| \__/ / \___ \ / \__/ \
| / / / \
tGø|___________ / _________________ / ____________/
/_______/ /_______/-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 15: wastelands
req'd by: orion
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
_____ ________ _______ ______ _______
._\\ __/___\\____ \___/ //___\\ /_ _\\ __ /__
| \ ____/ \_____/ __/__ \__/ \
| \ / \ \
tGø|_____/\_____________________ /___________________________/
____. ________ _____ _____ _______
._\\ |___\\___ \___\\_ \___\\ \__/ //_
| | _/ / / \_____/ \
| | \ / / / \
. |_______\_______ /_______________________ /____/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 16: suck this
req'd by: orion
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
_______ _____ _________ ___ ______
._/ //___\\ ./___\\__ / _\\ \/ /
| \_____/ : _/____/_ _/ _/
| / /| \ \ \
tGø|______ /______________________________\ \
______ ____. __ _______ \______\
._\\ /_ _\\ |_______\/___/ //_
| __/_ / \ \_____/ \
| \ / / \
|_______________/ ____________ /____/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 17: wise-k
req'd by: wise-k
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
_____ __ _______ _______ ___ ______
._/\\ __/_____\/_____/ //\_____/\\ __ /__ ._/\\ \/ /
| \ \ \_____/ \__/ \ _ | _/ _/
| \ / \ (_) | \ \
tGø|______/\__________________/____________________/ |______\ \
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 18: sheepland
req'd by: wise-k
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
_______ ____. _______ _______ ________
._/ //___\\ |_____\\ __ /____\\ __ /____\\ \
| \_____/ / \__/ \__/ \ \
| / / \______/
|______ /________/ ____________________________|
____. ________ _____ _____
._\\ |____\\___ \____\\_ \____\\ \
| | _/ / / \
tGø| | \ / / \
. |________\________ / ___________/
:______| /_______/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 19: poheemih
req'd by: boheme
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
________ ________ ____. _______ _______ ___ ___ __ ____.
._\\ \ _\\ \_\\ |___\\ __ /_\\ __ /_\\ \/ \_\/_\\ |____
| \ \ / / \__/ \__/ \ \ / \
| \______/ / / ___\ / \
|_____| _______________/ __________________ /_____________/ /
tGø/_______/-T! /_______/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 2o: rage!
req'd by: napoleon
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
.___________________.________ .______ .__.
| __ ____ __ | ____/_| __ \_ | |
| \\\_ | \\\_ | \\\_ | \\\___/_. | |
| | | | | | | | | |
|: | |: | |: | |: | | |
|:: | |:: | |:: |:: | `--'
tGø|:::.| |:::.| |:::. |:::. | .--.
`----| |----| |---------`---------' `--'
`----' `----'-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 21: citruz
req'd by: citruz
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
_________ __ ______ _________ _____ ______
._\\__ / __\/__\\ /_ _\\__ \ _\\ ./__\\____ \_
| _/____/_ \ __/__ / __/ : _____/ \
| \ \ \ /| \ \
|____________________________ \__________________________/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 22: phoenix2
req'd by: citruz
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
________ ____¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾_¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ __ ___ ______
._\\ \ _\\ |¾¾¾¾\\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¾¾\\¯¯¯¯¯/¾¾¾¾¾/¯¯¯\¾¾ \/___\\ \/ /
| \ \ /¯¯¯¯ / \¯¯ \___/¯¯¯¯¯/ ¯¯¯\ _/ /
| \______/ / / \ / \ \
|_____| ____/ __________/__________/ __________/\______\
/_______/¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾/________/¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 23: board design
req'd by: folar
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
___. ________ ________ _________ _____
._\\ _|_______\\ \__\\___ \__\\ \ ____\\_ \
| \ / _/ \ __/ / \
| \ / \ \ \_ / \ _
tGø|______\______________________\______ \______/____________////
_____ _______ _______ __ _______ _____
_..____\\_ \__\\ __ /____/ //____\/_____\\ ____/_______\\_ \
|| / \__/ \_____/ \ \___ / \
|| / / / / \
_||______________________________ /___________________________ / /
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 24: zanok
req'd by: zanok
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
______ ________ _____ ________ ___ ______
._\\____ \__\\___ \__\\_ \__\\ _ \__\\ \/ /
| _____/ _/ / / _/ _/
| \ \ / / \ \
tGø|_______________\______ / _________________\ \
/_______/-T! \______\
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 24: vietcong
req'd by: vietcong
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
r e q u e s t s
_____ __ _______ ______ _________ ________ _____ _______
._\\ /_\/_\\ __ /_\\ /_ _\\__ / _\\ \_\\_ \_\\ ____/__
| / \ \__/ __/__ _/____/_ / / \___ \
| / \ \ / / / \
|_____________________________________________________ / ___________/
-[ twisted bulletin boards ]-
__ __ __ __..__ __. __ __
/__/ |_/ |_/ || \__/ |_/ _/__`--.
|___/\___|\___|\ ||___/\___|\___| / \__|
world headquarters - +31 huntmedown - sysop is sal-one
__ . ___ . __. __ __..___.__
| \_||_ _.|_/_ _/ _|_/ _/ _/ _|| /| \_\__(_
|___/ \_| \___\ |\___ \___\ | / |___/ __/
european headquarters - +44 o191 232552 - sysop is hybrid
___ .__ _ .__ .___.__
/_| _\_| \__( _/ | _\_| /| \_
| /| /|___/\___\___| / / |___/
german headquarters - +49 huntmedown - sysop is h2o!
__ __. ___
. /_ _/_ _|__| _|__|_/ |_/ | /_
| __/ \___\ | \ |\___|\___|| /
distribution site - +44 o17o4 5o5845 - sysops are ace^venom
_ _ __ ___ __. __.. __ __ __. __. __ __ . __. __.
_( _/ _( _/ _/_ /__/ |_/ ||_/ _/ _/ |_/ |_\ _/ |`--.|_/ |_/ |
\___\___\___\___\___| /\___|\ | \___ \___\___|\ |\ \___|\__| \___|\ |
distribution site - +45 316o 955o - sysop is webster
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o1: adult domain
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
________ _____ _____ ____. ______
._\\____ \__\\_ \__\\ ./__\\ |__\\ /_
| ____/ / : | __/__
| / /| | \ \
tGø|____________________________. |_____________\
_____ ________ ___ ___ ________ __ _____
.____\\_ \__\\ \__\\ \/ \__\\____ \___\/________\\_ \
| / / \ ____/ \ / \
| / / ___\ / \
|___________________________ /______________________________ / /
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o2: ami-express
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
________ ___ ___ __
._\\____ \__\\ \/ \___\/___
| ____/ \ \ \
| ___\ \
tGø|_______________ /_______________/
_______ ___ _____ ________ ________ _______ _______ _______
._\\ __ /_\\ \/ /_\\ \ _\\ \ _\\ __ /_/ //_/ //_
| \__/ _/ \ \ \ __/ \__/ \_____/ \_____/ \
| \ \______/ \ \_ / / \
|_____________/\___________| \_____/_______________ /________ /____/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o3: amiga
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
________ ___ ___ __ _______ ________
._\\____ \__\\ \/ \___\/_____\\ ____/____\\____ \
| ____/ \ \ \___ ____/ \
| ___\ / \
tGø|_______________ /_______________________________________/-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o4: ansi
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
________ _____ _______ __
._\\____ \_____\\_ \__/ //____\/___
| ____/ / \_____/ \ \
| / / \
tGø|_______________ / _______ /____________/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o5: ascii
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
________ _______ _________ __ __
._\\____ \___/ //___\\__ / ___\/____\/___
| ____/ \_____/ _/____/_ \ \ \
| / \ \
tGø|___________________ /_______________________________/-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o6: buy & sell
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
___. _____ ____.__
._\\ _|_______\\ ./______\\ | \_
| \ : \___ \
| \ /| | \
-[ a · n · d ]-
_______ _______ ____. ____.
._/ //___\\ __ /____\\ |_\\ |
| \_____/ \__/ | |
| / | |
|______ /_______________. . |
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o7: coding
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
_________ ________ _____ __ _____ _______
._\\__ / _\\ \_____\\_ \___\/________\\_ \__\\ ____/__
| _/____/_ / / \ / \___ \
| \ / / / / \
tGø|_______________________________________________ / ____________/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o8: console
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
_________ ________ _____ _______ ________ ____. _______
._\\__ / _\\ \__\\_ \__/ //__\\ \__\\ |_\\ __ /__
| _/____/_ / / \_____/ / | \__/ \
| \ / / / / . | \
|________________________ / ______ /______________: |____________/
/_______/ tGø|______|-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o9: demos
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
_____ _______ ___ ___ ________ _______
.____\\_ \__\\ __ /____\\ \/ \__\\ \__/ //_
| / \__/ \ / \_____/ \
| / ___\ / / \
tGø|___________________________ /_________________________ /____/-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 1o: doors
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
_____ ________ ________ _________ _______
.____\\_ \__\\ \__\\ \__\\ \ _/ //_
| / / / \ __/ \_____/ \
| / / / \ / \
tGø|____________________________________ \_____________ /____/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 11: download
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
_____ ________ _____ _____
.____\\_ \__\\ \__\\ __/_________\\_ \
| / / \ / \
| / / \ / \
tGø|_____________________________/\________ / /
____. ________ ________ _____ /_______/
._\\ |_\\ \__\\____ \_____\\_ \
| | / ____/ / \
| | / / \
. |____________________________________/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 12: fame
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
__________ ________ ___ ___ _______
._\\ ______/_\\____ \__\\ \/ \__\\ __ /__
| ___/ ____/ \ \__/ \
| | ___\ \
tGø|_______| _______________ /___________________/-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 13: games
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
_______ ________ ___ ___ _______ _______
._\\ ____/____\\___ \__\\ \/ \__\\ __ /____/ //_
| \___ _/ \ \__/ \_____/ \
| / \ ___\ / \
tGø|_________________\_________ /_________________________ /____/-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 14: graphics
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
______ ________ ______ _______ ____. __ _______ _______
._\\ ___/_\\ \ _\\__ \_\\ \ _\\ |____\/_\\__ / _/ //_
| \__ \ __/ __/ \ \ / \ _/__/_ \_____/ \
| / \ \_____/ / \ / \
|________ \____________________| ____/ _________________ /____/
tGø|______|-T! /_______/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 15: hpa
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
_ ___ ______________________________________________________________.
____. ________ ________ |
._\\ |______\\ \ _\\____ \ hack'n'phreak central |
| / \ \ ____/ \ |
| / \______/ \ _ _________________________|
tGø|____/ _____| ____________////
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 16: lamer dungeon
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
____. ________ ___ ___ _______ _________
._\\ |_\\____ \__\\ \/ \__\\ __ /____\\ \
| | ____/ \ \__/ \ __/
| | ___\ \ \_
tGø. |_______________ /___________________ \______/
:______| |______|-T!
_____ _____ _____ _______ _______ ________ _____
.____\\_ \__\\ ./__\\_ \__\\ ____/__\\ __ /__\\ \__\\_ \
| / : / \___ \__/ / / \
| / /| / / / / \
|____________________ / ________________________________ / /
/_______/ /_______/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 17: leeching
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
____. _______ _______ _________ ____. __ _____ _______
._\\ |_\\ __ /__\\ __ /__\\__ / _\\ |_____\/__\\_ \__\\ ____/__
| | \__/ \__/ _/____/_ / \ / \___ \
| | \ / / / \
. |____________________________________/ ___ / ____________/
:______| tGø/_______/-T!/_______/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 18: members
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
___ ___ _______ ___ ___ ___. _______ _________ _______
._\\ \/ \__\\ __ /__\\ \/ \__\\ _|__\\ __ /__\\ \ _/ //_
| \ \__/ \ \ \__/ \ __/ \_____/ \
|_______\ ___\ \ \ / \
/____________________ /_____________\__________ \_____________ /____/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 19: music
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
___ ___ _____ _______ __ _________
._\\ \/ \__\\ ./__/ //__\/__\\__ /
| \ : \_____/ \ _/____/_
tGø|_______\ /| / \ \_
/_____________________ /___________________/-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 2o: new users
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
_____ _______ _____
.____\\_ \__\\ __ /__\\ __/____
| / \__/ \ \
tGø|_____/ \ \
_____ _______ _______ _________ _______
._\\ ./___/ //___\\ __ /___\\ \ _/ //_
| : \_____/ \__/ \ __/ \_____/ \
| /| / \ / \
|_______________ /_______________ \_____________ /____/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 21: pictures
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
_______ __ ________ ______ _____ ________ _______ _______
._\\ \ _\/_\\__ / _\\ /_ _\\ ./_\\ \ _\\ __ /_/ //_
| \ \ \ _/___/_ __/__ : \ __/ \__/ \_____/ \
| \_____/ \ \ /| \ / \
|_____| ________________________________ \_____________________ /____/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 22: porno wing
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
________ ________ _________ _____ ________
._\\ \ _\\ \__\\ \ __\\_ \__\\ \
| \ \ / \ __/ / / \
| \______/ / \ / / \
|_____| ____________ \________ / ____________/
|______| /_______/
_____ __ _____ _______
._\\ __/__\/__\\_ \__\\ ____/__
| \ \ / \___ \
| \ / / \
tGø|_____/\_____ / ____________/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 23: private
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
________ _________ __ _____ ________ ______ _______
._\\ \ _\\ \ __\/__\\ /__\\____ \__\\ /_ _\\ __ /__
| \ \ \ __/ \ / ____/ __/__ \__/ \
| \______/ \ / \ \
|_____| \_______________________________________________________/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 24: public domain
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
________ _____ ___. ____. __ _________
._\\ \ _\\ ./____\\ _|____\\ |____\/____\\__ /
| \ \ : \ | \ _/____/_
| \______/ /| \ | \ \_
tGø|_____| ________________\_. |_____________________/
_____ ________ ___ ___ ________ __ _____
.____\\_ \__\\ \__\\ \/ \__\\____ \__\/__\\_ \
| / / \ ____/ \ / \
| / / ___\ / \
|___________________________ /_______________________ / /
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 25: sigma express
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
_______ __ _______ ___ ___ ________
._/ //__\/__\\ ____/__\\ \/ \__\\____ \
| \_____/ \ \___ \ ____/ \
| / / ___\ \
tGø|______ /____________________ /___________________/-T!
_______ ___ _____ ________ ________ _______ _______ _______
._\\ __ /_\\ \/ /_\\ \ _\\ \ _\\ __ /_/ //_/ //_
| \__/ _/ \ \ \ __/ \__/ \_____/ \_____/ \
| \ \______/ \ \_ / / \
|_____________/\___________| \_____/_______________ /________ /____/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 26: sysop
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
_______ ____.__ _______ ________ ________
._/ //___\\ | \___/ //___\\ \__\\ \
| \_____/ \___ \_____/ / \ \
| / | / / \______/
tGø|______ /______________________ /_____________________|-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 27: tempest
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
______ _______ ___ ___ ________ _______ _______ ______
._\\ /_ _\\ __ /__\\ \/ \__\\ \ _\\ __ /__/ //__\\ /_
| __/_ \__/ \ \ \ \__/ \_____/ __/_
| \ ___\ \______/ / \ \
|_______________________ /______ | ________________ /______________\
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 28: trainers
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
______ ________ ______ __ _____ _______ ________ _______
._\\ /_ _\\ \ _\\__ \_\/_\\_ \_\\ __ /_\\ \ _/ //_
| __/__ \ __/ __/ \ / \__/ \ __/ \_____/ \
| \ \ / \ \_ / \
|___________ \__________________ / ________ \_____/______ /____/
tGø|______| /_______/ |______|-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 29: upload
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
b o a r d d e s i g n
_____ ________ ____. ________ ________ _____
._\\ ./__\\ \ _\\ |_\\ \__\\____ \__\\_ \
| : \ \ | / ____/ / \
| /| \______/ | / / \
tGø|_____________| . |_________________________________/
-[ nerve axis bulletin boards ]-
___ . __ __.___ ___ _ __.
_/_ /_|_/ _/_ _/ | /_ _/_ /__( _/ _|_/_
\___| / \___| / \___|| / \___| /\___\ |\___
world headquarters - +44 o17o3 391797 - sysop is zipzippy
__ __. ___
. /_ _/_ _|__| _|__|_/ |_/ | /_
| __/ \___\ | \ |\___|\___|| /
united kingdom headquarters - +44 o17o4 5o5845 - sysops are ace^venom
__. __ ___ . __ _ __ __. __..__
_/ _| `--..__/_/ |_/_ `--._( _/ _/ |_/ || \_
\ | \__|| \___ \___ \__|\___\___\___|\ ||___/
finnish headquarters - +358 3136 3o82o - sysop is carebear
__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ __. __ _
_/ \__(_ /__( /_`--..__/_/ _|_/ _(
\___ ___/|___/\___| /\__|| \ |\___\___
united kingdom headquarters - +44 o1275 341261 - sysop is turbo
__ _ __.___ __ __. __ __.___
_\ _( _/ _| /_ _\ _/ _|_/ _/_ _/ | /_\__(_
\ \___\ || / \ \ |\___\___\___|| / ___/
finnish headquarters - +358 huntmedown - sysop is zeus
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o1: arclite
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
a s c i i g r o u p r e s p e c t
________ _________ _________ ____. __ ______ _______
___.._\\___ \__\\ \ _\\__ / _\\ |__\/__\\ /_ _\\ /__
|| _/ \ __/ _/____/_ | \ __/__ \___/ \
|| \ \ \ | \ \
___||_____\______ \__________________. |____________________________/
tGø|______| :______|-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o2: art
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
a s c i i g r o u p r e s p e c t
________ _________ ______
_________________.._\\___ \__\\ \ _\\ /_
|| _/ \ __/ __/_______
|| \ \ \ /
_________________||_____\______ \_____________________/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o3: contra
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
a s c i i g r o u p r e s p e c t
_________ ________ _____ ______ _________ ________
___.._\\__ / _\\ \_____\\_ \__\\ /_ _\\ \ _\\___ \
|| _/____/_ / / __/__ \ __/ _/ \
|| \ / / \ \ \ \
___||___________________________ / ___________ \____________\______/
/_______/ tGø|______|-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o4: dezign
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
a s c i i g r o u p r e s p e c t
_____ _______ ______ __ _______ _____ __
.____\\_ \__\\ /____\\____ \____\/_____\\ ____/_______\\_ \\/
| / \___/ _____/ \ \___ / \
| / \ / / \
tGø|__________________________________________________________ / /
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o5: epsilon design
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
a s c i i g r o u p r e s p e c t
_______ ________ _______ __ ____. ________ _____ __
._\\ /___\\ \ _/ //___\/___\\ |__\\ \___\\_ \\/
| \___/ \ \ \_____/ \ | / / \
| \______/ / . | / / \
|________________| ______ /________: |______________ / /
tGø|______| /_______/
_____ _______ _______ __ _______ _____
__..____\\_ \__\\ /____/ //____\/_____\\ ____/_______\\_ \
|| / \___/ \_____/ \ \___ / \
|| / / / / \
__||______________________________ /___________________________ / /
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o6: house of style
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
a s c i i g r o u p r e s p e c t
____. ________ _____ _______ _______
._\\ |______\\ \__\\ ./______/ //___\\ /__
| / / : \_____/ \___/ \
| / / /| / \
tGø|____/ ______________________________ /________________/
/_______/ ________ __________
._\\ \__\\ ______/
| / ___/
| / |
_______ ______ ____.__ ____. _______
______.._/ //___\\ /_ _\\ | \___\\ |______\\ /__
|| \_____/ __/__ \___ | \___/ \
|| / \ | | \
______||______ /___________________________________________________/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o7: jedi arts
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
a s c i i g r o u p r e s p e c t
______ _______ _____ __
\\_ \__\\ /_______\\_ \___\/___
._____/ \___/ / \ \
| / / \
________ _________ ______ _______
._\\___ \__\\ \ _\\ /_ _/ //_
| _/ \ __/ __/__ \_____/ \
| \ \ \ / \
|_____\______ \________________________ /____/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o8: looker house
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
a s c i i g r o u p r e s p e c t
____. ________ ________ ___ ______ _______ _________ __
._\\ |_\\ \__\\ \__\\ \/ /_\\ /____\\ \\/
| | / / _/ _/ \___/ \ __/
| | / / \ \ \ \_
. |_____________________________\ \____________ \______/
tGø:______| \______\ |______|
____. ________ _____ _______ _______
______.._\\ |______\\ \__\\ ./______/ //___\\ /__
|| / / : \_____/ \___/ \
|| / / /| / \
______||____/ ______________________________ /________________/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo o9: mindless
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
a s c i i g r o u p r e s p e c t
___ ___ __ _____ _____ ____. _______ _______ _______
._\\ \/ \__\/__\\_ \__\\_ \__\\ |__\\ /__/ //__/ //_
| \ \ / / | \___/ \_____/ \_____/ \
|_______\ / / . | / / \
/___________ / ________: |_________________ /_________ /____/
tGø/_______/ |______|-T!
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 1o: mo'soul
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
a s c i i g r o u p r e s p e c t
___ ___ ________
._\\ \/ \__\\ \
| \ / \
__ tGø|_______\ / \
__\/__ /___________________/
\/__\/ _______ ________ _____ ____.
\/ ._/ //___\\ \__\\ ./______\\ |
| \_____/ / : |
| / / /| . |
|______ /___________________________: |
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 11: save our souls
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
a s c i i g r o u p r e s p e c t
_______ ________ _____ _______
____________.._/ //___\\___ \__\\ /______\\ /__
|| \_____/ _/ / \___/ \
|| / \ / \
____________||______ /_________\______________________________/
________ _____ _________
._\\ \__\\ ./______\\ \
| / : \ __/
| / /| \ \_
tGø|________________________ \______/
_______ ________ _____ ____. _______
________.._/ //___\\ \__\\ ./______\\ |__/ //_
|| \_____/ / : | \_____/ \
|| / / /| . | / \
________||______ /___________________________: |_______ /____/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 12: style
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
a s c i i g r o u p r e s p e c t
_______ ______ ____.__ ____. _______
._/ //___\\ /_ _\\ | \___\\ |__\\ /__ _____ ___ _
| \_____/ __/__ \___ | \___/ \\ _
| / \ | . | \\/
tGø|______ /__________________________: |_____________/
t w i s t e d m i n i s t r y o f a s c i i
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
logo 13: upper class
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -
a s c i i g r o u p r e s p e c t
_____ ________ ________ _______ _________ __
._\\ ./______\\ \ _\\ \ _\\ /____\\ \\/
| : \ \ \ \ \___/ \ __/
| /| \______/ \______/ \ \_
|_________________| _____| ____________ \______/
_________ ____. ________ _______ _______
________.._\\__ / _\\ |__\\___ \__/ //___/ //_
|| _/____/_ | _/ \_____/ \_____/ \
|| \ . | \ / / \
________||___________: |______\____________ /__________ /____/
-[ t · e · k · n · i · k · a · l s · u · p · p · o · r · t ]-
______ _______ __ ______ _____ __ ___ ______ ______ ____.
._\\ /_ _\\ __ /__\\ \/ /__\\_ \__\/__\\ \/ /_\\___ \_\\ |
| __/__ \__/ _/ _/ / \ _/ _/ _/ |
| \ \ \ ___/ \ \ \ |
|__________________________\ \ / _________\ \_____\__. |
tGø\______\/_______/ \______\ :______|
______ _____ _______ _______ ________ ________ ______
._/ //__\\ ./__\\ \ _\\ \ _\\ \__\\ \ _\\ /_
| \____/ : \ \ \ \ / \ __/ __/__
| / /| \_____/ \_____/ / \ \ \
|_____ /________________| _____| ____________ \__________________\
[ films ]
· fortress · true romance · fatherland ·
· above the rim · point break · without warning ·
___ ______ ____ ____ ____
/ _|______ /| __|___\ / _/__ .
/ | _/ _| \ \___ \ |
tGø\_________\________________| /____/-T!.|
. :|
! |
twisted ministry of ascii : sUPPORT aRT: zAPHOD |
- part one - | sTEZOTEHIC |
| dINO :
__ _______/____| |
_: \// // |____ [·CREDS!·] :
|\ / :| /_____________________//_________|
| \/ sTZ!/sE ·| /
____ ________ ______ ______ ______ _____
/ _/___\ _ \ \__ | \__ |\ \_\ _/___
/ \ | / _/. /___| /___| _/_____ \
\________|___\____|_____\_______\_______| /_______/
| : vietcong · zinko · scarface · gdm
| [·GREETS!·] | stezotehic · hooligan · webster
__|___ : jam · crash · treach · orion
: /________//____|
Size: 70000 Bytes
_____ ___ .______ .__
______.___/ _/__.(__/__| ___/___ ___| |
\___ | /\ \ |___ |--/ -__/_/ __/ |
dNo`--'--------\__|\_____| /_______/_______|
| t a n g o (·) t w i s t e d |
| |
| twisted ministry of ascii - part one |
| _/\_ |